About The Author

Skye Smith is my pen name. My family convinced me not to use my real name because my stories are so critical of predator males. You'll understand and forgive me this as you fall in love with sweet Maya, my main character.

For those of you who like stories about vampires, witches, and magic, you won’t be disappointed by my very different, more realistic take on it all. My vampires are parasites wearing business suits. My witches are healers ignored by the modern world. My magic is based on aura’s, and everyone has felt or seen an aura at least once in their lives.

The novels so far in the "Maya's Aura" series are:

1. “The Awakening" …… - published - She discovers her strange aura.
2. "The Refining" ………. - published - She learns how to use her aura.
3. “The Ashram” ……….. - published - She searches for answers in India
4. “Goa to Nepal” ………. - published - She follows a quest into the Himalayas
5. “The Charred Coven” ... - published - She fights black craft in England.
6. “The Crystal Witch” …. - published - She learns psychic craft in England
7. “The Redemptioner” … - published - Psychic dreams of her ancestor Britta.
8. “Destroy the Tea Party” - published - Britta’s adventures in Boston in 1773.

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MAYA'S AURA - the Awakening by Skye Smith