To Sir Francis Walstngham
RIGHT honorable. I have receaved som lettres from yow, most of them in recommending the bearers which shall bee as well performed as I can. Turner I hope will serv my turn well.
My company I look and long for, and am sorry the levy is not made of the hole number of 200 for we want supply of men exceedingli, and although I had not kept them all in myne own band yet might I very well have helpt my other companies with them, and therefore if it mai yet be redrest I humbli beseech yow lett it.
As concerning vittuailers for ought I can yet perceav I mai better furnish my self either heer or in England then by tying my self to any one, and for Brown and Bruin I assure yow Sir they do as yet but badli satisfy the souldiours, and in my opinion are mereli hurtfull, after a Gomorrha fashion by meanes of frendship of the officers forcing the poor men to take it deerer then heer they might provyde them selves. Great abuses have been heer which I hope now my Lord of Lester will reform, a very evill turn it is that Sir William Pellam and Mr Killigrew cum not with him. For as for Doctor Clerk he is of those great clerkes that are not alwaies the wysest and so my Lord now to late fyndes him, and indeed the beginnings heer are so intricate both in matters martiall and politik that if thei come not before ordres be sett down thei will come to far les purpose. Mr Davison doth him good service heer I woold he might be suffred to remain heer a month or two longer. The Threasorer heer paies our Zealand souldiers in Zealand money which is.5. in the 100. loss to the poor sowldiers who God knows want no such hindrances beeing scarce hable to keep lyfe with their entier pay, if the commodity thereof be truly answered the Queen yet truly is it but a poor encreace to her Majesty considering what loss it is to the miserable souldier, but if privât lucre be made it hath to hurtfull a proportion to other such abuses heer. For my self I am in a garrison as much hable to command Flushing as the Towr is to answer for London, and for ought I can yet learn it is hardli to be redrest, for the articles intend that there must be fyve thowsand kept for the defence of the contrei besydes the garrisons, so as out of them without som ado thei mai be hardli driven. I mean truli if I can not have it helpt heer to wryte a protestation thereof both to her Majesty and the Lordes of the Cownceill as a thing that I can no wai take uppon me to answer if I be not encreast by at the least 400 men more then yet I have. I woold gladli know what my old frend the Baron of Ansperg did in England, for he landed just when I embarked. Coronal Morgan whom I fynd indeed a sufficient man in government humbli beseecheth yow for Gods sake that whereas his brother is dead in her Majesties service, who was deepli bownd for him lykewise serving her Majesty; and that his son and heir yowr servant is now also with Sir Francis Drake that one Cooper to whome Edward Morgan was bownd for his brother mai not be suffred to take advantage by extentes or otherwise of his landes till som reasonable end mai be made for him. I know yow favor your servant for the yong gentleman deserves it, and it now standes uppon his utter undoing. And lett me add my humble request that yow will deal carefulli in it, if there be a general commandment givn that none trouble his landes till the yong gentleman return I think it will be a very good cource. Burnam is come to me whome I long longed for, and fynd my self much steeded by him, I humbli beseech yow to end the matter for him which yow promist him for he hath and wil deserv it besydes yowr promis.
Yow told me Sir I shoold be free of excises for my own hows and have access to the town assembli as an assistant, but as yet I fynd neither, they affirming that none but the general and the Earles that come with him have to enjoy that priviledg. My Lord of Lester wil needes have me with him to help his settling, I leav the best ordre I can, having great good assistance of Mr Burlace whome I beseech yow comfort with som lettre. I am solicited to desyre the dispatch of the salt suit which is affirmed wil be worth fyve hundred markes a yeer to me but by the wai for Brown even now I receaved lettres and beer.12 ton from him, with lettres to Griffin that it was my Lordes pleasure he shold serv me, but I have refused it and can assure yow Sir that I am better served by the one haulf by my mans provision now judg yow Sir how poor men are delt with. I must ever remember yow for poor Steven yow know Sir it toucheth my creddit to have my man so long a prisoner, if by my industry it mai be helped, but I leav that and my self to your good care and favowr, hoping thereon as greatly as indeed I want his service. I will now end with my most humble commendacions to my best mother and my praier for yowr long and happy lyves. At Middelbourg. This 14th of December. I585.
Your humble Son.
Philip Sidnei
[To the] right honorable [Sir Fraw]ncis Walsingam [knight,] Principal Secretary