In the nearly twenty years: Quotes are all from M. Crowley, 50, 59, 70, 110, 150, 172, 216, 175.

Nixon’s postpresidential: RN, Memoirs, 3–4.

When Richard was nine: Ibid., 12–13; Wicker, 16.

But in fact: Ibid.; quotes about Frank Nixon are on 15–16. See also Wills, 179. Frank Nixon’s impact on Richard are my conclusions partly based on Richard’s lifelong strivings for distinction.

Richard felt much: Quotes are in Wicker, 29–30.

And Hannah was: For quotes and material about Hannah, see Morris, Nixon, 55, 61, 72–73.

As a boy: Ibid. Quotes are on 102, 140–41, 143.

During his three years: Ibid., 174–76.

When Tom Wicker: Wicker, xii. Stevenson quote is on 21; Wills quote is on 33; RN quote is on 32.

Like Nixon: Morris, Nixon, 98–99.

More was in play: Ibid. For RN’s high school career, 102–3, 107–9, 118–21; at Whittier, see chap. 5; for Duke, 164–65; quote is from RN, Six

Crises, 295.

Although intelligence: Hofstadter, 66, 77, 83–84, 87–88.

Dick Nixon’s early life: Quoted in Wicker, 10.

In college: Best discussion of Orthogonians is in Morris, Nixon, 118–21.

Nixon later: Quoted in Wicker, 9; Garry Wills interview is in Wills, 17–18.

A winning campaign: Morris, Nixon, 148–56. Quotes are on 155–56.

When Richard began: Ibid., 162, 179–84; Wicker, 8.

During his first two years: See Morris, Nixon, chaps. 8–10; RN, Memoirs, 23–34.

Nixon’s campaign: Morris, Nixon, 307–11, 324–25. Quote is on 328.

Yet neither the money: Greenberg, 14.

Instead, the objective: Wills, 80–83; Wicker, 34–46. Quote is on 35.

Nixon’s speeches: The best-detailed discussion of the campaign is in Morris, Nixon, chap. 11. Quotes are on 288, 314, 317, 320, 325, 326, 327, 333. Greenberg, 27.

Because Nixon: Ibid., 5.

For the ambitious: “Of course I knew,” quoted in Chafe, 241. Greenberg asserts that “the record of his [Nixon’s] first campaign shows little doubt among southern Californians that he embodied their values,” 20.

Nevertheless, his eagerness: Morris, Nixon, 362–66.

At the same time: Ibid., 343.

But it was his role: RN, Six Crises, 11–14.

Aside from: Quotes are in Wicker, 57.

Political ambition: Ibid., 54–56, 62.

The more Nixon: “Conclusive proof” and “Oh, my God,” quoted in Morris, Nixon, 473, 475; see also Wicker, 65–66. Quote is on 63.

Nixon’s success: First quote is in Wicker, 71; second is in Morris, Nixon, 523–24, 531.

Douglas impressed: On Douglas, see Morris, Nixon, 538–42.

But what made: Ibid., 541–42.

Douglas was: Quoted in Wicker, 71–72, 75–76, 78; Morris, Nixon, 568–69, 578, 583.

Nixon won: For the vote and the role of interests, see Morris, Nixon, 568, 572–75, 585, 611, 614. Quote is on 557.

Nixon’s appeal: Quotes are in Morris, Nixon, 526, 535, 567, 569, 570–71, 602–3.

Nixon would later: “I’m sorry,” quoted in Wicker, 79; “the most notorious,” Morris, Nixon, 533; “It really is true,” quoted in Dallek, Unfinished Life, 370.

Less than two: Wills, 93–94.

Nixon began: Wicker, 84–85.

Nixon intended: Quoted in ibid., 85.

But allegations: Ibid., 80–81; Morris, Nixon, 812, for the Pearson charge and the quote.

Believing that: Wicker, 80–94. Quotes are on 92–93.

On September 23: Quotes are from Morris, Nixon, 826.

Nixon’s speech: Ibid., 827–32.

Nixon’s performance: “tasteless,” quoted in Wills, 106. Rovere quote: Morris, Nixon, 856. Wicker quote is on 107.

Most of the response: Morris, Nixon, 844.

Nixon’s defense: Ibid., 857–62.

Nixon’s eight years: Wicker, 200–2.

The most memorable: RN, Six Crises, Section Four, esp. 216, 220, 223–

24, 230–31.

Nixon’s political: Ambrose, Nixon: Education of a Politician, 522–26.

Nixon viewed: For DDE’s response of RN as VP, ibid., 559.

Nixon understood: On RN’s vice presidency, see Wicker, 176–206; see also 178 for travel.

But more than a strategy: Quote is from ibid., 205–6.

Between 1960 and 1964: On RN’s hard work, the adviser’s comment, and the car incident, see Ambrose, Nixon: Education of a Politician, 557, 560, 568; on the debate and the Daley quote, see Dallek, Unfinished Life, 284–86.

Nixon hoped: Ambrose, 568–69, 582.

Unlike the campaigns: Ibid., 584–87, for comparisons between RN and JFK.

Nixon’s defeat: Ibid., 643–45.

Nevertheless, Nixon: Wicker is quoted in ibid., 653.

He might: Ibid., 650–52, 666.

Angered and: Quoted in ibid., 671.

But of course: RN, Memoirs, 265.

During his time: New York Times obituary of Dr. A. Hutschnecker, January 3, 2001; Interview, confidential source, March 15, 2005; Summers, Brodie provide the fullest discussions of Nixon’s psychology.

Within hours: Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 11–13.

And so he spent: The journalist is quoted in ibid., 52.

But preparing: For the trips, see ibid., 22–23, 27–28, 43–44, 51–52, 64–

65, 68–69, 107–10, 112–13. The quote is on 22.

Nixon did not: Ibid., 131–32.


Like Nixon’s: “It is fashionable,” quoted in the Kalbs, 35; “people understand him,” Isaacson, 15. For a discussion of HK’s psychohistory, including quote “is not always sure,” see Dana Ward, “Kissinger” in Caldwell, ed., Kissinger, chap. 2. Quote is on 33.

As a boy: See the Kalbs on the rise of Furth, 31; for the rest, see Isaacson, 17–22.

The rise to power: Ibid., 26; “any lasting impressions,” quoted in the Kalbs, 35.

But one longtime: “Imagine,” Landau, 14–15.

In August 1938: For the decision to leave Germany: Isaacson, 26–28. HK’s remark is on 13.

In America: “For a refugee,” quoted in the Kalbs, 37. For HK’s tensions between assimilation and his German identity, see Isaacson, 33–38; Landau, 16–17; also see the Kalbs, 36.

Yet whatever Heinz’s: “The greening,” the Kalbs, 37. Also see Isaacson, 39–40.

Ironically, Kissinger’s: For this phase of HK’s army service, see the Kalbs, 38, and Isaacson, 41–43.

During his time: On Kraemer and his relations with HK, see the Kalbs, 38–39; see also Isaacson, 43–47; on HK’s German identity, see also Ward, “Kissinger” in Caldwell, ed., Kissinger, 36.

It was the beginning: For HK’s service in Europe, see the Kalbs, 39–42; see also Isaacson, 47–55.

In May 1946: Isaacson, 55–58; Blumenfeld, 77–79.

He hoped that: Isaacson, 48.

The survivors: HK’s letter is quoted in ibid., 52.

Kissinger learned: Ibid., 52–54, 56–57.

In September 1947: Blumenfeld, 80–86; quotes “he sat,” “thin, bony,” “the same clothes,” and “already playing” are on 82–83; Ward, in Caldwell, ed., Kissinger, 45 for the quote “a discussion that was not,” and Isaacson, 59–61; the quotes “I thought it was a strange” and “I got the impression,” are on 60.

Henry’s intelligence: “I am interested,” quoted in Blumenfeld, 86–87; Isaacson, 62–63; and Landau, 42.

Henry had: On HK and Elliott, see Blumenfeld, 86–89, for all quotes, except “I have not had…” in Isaacson, 63.

As with everything: Blumenfeld, 91–92.

Despite its flaws: Graubard, 5–9. “Is man doomed,” quoted on 8; see also Isaacson, 64–67.

What had partly: Ward, “Kissinger,” 41–42. For the quotes “fat dumpyish,” “a Lana Turner,” “she dutifully,” “miserable,” and “blackmail,” see Isaacson, 37, 87, 101–3, 365, 368.

As he completed: See Blumenfeld, 92–108; Graubard, 55–59; Isaacson, 69–72.

The seminar gave: “Henry collected” and “He is obviously,” quoted in Blumenfeld, 95.

If the seminar: Interview, confidential source, March 15, 2005.

However useful: Graubard, 13–18.

Kissinger saw parallels: Ibid., 18–53; see also Isaacson, 74–77. Quotes are on 76.

Among several lessons: Graubard. The quotes are on 41, 49, and 52.

The originality: “A certain Germanic,” quoted in the Kellers, 226. For the rest, see Isaacson, 77–81.

In 1955: HK, “Military Policy…”, Foreign Affairs, April 1955, 416–28.

Kissinger’s article: Graubard, 59–64, and Isaacson, 82–86.

Kissinger tried: HK, Nuclear Weapons. “I don’t know,” quoted in Blumenfeld, 133; see also 111. “I am sure,” quoted in Isaacson, 88. For the government committee, see Dallek, Unfinished Life, 223–24.

Kissinger’s book: The best overall discussion of Kissinger’s book is in Graubard, chap. 3.

Critics of: “If the limitations,” quoted in Isaacson, 89.

Kissinger’s ascent: On the Rockefeller connection and the project, see Blumenfeld, 109–11, 114–17.

Between 1955 and 1957: For the strains on HK, see ibid., 117–20. Ruebhausen quote is on 118; Isaacson quote is on 92.

Eventually, Kissinger: Blumenfeld, 113–14.

Kissinger’s temper: See Graubard, 112–15; Isaacson, 94–95.

The unwelcome: Graubard, 115, with the quote “always…running”;

Blumenfeld, 141–42; Isaacson, 95–97; quote “malicious maniac” is on 97.

Kissinger’s teaching: Blumenfeld, 122–23; Graubard, 114, which includes the quote.

Initially, Kissinger’s: Blumenfeld, 122–25; quote “Instead of” is on 123. “Is quite a sight,” quoted in Isaacson, 98.

Although he was: Ambrose, Nixon: Education of a Politician, 503–4.

As a prelude: Ibid., 536; “would be called,” 540; HK, WHY, 3–7. The quotes are on 6, 7.

Nixon’s victory: For a listing of the articles, see Graubard, 279–80.

The articles: Kissinger, Necessity for Choice, 1–4, ix, chaps. 3 and 8.

Although he did: “We need someone,” quoted in Dallek, 279; “or at least,”

HK, WHY, 8–9, 13–14; “did not commend,” quoted in Graubard, 171.

Although Bundy: “Pompous,” quoted in Isaacson, 113. “With little understanding,” HK, WHY, 9, 39–40.

But Kissinger’s differences: See Dallek, 418–25.

In August: HK, WHY, 847; Isaacson, 113–14; Schulzinger, 14.

Although “he left…”: “He left,” quoted in the Kalbs, 64. For Kissinger’s critique of JFK’s European policy, see Graubard, 179–88, 203–22.

His criticisms: “My God,” quoted in Blumenfeld, 148–49; see also Isaacson, 116–17.

Ironically, Kissinger’s: “We had involved,” HK, WHY, 231–33. “You are engaged,” quoted in Gibbons, 81, n.12, 83, n.19, 100.

A press report: See Clifford, 429–32. See also Isaacson, 118–19. For Rusk’s view of HK, see FRUS: Vietnam, 1967, 782.

In 1966: HK to H. Lodge, quoted in Gibbons, 383–85; Look, August 9, 1966.

In 1967: On the Pennsylvania negotiations, see Dallek, Flawed Giant, 476–85. McNamara’s quote: FRUS, Vietnam, 1967, 859. LBJ quoted in Isaacson, 122.

CHAPTER 3 1968

When Nixon decided: For Johnson’s political decline and his specific problems over the poverty war and civil rights, see Dallek, Flawed Giant, chap. 10, and 221–26, 322–34.

Nixon believed that: For RN’s eagerness to run against LBJ, see Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 90–99, 102–4, 127–28. See also Dallek, Flawed Giant, 524, for the U.S. News report.

Johnson’s withdrawal: On LBJ, see ibid., chap. 10, and 569–73 in particular; Connally quote is on 572.

During the first half of 1968: On Rockefeller and Reagan, see Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 104, 118–21, 127.

Percy and Romney: “My biggest problem,” ibid., 104; for the county chairmen, see also 120. For Newsweek, Percy’s lack of party support, and quote: Wills, 196–200.

Romney was apparently: “God and country,” Dallek, Unfinished Life, 690. For Romney’s gaffe: Tom Wicker, 296–97.

When Romney dropped out: Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 135, 141, 145–46, 153, 155, 160, 162, 164–65.

But Nixon’s relatively: Ibid., 145, 156.

In June: Ibid., 157, 183; Dallek, Flawed Giant, 569–75.

Yet Nixon took: Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 141, 163–64.

Nixon’s strategy: Ibid., 163–65, 177–78, 191–92, 220.

Knowing that: Ibid., 185–86.

Nixon was particularly: Donald Oberdorfer interview, May 28, 2004.

Nixon and Johnson: Dallek, Flawed Giant, 577–78.

Nixon followed: Ibid., 578.

In a memo about: Ibid.

Nixon’s initiative: Ibid., 579–81.

It was clear: Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 126–27, 137; Wicker, 340–41; Dallek, Flawed Giant, 573–75; Clifford, 562–66; quote is on 565.

But Humphrey’s Vietnam: Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 142–44, 167–68.

And of course: Gallup, 1959–1971, 2162, 2164, 2167–68.

Nixon found: FRUS: Vietnam, 1967, 893; Isaacson, 125–26; Dallek, Flawed Giant, 544–45; FRUS: Vietnam, January–August 1968, 778, 895.

Kissinger’s ties: HK’s ties to the Nixon and Humphrey camps and his comments about Nixon are from Richard Allen interview, May 17, 2006; Isaacson, 126–34.

In his eagerness: The quotes are in ibid., 131, 133–34.

Nonetheless, he was: For HK’s confidence in being offered a job, see Isaacson, 131, in FRUS: Foundations of Foreign Policy, 21–48.

For all his expectations: Bundy, 39; FRUS: Vietnam, September 1968–January 1969, 725.

None of the Johnson: Bundy, 39. RN, Memoirs, 323.

During the next five: RN, Memoirs, 324–27; Dallek, Flawed Giant, 581–84.

Was Kissinger guilty: Bundy, 39–40, n. 81, 550. For a different assessment of HK’s behavior, see Hersh.

How did Nixon: Dallek, Flawed Giant, 584–87; Bundy, 40–41.

When Thieu continued: Dallek, Flawed Giant, 585–86.

Because he believed: Ibid., 586.

The intercepts: FRUS: Vietnam, September 1968–January 1969, 615–16.

With only four days: Ibid., 687; Dallek, Flawed Giant, 588, 591–92.

Nixon knew: Ibid., 590–91; Bundy, 43.

Did Nixon’s pressure: For the vote and RN’s appeal, see Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 220–22. The quote about “the Silent Majority” is on 222.

Nixon’s pressure on Thieu’s: Bundy, 47.

But it was not: White, 445.

The greatest actual: Bundy, 48, and Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 222.

Nixon’s victory: HK, WHY, 9; Isaacson, 134–35.

Intrigued but: Ibid., 135; Hersh, 23.

Kissinger could not: HK, WHY, 10–12.

The conversation ended: Ibid., 12.

The following day: Ibid., 13–16.

In recounting: Ibid., 12, 15.

Nixon was determined: FRUS: Vietnam, September 1968–January 1969, 609–15; HK, WHY, 13.

Yet nothing demonstrated: Conversation 520–8, June 15, 1971, which is part of the 3,700 hours of taped conversations in the Nixon Presidential Materials Staff (NPMS) at Archives II, College Park, Maryland. (Additional conversations are cited by number and date.)

Nixon chose: HK, WHY, 26–28; Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 243; Bundy, 52–53.

Nixon saw: RN, Memoirs, 289.

With the formalities: Morris, Uncertain Greatness, 63–64.

There was more: HK, WHY, 39; Morris, Uncertain Greatness, 54–56.

Kissinger, with the help: On the bureaucratic reforms, see HK to RN, n.d., but clearly January 1969, HKOF, NSC Papers, Box 2, Nixon Presidential Materials Staff, National Archives II, College Park, Maryland. All manuscripts cited in the notes are from NPMS unless otherwise indicated. Morris, 77–93; see also Kissinger, WHY, 38–48; and Isaacson, 151–56.


By 1969: “Political man,” Safire, 599.

The inner workings: The psychologists are cited in Reeves, 123.

Nixon is a study: The president “is not,” J. Osborne, quoted in ANS, July 1969, POF, Box 30; “Behind the façade,” P. Lisagor, quoted in memo for Ehrlichman and R. Ziegler, July 16, 1969, CF, Box 65.

Nixon speechwriter: Safire, 97–98, 600.

The placid, positive: “Popular opinion,” quoted in ibid., 103.

Kissinger, who saw: “Would hole up,” Isaacson’s paraphrase of what HK told him, in Isaacson, 145; “Isolation,” HK, WHY, 1408; “a very odd man,” Time, October 27, 1975; “Goal beyond,” HK, YOU, 1183–86.

So tormented: J. Freeman to Sir D. Greenhill, June 5, 1970, FCO 73/131, British National Archives, London, England.

Kissinger might: RN, Memoirs, 341, 433; Ehrlichman, 279–80; Eagleburger quoted in Isaacson, 139–40.

Nixon and Kissinger: “It would be,” quoted in E. R. Mahan, “The SALT Mindset: Détente through the Nixon Tapes,” unpublished paper; RN, Memoirs, 715; Isaacson, 140–41.

Shared personality: Isaacson, 141–49; see also 560–61 on RN’s use of “Jew Boy.” Marvin Kalb interview, May 31, 2006.

At the start of the Nixon: An “introvert,” Reeves, 11–12. “The expression” and “like a little kid,” Haldeman, Diaries, 18, 25. The meetings and the desk: PPP:RN, 1969, 4–11; on the desk, see also W. W. Vaughan to RN, January 29, 1969; R. C. Odle, Jr. to R. M. Woods, October 30, 1969, PPF, Box 7.

At the same time: PPP:RN, 1969, 1–4; for the protests, see Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 245; for the news summary, see ANS, January 21, 1969, POF, Box 30; see also Handwriting, POF, Box 1.

But no one outside: Don Oberdorfer interview, May 28, 2004; Washington Post, May 9, 1971.

As with every president: Haldeman, Diaries, 19–20; Reeves, 29–30, 40; D. Chapin to RN, November 10, 1969, PPF, Box 14; G. Conger to RN, July 14, 1970, Box 139, Haldeman Papers, NPMS; R. C. Odle, Jr. to R. M. Woods, October 30, 1969, PPF, Box 7; RN to P. Nixon, January 25, 1969, PPF, Box 1.

As was characteristic: RN to Haldeman, March 31, 1971, PPF, Box 3; Haldeman, Diaries, 26; on RN’s drinking, see Reeves, 30.

A devoted staff: Ibid., 29–30, 35, 44; Ambrose’s introduction to Haldeman, Diaries, 7–8; Wicker, 399–400, 414–15; Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 84, 172.

Because of his primary: Reeves, 33.

His limited concern: J. C. Whitaker to RN, February 11, 1969, Memoranda for the President, POF, Box 77; Haldeman, Diaries, 19; see also RN’s concern that his administration not be seen as “a government by committee…Of course…nothing could be further from the truth,” he told Ehrlichman: RN–Ehrlichman, February 4, 1969, PPF, Box 1. On the State of the Union, see R. Price to J. Keogh, January 24, 1969, and J. Keogh to RN, January 25, 1969, Handwriting, POF, Box 1.

To give foreign affairs: RN, “Weekly Abstract,” PPF, Box 13.

On the administration’s third: HK and R. Helms, January 22, 1969; HK and R. Pederson, January 27, 1969, TC, HK Papers, NPMS.

Unlike Nixon: See Eagleburger’s bio in HKOF, NSC, Box 2.

The forty-four-year-old: A. Haig bio in ibid., Isaacson, 186–87.

Halperin was: Ibid., 184.

Hal Sonnenfeldt: See H. Sonnenfeldt’s bio in HKOF, NSC, Box 2; Isaacson, 185–86.

The staff quickly: Isaacson, 185, Haig, 195, 200–1.

Ten of the twenty-eight: Haig, 201.

Haig soldiered: Ibid., 196–97; Isaacson, 187–95.


Vietnam and advances: RN, Notes, n.d., but probably January 20–21, 1969, Handwriting, POF, Box 1; Haldeman to RN’s File, January 30, 1969, Memoranda for the President, POF, Box 77; RN to HK, February 1, 1969, NSC, Box 341; NSSM 14, February 5, 1969, HKOF, NSC Box 86; PPP: RN, 1969, 15–18.

Achieving an “honorable”: HK, “Vietnam Negotiations,” Foreign Affairs (January 1969).

Although Nixon: On Nixon’s campaign ploy, see Gibbons, manuscript, 361. U.S. Govt. and the Vietnam War, Part V, 1968–1976 (cited hereafter as Gibbons ms). For the rest, see HK to RN, December 20, 1968, January 2, 1969, HKOF, NSC, Box 2; HK to RN, January 4, 1969, Box 66; “Briefing: V. Nam (RN notes),” n.d., PPF, Box 16; RN, Handwriting, n.d., but probably January 20–21, POF, Box 1; see also handwritten notes headed “Bundy,” n.d., in PPF, Box 12; PPP:RN, 1969, 15, 18, 23; “Progress toward a Vietnam Solution,” n.d., NSC, Box 1008.

But the stalemate: RN to HK, February 1, 1969, NSC, Box 341; RN and HK, March 4, 1969, TC; HK to RN, February 13, 1969, PDB; Haldeman, Diaries, 42; Haldeman, Ends of Power, 182; Dallek, Flawed Giant, 260–61.

Nixon, like Johnson: “List of Specific Actions Agreed to at January 30, 1969, Meeting”; RN to HK, February 1, 1969; AH to HK, February 12, 1969, AHCHF, NSC Box 955; “Digest of Recent News Analyses,” March 21–22, 1969, POF, Box 30; HK to K. Cole, February 10, 1969, CF, Box 1; HK, WHY, 239; Gibbons ms., 362–63.

On February 22: HK to M. Laird, February 22, 1969, AHCHF, NSC, Box 955; “The Cambodian Bombing Decision,” n.d., and “Secrecy of the Bombing After 1970,” n.d., HKOF, NSC, Box 11.

Reluctance to: HK and Haldeman, March 8, 1969, TC; RN, Memoirs, 380.

With little reason: “Bribery”: HK and R. Helms, February 12, 1969, TC; FRUS: Vietnam, January 1969–July 1970, 126–27; HK, WHY, 250, 463; RN, Memoirs, 125.

Before expanding: HK to RN, January 4, 1969, HKOF, NSC, Box 66; Handwriting, n.d., but probably January 20–21, 1969, POF, Box 1; RN to W. Rogers and M. Laird, February 4, 1969, Price Speech File, PPF, Box 96; RN and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, February 17, 1969, NSC, Box 489; see also HK and R. Ellsworth, January 22, 1969, HK and M. Kalb, January 27, 1969, TCs.

Dobrynin’s receptivity: HK to RN, February 18, 1969, NSC, Box 489; M. Toon to HK, n.d., but clearly after February 17, 1969, NSC, Box 340; Gibbons ms., 387.

Toon’s cautionary: HK, WHY, 113–14, 140–41; Haldeman, Diaries, 30.

Nixon and Kissinger: The best discussion of the Nixon-Kissinger personality defects in making policy is in Isaacson, 146–51, 205–9; quotes are on 209; for the Morris quote, see Morris, Uncertain Greatness, 93.

Because neither Vietnam: For initial limits on RN’s foreign policies, see his news conference, February 6, 1969, PPP:RN, 1969, 66ff., 76–77 for the announcement of his trip; 127 for “no formal communiqués”; and P. Buchanan to RN, February 19, 1969, POF, Box 77, for “under no illusions”; Haldeman, Diaries, 34.

