To Sir Francis Walsingham
RIGHT honorable. In this I will sai no furdre but that since my communication with Sir Thomas Henneag whom I fynd a most carefii[l] gentleman both of the caws and of the hon[or] of my Lord as fur as his duty will pe[rmit] him, I hope by his good handling of — matter that the great mischeef loked will not follow if it be not pursewe[d] from thence with som new vyolence, but that all thinges will proceed well Her Majesty obeied in her will and I hope satisfied in her opinion fynding it otherwise] then perchawnce som have advertised onely that the poor souldiowrs me famish not for want of mon[ey].
That is all my humble remembra[nce] at this tyme which I will conclude] with my harty praier for yo[ur long] and happy lyfe. At Midd[elburg] This.3. of March. 1586
Your humble son, — Philip Sidn[ei]
I pray yow Sir lett me know whether yow have sufficienft] proof of Lawrence Minters honesty, for his advertismentes touching Ostend be nothing worth carriing no particularity in them, and heer he mai do hurt.
To the right honorable Sir Frauncis Walsingham knight Principall Secretarie unto Her Majestie.