To Sir Francis Walsingham


RIGHT honorable. Monsieur Gelee, having occasion to goe into England, and desirous to be made knowen unto you, he being my host in Flusshing, and one of good reckoning among the inhabitantes there I am the rather moved to write that it maie please your Honor so to use hym, that he maie retourne well satisfied and contentid with his entretainment, wherin as in the like towardes other of suche accoumpt it can not chuse, but procuer the better usage of us and ours here. And so with my — commendacions I end. Middlebourght this XVth, of December 1585.

Your humble Son Ph. Sidnei To the right honorable Sir Frauncis Walsingham knight, Principall Secretaire unto the Quenes Majestie and one of her highnes privie Counsell yeve thies.