The most telling: RN, Memoirs, 248.

During the February: HK, WHY, 104; RN and de Gaulle, Memcon, February 28, 1969, NSC, Box 447; See also Bundy, 59.

What would de Gaulle: RN, Memoirs, 343.

De Gaulle had: RN to de Gaulle, February 28, 1969, NSC, Box 447.

Nixon assured de Gaulle: Ibid.; RN to W. Rogers and HK, February 22, 1969, PPF, Box 1; HK to RN, February 3, 1969, memos in NSC, Box 644, Box 654; NSDM, February 5, 1969; “NSC Meeting,” Box H-020; A. Haig to H. Saunders, February 7, 1969, AHCHF, NSC, Box 955; HK to RN, February 13, 1969, NSC, Box 604.

Not surprisingly: RN and de Gaulle, Memcon, March 1, 1969, NSC, Box 447.

Vietnam, by contrast: RN and de Gaulle, March 2, 1969, ibid.; HK, WHY, 109–10.

The European trip: H. Klein to RN, March 4, 1969; B. Harlow to Haldeman, March 10, 1969, Handwriting, POF, Box 1; two memos from P. Buchanan to RN, March 4, 1969, POF, Box 77; HK to RN, March 5, 1969, NSC, Box 446.

Kissinger was less: RN and de Gaulle, March 2, 1969, MemCon, NSC, Box 447; “Terrible effect,” quoted in Isaacson, 170, 169–71; “Henry swings,” quoted in Haldeman, Diaries, 36–37.

After they returned: HK to RN, March 10, 1969, NSC, Box 725; HK conversation with A. Dobrynin, March 11, 1969, described in HK to RN, March 19, 1969; HK and RN, March 11, 1969, TC, NSC, Box 489; HK and RN, March 8, 1969, two TCs; Haldeman, Diaries, 38.

During the first two weeks: Hersh, 58–59, and RN and HK, March 8, 1969, TC.

Nixon now spent: RN, Memoirs, 382; PPP:RN, 1969, 209–11, 215.

In fact, Nixon: M. Laird and HK, March 13, 1969, TC.

As for bombing: HK, WHY, 242–44; Hersh, 58–61.

For two weeks: Hersh, 61; two RN and HK, TCs, March 8, 1969.

A Viet Cong: HK and W. Rogers, March 14, 1969, TC; RN and HK, March 15, 1969, three TCs; HK, WHY, 245–46.

The air raid: Ibid., 247; HK and General E. Wheeler, March 18, 1969, TC. Although they had: ANS, “TV Analysis,” n.d., POF, Box 30; RN and HK, March 17, 1969, TC; RN and HK, March 20, 1969, two TCs. It was all wishful: HK to RN, March 25, 1969, NSC, Box 1006; NSDM 9, NSC, Box H-209; RN and HK, March 31, 1969, two TCs. Despite a nonresponse: HK to RN, April 3, 1969, NSC, Box 1008; RN to HK, April 12, 1969, NSC, Box 709; HK to RN, April 15, 1969, NSC, Box 489.

The Nixon-Kissinger: Haldeman, Diaries, 50.

Nevertheless, Nixon and Kissinger: See HK and General E. Wheeler, April 22, 1969, April 23, 1969; HK and W. Rogers, April 24, 1969, April 25, 1969, TCs; see also HK, WHY, 247–49, HK’s defense of the bombings is on 253–54; on the controversy beginning in 1973, see Hersh, 64–65; Isaacson, 176–79.

Although the administration: New York Times, May 9, 1969. “You Son of a Bitch,” quoted in Isaacson, 213; HK and RN, February 14, 1969, February 21, 1969, TCs. RN to Ehrlichman, February 5, 1969, March 11, 1969, PPF, Box 1; “What is this,” quoted in Isaacson, 217; See also RN to Haldeman, February 13, 1969; RN to Ehrlichman, February 17, 1969, April 10, 1969; RN to W. Rogers, M. Laird, and HK, April 14, 1969, PPF, Box 1.

Henry initially: HK, WHY, 21; HK and R. Evans, January 22, 1969; HK and S. Fentriss, January 24, 1969; HK and W. Rogers, January 24, 1969; HK and J. Alsop, February 5, 1969, TCs; A. Butterfield to HK, April 28, 1969, Haldeman Papers, Box 50; Haldeman to HK, May 16, 1969, NSC, Box 817.

In April: HK and W. Rogers, April 18, 1969; HK and J. Alsop, April 21, 1969, TCs; HK’s comment to Hoover, quoted in Isaacson, 215. RN, Memoirs, 387–88.

When Nixon and Kissinger: On the taps, see Gibbons ms., 397–98.

“From early 1969: RN, Memoirs, 389. On J. Kraft, see Isaacson, 228–29. RN and J. Dean, February 28, 1973, conversation is in Isaacson, 225.

Partisan politics: Haldeman, Diaries, 53; A. Haig to HK, May 16, 1969, AHCHF, NSC, Box 956.

Although Nixon justified: RN, Memoirs, 388.

The principal motives: “Memo of RN Meeting,” March 11, 1969, NSC, Box 337; Bundy, 63; Harris poll, News Summary, March, 1969, or April 1969, POF, Box 30; B. Graham to RN, April 15, 1969, CF, Box 42.

But Nixon believed: Quote is in Whalen, 26; RN to secretary of state, etc., April 14, 1969, NSC, Box 341; “HK and R. Ziegler, Background Briefing,” May 2, 1969, NSC, Box 337.

Nixon’s design: HK to RN, May 6, 1969, NSC, Box 1008; on the requirement that Hanoi withdraw its troops from the South, see HK and R. Semple of the New York Times, May 2, 1969, TC; RN and HK, May 12, 1969, TC.

Nixon and Kissinger faced: L. Garment to Haldeman, May 13, 1969, Handwriting, POF, Box 2, with RN to HK on the memo.

Nixon’s sensitivity: PPP:RN, 1969, 365–69.

The nation’s growing: On the ten points, see “Status of Paris Talks,” May 28, 1969, NSC, Box 175; on HK’s assurances, see “HK Background Briefing,” May 14, 1969, NSC, Box 337; HK and C. Roberts, May 13, 1969, TC; on the speech, see RN and HK, May 12, 1969, May 13, 1969, two TCs, May 14, 1969; HK and E. Richardson, May 14, 1969, two TCs.

The Communists’ ten points: PPP:RN, 1969, 369–75.

Some in the United States: “Bitter disappointment,” quoted in Gibbons ms., 416; and Hanoi’s response: quoted in Berman, 51.

Despite Hanoi’s response: Haldeman, Diaries, 58–59; RN and HK, May 14, 1969; HK and Senator C. Percy, May 14, 1969; HK and M. Laird, May 22, 1969; HK and C. Roberts, May 26, 1969; HK and B. Angelo, May 28, 1969; HK and RN, May 29, 1969; HK and W. Rogers, May 30, 1969; HK and R. Smith, May 30, 1969, TCs; P. Buchanan to HK, May 20, 1969, Subject File, Box 1; Reeves, 87–88.

Despite the tough talk: Washington Post, June 3, 1969, quoted in News Digest, POF, Box 30; “Cabinet Meeting,” June 3, 1969, POF, Box 78; HK to RN, June 4, 1969, NSC, Box 189; HK, WHY, 272.

However reluctant: Bundy, 64; Berman, 52; Fulbright quotes are in Gibbons, 404, 418—see also chap. 9 for the pressure on Nixon to de-escalate; M. Laird quoted in Isaacson, 237; Memcon, June 8, 1969, NSC, Box 1026; Notes, Midway, June 8, 1969, PPF, Box 49.

Kissinger recalls: HK, WHY, 274; ANS, June 1969, POF, Box 30; HK to W. Rogers and M. Laird, June 11, 1969, AHCHRON, NSC, Box 957; HK and E. Richardson, June 11, 1969; HK and RN, June 11, 1969, two TCs; HK to A. Dobrynin, June 11, 1969, NSC, Box 489.

On June 19: HK and D. Rusk, June 18, 1969, TC; PPP:RN, 1969, 471–72, 476–77.

Nixon’s promise: Haldeman, Diaries, 65; HK, WHY, 274–75.

At the time: HK and C. Roberts, June 19, 1969; RN and HK, June 19, 1969, June 20, 1969, TCs.

Kissinger understood: RN to Haldeman and Ehrlichman, June 16, 1969, PPF, Box 1; to Ehrlichman, June 16, 1969, Handwriting, POF, Box 2.

His response to: ANS, March 10, 1969, POF, Box 30; PPP:RN, 1969, 235–37; A. Burns to RN, May 26, 1969; Ehrlichman to RN, June 5, 1969; T. Huston to RN, June 18, 1969, Handwriting, POF; Box 2; A. Butterfield to Ehrlichman, June 2, 1969, CF, Box 36.

Why was Nixon: Gibbons ms., 321–34.


Arms control: PPP:RN, 1969, 17, 62.

Nixon’s commitment to: NSDM 6, February 5, 1969, NSC, Box H-209. For Senate opinion, see P. Buchanan to RN, March 6, 1969, POF, Box 77.

By contrast: For an excellent discussion of these developments, see Bundy, 83–88.

At a National Security: “NSC Meeting Minutes,” NSC, Meeting Minutes, Box H-109.

Nixon viewed: RN, Memoirs, 416–17; PPP:RN, 1969, 208–209, 211–14, 216–19.

The contest: HK and D. Packard, March 11, 1969; HK and Haldeman, March 11, 1969; HK and M. Bundy, March 14, 1969; RN and HK, March 14, 1969; HK and F. Lindsay, March 17, 1969, TCs.

Because it was: ANS: “Television Analysis,” March 1969, and April 6, 1969, POF, Box 30; RN to Ehrlichman and H. Klein, March 13, 1969, PPF, Box 1.

As the Senate: Haldeman, Diaries, 62; June 5, 1969, entry in the CD version of the diaries; ANS, June 5, 1969, POF, Box 30; PPP:RN, 1969, 432–37, 480; K. BeLieu to RN, June 10, 1969; A. Butterfield to RN, June 11, 1969; P. Flanigan to Haldeman, June 30, 1969, Handwriting, POF, Box 2; RN and HK, June 12, 1969, June 20, 1969; HK and B. Harlow, June 16, 1969; HK and R. Helms, June 18, 1969, TCs.

Yet all Nixon’s: Haldeman, Diaries, 69; A. Butterfield to R. Ziegler, July 2, 1969, CF, Box 12; ANS, July 11, 1969, POF, Box 30.

In response: RN and HK, July 18, 1969, TC; “Telephone Call,” filed August 1969, Handwriting, POF, Box 2; RN to Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and HK, August 7, 1969, NSC, Box 341.

Nixon won: RN to Haldeman et al., ibid.

Nixon’s attitude: See E. R. Mahan, unpublished paper, “The SALT Mind-set: Détente through the Nixon Tapes”; “NSC Meeting Notes,” June 25, 1969, NSC, Box H-109; RN to Haldeman, June 30, 1969, Handwriting, POF, Box 2; ANS, August 3, 1969, POF, Box 30.

Nixon was especially: RN to G. Smith, March 12, 1969, NSC, Box 319; Bundy, 90, 556, n. 48.

During the spring: “HK Background Briefing,” May 2, 1969, NSC, Box 337.

Nixon and Kissinger: On the debate, see Bundy, 89 and 91; HK and R. Helms, June 12, 1969; RN and HK, June 12, 1969, June 19, 1969; HK and J. Mitchell, June 18, 1969, TCs; HK and M. Laird, June 23, 1969, two TCs; HK and Senator C. Percy, July 10, 1969, TC. On intelligence, see RN and HK, June 23, 1969, TC. For the RN and HK warnings about Soviet missile development, see P. Buchanan to RN, September 30, 1969, POF, Box 79. For British opposition, HK to RN, August 2, 1969, NSC. Box 452.

Settling on: Bundy, 90–92; HK and G. Smith, June 30, 1969; HK and M. Laird, July 8, 1969, TCs; HK to RN, June 10, 1969, Meeting with A. Dobrynin, NSC, Box 340; HK to RN, June 24, 1969, CF, Box 14; “NSC Meeting Minutes,” June 25, 1969, NSC, Box H-109; RN to W. Rogers, September 17, 1969, NSC, Box 711; H. Sonnenfeldt to HK, September 22, 1969; M. Laird to RN, October 7, 1969, NSC, Box 710; A. Haig to HK, October 14, 1969, AHCHF, Box 958; RN, HK, and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, October 20, 1969, NSC, Box 667; NSDM 33 demonstrates the vagueness of the U.S. position in the talks, November 12, 1969, NSC, Box H-212.

Poor prospects: A. Haig to HK, October 29, 1969, AHCHF, NSC, Box 959; HK to W. Rogers with letters from R. Osgood and H. Okun attached, October 17, 1969, AH Special Files, NSC, Box H-1006; Haldeman to HK, September 25, 1969, Alpha Name File, Box 53, Haldeman Papers; RN to HK and HK’s reply, November 12, 1969, NSC, Box 341.

Since none of Nixon’s: Haldeman, Diaries, 73–78. PPP:RN, 1969, 530, 541–43; S. Agnew to RN, September 15, 1969; P. Flanigan, Memo to the President’s File, September 17, 1969, CF, Box 44.

Nixon’s overriding: PPP:RN, 1969, 544.

With the instincts: Ibid., 544–49, 551–52, 555.

The press immediately: HK, WHY, 224; Haldeman, Diaries, 78; Diary Notes, August 5, 1969, Box 40, Haldeman Papers; RN to Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and HK, August 7, 1969, NSC, Box 341.

There was little: ANS, July 1969, POF, Box 30; Haldeman, Diaries, 76–77; HKto RN, July 29, 1969, NSC, Box 452; RN and Thieu, Memcon, July 30, 1969, NSC, HKOF, Box 106.

Nixon’s private: HK to RN, July n.d. 1969, NSC, Box 454.

Nixon took special: Ibid.; Haldeman, Diaries, 77–78.

Nixon hoped: “U.S. China Policy 1969–72,” NSC, HKOF, Box 86; Senator M. Mansfield to Chou En-lai, June 1969; B. Harlow to RN, June 23, 1969, Handwriting, POF, Box 2; A. Haig to HK, June 24, 1969, NSC, Box 710; A. Butterfield to HK, June 26, 1969, CF, Box 6; NSDM 17, June 26, 1969, NSC, Box H-210; HK to RN, June 26, 1969, NSC, Box 392; see also Bundy, 100–5.

They also worried: “U.S. China Policy,” n.d. but clearly after June 1969, “NSC Meetings,” NSC, Box H-023.

The visit to: HK and RN, “Your Visit to Romania,” n.d., NSC, Box 454; RN, HK, and Ceauseşcu, Memcon, August 2, 1969, August 3, 1969, NSC, Box 1023; ANS, July 14, 1969, POF, Box 30; HK to undersecretary of state, September 24, 1969, NSC, Box 710; see also Bundy, 106–7.

Since Nixon and Kissinger: HK to W. Rogers, December 12, 1969, NSC, AHCHF, Box 960; J. W. Davis to HK, November 25, 1969, NSC: “SRG Meeting,” Box H-111.

Six months into: Haldeman, Diaries, 65–66, 69–70; A. Butterfield to Ehrlichman, June 24, 1969; J. R. Brown to HK, July 14, 1969, CF, Box 42; HK to RN, July 11, 1969, NSC, Box 183.

Nixon believed: PPP:RN, 1969, 507–9; HK and Senator G. Aiken, July 14, 1969, TC.

To persuade Americans: RN to Ho Chi Minh, July 15, 1969, NSC, HKOF, Box 106; RN, Memoirs, 393–94; HK, WHY, 277.

Simultaneous with: ANS, July 6, 1969, POF, Box 30; A. Butterfield to HK, Ehrlichman, and H. Klein, July 15, 1969, CF, Box 42; RN and HK, July 16, 1969, TC.

In mid-July: HK to RN, July 1969, an assessment of the July 18 meeting; T. L. Hughes to acting secretary, July 1969, NSC, Paris Talks, Box 181; RN and HK, July 18, 1969, TC; HK, WHY, 277–79.

Opinion polls: Polling data is in Gibbons ms., 439–42.

Because Hanoi refused: HK, WHY, 278–79. On T. Lake and General V. Walters, see Isaacson, 242–45. HK’s conversation with the journalist is dated April 7, 1973, NSC, HKOF, Box 15.

Although Kissinger: HK to RN, August 6, 1969, NSC, Box 1039; HK to E. Bunker, August 15, 1969, NSC, HKOF, Box 106; A. Haig to HK, NSC, Box 334; HK and Xuan Thuy, Memcon, August 4, 1969, ibid., Box 121; P. Buchanan and RN, August 5, 1969, “Legislative Leadership Meeting,” August 5, 1969, POF, Box 79; HK and M. Schumann, Memcon, August 4, 1969, NSC, Box 675; HK, WHY, 278–82.

Hopes that Hanoi: Ibid., 282; HK to RN, August 22, 1969, PDB; Ho Chi Minh to RN, August 30, 1969, NSC, HKOF, Box 106.

Nixon now found: HK, WHY, 282–83; ANS, August n.d. 1969, POF, Box 30.

The administration now: HK to RN, September 5, 1969, NSC, Box H-001, Box H-211.

Although Nixon approved: ANS, September 8, 1969, September 10, 1969, POF, Box 30; A. Haig to HK, September 10, 1969, NSC, AHCHF, Box 958.

Because Kissinger now: HK to RN, September 10, 1969, “NSC Meetings,” NSC, Box 024.

Was there a way: HK to RN, September 11, 1969, ibid. Nixon found: For the description of Duck Hook and the quotes, see Isaacson, 246, and Berman, 54–56. On the bomb, see also Hersh, 128–29.

Nixon had no: See Burr and Kimball, “Nixon’s Secret Nuclear Alert: Vietnam War Diplomacy and the Joint Chiefs of Staff Readiness Test, October 1969,” Cold War History 3 (January 2003), 113–49, esp. 113–18.

Duck Hook was: Isaacson, 200–2; Haldeman, Diaries, 86.

At an NSC meeting: “NSC Meeting Minutes,” NSC, Box H-109.

However dearly: HK, WHY, 283–84.

In September, resignations from: K. Cole to HK, September 19, 1969; HK to RN, September 22, 1969, CF, Box 14. Also HK and M. Halperin, and HK and S. Loory, September 11, TCs.

In September: “Talking Points for HK Meeting with Vietnam Special Study Group” September 1969, NSC (VSSG), Box H-001; “HK Press Briefing,” September 16, 1969, NSC, Box 339; RN and HK, September 15, 1969, September 24, 1969, September 27, 1969, TCs; HK to RN, September 24, 1969, NSC: HKOF, Box 106; RN, Notes of Meeting, September 27, 1969, POF, Box 79; RN and HK, September 27, 1969, TC; PPP:RN, 1969, 756–57.

Since domestic divisions: ANS, September 17, 1969, POF, Box 30; A. Haig to HK, September 17, 1969, NSC: AHCHRON, Box 958; RN to Haldeman, September 27, 1969, Subject Files, Box 164, Haldeman Papers; PPP:RN, 1969, 752–53, 757–58.

At the same time: RN to W. Rogers, September 17, 1969; H. Sonnenfeldt to HK, September 22, 1969, NSC, Box 711; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, September 27, 1969, NSC, Box 489; RN and HK, September 27, 1969, TC.

Yet Nixon and Kissinger: RN and HK, September 27, 1969, TC; ANS, October 1, 1969, POF, Box 31.

Nevertheless, Nixon: Ibid., October 2, 1969; Haldeman to HK, October 1, 1969; Haldeman to B. Harlow, HK, and Ehrlichman, October 1, 1969, Alpha Name Files, Box 53, Haldeman Papers; RN to HK, October 1, 1969, PPF, Box 1; B. Harlow to RN, October 6, 1969, Handwriting, POF. Box 3.

As the Moratorium: HK to Haldeman, October 9, 1969, CF, Box 36; RN and HK, September 24, 1969; HK and J. Shepley, September 25, 1969, TCs; HK to Haldeman, October 10, 1969, NSC, Box 821; HK to RN, October 14, 1969, NSC: Paris Talks, Box 175; J. Caulfield to Ehrlichman, October 10, 1969; A. Butterfield to RN, October 17, 1969, Handwriting, POF, Box 3.

Nixon and Kissinger deceived: HK and J. Alsop, October 3, 1969; RN and HK, October 10, 1969, TCs.

Much of the Nixon-Kissinger: All these quotes, except for the P. Buchanan one, are in ANS for October 1969, POF, Box 31; A. Haig to HK, October 8, 1969, NSC: AHCHF, Box 958, recounts the Nixon-Buchanan exchange; “So it looks like,” Haldeman, Diaries, September 27, 1969, CD Rom version.

On October 15: HK and A. Walinsky, October 9, 1969; HK and J. Mitchell, October 10, 1969, TCs.

Despite the growing: Ibid.; RN and HK, October 8, 1969, TC; B. Harlow to staff secretary, October 24, 1969, POF, Box 79; Haldeman to HK, October 31, 1969, NSC, Box 817.

After October 15: A. Haig to HK, October 13, 1969, October 17, 1969, NSC, Box 334; HK and M. Laird, October 23, 1969, TC; RN, HK, and Sir R. Thompson, Memcon, October 17, 1969, NSC, Box 1023; RN and HK, October 20, 1969, TC; RN, HK, and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, October 20, 1969, NSC, Box 667; B. Harlow, Memo to staff secretary, October 24, 1969, POF, Box 79; on Agnew, see Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 307.

For all his rhetoric: Haldeman, Diaries, 95; Haldeman to W. Rogers, October 16, 1969, CF, Box 36; RN, HK, and Sir R. Thompson, Memcon, October 17, 1969, NSC, Box 1023; Senator M. Mansfield to RN, October 31, 1969, PPF, Box 11; P. Buchanan to RN, October 27, 1969, Alpha Subject Files, Box 138, Haldeman Papers; RN and HK, October 8, 1969, TC. See also RN, Memoirs, 407–8; Bundy, 80–82; Isaacson, 246–48; Berman, 56–57. June 1971 conversation with Haldeman is quoted in Berman, 58.

Nixon remembered: RN, Memoirs, 408; HK, WHY, 288.

Years later: Nixon quoted in Isaacson, 248; Kissinger quoted in Berman, 57.

Nixon’s speech: RN to Haldeman, October 26, 1969, PPF, Box 1; RN and HK, November 3, 1969, two TCs.

Nixon’s evening speech: Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 309.

He wanted people: PPP:RN, 1969, 901–9. The formulation about speaking one way and acting another is from Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 320.

Nixon said later: RN, Memoirs, 410–11; Haldeman, Diaries, 105–6.

Behind the scenes: RN and HK, November 4, 1969, three TCs; HK and J. Alsop, November 4, 1969, TC.

Haldeman was kept: Haldeman, Diaries, 104–5.

After months of: A. Haig to HK, November 6, 1969, AHCHF, NSC, Box 959; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, November 6, 1969, NSC, Box 489.


Finding solutions: HK, WHY, 341.

Nixon entered: HK, YOU, 202–3.

Nixon took some: Hersh, 84–86; Isaacson, 148–49, 560–62; “An increase,” ANS, March n.d. 1969, POF, Box 31.

Nixon began: HK, WHY, 348, 559; Kissinger quoted in Isaacson, 562.

Because the Middle East: HK, WHY, 348.

For Nixon and Kissinger: Ibid., 341–49; Bundy, 123–25.

Two considerations: Quandt, 77; HK, WHY, 349–51.

The different outlooks: HK, WHY, 351–52; HK and J. Sisco, February 3, 1969, TC.

Kissinger saw: HK, WHY, 352–54; HK and Eisenhower, February 18, 1969; RN and HK, February 14, 1969; HK and J. Sisco, February 17, 1969, TCs.

Initially, Nixon slowed: HK and J. Sisco, March 5, 1969; HK and M. Fischer, March 8, 1969, TCs; HK, WHY, 355–57.

With Israel’s Foreign Minister: HK to RN, March 8, 1969, NSC, Box 651; HK, WHY, 357–58.

