No man is an island; no book has a single author. I can point to seminal events and associations that have brought me along the steps of this hobby, and which allowed me to lead the authorship of this book. My friend Jeff Clark, a liquor department stock clerk while we were at college, pointed the way. Mike and Nadine Malcolm gave me my first taste of homebrew and allowed me to watch them at work. Kevin Haley and I together brewed my first batch. Ron and Pat Guentzler urged me to take the next steps to mashing and yeast culture. The Maltose Falcons and the Brews Brothers have kept this hobby exciting, fulfilling, and fun for more than seven years.
Bock could not have come about without the help and encouragement of the professionals who make the brewing industry a community. I have boundless depths of gratitude for the information and inspiration provided by Dr. George Fix. Professor Dr. Anton Piendl, of the Technical University of Munich in Weihenstephan, set me on the right track in many ways; this book is significantly dependent on his research results. I am indebted to Bill Siebel for extensive use of his library at the Siebel Institute in Chicago. Herr Inselkammer of Brauerei Aying graciously opened the doors to his brewery and allowed me to pester his brewmaster; Charles Finkel provided the connection and allowed me access to his library. Marty Velas, brewmaster at Southern California Brewing Company of Torrance, California, offered his insight to bock beer.
Randy Mosher, “Dr. Bob Technical”, has cast a wide net over the brewing literature and was happy to share his catch. I thank Martin Lodahl for long discussions of homebrewing over the Internet. He would not let me get away with less than my best writing effort. Scribe Bro Rob Nelson helped by reviewing the text and keeping my spirits up. Fritz and Christine Gerneth graciously facilitated my research in Munich.
Elizabeth Gold at Brewers Publications got me into this, and then helped me to get out again. Her patience is immeasurable.
My wife Heather helped translate the German texts that I needed to understand.
All of the recipes were composed on The Brewer’s Planner, a recipe formulation and brew logging tool.