To Sir Francis Walsingham


RIGHT honorable. There are 4 sould[iers] of Captain Huntleis who are run awai [to] England, such as I assure your hono[ur] weare as well used of their Cap[tain] as ani men might bee. I besee[ch] yowr honour give ordre thei mai [be] sent back again, for els we shall have the lyke villeiny used, and som back out of England will save us from the lyke again. And so [I] humbli take my leav praiing to [God] for your long and happy l[yfe.] At Flushing this 6 [of Mai] 1586

Your humble s[on]

Ph. Sidnei To the right honorable, Sir Frawncis Walsingam knight principal Secretary, &c.