Middle East realities: Ibid. 358–63. The impasse is clearly demonstrated in the memoranda of these talks between March 13, 1969, and March 17, 1969, in NSC, Box 604, and in HK and W. Rogers, March 13, 1969; HK and L. Garment, March 14, 1969; HK and J. Sisco, March 15, 1969, and March 19, 1969, TCs. See also RN, HK, and M. Fawzi, Memcon, April 15, 1969, NSC, Box 634.

Even King Hussein: HK, WHY, 362; Memcons, April 8, 1969, April 10, 1969, POF, Box 77; Memcon, April 11, 1969, NSC, Box 616; state department telegram, April 11, 1969, NSC, Box 613.

Middle East difficulties: RN and HK, March 31, 1969, TC. At the end of April: HK to RN, April 24, 1969, NSC Meeting, Box H-022.

During the meeting: “NSC Meeting Minutes,” April 25, 1969, NSC, Box H-109.

The discussion: NSDM, April 25, 1969, NSC, Box 651.

The Israelis: HK and M. Bitan and Y. Rabin, Memcon, May 13, 1969, HKOF, NSC, Box 134; H. Saunders to HK, May 15, 1969, NSC, Box 756; HK, WHY, 366; Bundy describes Meir, 127.

In the meantime: RN to G. Meir, June 18, 1969, NSC, Box 604; HK to RN, June 10, 1969, NSC, Box 651.

Nixon sent Sisco: PPP:RN, 1969, 478–79, for the news conference, and L. Garment to Haldeman, June 21, 1969, CF, Box 42, for the reaction to it; see also PPP:RN, 1969 for the UN speech.

Neither discussions in Moscow: H. Saunders to HK, July 22, 1969, NSC, Box 644; H. Sonnenfeldt to HK, August 19, 1969, NSC, Box 604; ANS, September n.d. 1969, POF, Box 30. On nuclear weapons, see Memorandum for the President, August 1, 1969; HK to RN, November 6, 1969, NSC, Box 605. The best discussion of the issue is by Cohen and Burr, “Israel Crosses the Threshold,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, May/June 2006. On J. Mitchell and domestic politics, HK, WHY, 369; HK to RN, September 10, 1969, NSC, Box 644; RN to HK, September 22, 1969, PPF, Box 1.

Nixon’s White House: HK, WHY, 370–71; RN and HK, September 27, 1969, TC.

Meir’s shrewd dealings: HK, WHY, 370.

Meir’s stroking: RN and HK, September 27, 1969, TC. By the beginning of October: RN and HK, October 7, 1969, TC; HK to RN, October 2, 1969, NSC, Box 644; HK to RN, October 15, 1969, NSC, Box 384, on the impasse.

With his attention riveted: RN and HK, October 25, 1969, TC. With Nixon’s speech: HK to RN, November 12, 1969, NSC, Box 341; HK, WHY, 373–77.

At a December 10: “NSC Meeting Minutes,” December 10, 1969, NSC, Box H-109.

Reluctant to go forward: HK to RN, December 17, 1969, NSC, Box 650; HK and A. Eban, Memcon, December 16, 1969, NSC, Box 605; HK to RN, December 18, 1969, December 27, 1969, December 29, 1969, NSC, Box 605; HK, WHY, 376–77; “I still can’t,” handwritten note on HK to RN, December 30, 1969, NSC, Box 757; RN to Haldeman, March 2, 1970, PPF, Box 2; Haldeman, Diaries, 132.

Nonexistent foreign policy: ANS, February 1970, POF, Box 31; Hersh, 205.

Beginning in the fall: HK to RN, “Your Report on Foreign Policy,” n.d. but clearly February 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 962; Haldeman to Mollenhoff, September 2, 1969, NSC, Box 817; RN to Haldeman, November 24, 1969, PPF, Box 1.

Reports at the beginning: Memo to RN, December 4, 1969, Handwriting, POF, Box 4; P. Buchanan to RN, November 30, 1969, Handwriting, POF, Box 3.

Nixon, who never: J. R. Brown to HK, December 17, 1969, CF, Box 29; also in ANS, December 7, 1969, POF, Box 31; Haldeman MS Diary, December 15, 1969, Haldeman Notes, Box 40; HK to RN, December 17, 1969, on Newsweek, NSC, Box 341.

Nixon was convinced: RN to Haldeman, January 6, 1970, PPF, Box 2.

All the same: “HK Background Briefing,” December 18, 1969, NSC, Box 339.

The White House: HK and M. Frankel, February 9, 1970, TC; “HK Talking Points, President’s Foreign Policy Report,” February 15, 1970, HKOF, NSC, Box 13; PPP:RN, 1970, 114–90; HK to RN, February 7, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 961.

Nixon worried: RN to HK, February 10, 1970, PPF, Box 2.

The Nixon report: On RN’s post-November 3 speech support, see ANS, December 4, 1969, POF, Box 31, and Gallup, 2236–37, 2244.

It was increasingly: Haig, 231; Gallup, 1959–1971, 2240; D. P. Moynihan to RN, November 25, 1969, Handwriting, POF, Box 3.

The erosion of: RN to HK, November 24, 1969, PPF, Box 1. On the “standstill,” see HK’s conversation with C. Lucet, the French ambassador, November 13, 1969, NSC, Box 676; also A. Haig, Memo for the Record, November 26, 1969, NSC, Box 183. “A definite plan” and “We simply cannot,” RN to W. Rogers, November 17, 1969, Handwriting, POF, Box 3.

Kissinger advised Nixon: HK to RN, December 1, 1969, NSC, Box 1000; HK and A. Fontaine, Memcon, December 18, 1969, NSC, Box 676; HK to W. Rogers, etc., December 22, 1969, NSC, WSAG, Box H-071; “The Impact of the U.S. Actions Upon U.S. Casualties,” n.d., NSC: HKOF, Box 11; HK to RN, December 24, 1969, NSC, Box 489. On RN’s fascination with Patton, see also Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 322–23, Haldeman, Diaries, 58, 106, 147.

Nixon still hoped: HK to RN, November 28, 1969, AHCHF, NSC, Box 960; ANS, December 2, 1969, December 7, 1969, December 11, 1969, POF, Box 31; Haldeman, For the President’s File, December 4, 1969, POF, Box 79; Haldeman, Diary Notes, December 31, 1969, Box 40.

Nixon’s antipress: PPP:RN, 1969, 970–71, and Gallup, 2180.

In November: Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 312–13; PPP: RN, 1969, 1003–5; see also “MyLai,” Handwriting, POF, Box 4 for his condemnation. Anti-Semitic remark quoted in Hersh, 135; HK to RN, December 3, 1969, December 6, 1969, AHCHF, NSC, Box 960; Haldeman, Diaries, December 1, 1969 (see both the CD version and the Haldeman Notes), Box 40; on Hersh, J. R. Brown III to A. Butterfield, December 19, 1969, CF, Box 41. HK and General E. Wheeler, March 20, 1970, TC.

Yet none of these: HK, WHY, 436; RN and HK, January 16, 1970, TC.

Because Hanoi: RN and HK, January 27, 1970, TC.

In mid-January: HK to RN, January 26, 1970, NSC, Box 183; February 2, 1969, AHCHF, NSC, Box 961; J. R. Brown III to HK, February 5, 1970, NSC, Box 1008; see also Hersh, 168–71.

On February 16: HK, WHY, 438; Berman, 62.

To hide the meeting: RN, Memoirs, 396; HK, WHY, 436–39; Berman, 61–63; Haldeman, Diaries, 128.

Henry began: HK to RN, memo on February 21, 1970, meeting, HKOF, NSC, Box 106; HK, WHY, 441–45.

At another meeting: HK to RN, memo on March 16, 1970, meeting, NSC, Box 1039.

On April 4: HK to RN, April 6, 1970, NSC, Box 1039; HK, WHY, 440, 445–46; Haldeman, Diaries, 149.

Kissinger, however: HK to RN, April 6, 1970, NSC, Box 1039; Memcon, March 10, 1970, NSC, Box 489; HK, WHY, 446–48.

The failure: J. R. Brown to HK, March 16, 1970, with J. Alsop to RN, March 9, 1970, attached, NSC, Box 807.

The eruption: HK, WHY, 448–56; Bundy, 145–47; PPP:RN, 1970, 244–49.

The controversy: Bundy, 146–47; HK, WHY, 456–57.

Nixon and Kissinger: HK and M. Laird, March 11, 1970, TC; HK to RN, March 18, 1970, March 25, 1970; A. Haig to HK, March 11, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 963; A. Haig to Haldeman, March 24, 1970, ibid., Box 964; ANS, March 11, 1970, March 13, 1970, POF, Box 31.

But the stories: Bundy, 148; HK to RN, February 7, 1970, NSC, Box 1008; ANS, February 8, 1970, POF, Box 31.

The Cambodian coup: Bundy, 149–51.

Although Nixon: PPP:RN, 1970, 291–92; HK and D. Acheson, March 20, 1970, TC.

A pro-Communist: HK to RN, March 20, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 963; HK, WHY, 470; RN and HK, March 20, 1970, TC.

Events in Southeast: A. Haig to HK, April 4, 1970, NSC, Box 1009; A. Haig to HK, April 8, 1970; W. Lord to HK, April 15, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 964; ANS, March 27, 1970, POF, Box 31.

The domestic pressures: HK, WHY, 479.

On April 20: PPP:RN, 1970, 373–77.

At the same time: Bundy, 151; RN and HK, April 9, 1970, TC. To get things moving: HK and Haldeman, April 15, 1970; HK and Geyelin, April 17, 1970, TCs; Bundy, 152.

William Bundy: Bundy, 152–53; Shawcross, 136.

The briefing decided: Haldeman, Diaries, 152; Shawcross, 137; HK and U. A. Johnson; HK and W. Rogers, April 20, 1970; HK and W. Westmoreland, April 21, 1970, TCs; Bundy, 153.

Nixon now struggled: RN to HK, April 22, 1970, three memos, NSC, Box 341.

A highly agitated: NSC Cambodia—April 22, 1970, PPF, Box 57; NSDM 56, NSC, Box H-216.

Nevertheless, Nixon: RN and HK, April 22, 1970; HK and W. Westmoreland, April 22, 1970, TCs.

Matters crystallized: HK and W. Rogers, April 23, 1970, April 24, 1970; HK and M. Laird, April 24, 1970; HK and General E. Wheeler, April 24, 1970, TCs; Haldeman, Diaries, 154.

Nixon believed: Ibid., 153–54. On the polls, see Haldeman to HK, April 25, 1970, NSC, Box 817.

Laird and Rogers: HK to RN, April 26, 1990, April 27, 1970, PPF, Box 58; NSDM 57, April 26, 1970, and NSDM, April 28, 1970, NSC, Box H-216; Haldeman, Diaries, 154–56; RN and HK, April 27, 1970, TC.

Nixon wanted: Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, April 27, 1970; D. Chapin to Haldeman, April 27, 1970, CF, Box 12.

Kissinger was torn: HK, WHY, 483; HK and Haldeman, April 27, 1970, TC.

Henry was frustrated: “Leaning against,” memo of meeting, April 28, 1970, POF, Box 80; HK, WHY, 502.

He gained ground: Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, April 29, 1970; HK and Haldeman, April 29, 1970, TC.

But it wasn’t: Haldeman, Diaries, 156–58; Shawcross, 141–46.

The speech was: PPP:RN, 1970, 404–410; Shawcross, 146–49.

Nixon’s popularity: Gallup, 1959–1971, 2248–49.

Despite the public’s: This material, including the quotes, is in Wells, 422–23; Shawcross, chap. 10 and 163–64; the sixteen RN and HK conversations are in TCs, including the conversation of May 8, 1970; for the schedule of the seventeen other meetings, see President’s Weekly Abstract, May 1–9, 1970, PPF, Box 13; for HK’s defense of RN’s Cambodian policy, see “Remarks by HK to Senators and Representatives,” May 12, 1970, NSC, Box 585; for the “strict instructions,” see RN to Haldeman, May 11, 1970, Alpha Subject Files, Box 140, Haldeman Papers; for Kissinger’s humorous conversation with A. Dobrynin, see HK and A. Dobrynin, April 6, 1970, TC; for the attempt to punish dissenting diplomats, see A. Haig to J. Brown, May 13, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 966; Haldeman to HK, May 14, 1970, Box 967; see also Reeves, 216.

After visiting the Pentagon: J. V. Brennan memo, May 4, 1970, PPF, Box 11; Reeves, 209–10; Haldeman, Diaries, 158–59.

The invasion quickly: Bundy, 157–64; quote is on 164.

Although he would: Haldeman, Diaries, 159–63.

To assuage his guilt: Wells, 425.

Haldeman described: RN to Haldeman, May 13, 1970, PPF, Box 2; Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 354–57.

The scene: Feeney, 192–93.

Kissinger’s response: The meetings and quotes are all from Isaacson, 278–84.


During the Cambodian crisis: HK, WHY, 514; HK and W. Rogers, May 11, 1970, TC; Klein, 125–28. HK, Years of Upheaval, 73–74.

Nixon also took: HK to RN, February 6, 1970, NSC, Box 711.

Unlike Nixon: HK, WHY, 514; on the pickets, see HK TCs with Haldeman and Erlichman; and with Agnew, all May 8, 1970; also HK and Erlichman, May 5, 1970; HK and W. Rogers, May 7, 1970; HK and M. Laird, May 13, 1970; on Watts, see also Hersh, 103, 190–91.

Kissinger’s response: HK, WHY, 505–9, 515; for an excellent summary of the negative consequences of the Cambodian invasion, see Gibbons ms., 707–12. Quote is in Bundy, 493.

Nixon’s highest priority: HK and R. McNamara, May 10, 1970; HK and E. Richardson, May 18, 1970; HK and Haldeman, May 5, 1970, TCs. He was particularly angry: HK and W. Rogers, May 7, 1970, TC. Like Kissinger, Nixon: RN and HK, May 30, 1970, July 12, 1970; HK and F. Shakespeare, June 2, 1970, TCs; “Campus Chaos,” May 1970, PPF, Box 6; “Internal Security and Domestic Intelligence,” June 4, 1970, CF, Box 41; Haldeman, Diaries, 172, 191; Reeves, 229–30, 235–37.

But none of this: HK and W. Rogers, June 3, 1970, TC.

Nixon tried: PPP:RN, 1970, 413–23; RN to Haldeman, May 11, 1970, Haldeman Files, Box 164.

Because violent: PPP:RN, 1970, 476–80; Alsop conversation is quoted in Reeves, 203; RN and HK, June 3, 1970, TC.

Nixon’s message: HK and Senator H. Jackson, June 11, 1970; RN and HK, June 13, 1970, TCs; for the history of the amendment, see Bundy, 160–61. The fullest discussion of the congressional response to the Vietnam War in 1970 is in Gibbons ms., chaps. 15–17.

To put domestic: “Report on the Cambodian Operation,” PPP:RN, 1970, 529–41; interview is on 543–59, quote is on 550. HK and J. Alsop, June 29, 1970; RN and HK, June 27, 1970, TCs.

In the spring: R. Price to Haldeman, May 25, 1970, CF, Box 15.

Nixon faced: Safire, 406; Haldeman, June 17, 1970, Ms Diary, CD Rom; Haldeman, Diaries, 176, 181–82, 189.

Kissinger’s complaint: Isaacson, 359–70.

In 1970: Safire, 384–85; PPP:RN, 1970, 825–28.

Nixon had no better: J. Freeman to Sir D. Greenhill, May 15, 1970, FCO 73/131, National Archives, London.

To head off: Ibid., June 5, 1970.

German-American relations: Bundy, 110–18, 173–75.

Nixon and Kissinger tried: HK to RN, June 18, 1970, NSC, Box 683.

Nixon, Kissinger, and Rogers: HK to RN, July 15, 1970, CF, Box 6; July 18, 1970, POF, Box 81; HK and F. Strauss, July 15, 1970; HK and W. Rogers, July 16, 1970, TCs.

Of course, none of this: Bundy, 175–79; Gallup, 1959–1971, 2305; HK to RN, August n.d. 1970; W. Lord to HK, August 27, 1970; HK to RN, August 29, 1970; RN to W. Brandt, September 1, 1970, NSC, Box 753; HK to RN, October 14, 1970, POF, Box 82; NSC Meeting, October 14, 1970, NSC, Box H-109; HK and R. Pauls, August 18, 1970, TC.

Nixon’s hopes: For RN’s tough line toward Moscow, see D. Young to B. Watts, January 13, 1970, NSC, Box 711; on CIA subversion, see HK to RN, April 9, 1970, AHCHF, Box 956, with RN’s handwritten comments.

In April: HK, WHY, 551–53; for the more relaxed Soviet tone, see H. Saunders to HK, March 31, 1970, NSC, Box 666.

Although Kissinger believed: HK, WHY, 552–53; HK and A. Dobrynin, March 11, 1970, TC; HK to RN, April 7, 1970, April 9, 1970, NSC, Box 489.

During June: Memcon, July 9, 1970; HK and A. Dobrynin, July 28, 1970, TC, NSC, Box 489; HK, WHY, 554–57.

But even without: Relevant documents here are: RN and SALT delegation, Memcon, April 11, 1970, POF, Box 80; HK to RN, June 15, 1970; HK and A. Dobrynin conversations, July 7, 1970, July 20, 1970, NSC, 489; NSDM 73, July 22, 1970, NSC, Box H-217; SALT, August 19, 1970, PPF, Box 15; ANS, August 22, 1970, POF, Box 32. HK, WHY, 541–42. RN’s comment to Smith is in Hersh, 161–62. For a summary of the proposals and problems, see Garthoff, 133ff.

The only so-called: “Kissinger’s struggle” and “arms controllers,” quoted in Hersh, 147; “made the mistake,” Haldeman, Diaries, 177; “swayed by,” HK, WHY, 543; see also his overall discussion, 538–51; “absolutely no strategic,” Isaacson, 318; see also 316–22.

Perhaps the greatest: HK and A. Dobrynin, March 11, 1970, June 30, 1970, July 27, 1970, July 28, 1970, TCs.

With no apparent: Memo of H. Sonnenfeldt and Argov conversation, January 13, 1970, NSC, Box 605; HK to RN, February 1, 1970; RN to A. Kosygin, February 4, 1970, NSC, Box 340. H. Saunders to HK, March 31, 1970, NSC, Box 666; ANS, February 2, 1970, POF, Box 31.

The apparent Soviet: See HK to RN, February 6, 1970, NSC, Box 650; February 18, 1970, Box 711; Status of the Four-Power Talks, February 19, 1970, NSC, Box 654; RN to HK, March 17, 1970, PPF, Box 2; Memo for the President, March 18, 1970, POF, Box 80.

Strategic and domestic: Meir to RN, April 27, 1970; HK to RN, May 15, 1970, NSC, Box 756; HK to RN, May 21, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 967; HK and J. Sisco, May 11, 1970; RN and HK, May 22, 1970; HK and E. Richardson, May 22, 1970, TCs; Haldeman Diary Notes, May 16, 1970, Box 41.

With the aid: Bundy, 180.

The proposal incensed: HK and Y. Rabin, Memcon, June 22, 1970, HKOF, NSC, Box 134.

Kissinger weighed in: HK to RN, June 16, 1970, NSC, Box 645.

Henry’s opposition: HK to Rogers, July 9, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 968; HK to RN, July 15, 1970, NSC, Box 646. Haldeman material is from the CD Rom version of the Diaries, July 15, 1970, July 16, 1970.

In August: HK and W. Rogers, August 7, 1970, TC.

To Roger’s satisfaction: HK and A. Dobrynin conversations, July 7, 1970, July 9, 1970; HK to RN, July 23, 1970, NSC, Box 489; G. E. Millard to Sir D. Greenhill, July 20, 1970, FCOB 73/132, British National Archives.

The Israelis: HK to RN, August 4, 1970, HKOF, NSC, Box 134; HK, WHY, 568, 582–85.

On August 7: “President’s Saturday Briefing,” August 7, 1970, NSC, Box 654; Haldeman, Diaries, 189.

Neither Israel: Bundy, 181–82. Haig to HK, September 7, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 971.

A crisis in Jordan: Bundy, 182–84.

The United States: HK, WHY, 595–97.

Hussein managed: Bundy, 184.

The crisis triggered: RN and N. Thacher, Memcon, September 8, 1970, POF, Box 82; HK to RN, n.d., but clearly September 1970, NSC, Box 615; HK to Undersecretary of Defense, etc., September 11, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 971; HK, WHY, 601–3; HK and M. Kalb, September 16, 1970, TC.

Nixon and Rogers: HK and W. Rogers, September 12, 1970; HK and M. Laird, September 17, 1970; HK and J. Freeman, September 17, 1970, TCs; A. Haig to HK, September 17, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 971; on the CIA’s involvement, see Douglas Little, “Mission Impossible: The CIA and the Cult of Covert Action in the Middle East,” Diplomatic History, November 2004, 685.

Kissinger believed: HK and Haldeman, September 17, 1970; HK and J. Sisco, September 17, 1970; HK and Sir D. Greenhill, September 17, 1970; HK and W. Rogers, September 17, 1970; RN and HK, September 17, 1970, three conversations, TCs.

Nixon was jubilant: RN and HK, September 17, 1970, TC; see also H. Sonnenfeldt to HK, September 18, 1970, NSC, Box 615, confirming that the Soviets could not be happy about the presence of U.S. military power in the area.

Nixon had been: HK to RN, September 20, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 972; A. Haig, Memo for the Record, September 20, 1970, NSC, Box 615; HK and W. Rogers, September 18, 1970, TC.

Although Nixon sided: Haldeman Diaries, September 20, 1970, September 21, 1970, 195–96.

The latest crisis: “Elaboration on Israeli Response,” September 21, 1970; HK and Y. Rabin, Memcon, September 21, 1970, HKOF, NSC, Box 134; HK and Alsop; HK and J. Sisco; HK and Y. Rabin, September 22, 1970, TCs; HK, WHY, 63.

The White House: Haldeman to HK, September 22, 1970; Alpha Name Files, Box 66, Haldeman Papers; P. Rodman to HK, September 23, 1970; and HK to Haldeman, September 26, 1970, NSC, Box 817.

Latin America: Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 110–12.

Despite his doubts: K. Cole to HK, September 25, 1969, AHCHF, NSC, Box 958; PPP:RN, 1969, 893–901; HK to RN, May 19, 1970, NSC, Box H-211.

Nixon and Kissinger shared: “Told the Chilean Foreign Minister,” Bundy, 203–4; for the more detailed account with the quotes, Hersh, 263; “a dagger pointing,” Hanhimaki, 101; Arnold Weiss interview, February 20, 2005.

In September 1970: Isaacson, 295–96; HK, WHY, 639–52; Haig, 254–55; J. Freeman to Sir A. D. Home, October 29, 1970; J. A. N. Graham to J. Freeman, November 17, 1970; J. Freeman to Sir D. Greenhill, November 20, 1970, FCO 73/144, British National Archives.

Events in Chile: Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., is quoted in Kornbluh, 3.

Chile, a country: Ibid., 3–5; D. Rusk is quoted on 5. A detailed description of the CIA’s activities can be found in the Hinchey Report, 2–5, which is available through the U.S. Department of State Electronic Reading Room.

Despite continuing U.S.: Bundy, 198.

In January 1970: U.S. embassy to W. Rogers, January 2, 1970, HKOF, NSC, Box 128; V. Vaky to HK, June 26, 1970, NSC, Box 778; NSSM 97, July 24, 1970, “NSC Meetings,” Box H-029. Kornbluh, 6–11, provides the options in NSSM 97.

On the eve of: V. Vaky quote, ibid., 11.

Winston Lord: W. Lord to HK, September 16, 1970, NSC, Box 824; Hersh, 265.

The warnings: Bundy, 198–201; Davis, 6; HK, WHY, 653–54; ANS, September 7, 1970, POF, Box 32.

Nevertheless, Nixon and: The September 8, 1970, September 12, 1970, and September 15, 1970, documents are in Kornbluh, 36, 45–46, 47, 49; see also Hinchey Report, 5–6, Department of State. A. Haig to HK, September 15, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 971; R. Helm’s recollections are quoted in Hersh, 274.

