To the Earl of Leicester


RIGHT honorable my singular good Lord.

The Baron of Greange desyres me to remember yowr Ec- cellency for his dispatch for the Hy dutch regiment which I the willinger do becaws I think him a good honest gentleman, and know that he hath greatly blamed the Count Hollok for his late drunken folly. If your Eccellency mean to levy of that contrei I think he will well serv your turn, I perceav he wold fain be answered becaws accordingli he might rule him self.

Heer are no news in Roterdam, but that your band is of very hansome men, but meerly and unarmed spending monei and tyme to no purpos.

I humbli kis yowr handes and prai for your long and happy lyfe. At Roterdam this 12th of Feb. 1586

Your Eccellencies most humble Ph. Sidn[ei]


Monseigneur Monseigneur le Conte de Leicester &c.