To Lord Burghley
RIGHT honorable my singular good Lord I humbli beseech your Lordeshippe to vouchsafe the heering Mr Burnam in what cace for all sort of munition we are in this town. I think Sir Thomas Cecill bee in the lyke. I hope exceedingly in your Lordeshippes honorable care thereof, the places beeing of so great moment. If we be turned over to the States it is as good as nothing, and it shall be no loss to her Majesty to have som store under an officer of her own, whom it shall pleas her, not to be spent but uppon urgent necessity. The garrison is weak, the people by thes cross fortunes crossly disposed, and this is the conclusion if these.2. places be kept her Majesty hath worth her monei in all extremities, if thei shoold be lost none of the rest wold hold a dai.
I wryte in great hast to your Lordeshippe becaws the ship can stai no longer, which I besech your Lordeshippe consider and pardon, and vouchsafe to hold me in your favour as I wil prai to God for your long and prosperous lyfe. At Flushing. This 14th of August. 1586.
Your Lordeshippes most humbli at commandment Ph. Sidnei