
Hair The meaning of this dream is dependent upon how you see the hair.

Hall To see a normal-sized entrance hall indicates that you will have to overcome minor but irritating problems. If the hall is large and elegant, changes are coming to you. A long, narrow hall is a warning that you are about to experience a long period of anxiousness. A public hall indicates that you now need to make that important decision you have so far been putting off.

Ham If you are eating ham in your dream, you can expect to have luck in all of your business matters. Baking the ham means that good fortune will ultimately be yours after a short period of difficulty. If you are cooking the ham by smoking, the year ahead will be extremely prosperous for you.

Hammer If you use a hammer in your dream, you will accomplish what you set out to do. To see or hear a hammer in any situation means that you can expect some good luck.

Hammock If you see yourself alone in a hammock, it is a warning that you should not be selfish or you will lose friends. If you are in the hammock with someone of the opposite sex, you will be going to more social events. If you fall out of the hammock, it is a warning that you should make more effort and not take your partner for granted.

Hand The interpretation of seeing a hand or hands in your dream is dependent on its condition.

Handcuffs Dreams of restriction are a warning not to enter into any situation that will restrict you or make you unhappy. If you place handcuffs on others, you can look forward to surprising improvements in your life.

Hanging If you had this ominous dream, do not worry, as it foretells that you will have a season of good luck. If you are the hangman, this is a stern warning that you should not criticize others; otherwise it will be you who will ultimately be criticized.

Harbor If you dream of leaving a harbor, you will discover that you have a false friend. Entering the harbor is an indication that the future will be secure for you.

Harvest If it is a good harvest, you can expect success in all areas of your life. However, if it is a bad harvest, beware of friends or associates who are attempting to manipulate you for their own benefit.

Hat To see a new hat is a portent of good luck, but if the hat is old and damaged, expect some irritating business problems. If your hat is too small for you, you are in for a disappointment. If the hat is too big for you, prepare yourself to be embarrassed. Losing your hat or having it blown off your head predicts financial problems. If you find a hat, your worries will disappear as if by magic.

Hatchet If you see a hatchet in your dream, you are in for a disruptive time in connection with both business and domestic affairs. If the hatchet is used to split wood, you can look forward to reconciliation. If you are sharpening a hatchet, your finances are on the upturn.

Hawk If the hawk is sitting around, you can expect life to be dull and boring, but if it takes off or if it is flying, you can expect a bright future.

Hay If you see the hay in sunshine, unfortunately it is not a sunny prediction; it is a warning that you should take a serious look at your finances, as you are on the verge of serious difficulties. However, if the weather is bad at the time of seeing the hay, this foretells of money coming in unexpectedly. To see haystacks is an indication that you will gain where you thought you had lost. Seeing hay being cut foretells that you are in for an uncertain period.

Head To see your own head in a dream foretells of luck in something that has been causing you concern. A disembodied head indicates that you will have to use your head in order to overcome a problem. To receive a bang on your head is a suggestion that you need to take a break and relax more. To see two heads signifies that you will suddenly receive acclaim for which you will be grateful.

Heart Dreaming of a heart is a good omen as far as love is concerned, but it is not a good one for health, and it can even be the first indication of a forthcoming heart attack.

Heather This is an ancient omen of luck, especially in love and money. If the heather was white, the luck will be even better.

Herbs To see herbs growing foretells that you can look forward to a life of peace and contentment. If you smell herbs, you can look forward to new and exciting events, including foreign travel.

Hero If you are the hero in your dream, you will be heavily criticized by someone you admire. If the hero is someone else, expect to receive a new offer that will prove to be beneficial to you.

Heaven This is good news for anything here on earth.

Hedge If you are cutting a hedge, there is luck and happiness around the corner. If you jumped over it, you may get something that you don't want. Remember the old saying, “Be careful of what you ask for, as you might get it!”

Hide If you are hiding, the message is to not rush into anything new, but if you are hiding an article, this tells you not to be secretive but to allow a trustworthy person to help you.

Highway If the highway is busy, your difficulties are about to increase. If you cross a highway, things will get worse before they get better, but then the problems will completely disappear.

Hog If the hog is clean, you can expect to receive success through your own efforts and ability. If the hog is dirty, you can expect an exciting new business proposition. If it is a wild hog in your dream, beware of malicious gossip from someone close to you.

Hole To see yourself falling into a hole is a warning that you should consider your relationships, as they contain some people you cannot trust. If you are digging a hole, pack your bags, because you are about to embark on a sudden journey. To see a hole in a garment means a financial improvement. Holes that are made by others indicate that you can look forward to an easier time in the future.

Holidays As with most holidays, to dream of one foretells that you will have to work hard to achieve what you want but that you will get there.

Holly Holly is a good dream, as it predicts luck in all areas of your life. However, if it pricks you, it is a warning that you should not become involved in anything sinister.

Honey All through the ages, dreaming of honey has been considered an unusually lucky dream, as it predicts sweetness in all areas of your life.

Honeymoon Unfortunately, this indicates disappointments and unhappiness in love.

Horn A horn in your dream is the bringer of good news. If you are blowing the horn, you will be invited out to social events. If you hear the horn of an automobile, it is a warning that you should not take any risks at this time.

Horse Life will be easier, and you can expect more money and an increase in status.

Hospital If you are the patient or are taken to a hospital, you are attempting to deal with a problem yourself that will overburden you; you need—and should ask for—help to solve it. If you are visiting someone in a hospital, amazing news is on its way to you.

Hotel If you stay alone in the hotel, the dream relates to your business and financial matters. If you are there with someone of the opposite sex, then the dream relates to your love life. A luxurious hotel predicts failure in the outcome of an important matter, but a modest hotel shows that you will achieve your aims.

House House dreams are amazingly common, and they always relate to your state of mind at the time of the dream. For instance, a messy house that is filled with irritating people shows that you have too much to do and too many demands being made on you. If the house is clean, peaceful, and attractive, your life is probably easy at the moment and is likely to stay that way.

Hurry Dreaming of being in a hurry, whether you are able to reach your destination or not, shows that you are under too much pressure at the moment and that you must delegate some of your chores.