The following day: September 16, 1970, and September 17, 1970, documents are in Kornbluh, 37–44.

Kissinger became: HK and J. Mitchell, September 16, 1970; HK and J. Freeman, September 24, 1970, TCs. U. A. Johnson to HK, September 22, 1970, NSC, Box 778. E. Korry to state department, September 5, 1970, National Security Archives, George Washington University, available at their web site. A. Haig to HK, September 24, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 972, Box 778.

By the end of September: See documents for September 27, 1970, October 7, 1970, and October 10, 1970, in Kornbluh, 50, 57–59; see also E. Korry to HK, September 28, 1970; and 40 Committee Meeting, September 29, 1970, NSC, Box 778.

By October 15: Kornbluh, 62–67.

A principal impediment: Ibid., 22–29, 68–72.

Nixon and Kissinger denied: HK, WHY, 676; RN and HK, October 15, 1970, TC; E. Korry to HK, October 9, 1970, NSC, Box 778; see also Kornbluh, 25–26, 64; October 18 memo is quoted on 27; October 23 cable is on 73.

Schneider’s death: HK to U. A. Johnson, October 22, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 972; see also Kornbluh, 77–78.

The conciliatory statements: A. Haig to HK, November 7, 1970, with General V. Walters’s memo of November 3 attached, AHCHF, NSC, Box 973.

Walters’s warnings: D. Chapin to Haldeman, November 4, 1970, CF, Box 14.

Kissinger followed up: HK to RN, NSC Meetings, November 5, 1970, NSC, Box H-029.

For such staunch: HK, WHY, 982.

Once Nixon and: HK to RN, NSC Meetings, November 5, 1970, NSC, Box H-029.

Henry was preaching: NSC Meeting Minutes, November 6, 1970, NSC, Box H-109; see also NSDM 93, November 9, 1970, NSC, Box H-220; RN and HK, November 9, 1970, TC.

In fact, in November: A. Nachmanoff to HK, November 25, 1970, with HK to RN, n.d., attached; M. Laird to RN, November 30, 1970; see also HK to undersec. of state, etc., November 27, 1970; and “Chile—Status Report on Implementation of NSDM 93,” n.d., all are in NSC, Box H-220.

On November 25: HK to RN, November 25, 1970, in Kornbluh, 133; on the warning to Moscow, see A. Haig to HK, November 25, 1970, with the note “Soviet Presence in Chile” attached, AHCHF, NSC, Box 974.

Whenever political difficulties: See PPP:RN, 1970, 772; Haldeman Diaries, CD Rom version, Sept. 9, 1970, September 27, 1970; Haldeman Diary Notes, September 9, 1970.

The trip met: PPP:RN, 1970, 782, 804–9.

Only a month away: ANS, September 1, 1970, POF, Box 32; Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 394; PPP:RN, 1970, 831–1070, for the campaign speeches; Haldeman, Diaries, 192.

Their strategy failed: Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 387–97. Gallup, 1959–1971, 2264, 2266–68, 2271.

The results of: For the vote and the quote, see Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 221, 396–97; A. Haig to HK, November 7, 1970, with the General V. Walters’s memo of November 3 attached, AHCHF, NSC, Box 973.


In the winter: RN, Memoirs, 497.

There was little: ANS, January 20, 1971, POF, Box 32. Buchanan quoted in Reeves, 294.

Public opinion polls: RN’s approval ratings for 1970–1971 and the match-up with Muskie are in Gallup, 1959–1971. The student survey is in Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 414. The TV interview is in PPP: RN, 1971, 21.

Nixon’s diminished: Haldeman to HK, November 25, 1970, with A. Haig to HK, December 2, 1970, attached, NSC, Box 817.

In November: See three RN to Haldeman memos, November 30, 1970, Subject Files, Box 164, Haldeman Papers; RN to Haldeman, December 18, 1970, March 8, 1971, Subject Files, Box 164, Haldeman Papers; ANS, January 6, 1971, March 17, 1971, POF, Box 32.

Nixon also thought: Erin Mahan, unpublished paper, January 2005. Conversation 450–10, February 16, 1971; John Dean interview, November 18, 2004, and Larry Berman interview, January 13, 2005, explained the origins of the taping system to me. Berman’s information rested on a conversation he had with A. Butterfield; Nixon’s comment to Haldeman is in Reeves, 639, n. 305; see also “The Nixon Tapes,”, produced by the Miller Center, University of Virginia, with the Comments of Alexander Butterfield.

Nixon believed: Haldeman, Diaries, CD ROM version, December 7, 1970; A. Haig to Haldeman, December 7, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 726; A. Haig to RN, December 7, 1970, Box 974. RN to Kissinger et al., February 8, 1971, PPF, Box 3. Haldeman, Diaries, 236–37, 273; Conversation 462–05, March 5, 1971. HK and W. Safire, October 6, 1970, TC; William C. Selover, “Senate Skepticism Aimed at Rogers,” Christian

Science Monitor, December 16, 1970.

Nixon didn’t anticipate: Haldeman, Diaries, 218–19, 232; CD Rom version, January 19, 1971.

Nixon’s recorded: Conversation 456-05, Conversation 456-22, both February 23, 1971.

The next day: Haldeman, Diaries, 250.

Two weeks later: Conversation 464-25, March 9, 1971; see also 456-22, February 23, 1971.

No doubt, Nixon: Arnold Weiss interview, February 20, 2005.

Vietnam still came: Quoted in Gibbons ms., 720.

Throughout the second half: HK to U. A. Johnson et al., June 17, 1970, HKOF, NSC, Box 13; J. R. Brown to HK, September 4, 1970, CF, Box 42.

Worse, by 1970–1971: Ambrose, Nixon, Triumph of a Politician, 417–19; ANS, May 28, 1971, POF, Box 32. PPP:RN, 1971, 686; on the Army’s drug problem, see also HK to Senator H. Scott, December 26, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 975.

Nixon understood: HK, WHY, 969, 974–75.

Kissinger was prepared: HK to RN, September 7, 1970, NSC, Box 1039.

Kissinger’s skepticism: HK to RN, September 22, 1970, NSC, Box 189; September 28, 1970, NSC, Box 1039.

To advance the talks: HK and J. Alsop, October 7, 1970, TC; Safire, 385.

In making his proposal: HK to RN, September 26, 1970; October 22, 1970, NSC, Box 189; PPP:RN, 1970, 826, 830.

With the peace talks: PPP:RN, 1970, 836.

A conversation Nixon: RN and S. Phouma, Memcon, October 21, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 972; HK to RN, October 23, 1970, NSC, Box 219.

In December: HK to RN, December 20, 1970, CF, Box 10.

Reports from the field: HK to RN, December 9, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 975; RN and HK, November 30, 1970, December 9, 1970, December 19, 1970; HK and J. Alsop, December 15, 1970, 1970, TCs; Haig to Thieu, Memcon, December 17, 1970; HK to RN, December 18, 1970, NSC, Box 1011.

Despite all the: RN’s comment is written on HK to RN, October 22, 1970, NSC, Box 189; J. Holdridge to HK, with HK to RN attached, November 18, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 973.

On December 10: PPP:RN, 1970, 1101–2. HK and W. Sullivan, November 30, 1970, TC.

Kissinger also had: HK and R. Ziegler, November 24, 1970, TC; Someone told Henry: Memcon, December 2, 1970, Averell Harriman Papers, Library of Congress (this document was given to me by historian Kai Bird); Haldeman, Diaries, 221, 223.

Kissinger’s greater: HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, January 1971, in Kimball, 138–39.

With the peace talks: W. Lord to HK, November 25, 1970, NSC, Box 824. For RN’s interest in an offensive, see RN and HK, December 9, 1970, and December 12, 1970, TC. A. Haig and Thieu, Memcon, December 17, 1970, NSC, Box 1011.

Nixon was enthusiastic: RN et al., Memcon, January 18, 1971, POF, Box 83; Bundy, 225–26.

U. Alexis Johnson: Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, January 21, 1971, January 26, 1971; HK and Packard, January 21, 1971, TC; WSAG Meetings, January 21, 1971, January 26, 1971, NSC, Box H-115; RN, Memcon, January 26, 1971, POF, Box 84.

Rogers also refused: RN, Memcon, January 27, 1971, POF, Box 84; HK and W. Rogers, January 27, 1971, TC.

Nixon and Kissinger still: HK, WHY, 992, 994; W. Safire to Haldeman, February 2, 1971, POF, Box 84.

The “chief drawback”: HK, WHY, 992.

“Lam Son 719”: Bundy, 226–27.

Nixon later called: RN, Memoirs, 498–99; Conversation 459-02, February 27, 1971; Conversation 471-2, March 19, 1971, quoted in Kimball, 146; HK to RN, March 19, 1971, AHCHF, NSC, Box 977; Haldeman, Diaries, 260–61; Conversation 462-05, March 5, 1971.

From the start: RN to Haldeman, February 8, 1971, PPF, Box 3; Haldeman, Diaries, 244–45; Conversation 468-05, March 16, 1971.

As the military situation: HK, WHY, 1002; NSC Meeting, February 26, 1971, NSC, Box H-110; HK to RN, February 26, 1971, NSC, Box H-030; ANS, February 26, 1971, POF, Box 32; Conversations 456-05, February 23, 1971; 459-02, February 27, 1971; 468-05, March 16, 1971.

A majority of: Gallup, 1959–1971, 2285, 2290–91; ANS, March 8, 1971, POF, Box 32; Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, March 30, 1971. Conversations 466-2, 466-12, March 11, 1971; Conversation 472-08, March 23, 1971.

Nixon and Kissinger devised: Conversation 465-08, March 10, 1971; RN and HK, March 30, 1971, TC; PPP:RN, 1971, 448–54, 522–27; Conversation 472-23, March 23, 1971; see also A. Haig to HK, April 6, 1971, describing the Kissinger campaign to influence a list of journalists, AHCHF, NSC, Box 978; Gallup, 1959–1971, 2307–9.

Nixon also used: RN and HK, March 27, 1971, TC; Conversation 468-05, March 16, 1971.

Hanoi did not: ANS, April 1971, POF, Box 33; W. R. Smyser to HK, April 15, 1971, with HK to RN attached, NSC, Box 190; Haldeman, Diaries, 281.

With mastery: RN to Haldeman, March 8, 1971, Haldeman Papers, Box 140; Haldeman, Diaries, CD ROM version, March 21, 1971; Conversation 471-2, March 19, 1971.

Approaches to the Chinese: E. Richardson to L. Meeker, November 19, 1969, HKOF, NSC, Box 86.

In January 1970: “U.S. China Policy, 1969–72,” HKOF, NSC, Box 86; HK to RN, December 10, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 974; HK, WHY, 684–90; Bundy, 107–8.

Developments in the spring: HK, WHY, 692–93.

During the summer: “U.S. China Policy, 1969–72,” HKOF, NSC, Box 86; HK to RN, October 31, 1970, NSC, Box 1024; Bundy, 166.

After a sharp: Ibid.; NSSM, November 19, 1970, HKOF, NSC, Box 86; RN to HK, November 22, 1970, PPF, Box 2.

On December 8: HK to RN, December 10, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 974; “Record of a Discussion with Henry Kissinger,” December 16, 1970, NSC, Box 1031; HK, WHY, 700–3.

Nixon and Kissinger shared: PPP:RN, 1970, 1110; Bundy, 167.

In December: HK and S. Davis, December 19, 1970, TC. Nixon wanted no: HK Backgrounder, December 24, 1970, HKOF, NSC, Box 86.

On January 11: HK to RN, January 12, 1971, with RN’s handwritten note, NSC, Box 1031; HK, WHY, 703–4.

The Chinese were: Bundy, 231–32; PPP:RN, 1971, 160, 276–78, 390, 393–94; “U.S. China Policy, 1969–72,” HKOF, NSC, Box 86; Haldeman, Diaries, 273–74; Conversation 1-101, April 15, 1971.

In March: NSC Meeting, March 25, 1971, NSC, Box H-110; Conversation 051-CAB, March 25, 1971; Conversation 1-81, April 14, 1971.

Nixon was reluctant: Haldeman, Diaries, 274. HK and H. Klein, April 16, 1971, TC.

During a session: PPP:RN, 1971, 542–44.

And if the Chinese: Haldeman, Diaries, 270–71; A. Haig to Haldeman, April 22, 1971, Off. Files, Box 77, Haldeman Papers; Conversation 481-7, April 17, 1971.

Kissinger was right: P. Buchanan to RN, August 21, 1970, September 8, 1970, PPF, Box 7.

Buchanan did not: HK and A. Akalovsky, Memcon, October 1, 1970, NSC, Box 467; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, October 9, 1970, NSC, Box 1000; and October 17, 1970, NSC, Box 490.

Nevertheless, Kissinger: HK to RN, October 27, 1970, CF, Box 29; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon; November 16, 1970, NSC, Box 490.

By the end of November: RN to HK, November 30, 1970, Box 164, Haldeman Papers.

As the year: HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, December 22, 1970, NSC, Box 1000; HK to RN, December 22, 1970, NSC, Box 490.

In the last ten weeks: HK to RN, October 14, 1970, NSC, Box 490; HK and A. Dobrynin, October 14, 1970, TC; “Summit,” 1969–1971, HKOF, NSC, Box 73.

SALT also: ANS, October 17, 1970, POF, Box 32.

The Helsinki talks: HK and A. Dobrynin, December 2, 1970, TC; Bundy, 173.

In the fall: RN and G. Saragat, Memcon, September 27, 1970; RN and J.

Tito, Memcons, September 30, 1970, October 1, 1970, NSC, Box 467.

The Soviets had no intention: HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, October 6, 1970, NSC, Box 1000; HK to RN, October 7, 1970, NSC, Box 616.

Kissinger was less: HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, October 9, 1970, NSC, Box 1000; HK to RN, October 9, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 972.

Yet Moscow: ANS, October 17, 1970, POF, Box 32; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, October 17, 1970, NSC, Box 490.

By the beginning: HK to RN, November 3, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 973.

Because no one: Conversation 464-25, March 9, 1971.

The extent of: “US–U.S.S.R. Relationship in the Middle East,” 1969–1971; G. Meir to RN, November 29, 1970; RN to G. Meir, December 3, 1970, NSC, Box 756; U.S. embassy, Tel Aviv, to state department, December 4, 1970; Memo for Dr. Kissinger, December 8, 1970, NSC, Box 342.

A discussion on: RN and Hussein, Memcon, December 8, 1970, NSC, Box 616.

Nixon and Rogers: HK to RN, December 10, 1970; HK and Y. Rabin, Memcon, December 22, 1970, NSC, Box 608; U.S. embassy, Tel Aviv to state department, December 17, 1970, NSC, Box 342; D. Kennedy to HK, December 17, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 974.

Although Kissinger hoped: HK to RN, describing his conversation with A. Dobrynin, December 22, 1970, NSC, Box 490.

In a year-end: HK to RN, December 26, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 975.

At the start of: HK and D. Kendall, December 31, 1970, TC; SRG Meeting, January 11, 1971, NSC, Box H-112. Memcon, “NSC Meeting,” February 26, 1971, NSC, Box H-110.

As Kendall: SRG Meeting, January 11, 1971, NSC, Box H-112; HK to RN, January 27, 1971, February 8, 1971, February 27, 1971, NSC, Box 490.

Although Kissinger was: Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, February 26, 1971.

The acrimony: HK to RN, Background on Middle East Negotiations, n.d., but clearly October 1971, NSC, Box 658.

In March: HK to RN, March 2, 1971, HKOF, NSC, Box 134; HK to RN, March 6, 197, AHCHF, NSC, Box 977; President’s Saturday Briefing, March 19, 1971, with cable of March 17, 1971, attached, NSC, Box 656; HK to RN, March 31, 1971, NSC, Box 714.

Israel was: RN and Z. Shazar, Memcon, March 8, 1971, POF, Box 84; HK and A. Eban, Memcon, March 22, 1971, HKOF, NSC, Box 134; H. Saunders to HK, March 24, 1971, NSC, Box 656; A. Haig memo for RN’s Files, March 26, 1971, AHCHF, NSC, Box 978.

Nixon also said: For the ongoing HK-Rogers battle, see Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, March 8, 1971; HK to RN, March 10, 1971, HKOF, NSC, Box 129; A. Haig to HK, March 11, 1971, AHCHF, NSC, Box 977.

April brought: H. Saunders to HK, April 12, 1971, April 13, 1971, NSC, Box 656; “SRG Meeting,” April 14, 1971, NSC, Box H-112; Haldeman to RN, April 22, 1971, Haldeman Papers, Box 163; A. Haig to HK, April 23, 1971, AHCHF, NSC, Box 979; Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, April 25, 1971.

In the first months: HK to RN, January 25, 1971, January 28, 1971, NSC, Box 490.

Under pressure: PPP:RN, 1971, 320–25; Conversation 456-05, February 23, 1971.

At the same time: HK to RN, February 8, 22, 1971, NSC, Box 490; RN and HK, February 22, 1971, TC; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, March 5, 1971, NSC, Box 490.

Kissinger was too: HK to RN, March 21, 1971; RN to L. Brezhnev, March 16, 1971, NSC, Box 490; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, March 18, 1971; HK to RN, March 30, 1971, NSC, Box 491.

Nixon and Kissinger were determined: HK to RN, March 6, 1971, NSC, Box H-031; NSC Meeting, March 8, 1971, NSC, Box H-110; Conversation 465-08, March 10, 1971.

But so were: Conversation 468-05, March 16, 1971; Conversation 481-7, April 17, 1971; Haldeman, Diaries, 274.

The Soviet military: Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, March 31, 1971, April 27, 1971; HK to RN, April 26, 1971, April 27, 1971, summarizing the meetings with A. Dobrynin, NSC, Box 491.

Kissinger’s distress: “Summit,” 1971, HKOF, NSC, Box 73; HK to RN, January 28, 1971; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, February 16, 1971, Box 128; HK and A. Dobrynin, January 6, 1971, TC.

By April: Haldeman, Diaries, 271; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, April 23, 1971, HKOF, NSC, Box 73; Conversation 487-21, April 23, 1971; Conversation 489-17, April 26, 1971.

Nixon directed: HK to RN, April 26, 1971, NSC, Box 491; see also HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, April 27, 1971, which includes more detail, HKOF, NSC, Box 73.

At the end of April: PPP:RN, 1971, 592–602.


They had no: A. Drury, 389–400, for his interview with RN.

The international stability: Haldeman, CD Rom Diaries, June 2, 1971.

In May: HK and A. Dobrynin, May 13, 1971; HK and W. Bundy, May 14, 1971, TC; HK to RN, May 19, 1971; “Anticipated Questions to SALT Announcement,” May 20, 1971, POF, Box 85; RN to A. Kosygin, May 20, 1971, NSC, Box 491.

Mutual self-interest: Haldeman, Diaries, 286, 288; CD Rom version, May 18, 1971, May 21, 1971; HK and RN, May 13, 1971; HK and M. Bundy, May 14, 1971, TCs; RN with congressional leaders, Memcon, May 20, 1971, POF, Box 85.

The Soviets echoed: Conversation 483-13, April 20, 1971; Conversation 496-09, May 10, 1971; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, May 13, 1971; HK to RN, May 28, 1971, NSC, Box 491; Bundy, 252–59.

Nixon and Kissinger believed: Message from Chou En-lai, April 21, 1971, handed to HK, April 27, 1971, National Security Archive, George Washington University on their web site; Conversation 252-20, April 28, 1971.

The evening after: RN to HK, April 14, 1971, but probably April 16, according to the National Security Archive, where I found the document online.

They now went: RN to HK, April 28, 1971, NSC, Box 1031.

When Kissinger discussed: Conversation 252-20, April 28, 1971. Haldeman, Diaries, 282.

On May 10: Note handed by HK to A. Hilaly, May 10, 1971, NSC, Box 1031.

At the end of May: Conversation 3-178, May 28, 1971.

On June 2: Chou En-lai to RN, May 29, 1971, NSC, Box 1031.

Kissinger was “ecstatic”: Haldeman, Diaries, 295. RN, Memoirs, 551–52. HK, WHY, 726–27.

To give resonance: HK and Congman. Gerald Ford, June 4, 1971, TC; A. Haig to HK, June 7, 1971, AHCHF, NSC, Box 981; “U.S. China Policy, 1969–1972,” June 10, 1971, HKOF, NSC, Box 86; Bundy, 254–55.

Throughout June: HK, WHY, 729.

Since this was Henry’s: Ibid., 728–29; Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, June 21, 1971, June 22, 1971, June 25, 1971, June 26, 1971; Haldeman, Diaries, 307; HK and W. Rogers, June 28, 1971, TC.

On the morning of July 1: Conversations 534-2, 534-3, July 1, 1971, in Kimball, 175–86.

With Kissinger cabling: Haldeman, Diaries, 315–16, 318–19.

Kissinger’s meetings: A. Haig to HK, July 11, 1971, AHCHF, NSC, Box 983; HK, WHY, 742; HK to RN, Report on His Trip to China, July 1971, NSC, Box 846.

Yet Henry was: HK to RN, China Trip, July 1971, NSC, Box 846.

As the records: HK, WHY, 741; RN and A. Haig, July 9, 1971, TC, AHCHF, NSC, Box 998.

The almost five-hour: HK, WHY, 742.

A senior member: “Briefing of the White House Staff,” July 19, 1971, POF, Box 85; HK, WHY, 743–46.

“Reliability is: Ibid., 746–49; HK to RN, China Trip, July 1971, NSC, Box 846.

The tone changed: PPP:RN, 1971, 805–6; HK to RN, China Trip, July 1971, NSC, Box 846; HK, WHY, 749–51.

A final evening: HK to RN, China Trip, ibid.; HK, WHY, 751–54.

After Kissinger sent: A. Haig to HK, July 11, 1971, AHCHF, NSC, Box 983; RN and A. Haig, July 11, 1971, TC, Box 998; HK, WHY, 755–63.

Nixon had to: Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, July 14, 1971; HK, Briefing, July 16, 1971, NSC, Box 499; RN to HK, July 19, 1971, Haldeman Papers, Box 140; HK, WHY, 761.

After Nixon “shocked”: HK, Briefing, July 16, 1971, NSC, Box 499; HK, WHY, 762–63; for justifications of the secrecy, see also HK to RN, July 17, 1971, NSC, Box 499; and Briefing of the White House Staff, July 19, 1971, POF, Box 85; in this briefing, HK falsely reported that “The Chinese wanted it [the meeting] secret.”

In his brief: PPP:RN, 1971, 820; HK, WHY, 763–65.

The White House: Ibid., 763; see also RN and J. Beam, Memcon, June 10, 1971, POF, Box 85, for Nixon’s view of “triangulation.” Difficulties between: Haldeman to HK, June 8, 1971, Haldeman Papers, Box 81.

During a meeting at Camp David: HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, June 8, 1971; “Summit,” July 5, 1971, entry, HKOF, NSC, Box 73.

It did: HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, July 19, 1971, HKOF, NSC, Box 73; RN and HK, July 19, 1971, TC.

At the end of July: “Summit,” July 29, 1971, HKOF, NSC, Box 73; HK to RN, August 9, 1971, NSC, Box 492.

On August 5: RN to L. Brezhnev, August 5, 1971, NSC, Box 492.

Although the Soviets: HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, August 5, 1971, HKOF, NSC, Box 73; “Summit,” see the entries for Aug. 10, 1971–October 12, 1971, HKOF, NSC, Box 73.

With the promise: HK, A. Gromyko and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, September 30, 1971, NSC, Box 492.

Moreover, they now: H. Salvatori to Haldeman, July 21, 1971, attached to A. Haig to Kehrli, August 6, 1971, OF, Haldeman Papers, Box 83; Haldeman, Diaries, 321; HK to RN, July 22, 1971, NSC, Box 499.

In August: HK and conservatives, Memcon, August 12, 1971, NSC, Box 1025.

Vietnam remained: RN, Memoirs, 499–500; PPP:RN, 1971, 596, 599–600, 612–13.

A series of antiwar: HK, WHY, 1013; for a detailed description of the spring 1971 antiwar protests, see Wells, chap. 9; the Kerry quote is on 495.

