Labyrinth If you are in a maze and find your way out, you will overcome problems, but if you are lost or afraid, you will become irritated by something you cannot see; a change of direction is being suggested.
Lace Hold on to your hat, because to dream of lace means that you will be unusually popular with the opposite sex and will do well in love affairs.
Ladder Dreaming of going up a ladder indicates good news; going down has the opposite meaning. The height and condition of the ladder shows how far you will go in achieving your ambitions and whether you have obstacles to overcome. Dreaming of going down means that pride comes before a fall.
Lake A calm lake in sunny conditions foretells a pretty easy life. A turbulent and stormy lake foretells of a failure that, providing you remain calm, will prove to be beneficial to you. Happiness in love will come to you if you dream of a moonlit lake.
Lamp A lighted lamp in your dream indicates success. To see an unlit lamp suggests disappointments. If you light the lamp, you will receive an unexpected gift for past kindness. If you put a lamp out, then you can look forward to a holiday or period of rest.
Landscape A beautiful and scenic landscape indicates that your prospects for the future will be good. However, if the landscape is ugly or unpleasant in any way, you must expect a season of discontentment.
Lateness Dreaming of being late for something is extremely common, and it usually means that you are making too many promises to others. If others are late, it is a warning that you should guard your finances, as you are overextending yourself.
Laughter To hear laughter in your dream is a strong indication that you will face problems with those in authority. If the laughter is that of children, you can expect to receive some luck in money matters. If you are laughing, this signifies disillusionment in love. If the laughter is that of others, a friendship will be broken.
Laundry Doing your own laundry signifies you will receive unexpected assistance from someone on whom you made an impression. If you see yourself in a laundromat, a celebration is coming.
Law or Lawyers If you saw yourself involved with the law, you will have some unpleasant experiences in connection with business matters. If you hired a lawyer, it is a stern warning that you should look after your financial affairs more carefully. If you won a case, it is a warning that you are on the losing side of a current argument. If you were sued, do not have that casual love affair you were contemplating. If you dreamt of being a lawyer, you can look forward to receiving some unexpected news.
Leaf To dream of luscious green leaves foretells of abundance. Dry or dead leaves are a warning that you will have to contend with maliciousness. Falling leaves suggest that you will part from friends. Leaves blown by the wind warn of family arguments ahead.
Letter If you receive good news, then the prediction is that you can look forward to good things coming, while the opposite applies if the news is bad. Routine or unimportant letters signify financial problems due to a poor budget.
Library If you are involved in any creative form of activity, then to dream of a library is a lucky omen.
Light Dreaming of daylight brings renewed hope. Seeing a beam of light signifies that you will suddenly find a solution to an old problem.
Lighthouse If you see the lighthouse in daylight, then you can look forward to a journey abroad. If you see it at night, good luck in love and business matters is assured.
Lightning Lightning means a period of exceptionally good luck. However, if accompanied by thunder, there will be a short period of worry before the good luck comes along.
Lion A lion in your dream foretells that you have the leadership qualities you need to succeed. If you hear a lion roar, you will have to deal with a jealous associate.
Lips The meaning of this dream is dependent on the shape of the lips. Beautiful lips suggest a satisfying and pleasing sex life. Thin lips warn that you should not be too quick to judge others. Thick lips indicate success in business but not in love.
Lock This predicts that you may need to enlist legal services to sort out family or personal problems. If you pick a lock, it is a warning that you will experience embarrassment due to interfering with someone else's affairs.
Locomotive If you are driving the locomotive, you can expect to succeed in all things. If you are riding in one, it is a sign that you will gain in status or financial matters. If you observe one, you can either expect visitors from abroad or a journey.
Loss To sense that you lost anything in a dream foretells that you should not be too clever for your own good, as you could end up suffering the consequences.
Love To dream of love that is of a natural kind is a good indication that you will have happiness and contentment in that area. If the love is of an illicit type, you will sustain losses through being too greedy. If you observe others making love, it foretells that you will succeed in all that you do.