To William Davison
SIR. By the inclosed yow mai perceav what my request was and what the generals answer. I desyred Coronal Morgans regiment might be brought to som part heeraboutes, becaws thei might be refreshed before beeing receaved into the town, yow see what reason is made against it, but the Count Hollok fyndes my request reasonable and accordingli hath writtne to the States, with whome I prai yow for my sake in good sort deal for it for I perceav I shall be drivn to this extremity either to keep these still or to bring them in very miserabli, besydes if those men, wear once in these quarters I shoold have ocasion to do service, and woold not be resty when I wear requyred in som tyme of need, and for any abuse of the contrei I wil take it uppon me. I think Captain Huntlei goes to dai to Middelbourg I prai God the general use him well.
The Threasorer takes a strange cowrce. Mr Morgan assures me he hath receaved yet but 1200 gildrenes of 3. monthes. Truli since the kynd cowrce is not accepted yow shall do well according to the nature of your office to deal thorowli in it, and for my part, I will stick to yow in it, and each thing els and prai for your happy lyfe. At Flushing. This 7th of December.
Your loving cosin and frend
Ph. Sidnei
To the right honorable her Majesties Embassadour in the Low Contreis.