The White House: Conversation E487-1, April 23, 1971, on Miller Center, University of Virginia, Web site. Wells, 493–94.

To disarm: Unnumbered Conversation, March 25, 1971, on Miller Center Web site.

Nixon thought: HK, WHY, 1010–16.

By the spring of 1971: Conversation 252-30, April 28, 1971; Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, May 6, 1971.

Prospects brightened: Haldeman, Diaries, 286; A. Haig to HK, May 22, 1971, AHCHF, NSC, Box 980; HK to D. Kraslow, May 20, 1971; RN and HK, May 21, 1971, May 26, 1971, TCs.

The hopeful notes: Gallup, 1959–1971, 2305, 2309, 2314–16; ANS, June 6, 1971, POF, Box 33; HK to RN, May 31, 1971, NSC, Box 861.

Kissinger carried: HK to RN, May 31, 1971, ibid; HK, WHY, 1017–20.

Hanoi’s unbending: Haig to HK, May 31, 1971, AHCHF, NSC, Box 980; Conversation 508-13, June 2, 1971; Kimball, 161–66; see also Haldeman, Diaries, CD ROM version June 2, 1971.

With Xuan Thuy: Haldeman, Diaries, 295; RN to HK, June 8, 1971; HK and A. Dobrynin, June 3, 1971, June 7, 1971, June 21, 1971, TCs. On June 13: Haldeman and A. Haig, June 13, 1971, TC, AHCHF, NSC, Box 998.

The initial impulse: RN and A. Haig, June 13, 1971, TC, ibid.; RN to Haldeman, June 15, 1971, PPF, Box 3; Haldeman, Diaries, 299–300; RN to Ehrlichman, June 14, 1971, at the NSA Web site under “The Pentagon Papers: Secrets, Lies and Audiotapes.”

After further consideration: RN to J. Mitchell, June 14, 197, ibid; HK and W. Rogers, June 14, 1971; HK and W. Rostow, June 14, 1971; RN and HK, June 14, 1971, TCs.

On June 15: Haldeman, Diaries, 300–1; Haldeman, Ends of Power, 154–55; “NSC Meeting Minutes,” June 17, 1971, NSC, Box H-110.

The Internal discussion: HK and W. Rogers, June 14, 1971, TC. The search for: HK and M. Laird; HK and S. Agnew; RN and HK, June 15, 1971, TCs.

On June 16: Hersh, 386; HK and H. Rowen, June 16, 1971, TC. If Kissinger was: HK and H. Hubbard, June 17, 1971, TC. The ties to: Conversation 525-01, June 17, 1971; Haldeman, Ends of Power, 155; Hersh, 384–85.

“By the end of: Haldeman, Ends of Power, 155; Haldeman, Diaries, 303; Conversation 525-01, June 17, 1971; Conversation 534-02, July 1, 1971.

Kissinger makes no: HK, WHY, 1021.

Later in June: On Senator M. Mansfield, see Bundy, 297; Conversation 500-10, May 18, 1971; Conversation 527-16, June 23, 1971; Haldeman, Diaries, 304; HK and Senator R. Dole, June 22, 1971, TC; on HK’s second thoughts about secrecy, see HK, WHY, 1020–21.

Nixon now considered: Haldeman, Diaries, 304–5; RN and HK, June 22, 1971, TC.

Nixon and Kissinger were: RN and A. Haig, June 26, 1971, TC, AHCHF, NSC, Box 998; Conversation 529-14, June 27, 1971; HK, WHY, 1021–24.

With Kissinger set: S. Kraemer to A. Haig and HK, July 1, 1971, NSC, Box 190; RN and HK and A. Haig, Memcon, July 1, 1971; A. Haig to D. Bruce, July 2, 1971, AHCHF, NSC, Box 982; Conversation 534-2, July 1, 1971; Conversation 534-3, July 1, 1971, in Kimball, 176–77, 182–86.

At the same time: Haldeman, Diaries, 307–12; Reeves, 337–39.

But they did: The Ellsberg material and quotes are in Reeves, 353, 368–69.

As Kissinger traveled: HK, WHY, 1025–26.

It is difficult: Ibid., 1026–27.

The pluses: HK to RN, July 14, 1971, NSC, Box 861.

The meeting on July 26: HK to RN, July 26, 1971, ibid.; see also, HK to RN, August 9, 1971, NSC, Box 492.

As they waited: PPP:RN, 1971, 853.

Public statements: RN and HK, August 14, 1971, TC; HK to RN, August 16, 1971, NSC, Box 861; HK, WHY, 1035–36.

Kissinger’s memo: RN and HK, August 16, 1971, TC; the “dead” comment is in Conversation 500-10, May 18, 1971; quote, “delusions of grandeur,” in Haldeman, Diaries, 351.

Nixon, however: For U.S. government distress at political developments in Saigon, see R. T. Kennedy to A. Haig, August 18, 1971, with attached cable from the U.S. embassy; R. T. Kennedy and W. Rogers, August 18, 1971, TC; two HK cables to E. Bunker, August 20, 1971, AHCHF, NSC, Box 986; see also W. Rogers to E. Bunker, August 30, 1971, August 31, 1971, HKOF, NSC, Box 103.

But the president: RN, HK and W. J. Porter, Memcon, August 24, 1971, POF, Box 86; HK to E. Bunker, September 11, 1971, HKOF, NSC, Box 103; “Report on Scali Meeting with Ambassador Diem,” September 9, 1971, AHCHF, NSC, Box 986; PPP:RN, 1971, 952–55.

When Henry met: HK, WHY, 1036.

The stalemate provoked: RN and HK, September 14, 1971; HK and Admiral T. Moorer, September 14, 1971, TCs.

On September 18: HK, WHY, 1038–41.

The North Vietnamese: Haldeman, Diaries, 349.

Although the Middle East: Conversations 2-4, April 19, 1971; 483–84; April 20, 1971.

In September: RN and A. Gromyko, Memcon, in HK to RN, September 29, 1971, NSC, Box 492.

Like the Middle East: See summary of Ad Hoc Working Group on Chile, December 4, 1970, in “Chile and the United States, Declassified Documents relating to the Military Coup, 1970–1976”; HK, J. Place and W. Quigley, Memcon, August 17, 1971, in NSA, online documents; see also Church Committee 1975 report on “Covert Action in Chile, 1963–1973”; and the Hinchey Report, “CIA Activities in Chile,” September 18, 2000, both U.S. Department of State, and both also on the Internet.

In public: A. Haig and RN, Memcon, December 30, 1970, AHCHF, NSC, Box 975.

The covert efforts: RN and HK, TC, November 30, 1970. On expropriation, W. T. Buchanan, April 8, 1971; A. Hewitt to HK, April 23, 1971, CF, Box 8.

Korry: H. Raymont related his encounter with Korry to me, on May 4, 2005, but Raymont remembers the meeting as notable for Korry’s agitated state rather than for anything he had to say. HK and E. Korry, December 19, 1970, TC; A. Haig to HK, February 13, 1971, AHCHF, NSC, Box 975; A. Haig to HK, March 10, 1971, Box 977; A. Haig to T. Eliot, May 10, 1971, Box 980; Haig to RN, July 12, 1971, Box 983; HK and W. Rogers, March 11, 1971; May 12, 1971, TCs; A. Haig to L. Higby, January 24, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 991.


Nixon entered: Colson quote is in Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 478. PPP:RN, 1971, 1121.

Vietnam remained: Ibid., 949–50.

He and Kissinger remained: HK and A. Gromyko, Memcon, September 30, 1971, NSC, Box 492.

More than ever: ANS, October 13, 1971, POF, Box 34; and for October 1971 n.d. in Box 35.

In public, the president: PPP:RN, 1971, 994–95, 1091–92, 1101–5, 1149.

In private, Nixon: HK and RN, November 14, 1971; HK and Congman. G. Mahon, November 15, 1971, TCs.

The Middle East: HK and A. Gromyko, Memcon, September 30, 1971, NSC, Box 492.

It was all a form: H. Saunders to HK, October 5, 1971, NSC, Box 658; HK and J. Mitchell, October 7, 1971, TC.

Divisions between: HK to RN, “Background on Middle East Negotiations,” December 1971; H. Saunders to HK, October 12, 1971, NSC, Box 658; HK and J. Mitchell, October 9, 1971, TC.

Alongside developments: Conversation 628-2, December 2, 1971.

By contrast with: Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version July 20, 1971, July 21, 1971, July 22, 1971; HK, WHY, 769; ANS, October 15, 1971, POF, Box 34.

Although, unlike Nixon: Haldeman, Diaries, 329–30.

Kissinger’s real battle: Ibid., 359–60, 362; Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, October 3, 1971.

Insistence that: J. Scali to Haldeman, September 11, 1971, September 13, 1971; D. Chapin to Haldeman, September 18, 1971, Haldeman Papers, Box 192; Haldeman, Diaries, 363; HK, WHY, 769.

As Kissinger was landing: Haldeman, Diaries, 366–67.

The message was: HK, WHY, 779–80.

Putting the American: HK and Chou, Memcon, October 20, 1971, NSC, Box 846.

Technical arrangements: Ibid.

Kissinger’s and Chou’s: HK, WHY, 781–84; Bundy, 243.

The PRC’s admission: The struggle over Chinese representation in the UN is extensively covered in FRUS: United Nations, 1969–1972, 558–895, see esp., 838–58. Conversation 11-103, October 17, 1971, Conversation 11-105, October 17, 1971; for quote, “Kick the cannibals,” see also Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, October 30, 1971.

Nixon instructed: HK, WHY, 785–86; Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, October 26, 1971.

Yet it was not: Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, November 2, 1971; HK briefing of Newsweek group, Memcon, November 9, 1971, NSC, Box 1025; ANS, n.d, but clearly early November 1971, POF, Box 37.

In the fall of 1971: Events described in Bundy, 269–71.

Nixon and Kissinger initially: FRUS: South Asia, 1971, 13–16.

Nixon agreed that: HK, WHY, 850–58; FRUS: South Asia, 1971, 45–48, 65, 104, 113, 123–24; “WSAG Meeting,” May 26, 1971, NSC, WSAG, Box H-115.

At the end of May: FRUS: South Asia, 1971, 140, 149, 167.

In July: Ibid., 1971, 209–11.

Kissinger’s meetings: HK to RN, June 16, 1971, CF, Box 6; FRUS: South Asia, 1971, 182–84; A. Haig to RN, July 8, 1971, July 9, 1971, July 10, 1971; HK cable from New Delhi, n.d., but clearly July 1971, AHCHF, NSC, Box 983; see also HK and A. Hilaly, Memcon, July 24, 1971, NSC, Box 643.

Kissinger recalls returning: HK, WHY, 862–64.

Nixon described the Indians: “NSC Meeting,” July 16, 1971, NSC, Box H-110.

An Indo-Russian: HK, WHY, 866–69, 767; HK and W. Rogers, August 10, 1971, TC.

Former assistant secretary: Bundy, 273. For the argument that U.S. China policy was a cause of the Soviet treaty, see HK and L. Jha, Memcon, August 25, 1971, NSC, Box 643.

In the late summer: HK and L. Jha, Memcon, September 11, 1971, October 8, 1971, NSC, Box 643; RN and A. Gromyko, Memcon, September 29, 1971; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, October 9, 1971, NSC, Box 492.

To make the case: RN and I. Gandhi, Memcon, November 4, 1971, NSC, Box 643.

Nixon took her: Hersh, 456; HK, WHY, 848; FRUS: South Asia, 1971, 499–500; ANS, November 1971, POF, Box 37; RN and I. Gandhi, Memcon, November 4, 1971, November 5, 1971, NSC, Box 643.

More convinced than ever: FRUS: South Asia, 1971, 592–97, 608.

Nixon saw at least: Ibid., 611–14, 627–29; on the Security Council veto, see Bundy, 277.

The Soviet veto: FRUS: South Asia, 637–39, 641, 644–45, 648–49.

With India defeating: Ibid., 674–76, 683.

A CIA cable: Ibid., 686–87, 701–5.

On December 9: Ibid., 724–25; Isaacson, 376.

The same day: FRUS: South Asia, 721–24, 741, 745–46.

On the afternoon: ANS, December 7, 1971, December 9, 1971, POF, Box 37; “Talking Points,” December 8, 1971, HKOF, NSC, Box 134; Bundy, 277–78.

On the evening: FRUS: South Asia, 751–63.

On Sunday morning: Ibid., 779–83, 787; Brent Scowcroft told me Nixon was preoccuppied with doubts about his masculinity, interview with B. Scowcroft, January 5, 2007; RN and G. Pompidou, Memcon, December 13, 1971, POF, Box 87; in an interview on June 13, 2005, Kissinger told me that on becoming national security adviser, he had promised himself never to join in a decision for a nuclear war.

A message from: FRUS: South Asia, 787–89, 792.

To their surprise: Ibid., 783.

The crisis now: RN and HK, December 16, 1971, December 17, 1971; HK to Haldeman, December 16, 1971; HK and H. Hubbard, December 16, 1971, TCs; Bundy, 281–82.

William Bundy’s: Ibid., 284–92.

Casualties of: See Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, December 7–14, 1971, which provides a more complete description of HK’s erratic behavior than in the published Diaries, 380–84.

Two developments: The Kalbs, 261–62; HK and H. Hubbard, December 16, 1971, TC.

He suffered: Isaacson, 380; Bundy, 282.

A White House investigation: Isaacson, 380–85; Haldeman, Diaries, 385–86.

Nixon was angry: Conversation 641-10, December 23, 1971.

On December 24: “I am out of favor,” HK and H. Hubbard, December 16, 1971, TC; Ehrlichman, 278–79; “Beside myself,” quoted in Isaacson, 384; Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, December 22, 1971, December 23, 1971. The December 23, 1971, material about Scali is in the published Diaries, 387.

Kissinger seemed: HK and H. Hubbard, December 16, 1971, TC; Ehrlichman, 279–80; Isaacson, 391–96; see also Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, December 24, 1971.

As the year came: Haldeman, Diaries, 388.

Robert McNamara: HK and R. McNamara, December 22, 1971, TC. However stressed: RN and HK, January 3, 1972, January 4, 1972, TCs. When Kissinger spoke: HK, “Address to Washington Press Club,” January 26, 1972, PPF, Box 30.

As 1972 began: HK address, Memcon, January 5, 1972, NSC, Box 1026.

Yet Nixon understood: RN statement to Soviets, “handed by K to Vorontsov,” December 3, 1971, NSC, Box 492; PPP:RN, 1972, 2–5, 30, 101; ANS, January 7, 1972, POF, Box 37; see also RN’s remarks to Chancellor W. Brandt, Memcon, December 29, 1971, POF, Box 87. On the possible offensive, see RN and HK, January 11, 1972, February 5, 1972, TCs; Conversation 647-97, RN, M. Laird, and A. Haig, January 13, 1972; Conversation 652-17, RN and HK, January 20, 1972; Conversation 655-3, RN, HK, and Haldeman, January 25, 1972; Conversation 318-23, RN and HK, February 2, 1972; Haldeman, Diaries, 401–2; HK to RN, describing “situation in Vietnam,” “NSC meeting,” February 2, 1972, and “President’s Talking Points,” February 2, 1972, NSC, Box H-032.

When Rather asked: PPP:RN, 1972 6–8; Haldeman, Diaries, 391–93; see also the CD Rom version for January 1, 1972, which includes some of the quoted material not in the book.

Because Nixon refused: P. Odeen to HK, January 6, 1972, NSC. Box 320.

If he were going: Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom January 13, 1972, January 14, 1972, January 18, 1972; February 3, 1972, February 11, 1972. RN to W. Rogers and HK, January 18, 1972, PPF, Box 3.

In the meantime: Haldeman, Diaries, 400–1; and the CD Rom version for January 17, 1972; see also HK and J. Mitchell, January 8, 1972; HK and Y. Rabin; HK and Haldeman, January 10, 1972, TCs.

The greater political: RN and HK, January 11, 1972, two TCs. The speech was: PPP:RN, 1972, 100–6; RN to L. Brezhnev, January 25, 1972, NSC, Box 862.

Nixon had small: “Talking Points,” January 22, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 991. RN and HK, January 12, 1972, TC.

The White House hoped: Haldeman, Diaries, 401–3; Memcon, January 26, 1972, POF, Box 87.

Reverting to campaign: Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, January 27, 1972; RN to C. Colson and Haldeman, January 28, 1972; and RN to Haldeman and P. Buchanan, February 2, 1972, PPF, Box 3.

Kissinger believed: Haldeman, Diaries, 410; Conversation 670-13; RN to HK, February 14, 1972; HK, WHY, 1046.

Nixon prepared: “Advance Trip to China,” January 1972, NSC, Box 502; Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, January 17, 1972; RN and HK, February 4, 1972, February 5, 1972, TCs.

Before going: RN and A. Malraux, Memcon, February 14, 1972, POF, Box 87.

In contrast to: HK to RN, February 5, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 91; RN and HK, February 14, 1972, TC.

Although they were: Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, February 17, 1972; Haldeman, Diaries, 412–13, 420; HK, WHY, 1053–56.

A tone of: The Mao-RN meeting on February 21, 1972, is in Burr, 59–66. Also see HK, WHY, 1057–66; and RN, Memoirs, 560–64.

Meetings over the next: Burr, 62; HK, WHY, 1066–74; See the RN and Chou, Memcons, dated between February 21, 1972, and February 28, 1972, NSC, Box 848.

Because the conversations: HK, WHY, 1074–87, 1490–92.

With the conference: Haldeman, Diaries, 422; HK, WHY, 1086.

But Kissinger’s positive outlook: Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, February 28, 1972; RN to W. Rogers, M. Laird, and HK, n.d., but clearly February 29, 1972, or March 1, 1972, PPF, Box 3; “Meeting with Bipartisan Leadership,” February 29, 1972; “Meeting of the Cabinet,” February 29, 1972, POF, Box 88.


In the weeks after: C. Colson to RN, March 2, 1972, with H. K. Smith’s comments attached, PPF, Box 16.

Kissinger was also: “HK Briefing,” March 7, 1972, NSC, Box 1026.

Because it was: Haldeman, Diaries, 431; CD Rom, March 8, 1972, March 22, 1972; Haldeman for RN’s files, March 8, 1972, Haldeman Papers, Box 163; cartoon, Los Angeles Times, July 8, 1972; RN and A. Haig, March 27, 1972, TC, AHCHF, NSC, Box 999; RN to Haldeman, March 13, 1972, March 27, 1972, PPF, Box 3.

In March: Conversation 678-4, RN to HK, March 6, 1972; A. Haig to HK, March 10, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 992; RN to HK, March 11, 1972, PPF, Box 3; Conversation 685-2, RN and HK, March 14, 1972; ANS, March 21, 1972, POF, Box 39.

On March 30: “Current Facts Regarding the Situation in South Vietnam,” n.d., AHCHF, NSC, Box 992; HK, WHY, 1109; “GOP Leadership Meeting,” April 12, 1972, POF, Box 88.

With the press: ANS, April 3, 1972, April 4, 1972, POF, Box 40; Conversation 700-2, April 3, 1972; Conversation 701-14, April 4, 1972; HK to E. Bunker, April 4, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 999; Conversation 713-1, April 19, 1972; see also Haldeman, Diaries, 435.

The real issue: Conversation 685-2, March 14, 1972; A. Haig to HK, n.d., but clearly early April 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 992; RN, Memoirs, 587; HK, WHY, 1109.

It is understandable: See Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 528, on this point.

Nixon and Kissinger now: RN, Memoirs, 589.

Yet for all Nixon’s: RN and HK, April 3, 1972, TC; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, April 6, 1972, April 9, 1972, April 12, 1972, NSC, Box 493; HK to RN, April 14, 1972, CF, Box 9.

On April 15: RN, Memoirs, 590–91; HK, WHY, 1120.

On the evening of: HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, April 15, 1972, NSC, Box 493; convictions about success in the fighting and with the public are reflected in conversations between RN and HK on April 3, 1972, April 8, 1972, April 9, 1972, April 11, 1972, and April 17, 1972, TCs. Also in Conversation 713-1, April 19, 1972. RN, Memoirs, 590–91; HK, WHY, 1120–21.

Nixon now signed: See RN’s verbal instructions to HK on the eve of his departure for Moscow, Conversation 713-1, April 19, 1972.

A Nixon conversation: RN and G. Pompidou, Memcon, December 13, 1971, POF, Box 87.

Nixon thought Pompidou’s: RN to HK, April 20, 1972, NSC, Box 341.

On Henry’s arrival: HK and H. Sidey—HK described his arrival in Moscow and his quarters, April 25, 1972, TC; A. Haig to RN, April 20, 1972, AHCHF, NSC. Box 992.

Kissinger now found: RN and A. Haig, April 20, 1972, April 21, 1972, April 22, 1972, TCs, AHCHF, NSC, Box 999; Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, April 22, 1972.

On April 21: RN and A. Haig, April 21, 1972, TC, AHCHF, NSC, Box 999.

Plagued by poor: RN and A. Haig, April 22, 1972, ibid.; HK to A. Haig, April 22, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 21.

Kissinger was much: HK, WHY, 1155.

As Kissinger understood: RN and A. Haig, April 22, 1972, TC, AHCHF, NSC, Box 999; A. Haig to HK, April 22, 1972, two cables, HKOF, NSC, Box 21.

Convinced that the wisest: The cables are HK to A. Haig, 012 and 014, April 22, 1972, NSC, Box 21; on “idiocies,” see Isaacson, 412.

Because Nixon was: RN to HK, April 23, 1972; A. Haig to HK, and HK to A. Haig, April 24, 1972, NSC, Box 21; RN and Haig, April 23, 1972, TC, AHCHF, NSC, Box 999; Haldeman, Diaries, 445–46.

Kissinger objected: HK to A. Haig, April 24, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 21.

When Henry arrived: Haldeman, Diaries, 446–47.

But their differences: A. Haig to HK, April 23, 1972; HK to RN, April 24, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 21; HK and Y. Vorontsov, April 25, 1972, for RN’s message to L. Brezhnev, TC; L. Brezhnev to RN, May 1, 1972, NSC, Box 494.

On April 26: PPP:RN, 1972, 550–54; Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, April 25, 1972; Haldeman, Diaries, 443, 448; RN to Haldeman, April 29, 30, 1972, PPF, Box 3; RN and HK, April 29, 1972, TC.

In late April: RN and HK, April 29, 1972, TC; HK, WHY, 1168–69.

The run-up to: “Statement by the Government of the United States,” April 27, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 992; HK to RN, n.d., reporting on the April 27 meeting; HK to RN, “Le Duc Tho April 30 Arrival Statement,” NSC, Box 191.

Although Nixon reluctantly: RN to HK, April 30, 1972, PPF, Box 3; RN and HK, May 1, 1972, TC.

Nixon wanted: RN and A. Haig, May 1, 1972, TC, AHCHF, NSC, Box 999.

With the South Vietnamese: Conversation 716-4, May 1, 1972; A. Haig to HK, May 1, 1972, NSC, Box 993.

Mindful of: Haldeman, Diaries, 450. RN and HK, May 1, 1972, TC. It was an unrealistic: HK to RN, May 2, 1972, NSC, Box 862.

Nixon and Kissinger: HK to RN, May 2, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 74; Haig to HK, May 2, 1972, ibid., Box 22.

When Henry arrived: Haldeman, Diaries, 451–55; RN and HK, May 2, 1972, May 3, 1972, TCs; A. Haig to HK, May 4, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 993; Isaacson, 417–19.

In an Oval Office: L. Brezhnev to RN, May 6, 1972, NSC, Box 494.

Nixon used his: PPP:RN, 1972, 583–87; see also pre-speech RN and HK conversations, May 8, 1972, two TCs.

Like Nixon and Kissinger: RN to HK, May 9, 1972, PPF, Box 4; HK and A. Dobrynin, May 9, 1972, TC.

On May 11: HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, May 11, 1972, NSC, Box 494; HK and A. Dobrynin, May 12, 1972, TC; Bundy, 319; Isaacson, 421–23; Haldeman, Diaries, 459; RN, Memoirs, 607.

Moscow’s decision: RN to Haldeman, May 13, 1972, May 15, 1972; RN to Colson, May 15, 1972, PPF, Box 4.

