Zebra Dreaming of a zebra suggests a disagreement or cross-purposes.
Zipper Your dignity will be maintained despite enormous provocation if you are fastening your own zipper. However, if the zipper gets stuck, you will suffer unpleasant consequences through the actions of one of your friends.
Zircon This stone is known as “The Prudent One,” and it means that you have misplaced your emotions. You need to examine your close relationships and be less trusting with others.
Zodiac There are many strange meanings to this one. For example, it is said to foretell dreadful storms. On the face of things, that is a ridiculous thing to dream about, but in these days of global warming it is not that strange. Other interpretations suggest travel, others thinking well of you, improved finances, and fame.
Zoo A number of options are opening up to you, including happy marriage, travel, and success.