To Sir Francis Walsingham


RIGHT honorable. These onely shall bee in the most humble and effectuall manner I can, to desyre your thorow frendship to one of the most assured frendes that I have ever had. It is my Lord Burrow, who by Sir Thomas Cecills choice and my Lord the Generals very good lyking is left by him in his absens governour of Brill. If siknes or other caws stai Sir Thomas in England, then my suit as earnest as I can make for any thing is that he mai succeed him for it beeing most necessary that som man of very good cowntenance remain there he both in valewr judgment religion deserving it, shold be exceedingli disgrast if being left in it by Sir Thomas an other shold take it from him.

The matter and my mynd I shal not need furder to manifest to your Honor, but recommending it as my self humbli leav yow to the blessed protection of the Almighti. At the Camp, by Dusburg. This.10. of September. 1586.

Your humble son Ph. Sidnei [To the] right honorable [Sir Fraw]ncis Walsingam knight Principal Secretary