The administration’s attacks: RN and A. Haig, May 16, 1972, May 17, 1972, TCs, AHCHF, NSC, Box 999; RN to A. Haig, May 18, 1972, PPF, Box 4.

As he was about to: RN to HK and A. Haig, May 20, 1972, ibid. Two days before: HK to RN, May 18, 1972, NSC, Box 494; Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, May 20, 1972.

The bigger challenge: HK to RN, n.d., but clearly May 1972, NSC, Box 474.

The day before: RN and congressional leaders, Memcon, May 19, 1972, POF, Box 88.

As he traveled: HK, WHY, 1202–4.

The domestic political: RN to HK and A. Haig, May 20, 1972, PPF, Box 4; Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version May 20, 1972.

The president’s arrival: HK, WHY, 1206–7.

As in China: Quoted in Isaacson, 425–26.

Kissinger need not: RN and L. Brezhnev, Memcon, May 22, 1972, NSC, Box 487; Haldeman, Diaries, 462.

Three meetings: “First Plenary Session,” Memcon, May 23, 1972, NSC, Box 487.

At the two additional: Memcon, May 23, 1972, ibid. The first day’s: Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version May 23, 1972, May 24, 1972; also the published Haldeman, Diaries, 462–63; A. Haig to HK, May 24, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 993; on Rogers, see not only the Haldeman diary entries, but also the Memcons, May 24, 1972, NSC, Box 487.

The two-hour: Memcon, May 24, 1972, ibid; for RN’s concern about Soviet interest in weakening or dismantling NATO, see Conversation 595-7, RN and R. Ellsworth, October 18, 1971.

A three-hour: Haldeman, Diaries, 463; HK, WHY, 1222–25; Isaacson, 426.

When shortly: Memcons, April 24, 1972, 7:50–11:00 p.m.; May 29, 1972, NSC, Box 487.

Although one Soviet: Haldeman, Diaries, 464; HK, WHY, 1227–29; Memcon, May 29, 1972, ibid.

Although the Summit: Memcon, May 25, 1972, May 26, 1972, NSC, Box 487.

On the evening: RN and L. Brezhnev, Memcon, May 26, 1972, ibid. At eleven: Haldeman, Diaries, 464–45; see also CD Rom version, May 26, 1972, which has a little more detail; HK, WHY, 1242–44.

The SALT agreement: Isaacson, 429–38, provides a balanced analysis of Kissinger’s role in the negotiations.

The rest of: Memcons, May 29, 1972, NSC, Box 487.

Nixon’s public: PPP:RN, 1972, 633–42.

Characteristically, Nixon: Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version, May 28, 1972, May 29, 1972.

In the midst: PPP:RN, 1972, 660–66.

Despite the hyperbole: Gallup, 1935–1997, CD Rom edition—polls for January 31, 1972, February 17, 1972, March 9, 1972, June 4, 1972, June 11, 1972; “Ceased being,” quoted in Isaacson, 437; Marvin Kalb made the same point about HK’s celebrity on CBS television, HK and M. Kalb, June 24, 1972, TC.

But Nixon being: HK and K. Clawson, June 2, 1972, TC.

Having begun: HK and K. Clawson, July 3, 1972, TC.

No one could: HK and R. Evans, July 21, 1972, July 24, 1972; HK and P. Lisagor; HK and H. Sidey, July 27, 1972, TCs.

Behind the scenes: RN and HK, June 24, 29, July 7, 1972; HK and A. Dobrynin, June 30, 1972, TCs.

In June: “South Vietnam may lose,” quoted in Solomon, “From Watergate to Downing Street—Lying for War,” June 10, 2005, History News Network, HNN; quotes are from RN and HK, June 24, 1972, June 29, 1972, July 7, 1972, TCs.

Hanoi acknowledged: For Hanoi’s acknowledgment, see Gallup, 1935–1997, CD Rom edition, June 5, 1972. HK’s memo quoted in HK, WHY, 1301–2. For the rest, see J. D. Negroponte to HK, June 6, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 74; A. Haig to HK, June 13, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 993; L. Brezhnev to RN, June 21, 1972, NSC, Box 494; see also Bundy, 351–53; Berman, 135.

During June: ANS, n.d., but clearly shortly before June 19, 1972, POF, Box 40; ANS, June 26, 1972, POF, Box 41.

Reports from: ANS, July 1, 1972, July 19, 1972, July 25, 1972, POF, Box 41.

In fact, in June: RN and HK, June 2, 1972, TC; also HK and G. Smith, June 2, 1972, ibid.

On July 12: A. Haig to HK, June 8, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 993; ANS, July 19, 1972, POF, Box 41; Gallup, 1935–1997, CD Rom Version, August 18, 1972.

In general, foreign: RN and HK, June 3, 1972, TC. The improved relations: HK, WHY, 1304; HK to E. Bunker, June 24, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 107; HK to RN, June 27, 1972, NSC, Box 85. RN and HK, June 29, 1972, TC.

Kissinger emphasized: HK to Chou, Memcon, June 20, 1972, in NSA online documents.

Détente with: Brezhnev to RN, June 21, 1972; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, June 26, 1972, NSC, Box 494.

In July: HK to RN, July 12, 1972; RN to Brezhnev, July 18, 1972; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, July 20, 1972; L. Brezhnev to RN, July 20, 1972, NSC, Box 494; ANS, July n.d. but after July 18, 1972, POF, Box 41; HK, WHY, 1297.

For Nixon and Kissinger: PPP:RN, 1972, 705–11, 714, 716; RN and HK, June 14, 1972, TC; HK to RN, July 14, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 994—all reflect RN’s positive assessment of military developments; see also Isaacson, 440–41, for a persuasive description of RN’s strategy; ANS, July 21, 1972, POF, Box 41; HK to E. Bunker, June 24, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 107.

By contrast with: HK and J. Alsop, June 2, 1972, TC; Isaacson, 440.

Kissinger also believed: HK and J. Mitchell, June 4, 1972, TC; HK to A. Haig, July 15, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 23; HK, WHY, 1306.

Kissinger took additional: HK to RN, July 20, 1972, NSC, Box 1040; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, July 20, 1972, NSC, Box 494; Berman, 137–38; RN and HK, July 29, 1972, TC.

Nixon found himself: See trial heats for May 1972, June 1972, and July 1972 in Gallup, 1935–1997, CD Rom edition.

By any rational: “Assault Book,” June 8, 1972, Off. Files, Box 201; RN and HK, June 24, 1972, TC; A. Haig to Haldeman, July 6, 1972, Off. Files, Box 106, Haldeman Papers. Ehrlichman, 299.

Rational assessments: RN, Memoirs, 637. Haldeman, Diaries, 480.

By 1972: For RN’s instructions on A. Dobrynin, see Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 552–53; on Rabin, K. Clawson to Haldeman, June 14, 1972, NSC, Box 609. H. Saunders to HK, July 29, 1972, NSC. Box 658.


In August 1972: Conversation 697-2, March 30, 1972; Haldeman, Diaries, CD Rom version August 17, 1972; PPP:RN, 1972, 795.

Because Nixon actually: Conversation 697-2, March 30, 1972; 329–32, April 13, 1972; RN to Haldeman, August 9, 1972, PPF, Box 9.

Where trolling for: H. Saunders to HK, August 8, 1972, NSC, Box 609; L. Brezhnev to RN, August 8, 1972, NSC, Box 495; ANS, August 1, 1972, POF, Box 41; A. Haig to HK, August 18, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 995; HK and Garment, September 6, 1972, TC.

No foreign policy: Conversation 717-19, May 2, 1972; RN, Memoirs, 700–1; HK, WHY, 1308.

Because Nixon believed: HK to RN, August 3, 1972, NSC, Box 862; ANS, August 3, 1972, POF, Box 42.

At the August 14: A. Haig to RN, August 14, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 995; HK to RN, August 19, 1972, NSC, Box 862; HK, WHY, 1319.

Despite Henry’s optimism: A. Haig to RN, August 14, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 995; Haldeman, CD Rom Diaries, August 17, 1972.

Nixon saw the Paris: RN and A. Haig, August 16, 1972, TC, AHCHF, NSC, Box 998; A. Haig to HK, August 19, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 22.

In his opposition: Isaacson, 443–44; HK, WHY, 1319–27.

Kissinger remembered: Ibid., 1326. RN’s letter is quoted in Hung and Schecter, 68.

Despite his determination: Polls of August 20, 1972; September 3, 1972; Gallup, 1935–1997, CD Rom edition.

To woo voters: PPP:RN, 1972, 829–32.

During the first week: “NSC Meeting Minutes,” September 6, 1972, NSC, POF, Box 89; ANS, September 8, 1972, POF, Box 43.

If the White House: PPP:RN, 1972, 828–29; Dean, 129.

In the first half of September: Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 606–12, 621–23; Reeves, 517–18, 526–27; Polls of August 6, 1972; October 8, 1972, Gallup, 1935–1997, CD Rom edition, Because he knew: RN, Memoirs, 686.

Clearly, he had: HK and J. Chancellor, August 21, 1972; HK and J. Alsop, October 2, 1972, TCs; Poll, December 28, 1972, Gallup, 1935–1997, CD Rom edition.

With Watergate: HK to A. Haig for RN, September 13, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 24.

Haig informed: A. Haig to HK, September 14, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 996.

Kissinger saw the September: HK to RN, September 19, 1972, NSC, Box 862; Haldeman, Diaries, 504–5.

News accounts: Dan Rather, “First Line Report,” September 15, 1972; two reports of D. R. Young to Haldeman, September 16, 1972, September 18, 1972, Off. Files, Box 191, Haldeman Papers; ANS, September 18, 1972, September 21, 1972, POF, Box 43; Haldeman, Diaries, 504.

At a September 20: “President’s Talking Points,” September 20, 1972, NSC, Box H-032.

Kissinger’s return to Paris: A. Haig to RN, September 27, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 23; HK, WHY, 1335–38.

Kissinger understood: Ibid., 1338; Haldeman, Diaries, 510; HK and H. Sidey and HK and Haldeman, September 22, 1972, TCs. Nixon wanted Thieu: Conversation 788-18, both September 29, 1972; HK, WHY, 1338–39; Hung and Schecter, 71–72; best account of Haig discussions in Saigon between October 2, 1972, and October 4, 1972, is in Berman, 149–53.

Nixon and Kissinger were: Conversation 788-1, September 29, 1972.

Nixon offered Thieu: Berman, 152–53; Hung and Schecter, 376.

Kissinger remained at odds: Haldeman, Diaries, 512–13.

When Kissinger resumed: “I had Haig,” quoted in Isaacson, 447; HK to RN, October 9, 1972, NSC, Box 862.

Kissinger’s distrust: Material on A. Haig is drawn from Isaacson, 385–90; Lynn quote is on 389.

Nixon agreed that: Haldeman, CD Rom Diaries, October 9, 1972.

In response to: HK to RN, October 10, 1972, NSC, Box 862.

Nixon did not: HK, WHY, 1352.

Kissinger believed that: HK, WHY, 1345–46. Interview with HK, June 13, 2005.

Henry and Haig: Haldeman, Diaries, 515–16.

Despite an outward: Ibid., 516–17.

Nixon and Haig: Ibid., 519–22.

After Kissinger returned: HK to RN, October 17, 1972; A. Haig to HK, October 17, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 25.

On October 19: RN to HK, October 19, 1972, ibid., Box 104; ANS, October 20, 1972, POF, Box 44.

Kissinger ran into: Berman, 161–63; A. Haig to RN, October 19, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 996.

In fact, Thieu: Berman, 163–66; Isaacson, 453; HK, WHY, 1320; A. Haig to RN, October 20, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 996.

Seizing on Thieu’s: Haig to RN, ibid., Haig to HK, Oct. 20, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 25.

Nixon wanted Kissinger: A. Haig to HK, October 21, 1972, ibid.; see also RN and A. Haig, October 21, 1972, two TCs, AHCHF, NSC, Box 998.

Because Nixon feared: Haldeman, CD Rom Diaries, October 22, 1972; RN to A. Haig, October 21, 1972, ibid.; A. Haig to HK, October 22, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 25.

Nixon’s inattentiveness: Cable quoted in Reeves, 537–38. HK and N. Rockefeller, October 25, 1972; HK and D. Kraslow, October 25, 1972; HK and W. Buckley, October 25, 1972; HK and W. Rogers, October 26, 1972, TCs.

Thieu’s resistance: Quoted in Isaacson, 456; see also the sanitized version of the meeting E. Bunker sent to the White House: Haig to RN, October 23, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 996.

Kissinger also: Quoted in Isaacson, 458.

The object now: Quoted in Reeves, 538.

As he headed home: A. Haig to HK, October 23, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 996; ANS, October 23, 1972, POF, Box 45.

Within hours: HK and M. Kalb, Oct. 23, 1972; HK and B. Toth, October 23, 1972; HK and J. Kraft Oct. 24, 1972; HK and R. Ziegler, October 24, 1972; RN and HK; HK and D. Kraslow; HK and W. Buckley, October 25, 1972, TCs.

Kissinger gave an: Isaacson, 458.

On October 24 and 25: Berman, 171–75; Isaacson, 458–60; RN and HK; HK and C. Colson; HK and Scali, all October 26, 1972; RN and HK, October 27, 1972, TCs; Haldeman, Diaries, 524.

While Nixon didn’t: Isaacson, 459.

Yet not everyone: Reeves, 540.

Haldeman recorded: Haldeman, Diaries, 525.

To keep Saigon: Berman, 174–75.

Hanoi was more: Haldeman, Diaries, 527–28; A. Haig to HK, November 4, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 25.

Because they had: HK and C. Colson; RN and HK; HK and R. Valeriani, November 1, 1972; HK and W. Rogers, November 4, 1972; RN and HK, November 6, 1972, TCs; PPP:RN, 1972, 1138–39.

On November 3: HK and Foreign Correspondents, Memcon, November 4, 1972, NSC, Box 379.

On November 7: HK to RN, November 7, 1972, PPF, Box 10.

The note was: Isaacson, 494, 600–1.

Yet Kissinger also: HK, YOU, 121; see also Isaacson, 600.

Henry complained: Reeves, 501–7, 519, 531–32, 539; Memcon: HK and Foreign Correspondents Meeting, November 4, 1972, NSC, Box 379; Isaacson, 502–3.

On November 7: Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 651–52; Reeves, 541–42; ANS, November 8, 1972, POF, Box 46.

After all his years: Haldeman, Diaries, 530–33. “Make sure,” quoted in Reeves, 542.

Specifically, he gave: Haldeman, CD Rom Diaries, November 14, 1972; Reeves, 546–47.

The restaffing: HK and K. Graham, December 16, 1972, TC. In the weeks: HK to A. Haig, November 10, 1972; HK to E. Bunker, November 13, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 996; Berman, 181–82.

Nixon’s letter: RN to Thieu, November 9, 1972, NSC, Box 862.

Thieu was unyielding: Berman, 185–86. RN to Thieu, November 14, 1972, NSC, Box 862.

Kissinger’s return: First two quotes are in Berman, 188–91, for the rest, see HK and Pham Dang Lam, Memcon, November 20, 1972, NSC, Box 858; Colonel R. Kennedy to Haldeman, November 21, 1972; HK to RN, November 23, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 26.

With Hanoi proving: HK and D. L. Lam, Memcons, November 22, 1972, November 23, 1972, NSC, Box 858.

On November 24: Colonel R. Kennedy to A. Haig, from RN to HK, November 24, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 26; Berman, 193–94, for the quotes. Nixon repeated: RN to HK, November 24, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 26; HK and N. P. Duc and D. L. Lam, Memcon, November 25, 1972, NSC, Box 858.

The North: Colonel R. Kennedy to A. Haig, from RN to HK, November 24, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 26.

The deadlock: Isaacson, 474–75; Haldeman, Diaries, 540–41, 544.

Nixon, in fact: Haldeman, CD Rom Diaries, November 29, 1972.

As much as anything: ANS, October 24, 1972, POF, Box 45; Isaacson, 479–80; Haldeman, Diaries, 540–41; HK, WHY, 1409; HK and J. Schecter, December 1, 1972, TC.

In November: Isaacson, 476–78; Richard Solomon interview, May 5, 2006; HK and J. Schecter, December 1, 1972, December 14, 1972, TCs. Nixon didn’t mind: Haldeman, CD Rom Diaries, November 18, 1972, November 19, 1972, November 20, 1972.

Kissinger’s return from: Haldeman, Diaries, 543–44; HK, WHY, 1320; RN and HK, November 27, 1972; for HK’s hopes, HK and M. Laird; HK and M. Berger, November 27, 1972; HK and R. Ziegler; HK and Haldeman, November 28, 1972, TCs.

Nixon was more realistic: HK to E. Bunker, November 29, 1972, describing the November 29 meeting, AHCHF, NSC, Box 997; best account of the November 29 exchanges is in Berman, 197–202.

Nixon saw the meeting: Haldeman, Diaries, 546; Berman, 204–5. RN and HK, December 1, 1972, TC.

In response: HK to RN, November 30, 1972, NSC, Box 862; HK to E. Bunker, November 30, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 997. RN and Joint Chiefs, Memcon, November 30, 1972, ibid., Box 998.

If he had read: Polls of September 3, 1972, and November 26, 1972; Gallup, 1935–1997, CD Rom edition; RN and HK, December 1, 1972, TC; Haldeman, CD Rom Diaries, December 6, 1972.

As Kissinger prepared: RN and HK, December 1, 1972, TC. Kissinger arrived in Paris: Haldeman, CD Rom Diaries, December 2, 1972, December 5, December 6, 1972, which give additional detail to what is in Haldeman, Diaries, 547–50; Colonel R. Kennedy to A. Haig (RN to HK), December 4, 1972, December 5, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 27.

Nixon resisted: RN and Colonel R. Kennedy, December 6, 1972, TC, AHCHF, NSC, Box 998; Haldeman, CD Rom Diaries, December 7, 1972.

Yet Nixon believed: Haldeman, CD Rom Diaries, December 10, 1972; RN and A. Haig, December 10, 1972, TC, AHCHF, NSC, Box 998; HK to VP, December 11, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 27; Haldeman, Diaries, 553.

Before Agnew: A. Haig to HK, December 12, 1972; A. Haig to RN, December 13, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 27; RN and A. Haig, December 12, 1972, TC, AHCHF, NSC, Box 998; Berman, 212–13.

The collapse: Quoted in Isaacson, 466.

Nixon and his two aides: Ibid.; Haldeman, CD Rom Diaries, December 8, 1972, December 13, 1972; on RN’s bombing plans see also, A. Haig to HK, December 13, 1972, AHCHF, NSC, Box 997; on HK’s rationality and need for rest, RN and A. Haig, December 13, 1972, TC, ibid., Box 998.

Kissinger was frustrated: Isaacson, 467; HK and M. Berger, December 14, 1972; RN and HK, December 17, 1972, December 19, 1972, TCs. Nixon’s concerns: Haldeman, Diaries, 555; see Haldeman, CD Rom version, December 14, 1972, for more detail; see also the December 19, 1972 entry.

Nixon’s objective: RN to HK, December 15, 1972, December 16, 1972, PPF, Box 4.

The news conference: RN and HK, December 17, 1972, TC; RN and A. Haig, December 13, 1972, TCs, AHCHF, NSC, Box 998; Berman, 215–20, for additional quotes.

By contrast: ANS, December 15, 1972, POF, Box 46; E. Bunker, A. Haig and Thieu, Memcon, December 19, 1972, NSC, Box 860.

Thieu signaled: December 20, 1972, Memcon, with N. Thieu to RN attached, ibid.

Kissinger advised Nixon: HKto RN, December 20, 1972, NSC, Box 862; Haldeman, CD Rom Diaries, December 20, 1972; Alexander Haig interview, September 29, 2006.


At the start: Haldeman, Diaries, 561–62.

In January: Gallup, 1935–1997, CD Rom edition, January 26, 1973. Berman, 221.

When Kissinger met: RN, Memoirs, 743.

Nixon’s prediction: HK to RN, January 8, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 28; “It was not,” quoted in Isaacson, 480; HK and Tho, Memcon, January 8, 1973, NSC, Box 860.

Thieu’s government: RN to Thieu, January 5, 1973, NSC, Box 766; HK and Do, D. Diem, Phuong, Memcon, January 5, 1973, NSC, Box 862.

Nixon was especially: HK to E. Bunker, January 12, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 28; RN to N. Thieu, January 14, 1973, NSC, Box 860.

Although Thieu finally: Berman, 227, 233; HK and K. Hart, January 19, 1973, TC; N. Thieu to RN, January 20, 1972, NSC, Box 860; Thieu to RN, January 21, 1973, NSC, Box 1020.

To give the appearance: RN and HK, January 20, 1972, TC. Although he said nothing: RN and HK, January 18, 1973, TC; Berman, 228–331.

In a speech: PPP:RN, 1973, 18–20; “HK Press Briefing,” January 24, 1973, Handwriting, POF, Box 20.

Nixon and Kissinger ignored: HK and D. Marron, January 24, 1973; HK and R. Evans, January 24, 1973; HK and M. Kalb, January 25, 1973, TCs; Ehrlichman, 316.

The ink was: W. Sullivan to HK, January 24, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 125; U.S. embassy Saigon to secretary of state, January 25, 1973, NSC, Box 192; ANS, January 30, 1973, POF, Box 46; “HK News Conference,” Memcon, January 31, 1973, NSC, Box 1026.

Relief in America: ANS, January 27, 1973, Handwriting, POF, Box 20; Haldeman, Diaries, 565, 568–69; RN and HK, January 18, 1973, TC; “Action Memo,” January 19, 1973, Staff and Off. Files, Box 112, Haldeman Papers.

Although Kissinger told: RN and HK, January 18, 1973; HK and B. Walters, January 31, 1973; HK conversations with M. Kalb, January 23, 1973; J. Alsop, January 24, 1973; B. Gwertzman and M. Wallace, January 25, 1973; HK and W. Porter, January 31, 1973, TCs. B. Kehrli to Haldeman, January 30, 1973, Staff and Off. Files, Box 108, Haldeman Papers.

Kissinger’s celebrity: ANS, February 2, 1973, POF, Box 46; Haldeman, Diaries, 573–74.

A James Reston: Ibid., 562; Reston, “Nixon and Kissinger,” New York Times, December 31, 1972.

In January: Haldeman, Diaries, 563. The Goldwater-Buckley conversation was related to me by Professor J. Hart of Dartmouth College, a Buckley colleague at the National Review.

Nixon wanted: Haldeman, Diaries, 565, 567. Notes, January 1973, Box 47, Haldeman Papers; Dallek, Flawed Giant, 618–19.

An alternative proposal: RN to Haldeman, March 12, 1973, PPF, Box 4.

Because he believed: ANS, February 2, 1973, POF, Box 46.

Nixon instructed: Haldeman to C. Colson, January 22, 1973, Staff and Off. Files, Box 179, Haldeman Papers; RN to Haldeman, January 25, 1973, PPF, Box 4.

The counterpoint Nixon: “RN and Bipartisan Leadership,” Memcon, January 5, 1973, POF, Box 90; ANS, February 3, 1973, POF, Box 47.

In reality: Buchanan, 122.

Nixon’s reluctance: HK to RN, January 20, 1972; RN to secretary of state, January 26, 1972, HKOF, NSC, Box 134; HK to RN, February 11, 1972, NSC, Box 658; RN to HK, March 23, 1972, PPF, Box 3.

Sadat’s expulsion: H. Saunders to HK, November 9, 1972, with HK to RN attached, NSC, Box 610; Haldeman, CD Rom Diaries, November 17, 1972.

Nixon shared Henry’s: HK to L. Brezhnev, December 18, 1972, NSC, Box 495; RN and Y. Rabin, Memcon, January 25, 1973, POF, Box 90.

Nixon and Kissinger agreed: H. Saunders to HK, February 21, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 130; HK to RN, February 28, 1973, NSC, Box 922.

Kissinger also suggested: HK, YOU, 211.

In their meeting: RN and HK and G. Meir and Y. Rabin, Memcon, March 1, 1973, NSC, Box 1026; HK and W. Rogers and M. Laird, Memcon, March 2, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 8; HK, YOU, 220–22.

