To Lord Burghley


RIGHT honorable my singular good Lord. When I have better satisfied my self of knowing somthing then will I wryte to your Lordeshippe what I know, in the mea[ne] tyme I will onely wish for your son[nes] comming over assuring your Lordeshippe that it is a government not to be thought smalli of if it pleas her Majesty to go forward with the action. For my part, I am in the midst of the worst humourd people, but whyle thei hope of her Majesties taking their part so long I comfort my self with opinion that thei will continew constant, but when that begins to fail it is tyme that both the garrisons wear better repl[e]nished.

I will not furdre trouble your Lordeshippe but with my praier for yowr long and prosperows lyfe. At Middelburg. This IIth of December. 1585.

Your Lordeshippes humbli at commandment Ph. Sidnei

[To the] right honorable [my sin]gular good Lord The Lord Hy Threasorer of England