To the Master of Gray
MY most honowred brother. If these few wordes express unto yow the assurednes of my constant affection thei shall have perfoormed the cheef caws of my present sending unto yow.
And therein I prai yow beleev me for whyle I live I will not fail yow. My lord is exceedingli desyrows to have yowr presence heer. But by reason there is not yet so full an establisht autority as there shold, the moiens come in so slowli as in good faith I know not whether I shold wish the comming of so deer a frend or no. This gentleman the Conservator of your nation in Camp- heer understandes the nature of thinges heer as well as owr selfes and therefore he can plainly make yow know what the estate both is in effect and yet might be if the government wear more sowndli grownded. I have no more to troble yow but to prai yow for my sake to make much accownt of this gentleman for I have fownd him my very frend. And which is the last or rather the first point hold me I beseech yow in the graciows remembrance of yowr King whom indeed I love. And so I take my leav, and leav yow to the blessed protection of the Almighti. At the Camp, before Numegen. This 17th of Mai. 1586.
Yowr faithful brother. to do yow service Ph. Sidnei.
[To] my most honowred [frend] the Maister of Grai