To William Davison


COSIN. My Lord thinkes great unkyndnes in yow, beeing advertised from thence, that yow greatli disclaim from his defence which now your absence from Court seemes much to confirm, but of your faith I wil make no dout whyle I live, oneli I think yow answered not the point of her Majesties mislyke, for yow answered onely uppon the necessity, but shoold have argued withall uppon the nature which is not absolut as her Majesty took it. Well a great blow is striken, thinges went on beyond expectation, I dout me hardli to be redrest. And so I commit yow to God my good cosin, with harti commendacions to my cosin your wyfe. At Amsterdam. This 19 of March. 1586.

Your loving cosin.

[To] my especial [good cos]in — Ph. Sidnei Mr [Willi]am Davison