The meeting pleased: Ibid., 221; “A war?” quoted in Ambrose, Nixon: Triumph of a Politician, 167.

The Middle East: January 27, 1973, Gallup, 1937–1997, CD Rom edition; ANS, February 2, 1973, POF, Box 46.

The polling data: For the Admiral E. Zumwalt and consulate general comments and the offensive against Tay Ninh, see Berman, 261, 251–52, 241–42; Bundy, 367.

Nixon and Kissinger worried: RN and HK, February 5, 1973; HK and Admiral T. Moorer, February 6, 1973, TCs.

Cambodia and Laos: HK and W. Rogers, February 20, 1973, TC; Bundy, 366, 374–75; HK and Admiral T. Moorer, February 20, 1973, TC; HK, YOU, 35–36.

Kissinger set out: HK itinerary, February 7–19, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 29; HK to RN, February 27, 1973, PPF, Box 6; HK, YOU, 9–23.

Kissinger’s three days: HK to RN, February 27, 1973, PPF, Box 6; HK, YOU, 23–28; B. Scowcroft to RN, February 11, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 29.

The conversations: B. Scowcroft to RN, February 14, 1973, ibid.; HK to RN, February 27, 1973, PPF, Box 6; HK, YOU, 34–37.

The final joint: HK to B. Scowcroft, February 13, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 29; HK to secretary of defense and D.C.I., February 24, 1973, Box 8; HK to Le Duc Tho, February 20, 1973, Box 125.

Nixon also did: ANS, February 26, 1973, POF, Box 48.

A UPI: Ibid., February 21, 1973, POF, Box 47.

Nixon’s image-making: R. Ziegler to RN, March 6, 1973, POF, Box 91.

In January 1973: PPP:RN, 1973, 57–58; Bundy, 415–16; RN to General A. Goodpaster, Memcon, February 15, 1973; also RN to C. Soames, Memcon, February 16, 1973, POF, Box 91; RN and E. Richardson, Memcon, and Joint Chiefs of Staff, February 15, 1973, NSC, Box 1026.

During his visit: HK, Mao, and Chou, Memcon, February 17, 1973; HK to RN, February 24, 1973, March 2, 1973, PPF, Box 6.

In March: RN to HK, March 10, 1973; RN to Haldeman, March 4, 1973, PPF, Box 4; Haldeman, Diaries, 587.

Kissinger’s China visit: HK, Mao, and Chou, Memcon, February 17, 1973; HK to RN, February 24, 1973, March 2, 1973, PPF, Box 6.

Kissinger’s enthusiasm: ANS, February 23, 1973, POF, Box 49.

However much: Le Duc Tho to HK, March 1, 1973, March 2, 1973; B. Scowcroft to Tho, March 6, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 125; HK to RN, March 8, 1973, NSC, Box 495.

South Vietnam’s actions: HK and T. Phuong, Memcon, March 6, 1973, NSC, Box 943.

Yet however much: HK and Bundy, March 2, 1973, TC; RN and Senators, Memcon, March 8, 1973; “Cabinet Meeting,” March 9, 1973, POF, Box 91.

Kissinger reported to: HK to RN, March 9, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 125; Los Angeles Times clipping, April 4, 1973, in Off. Files, Box 110, Haldeman Papers.

By the middle of March: HK to E. Bunker, March 15, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 126; HK and E. Richardson, Memcon, March 16, 1973; “Cabinet Meeting,” Memcon, March 18, 1973, NSC, Box 1026; Berman, 254–58.

The press began: ANS, March 14, 1973, POF, Box 49.

Despite growing doubts: ANS, March 5, 1973, POF, Box 49.

The White House: HK to RN, March 30, 1973, NSC, Box 113; RN and HK, March 28, 1973, TC.

To maintain the fiction: RN, HK, and N. Thieu, Memcon, April 2, 1973, April 3, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 126; HK, YOU, 309–15; Berman, 256–57; also the memo of a conversation N. Sheehan had with J. Negroponte, December 11, 1983, in Neil Sheehan Papers, LC. L. Berman gave me the memo.

Thieu’s visit: Bundy, 383–84.

Despite Thieu’s assertions: HK to Haig, April 9, 1973; HK, “Meeting with General Haig,” April 14, 1973, AH Subject File, NSC, Box 1020; A. Haig to HK, April 11, 1973, Box 1021.

By the middle of April: A. Dobrynin note handed to HK for RN, April 10, 1973; Memcon, HK to A. Dobrynin, April 10, 1973, NSC, Box 496; see also W. Sullivan to HK, April 15, 1973; DRV message, April 20, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 126; for HK’s verbal sallies against the North Vietnamese, see HK and O. Passman, April 13, 1973; and HK and E. Richardson, April 14, 1973, TCs.

Kissinger’s threat: Quoted in Berman, 258–59.

Watergate was more: RN, Memoirs, 815.

Renewed bombing: RN and HK, April 21, 1973, TC. But it wasn’t: Gallup, 1935–1977, CD Rom edition, January 26, 1973, March 11, 1973, July 1–20, 1973.

“By the end of April 1973”: HK, YOU, 324, 326–27; ANS, March 26, 1973, POF, Box 50.

During the last days: HK and Garment, April 21, 1973, April 22, 1973, TCs; HK, YOU, 102–4.

Kissinger later claimed: RN made only one other reference to the Year of Europe after his January news conference: PPP:RN, 1973, 103–4; HK, YOU, 100, 103; the Kalbs, 426–27; Haldeman, Diaries, 588–89; HK and A. Haig, May 1, 1973, TC; HK and A. Hestenes, Memcon, April 7, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 15.

Because Henry understood: The Kalbs, 427–28.

The response to the speech: Ibid., 428–29; HK, YOU, 101–2.

Although, as he later acknowledged: Ibid., 79–80.

The negative response: HK and J. Alsop, April 24, 1973; HK and P. Geyelin, April 25, 1973, TCs.

With talk of: HK to RN, May 11, 1973, PPF, Box 14; RN and HK et al., Memcon, May 25, 1973, NSC, Box 1027; RN and G. Pompidou, Memcon, May 31, 1973, POF, Box 91.

Kissinger saw the domestic: HK, YOU, 122–24.

The Soviet Summit: RN to L. Brezhnev, February 2, 1973, NSC, Box 495; L. Brezhnev to RN, February 22, 1973, NSC, Box 72.

Nixon and Kissinger saw: RN to cabinet, March 18, 1973, NSC, Box 1026; see also HK to RN, HK’s meetings of March 6, 1973, and March 8, 1973, with A. Dobrynin; HK to RN, March 7, 1973; RN meeting with A. Dobrynin, March 8, 1973, NSC, Box 495.

Democratic Senate: W. Timmons to RN, April 19, 1973, CF, Box 9; RN quoted in Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 172.

Nixon hoped: “Meeting with Senators,” March 8, 1973, POF, Box 91.

At the beginning of May: PPP:RN, 1973, 349, 352, 368–76.

Billy Graham: L. M. Higby to RN, May 2, 1973, POF, Box 22.

Harris relayed: W. R. Howard to RN, May 15, 1973, POF, Box 22—RN’s comment is handwritten on the memo.

And in the spring: RN to L. Brezhnev, May 1, 1973, NSC, Box 68; HK and J. Reston, May 3, 1973, TC.

Kissinger’s trip: HK to B. Scowcroft, May 8, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 32; HK to RN, May 11, 1973, PPF, Box 14; HK and J. Oakes, May 11, 1973, TC.

The rosy picture: HK and RN, May 11, 1973, TC; HK to B. Scowcroft, two cables of May 5, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Boxes 32 and 33; B. Scowcroft to HK, May 8, 1973; B. Scowcroft to RN, May 9, 1973, Box 32; Isaacson, 495–97.

Brezhnev remained: L. Brezhnev to RN, May 13, 1973, NSC, Box 72; RN to L. Brezhnev, May 16, 1973, PPF, Box 6.

If foreign policy: HK and E. Severeid, April 26, 1973; HK and J. Reston, May 3, 1973, TCs.

As Kissinger was preparing: Isaacson, 497–98. HK and J. Kraft, May 12, 1973, TC.

When officials: HK and J. Kraft, May 12, 1973, May 15, 1973; HK and F. Boyd, May 14, 1973; HK and P. Lisagor, May 14, 1973; HK and J. Reston, May 15, 1973; HK and S. Hersh, May 15, 1973, TCs; Isaacson, 498–500.

As Kissinger was about: RN and HK, May 15, 1973; HK and J. Anderson, June 1, 1973, TCs; see Isaacson, 500–2, for the material on HK’s celebrity and party.

The negotiations in Paris: Memo, May 6, 1973; C. Whitehouse to HK, May 12, 1973; HK to C. Whitehouse, May 12, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 126; HK to C. Whitehouse, May 17, 1973, Box 35.

At the opening meeting: “Opening Statement,” May 17, 1973, NSC, Box 114; HK to RN, May 17, 1973, May 18, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 35.

By the next day: HK to RN, May 18, 1973, ibid.

As Kissinger would acknowledge: HK to RN, May 24, 1973, NSC, Box 114; HK, YOU, 327–30.

Wishful thinking: HK to RN, May 24, 1973, NSC, Box 114; RN, HK, and cabinet, Memcon, May 25, 1973, NSC, Box 1027.

Increasingly, the administration’s: RN and HK, June 1, 1973, TC. The return of: Memo for RN’s File, May 24, 1973, POF, Box 91.


By the beginning of June: RN, Memoirs, 873–74; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 161, 163; HK and R. Evans, June 4, 1973; HK and S. Alsop, June 2, 1973, TCs.

Despite his distress: RN and HK, June 10, 1973, TC.

Kissinger’s hyperbole: Coolidge quote was posted on History News Network, March 6, 2005.

They remained hopeful: HK and Lord Cromer, June 2, 1973, TC. Within hours of: HK to B. Scowcroft, June 6, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 37; HK to B. Scowcroft, handwritten message, June 6, 1973, NSC, Box 105.

Nixon was “outraged”: B. Scowcroft to HK, June 8, 1973, two messages; HK to A. Haig, June 8, 1973; HK to B. Scowcroft, June 9, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 37; HK to C. Whitehouse, June 11, 1973, NSC, Box 105; HK to RN, June 11, 1973, NSC, Box 115.

Although Nixon and Kissinger: HK and H. Sonnenfeldt, June 10, 1973; RN and HK, June 11, 1973; HK and C. Whitehouse, June 11, 1973, TCs; Thieu to RN, June 11, 1973, NSC, Box 126; RN to Thieu, June 12, 1973; Whitehouse to HK, June 13, 1973, NSC, Box 105.

Extracting Thieu’s: RN to Brezhnev, June 7, 1973, NSC, Box 68.

In private: HK, YOU, 122–23, 287–88.

Although Kissinger would: RN and HK, June 10, 1973, June 11, 1973, TCs.

The Summit was: Summit Schedule, June 18–23, 1973, NSC, Box 939.

Whatever Soviet doubts: RN and L. Brezhnev, Memcon, June 18, 1973, NSC, Box 75.

The afternoon exchanges: Ibid.; HK, YOU, 291–93. R. Ziegler to RN, June 20, 1973, POF, Box 92.

Mindful of extensive: RN and L. Brezhnev, Memcon, June 20, 1973; “Brezhnev Departure Remarks,” June 23, 1973, POF, Box 92.

Yet the effort: “Signing of Agreements during Brezhnev Visit,” June 15, 1973, NSC, Box 939; RN and HK, June 19, 1973, TC; RN to HK, June 21, 1973, PPF, Box 10; Bundy, 409–10.

The inability to complete: RN and L. Brezhnev, Memcon, June 20, 1973, NSC, Box 75.

China’s absence: RN and L. Brezhnev, Memcon, June 23, 1973; HK and A. Gromyko, Memcon, June 23, 1973, ibid; Bundy, 411–12.

A general statement: HK and A. Gromyko, Memcon, June 23, 1973, NSC, Box 75; HK, YOU, 295–96.

On the last night: RN and L. Brezhnev, Memcon, June 23, 1973, NSC, Box 75; HK, YOU, 296–99.

With Watergate pushed: HK and R. Evans, June 22, 1973; RN and HK, June 24, 1973, TCs.

Kissinger was less: HK, YOU, 300–1. HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, July 26, 1973, NSC, Box 68.

In the days following: HK and RN, July 16, 1973; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, July 26, 1973, NSC, Box 68.

The Summit provoked: RN and Congressional Delegation, Memcon, June 30, 1973, NSC, Box 127; Memo “Shown to ‘D’ by HAK,” July 10, 1973, NSC, Box 68; HK and B. Scowcroft et al., Memcon, July 19, 1973, NSC, Box 1027; R. Solomon to HK, July 24, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 98.

On June 25: HK and M. Laird, June 28, 1973; HK and J. Javits, June 28, 1973; HK and W. Buckley, June 29, 1973, TCs.

At the beginning of July: Haldeman, Diaries, 555; Reeves, 552–53.

For eighteen days: RN, Memoirs, 896–99; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 179–91; see also, “Statement by Ronald Ziegler and Dr. Walter Tkach,” July 12, 1973, with RN’s Daily Diary attached, Press Briefings File.

As news of the president’s: Confidential source. September 23, 2005; Dale Rogers Marshall, William Rogers’s daughter, says her father described such calls to him.

Nixon’s paranoia: ANS, July 23, 1973, POF, Box 50; J. Hart, a Nixon speechwriter and later distinguished professor of English at Dartmouth, to author, August 9, 2005.

During Nixon’s hospitalization: R. Ziegler and Dr. W. Tkach, July 12, 1973, Press Briefings File.

Although subsequent briefings: R. Ziegler, Dr. W. Tkach, Dr. R. C. Elliott, and Dr. S. Katz, July 13, 1973, ibid.

On the third day: R. Ziegler, Dr. W. Tkach, July 14, 1973, ibid. On the fourth day: Ibid., July 16, 1973, July 17, 1973. RN, Memoirs, 899–900.

Dr. D. Earl Brown: Andre Sobocinski, Office of the Historian, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, to author, December 12, 2005; Dr. D. Earl Brown interview, December 27, 2005.

Nixon’s conversations: RN and HK, July 13, 1973, July 14, 1973, July 18, 1973, TCs.

Eager to refute: “Remarks of the President,” and Daily Diary, July 20, 1973, Briefing Files.

But the public: ANS, July 23, 1973, POF, Box 50; PPP:RN, 1973, 657–58, 660–66, 671–80; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 201; RN and HK, July 29, 31, 1973, TCs; P. Buchanan to A. Haig, July 31, 1973, AH, WHSF, Box 1.

Nixon concluded: HK, YOU, 114; HK to A. Haig, August 1973, AH, WHSF, Box 3; HK and A. Haig, August 9, 1973, TC.

Nixon began a: RN and HK, August 12, 1973, TC. By uncritically: HK, YOU, 125, 424.

No analysis: HK and A. Hestenes, Memcon, April 7, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 15.

In a nationally: PPP:RN, 1973, 698–703.

The initial response: A. Haig to RN, August 18, 1973, AH, WHSF, Box 40.

But Watergate: W. R. Howard to RN, September 5, 1973, CF, Box 12.

Nevertheless, Nixon: Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 210–11.

His speech to: PPP:RN, 1973, 703–10.

Two days later: Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 211.

Nixon hoped: PPP:RN, 1973, 710–25.

In his memoirs: RN, Memoirs, 907; HK, YOU, 414–23; Isaacson, 502–3.

Nixon’s characteristic: Isaacson, 502–3; Haig, 344–45.

Nixon asked Haig: Isaacson, 503.

On August 21: Ibid., 503–4; HK, YOU, 3–4; PPP:RN, 1973, 710–11.

“I had achieved: HK, YOU, 5.

In assuming: Ibid., 122–26.

No doubt, portraying: PPP:RN, 1973, 815–17.

Kissinger was mindful: HK, YOU, 434.

Yet Kissinger’s intellectual: Isaacson, 509–10.

Whatever the limitations: PPP:RN, 1973, 817.

His personal life: Isaacson, 587–90.

Events in the autumn: Ibid., 504–5. RN and HK, September 9, 1973, September 17, 1973, TCs.

Events in the autumn: J. N. Irwin to HK, December 22, 1971, NSC, Box H-220; J. Connally to RN, January 15, 1972, CF, Box 6.

A column by: U.S. Department of State, FOIA, Church Report (Covert Action in Chile, 1963–1973), 14–15, 27–28, 53–55; Department of State, Hinchey Report, September 18, 2000, 8, available at the department’s website; Kornbluh, 97–105, 146–48.

Over the next five months: Ibid., 105–9, 149–51.

While Nixon and Kissinger: Ibid., 109–15, 152–60.

The White House at once: HK and K. Rush, September 13, 1973; RN and HK, September 16, 1973, TCs.

Administration actions: Kornbluh, 242–44.

Reports of severe: Ibid., 161–62, 182–88.

Although the U.S.: HK and F. Mankiewicz, September 20, 1973, TC.

On September 28: “Secretary of State Staff Meeting,” September 28, 1973, HK Papers; Kornbluh, 231.

U.S. officials: “Secretary of State Staff Meetings,” October 1, 1973, December 3, 1974, HK Papers; Kornbluh, 189–92, 233–36.

Few issues: HK, YOU, 374.

By contrast: Ibid., 369–73.

In September: Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 205–8, 222–25, 231–32.

Nixon saw Agnew’s: RN and HK, September 23, 1973, TC; PPP:RN, 1973, 867–69; HK, YOU, 514; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 237–38; Herbert S. Parmet, “Gerald R. Ford,” in Graff, ed., The Presidents 535–50.

The eruption: Kutler, 329–32, 400–11; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 200, 239, 241–44, 247–50; PPP:RN, 1973, 887–91.

Similarly, Nixon’s: Kutler, 438–39, 601–3; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 239, 254; PPP:RN, 1973, 893–95.

Nixon fought back: PPP:RN, 1973, 896–906.

On November 7: Kutler, 439.

Not even a war: HK to RN, n.d., summarizing HK meeting with Ismail, May 20, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 130.

Washington and Moscow: For a fine discussion of the American failure to foresee the 1973 war, see Bundy, 428–34; HK and A. Dobrynin, Memcon, August 16, 1973, NSC, Box 68.

Sadat believed: My analysis of RN and HK goals in the war largely rests on W. B. Quandt and HK, October 16, 1973, October 17, 1973; HK to RN, October 17, 1973; RN, HK, and Arab foreign ministers, Memcon, October 17, 1973, NSC, Box 664; “Cabinet Meeting,” October 18, 1973, POF, Box 92; see also Bundy’s analysis of U.S. goals in the war: 442–44.

While Kissinger: HK and A. Haig, October 6, 1973, TC.

Forty-five minutes: HK and A. Dobrynin; RN and HK, ibid. At 9:35 A.m.: HK and A. Haig, ibid; HK to RN, October 6, 1973, NSC, Box 664; “Walter Mitty” comment quoted in Isaacson, 514.

Over the next three: HK and Israeli Chargé; Memcon, October 7, 1973, NSC, Box 664; L. Brezhnev to RN, October 7, 1973; HK to E. Amman, October 9, 1973, NSC, Box 68; W. B. Quandt, October 9, 1973, NSC, Box 318.

Between October 6: See the conversations on October 7, 1973 and October 8, 1973, between HK and the president, Schlesinger, and Ziegler, TCs. Also, Isaacson, 517–18, for developments on October 9, 1973.

On October 10: H. Sonnenfeldt to HK, October 10, 1973, NSC, Box 68.

On the same day: HK and A. Haig; HK and R. Ziegler, October 10, 1973, TCs.

Nixon’s inattentiveness: RN and HK, October 11, 1973, TC. At seven fifty-five that: HK and B. Scowcroft, October 11, 1973, TC.

Although Nixon would: PPP:RN, 1973, 871; RN, HK, and Arab foreign ministers, Memcon, October 17, 1973, NSC, Box 664; “Cabinet Meeting,” October 18, 1973, POF, Box 92; HK to B. Scowcroft, October 15, 1973, TC; A. Haig to HK, October 13, 1973, AH, WHSF, Box 8.

Between October 6: See the exchanges between L. Brezhnev and RN between October 12, 1973, and October 19, 1973 in NSC, Box 69.

On October 19: HK to B. Scowcroft, October 21, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 39; HK to A. Haig, AH, WHSF, Box 40.

Nixon lodged: B. Scowcroft to HK, October 20, 1973, and two cables on October 21, 1973; HK to B. Scowcroft, October 21, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 39. Interview with B. Scowcroft, January 5, 2007.

With Kissinger and: A. Haig to HK, October 22, 1973, ibid. Kissinger shared: HK, YOU, 535, 596, 598–99; for HK’s calls to congressmen, see RN and HK, October 23, 1973, TC. On the Twenty-fifth Amendment, Alexander Haig interview, September 29, 2006; on HK’s reluctance to tie foreign policy too closely to Watergate, see HK and A. Haig, October 19, 1973, TC.

Yet he was: HK, YOU, 593; PPP:RN, 1973, 904.

As developments: “State Department Staff Meeting,” October 23, 1973, HK Papers.

His euphoria: Messages are all in NSC, Box 69; see also HK, YOU, 575–81.

In the midst: Ibid., 581–82; RN and HK, October 24, 1973, TC. After receiving Brezhnev’s: HK, YOU, 585–88; HK and A. Haig, October 24, 1973, TCs; unsigned message to Brezhnev, October 25, 1973, NSC, Box 69.

The message: L. Brezhnev to RN, October 26, 1973; RN to L. Brezhnev, two messages, October 27, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 10; RN to L. Brezhnev, October 26, 1973, October 27, 1973, NSC, Box 69; H. Sonnenfeldt to HK, October 26, 1973, NSC, Box 723; Bundy, 441–42.

Throughout the Middle East: “The Decision to Alert U.S. Forces, October 24–25,” NSC, Box 664; “Was this [alert],” quoted in HK, Crisis, 363; this book of transcripts omits materials I quote in my narrative. HK and A. Haig, October 24, 1973; October 25, 1973; RN and HK, October 25, 1973, TCs.

Although Kissinger was willing: HK and A. Haig, Oct. 26, 1973, 7:55 P.M.; 8:13 P.M., TCs. Nixon and his aides: HK and A. Haig, October 24, 1973; HK and J.

Reston, October 25, 1973, TCs.

But the way: RN and HK, October 24, 1973, 7:10 P.M., TC.


On October 30: PPP:RN, 1973, 912–13; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 261.

For Kissinger and Haig: HK and A. Haig, October 27, 1973, TC.

Nixon pressed: RN and HK, October 29, 1973, TC.

Arranging: HK and A. Haig, October 29, 1973; RN and HK, October 30, 1973, November 3, 1973; HK and B. Scowcroft, November 1, 1973, TCs.

Nixon, Kissinger: RN and HK, November 4, 1973, TC.

Kissinger’s strategy: Isaacson, 538–39; Bundy, 444–45.

On November 7: HK, YOU, 632–46. B. Scowcroft to RN, November 7, 1973, NSC, Box 1027.

Nixon tried: PPP:RN, 1973, 916–22.

As a follow-up: A. Haig to HK, November 8, 1973, NSC, Box 41.

Kissinger replied: A. Haig to HK; HK to A. Haig, both November 8, 1973, NSC, Box 41; A. Haig to HK, November 8, 1973, AH, WHSF, Box 40.

For another week: B. Scowcroft to RN, November 9, 1973, NSC, Box 139.

In China: HK to B. Scowcroft, November 10, 1973, November 12, 1973, November 13, 1973 (two cables), NSC, Box 41; HK and Mao and Chou, Memcon, November 12, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 100.

Haig cabled: B. Scowcroft to HK, November 14, 1973, ibid.; A. Haig to HK, November 13, 1973, AH, WHSF, Box 40.

Yet the harder: PPP:RN, 1973, 946–64; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 271–72.

His performance: For Nixon’s public comments, see PPP:RN, 1973, 934–82; HK, “State Department Staff Meetings,” November 19, 1973, HK Papers.

Henry had his hands: On Vietnam, see HK to Le Duc Tho, November 5, 1973, NSC, Box 568; Tho to HK, November 15, 1973, NSC, Box 41; and Tho to HK, November 24, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 127; for the rest, see HK’s staff meetings at the state department and his TCs between November 20, 1973 and November 30, 1973, HK Papers; see also the record of the RN and HK meeting with the bipartisan leadership, November 27, 1973, NSC, Box 1027, in which Kissinger briefed congressional leaders about Middle East policy. Nixon had very little to say.

Managing the president: HK and A. Haig, November 17, 1973, TC.

Renewed press: HK and A. Haig, November 24, 1973, TC.

Given Kissinger’s affinity: HK and R. McNamara, November 29, 1973, TC.

Kissinger’s dominant: RN to HK, “Meeting with Bi-Partisan Leaders,” November 27, 1973, NSC, Box 1027; on the 181/2-minute gap, see Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 227–28, 268, 276–77; on administration oil policy and congressional response, see Bundy, 452–58.

Kissinger’s continuing: HK to H. Eilts, November 30, 1973, NSC, Box 639; HK and A. Ghorbal, Memcon, December 7, 1973, NSC, Box 1027; HK and G. Ford, December 7, 1973, TC.

Because Nixon’s denial: PPP:RN, 1973, 1005–9.

Between December 10: Reports are in NSC, Box 42, Box 43. On the difficulties with Israel and HK’s response to Tel Aviv and the attacks on him, see B. Scowcroft to HK, December 12, 1973; HK to B. Scowcroft, December 13, 1973; HK to B. Scowcroft, December 15, 1973, NSC, Box 42.

Despite Henry’s denials: A. Haig to HK, December 18, 1973, AH, WHSF, Box 40. Interview with B. Scowcroft, January 5, 2007.

After ten hours: HK to B. Scowcroft, December 17, 1973, NSC, Box 42; B. Scowcroft to RN, December 18, 1973, NSC, Box 43; Bundy, 448–49.

Nixon was delighted: B. Scowcroft to HK, December 20, 1973, AH, WHSF, Box 12; HK to B. Scowcroft, December 19, 1973, NSC, Box 42.

If Kissinger had: “Talking Points for the President on the Middle East,” December 22, 1973, NSC, Box 43.

At the same time: “Viet-Nam: The Setting in 1973,” NSSM, NSC, Box H-201.

On December 7: HK and V. Bac, Memcon, December 7, 1973, NSC, Box 1027.

Kissinger saw his: B. Scowcroft to RN, December 21, 1973, HKOF, NSC, Box 127.

Yet Henry’s success: PPP:RN, 1973, 1016–18; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 283–84.

On December 20: Goldwater, 339–44.

Admiral Elmo Zumwalt: 459–60.

The two episodes: Nixon’s medical and psychological history is amply developed in Summers, The Arrogance of Power; see the numerous references in the book’s index to Nixon’s health, depression, drinking, and relations with Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker; “short circuits” quote is on 95; see also V. D. Volkan, N. Itzkowitz, and A. W. Dod’s book, listed in the bibliog raphy. Dr. J. R. Tkach to author, December 12, 2005; and author to Dr. Tkach, December 23, 2005.

Yet for all Nixon’s: Summers, 94.

Nixon matched: PPP:RN, 1973, 1022–23.

Because Kissinger: RN and HK, December 26, 1973, December 27, 1973, December 29, 1973, TCs. HK to RN, December 31, 1973, NSC, Box 69.

Nixon ended the year: On the plane trip, see HK and A. Haig, December 26, 1973; RN and HK, December 27, 1973, TCs; for the rest, Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 286–87; RN, Memoirs, 969–71.

Although Nixon remained: PPP:RN, 1974, 5–6. Gallup, 1935–1997, CD-Rom edition; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 289.

Kissinger, who was: HK and R. Pierpoint, M. Kalb et al., Memcon, January 2, 1974, NSC, Box 1028; New York Times, January 4, 1974.

The reporter’s questions: RN and HK, January 4, 1974, TC.

Kissinger’s assurances: B. Scowcroft to HK, n.d., but clearly January 1974, NSC, Box 43.

Kissinger was preoccupied: HK to I. Fahmy, January 5, 1974, NSC, Box 639.

Nixon was reluctant: RN, Memoirs, 984–85; HK, YOU, 885; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 292; PPP:RN, 1974, 8–10.

Nixon worried: HK and L. Garment, January 23, 1974, TC.

Kissinger tried: HK and A. Haig, January 8, 1974, TC.

In the afternoon: HK and B. Scowcroft, January 8, 1974, TC.

The planned release: HK and A. Haig, January 8, 1974, TC.

Kissinger flew: HK and A. Sadat, Memcon, January 14, 1974, NSC, Box 1028.

Fahmy was: Quoted in Isaacson, 552–53, 549; for HK’s understanding of his role, see H. Saunders to HK, February 13, 1974, NSC, Box 318.

The extent to: For the setting, see HK, YOU, 809–10; the cables are not in HK’s memoirs. HK to B. Scowcroft, January 13, 1974, NSC, Box 453; B. Scowcroft to RN, January 13, 1974, HKOF, NSC, Box 140.

To squeeze every: HK to B. Scowcroft, January 14, 1974, NSC, Box 43; PPP:RN, 1974, 11–12; Isaacson, 548–49.

To Nixon’s dismay: The poll is in Isaacson, 549–50.

On January 19: PPP:RN, 1974, 12–16.

Although he said: HK to B. Scowcroft, January 19, 1974, NSC, Box 43.

After a largely: For the meeting in Syria, see HK to B. Scowcroft, January 20, 1974, NSC, Box 43; HK and H. Assad, Memcon, January 20, 1974, NSC, Box 1028, HK’s rebuke to B. Scowcroft, January 20, 1974, NSC, Box 43; HK, YOU, 892–93.

The climate: B. Scowcroft to HK, January 18, 1974, NSC, Box 43.

Press accounts: B. Scowcroft to HK, January 13, 1974, January 14, 1974; HK to B. Scowcroft, January 13, 1974, January 14, 1974, NSC, Box 43; HK and H. Sidey, January 21, 1974, TC.

Kissinger’s complaint: HK and R. Ziegler, January 23, 1974; RN and HK, January 24, 1974, TCs.

Publicly, Nixon: Zumwalt, 479.

Nixon himself: HK and Washington Star, Memcon, January 28, 1974, NSC, Box 1028; RN meeting with GOP congressmen, January 28, 1974, POF, Box 93.

Nixon continued: PPP:RN, 1974, 17–32.

Nixon remained: RN and HK, January 23, 1974; January 28, 1974, January 29, 1974, TCs; HK to A. Sadat, January 24, 1974, NSC, Box 639.

On the morning: HK and B. Scowcroft, January 30, 1974, TC. In his speech: PPP:RN, 1974, 49; RN and HK, January 30, 1974, TC. Because Nixon: RN, Memoirs, 975.

Instead of destroying: PPP:RN, 1974, 54–55; Haig, 444–45.

Lingering hopes: HK to A. Sadat, February 4, 1974, NSC, Box 639.

At the same time: L. Brezhnev to RN, January 17, 1974, NSC, Box 43.

In a discussion: Memcon: HK and A. Dobrynin, February 1, 1974, NSC, Box 69.

With Gromyko: HK to RN, February 4, 1974, NSC, Box 71.

During a two-hour: RN, HK and A. Gromyko, Memcon, February 4, 1974; HK and A. Gromyko, February 5, 1974, ibid.

But of course: HK to N. Fahmy, February 5, 1974, NSC, Box 639.

In freezing Moscow: HK and Time eds., Memcon, February 5, 1974, NSC, Box 1028.

But this was hardly: On opposition to détente, see Bundy, 343–44, 347, 407–409, 423, 425.

Nixon continued to hope: RN and HK et al., Memcon, February 9, 1974, NSC, Box 1028.

Kissinger shared Nixon’s: HK to I. Fahmy, February 10, 1974, NSC, Box 639; HK and A. Haig, February 11, 1974, TC.

Although the French: RN and HK, February 11, 1974, TC; PPP:RN, 1974, 150–56.

Controlling allies: U.S. mission, Cairo to HK, February 11, 1974, NSC, Box 639. PPP:RN, 1974, 157.

Nixon being Nixon: RN and HK, February 13, 1974, TC.

After Kissinger managed: RN and HK, February 14, 1974, TC.

In the meantime: RN and HK, February 18, 1974, TC.

Understanding how: HK and A. Haig, February 17, 1974, TC.

At his news conference: PPP:RN, 1974, 199–209.

Between February 25: HK and H. Assad, Memcon, February 25, 1974, February 26, 1974, NSC, Box 1028; HK to RN, February 27, 1974, NSC, Box 44.

Nixon was delighted: HK to B. Scowcroft, February 28, 1974, ibid.; HK to A. Sadat, March 4, 1974, NSC, Box 640.

The advances for: HK to W. Stoessel, February 28, 1974, NSC, Box 639; HK and W. Brandt, Memcon, March 4, 1974; RN, HK and Cabinet, Memcon, March 8, 1974, NSC, Box 1028.

Yet the good news: Kutler, 465. B. Scowcroft to HK, March 3, 1974, March 4, 1974, NSC, Box 44.

Nixon responded: PPP:RN, 1974, 222, 226–40.

The press conference: HK and R. Evans, March 7, 1974, TC.

Defending Nixon: RN, HK, and GOP Congressional Leadership, Memcon, March 8, 1974, NSC, Box 1028.

The positive talk: HK to A. Sadat, March 16, 1974, NSC, Box 640; HK to RN, n.d., but clearly March 18, 1974, or March 19, 1974, AH, WHSF, Box 21; HK and A. Haig, March 18, 1974, TC; RN’s public comments about the lifting of the embargo were very guarded: see PPP:RN, 1974, 267–68.

Nixon’s frustration: HK and A. Haig, March 16, 1974, TC. A few days: HK and A. Haig, March 20, 1974, TC. Nixon remained restrained: PPP:RN, 1974, 261–77.

Conservative New York: Kutler, 451.

More convinced: HK and D. Rockefeller, March 22, 1974, TC. Although it was not: Le Duc Tho to HK, March 20, 1974, HKOF, NSC, Box 116; W. Stearman to HK, March 22, 1974, NSC., Box 569; W. Stearman to HK, March 29, 1974, NSC, Box 1028.

If a third Summit: “Talking Points for Secretary Kissinger’s Pre-NSC Discussion with the President,” March 21, 1974; “NSC Meeting,” March 21, 1974, NSC, Box H-033; RN to L. Brezhnev, March 21, 1974; A. D. Clift to HK, March 22, 1974, NSC, Box 69; Jaworski’s friends, see Kutler, 465.

As Kissinger prepared: HK and B. Scowcroft, March 22, 1974, TC; Kutler, 445–46; RN, Memoirs, 991–93; New Republic, April 13, 1974.

In a well-meaning: “Conceptual breakthrough”: HK, YOU, 1020–21; J. Javits and G. Meany quotes are in Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 319–20; see also Zumwalt, xiv–xv.

“I was not: HK, YOU, 1021–22; HK to RN, March 26, 1974, NSC, Box 76.

Kissinger’s report: HK and Brezhnev, Memcon, March 25, 1974, ibid. Aside from an agreement: “Empowered,” quoted in ibid; B. Scowcroft to RN, March 27, 1974, NSC, Box 76.

The U.S. press: HK and J. Schlesinger, March 29, 1974; HK and Senator A. Stevenson, March 29, 1974; HK and A. Haig, March 30, 1974, TCs. Nixon was no more: Summers, 469. Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 312.


By the spring of 1974: PPP:RN, 1974, 335; surveys, April 14, 1974, May 2, 1974, Gallup, 1935–1997, CD Rom edition.

By contrast: Isaacson, 590–93.

On April 2: PPP:RN, 1974, 332, 336–37; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 324.

The conversations reflected: HK, YOU, 193–94, 715–21, 733–34; RN and W. Brandt, Memcon, April 6, 1974; RN to N. Podgorny, April 7, 1974, NSC, Box 1028; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 324–25.

The Watergate scandal: Kutler, 451.

St. Clair’s response: HK and B. Scowcroft, April 10, 1974, TC; Kutler, 451–52.

Nixon hoped to: RN and HK, April 12, 1974, TC. In another conversation: Ibid., April 16, 1974.

Conversations with Gromyko: HK and A. Gromyko, Memcon, April 12, 1974, NSC, Box 69.

In the two and a half: See HK and B. Scowcroft conversations on April 17, 1974, three TCs.

Two days later: HK and J. Sisco, April 19, 1974; HK and A. Haig, April 22, 1974, TCs.

In fact, Nixon: PPP:RN, 1974, 358–59; HK and K. Rush, April 26, 1974, TC.

But Nixon was: PPP:RN, 1974, 994; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 326–29.

To win the public: PPP:RN, 1974, 389–97.

The response: Kutler, 452–55; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 327, 334.

Al Haig: Haig, 453; Thomas, 94.

Two days after: Opinion surveys, April 12–15, 1974, May 5, 1974, May 23, 1974, May 26, 1974, Gallup, 1935–1997, CD Rom edition. Although Nixon continued: Discussions are in HK to RN: “Discussion with Fahmy,” April 18, 1974, NSC, Box 640; RN and HK, April 26, 1974, TC; see also J. Sisco to U.S. Ambassador, April 4, 1974; H. Saunders to HK, April 12, 1974; HK to A. Sadat, April 23, 1974; HK to U.S. Ambassador, April 25, 1974, NSC, Box 640; HK and al-H. Shihabi, Memcon, April 13, 1974, NSC, Box 1028; HK and Bipartisan Leadership Meeting, April 24, 1974, NSC, Box 318; HK and N. Fahmy, April 18, 1974; HK and B. Scowcroft, April 23, 1974; HK and S. Dinitz, April 27, 1974, TCs.

Nixon’s mention: Tho to HK, April 18, 1974, NSC, Box 116; HK to Tho, April 22, 1974, NSC, Box 127; R. Kennedy to HK, April 23, 1974; U.S. embassy to HK, April 27, 1974, NSC, Box 569; Thieu to RN, April 25, 1974, NSC, Box 766.

Although preoccupied: HK and A. Gromyko, Memcon, April 28, 1974, April 29, 1974, NSC, Box 1028; quotes are from B. Scowcroft to RN, April 30, 1974, NSC, Box 71.

Kissinger sent more: B. Scowcroft to RN, May 2, 1974, NSC, Box 45; Isaacson, 567–68.

In Syria: HK and H. Assad, Memcon, May 3, 1974, NSC, Box 1028.

As Kissinger tried: Haig, 453–56; PPP:RN, 1974, 997–98.

Nixon had talked: “Meeting with Rabbi Korff,” May 13, 1974, POF, Box 94.

For Nixon, Kissinger’s: PPP:RN, 1974, 1000; Isaacson, 572; B. Scowcroft to HK, May 2, 1974, NSC, Box 46; B. Scowcroft to RN, May 23, 1974, NSC, Box 45.

During thirty-three days: B. Scowcroft to RN, May 10, 1974, May 14, 1974; HK to B. Scowcroft, May 23, 1974, NSC, Box 45; HK and G. Meir, Memcon: May 20–21, 1974, NSC, Box 1029; HK and J. Kraft, May 31, 1974, TC; last two quotes in paragraph are in Isaacson, 570–72.

A James Reston: Marvin Kalb interview, May 31, 2006.

By May 21: B. Scowcroft to HK, May 21, 1974, NSC, Box 47.

Judicial challenges: Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 343–44; Opinion survey, May 27, 1974, Gallup, 1935–1997, CD Rom edition.

On May 29: G. Meir to RN, May 30, 1974; “Draft Talking Points for Presidential Announcement,” May 29, 1974, NSC, Box 45; PPP:RN, 1974, 463–64.

Kissinger resisted: B. Scowcroft to HK, n.d., but probably May 30, 1974, NSC, Box 47; HK and J. Kraft, May 31, 1974, TC; HK, YOU, 1092.

Nixon’s determination: RN, HK, and Bipartisan Congressional Leadership, Memcon, May 31, 1974, NSC, Box 1029.

A newspaper story: Isaacson, 584; RN and HK, June 6, 1974; HK and R. Ziegler, June 7, 1974, TCs.

Despite the press: RN, Memoirs, 1002–4.

In a series of speeches: PPP:RN, 1974, 457–60, 467–73, 475–77.

On the eve: RN, Memoirs, 1008–9.

Nixon had it right: Isaacson, 584–85; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 352; state department cable to HK, June 11, 1974, HKOF, NSC, Box 143.

Because a Newsweek: HK, YOU, 1111, 1118–20; RN, Memoirs, 1009.

It was a bravura: Safire, 165–69.

Nixon believed: K. Troia to L. Janka and P. Rodman, June 11, 1974, HKOF, NSC, Box 143; RN, Memoirs, 1009–10; Isaacson, 585–86; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 353.

Kissinger saw: HK, YOU, 1121–23.

As the trip began: RN, Memoirs, 1010.

After the doctor left: Interview with Haig in 2005 by D. Taylor for a television documentary, which Taylor kindly shared with me.

Although three days: RN, Memoirs, 1010–11.

With an eye: PPP:RN, 1974, 485–94, 496–99.

“For once: HK, YOU, 1126; PPP:RN, 1974, 494.

Despite Kissinger’s central: HK, YOU, 1125.

Although less evident: Kissinger’s role in preparing Nixon for the trip included, HK to RN, “Your Talks in Egypt,” June 12–14, 1974, HKOF, NSC, Box 140; for quotes, see HK, YOU, 1125.

Nixon’s reception: HK to RN, “Your Talks in Saudia Arabia,” June 14–15, 1974; “Your Talks in Syria,” June 15–16, 1974, HKOF, NSC, Box 141; PPP:RN, 1974, 506–11; RN, Memoirs, 1012–13.

Assad was: Ibid., 1013–15; HK, YOU, 1131–36.

Conversations in Israel: RN, Memoirs, 1015–16; New York Times, June 17, 1974.

Rabin: See Memcons of two June 17, 1974, meetings among RN, HK, Y. Rabin et al., in HKOF, NSC, Box 135, Box 1029; see also, HK to RN, “Your Talks in Israel,” June 16–17, 1974, HKOF, NSC, Box 141; PPP: RN, 1974, 518–25.

Nixon returned: Opinion survey, July 4, 1974, Gallup, 1935–1997, CD Rom edition.

Nixon, Ford: PPP:RN, 1974, 539–41.

“We must: RN, Memoirs, 1017–18.

In a bipartisan: Ibid., 1018; Memcon, June 20, 1974, NSC, Box 1029.

Kissinger remained: HK and J. Javits, June 20, 1974, TC. R. Kennedy to B. Scowcroft, July 2, 1974, NSC, Box 950.

In the days: HK and M. Peretz, June 20, 1974; HK and B. Scowcroft, June 21, 1974; RN and HK, June 21, 1974, TCs.

He knew: RN, Memoirs, 1018–21.

The chance that: Memcons: RN and Soviet Parliamentarians, May 23, 1974; RN and A. Dobrynin, May 28, 1974, NSC, Box 1029.

Soviet professions: On the Middle East, L. Brezhnev to RN, May 15, 1974, NSC, Box 69; HK and B. Scowcroft, June 5, 1974, TC; on the Soviet defense ministry, RN to HK, June 2, 1974, NSC, Box 69; on the European security conference, L. Brezhnev to RN, June 8, 1974, NSC, Box 72; HK and H. D. Genscher, Memcon, June 11, 1974, NSC, Box 1029.

Nixon needed: Bundy, 465–67; RN, Memoirs, 1023–26; HK, YOU, 1143–44, 1150–51, 1156–58; Zumwalt, 499–511.

As Nixon prepared: “Talking Points for Pres. Nixon Congressional and Cabinet Briefings,” apparently June 20, 1974, PPF, Box 105; “Notes on Cabinet Meeting,” June 20, 1974, POF, Box 94; Memcon, June 20, 1974, NSC, Box 1029.

Although many: E. Muskie, E. Kennedy et al. to RN, June 24, 1974, NSC, Box 950.

On June 25: RN, Memoirs, 1027.

Regardless of: “Meeting with NATO Heads of Government,” June 26, 1974, NSC, Box 950; “Talking Points: NATO Heads of Government Meeting,” n.d., but clearly July 1974, POF, Box 94.

A press conference: HK press conference, June 26, 1974; “Pool Report,” June 27, 1974, PPF, Box 106.

The meetings in Russia: RN, Memoirs, 1026–39; HK, YOU, 1173–75; for an excellent summary of the Summit, see Garthoff, 425–31.

Despite disappointing: PPP:RN, 1974, 567–77.

Judging from Nixon’s: See transcripts of conversations for June 28–30, 1974, July 2, 1974, July 3, 1974, all in HK’s Trip Files, NSC, Box 77; quote is in RN, Memoirs, 1032–33.

Nixon spoke: “Talking Points,” n.d., but clearly July 1974, POF, Box 94.

A nationally televised: PPP:RN, 1974, 578–82.

Despite all the upbeat: RN, Memoirs, 1036: HK, YOU, 1163–64.

Kissinger was less: Ibid., 1164; Valeriani, 141–42.

As Nixon returned: RN, Memoirs, 1040–42.

Nixon had no: Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 385–86; HK and B. Kalb, July 12, 1974; HK and R. Ziegler, 1974, TCs; PPP:RN, 1974, 589–90.

Nixon took refuge: Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 385; Ford, 123.

While Nixon: See HK’s TCs, including several with RN, about the crisis, July 15–21, 1974; quote is in RN, Memoirs, 1047.

As Nixon’s diary: Ibid., 1047–48. PPP:RN, 1974, 603–4.

Kissinger was also: HK and T. Braden, July 21, 1974, TC. Not the least: HK to Tho, July 22, 1974, HKOF, NSC, Box 127.

Nixon was too: New York Times, July 24, 1974; RN, Memoirs, 1049–51.

Nixon felt: Ibid., 1051–52; PPP:RN, 1974, 606.

It meant revealing: RN, Memoirs, 1052–53.

At 10:30: HK, YOU, 1095–97; HK and J. Stennis, July 26, 1974; HK and J. Schlesinger, July 26, 1974, TCs.

On July 27: RN, Memoirs, 1054–55.

On July 29: Ibid., 1055–57; RN and HK, July 30, 1974, TC. In reaching his: Kutler, 555, 570–73; Haig, 513–14, 518; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 406–9.

On August 1: RN, Memoirs, 1058–63; HK and A. Haig, RN and HK, HK and B. Scowcroft, all August 3, 1974, TCs; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 412–14.

On the afternoon: PPP:RN, 1974, 621–23.

Nixon’s statement: Goldwater, 350.

Despite Nixon’s explanation: RN, Memoirs, 1063–64; Ambrose, Nixon:

Ruin and Recovery, 416–17; HK and J. Reston, August 5, 1974, TC. On August 6: HK, YOU, 1202–4; HK and R. Hauser, August 6, 1974, TC.

A private conversation: RN, Memoirs, 1066; HK, YOU, 1205.

On the afternoon: Goldwater, 350–51.

Nixon now accepted: RN, Memoirs, 1067–68.

A Nixon meeting: D. Taylor, interview with Alexander Haig, 2005.

At the meeting: Goldwater, 352–55.

At two minutes: HK, YOU, 1206–7; HK and H. Sidey, August 9, 1974, TC.

At 9 P.m.: Isaacson, 597–600.

August 8: RN, Memoirs, 1077–82; Ford, 28–29; Isaacson, 601–2, quotes RN’s remarks to someone else; for the Ford view of Kissinger, see David Broder’s article, Washington Post, December 28, 2006; witness’s account is in Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 433–34. See interview with B.

Scowcroft, January 5, 2007, on Nixon’s complaints.

He was, at least: PPP:RN, 1974, 626–30; Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 437; opinion surveys, August 7, 1974, August 11, 1974, and August 15, 1974, Gallup, 1935–1997, CD Rom edition.

At his swearing-in: Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 438–45; HK, YOU, 1211–13.


Like Adams: Quote is in Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 452.

In 1974: Marvin Kalb interview, May 21, 2006. Daniel Schorr interview, April 8, 2006.

Nixon and Kissinger shared: Safire, 168.

The tensions: Ambrose, Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 488–89, 515; HK’s eulogy is available on under Richard Nixon’s funeral. Similarly, a 1975: Quoted in Isaacson, 638.

The tilt: Bundy, 290–91.