Abrams, Creighton
accidental-war agreement
Acheson, Dean
Adams, John
“Address to the Nation on Progress toward Peace in Vietnam” (Nixon)
Agnew, Spiro; allegations of wrongdoing against; resignation and replacement of
Aiken, George
airplane hijackings
Albert, Carl
Aldrin, Edwin (Buzz)
Alessandri, Jorge
Algerian war (1954–1962)
Allen, Richard
Allende, Salvador; apocalyptic fears about government of; coup against (1973); election and accession to presidency of (1970); military coup encouraged against (1970); Pinochet regime’s brutality against supporters of; U.S. efforts to impede presidency of
Alliance for Progress
Allin, Mort
Allon, Yigal
Allott, Gordon
all-volunteer armed force
Alsop, Joseph
Alsop, Stewart
Ambrose, Stephen
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
“Americanism” issue
American Legion
American Reform Judaism
“American values”
Anaconda Copper
Anderson, Jack
antiballistic missile systems (ABMs): domestic battle over; Galosh; SALT and ; Sentinel
anti-communism; conservative critics of Nixon administration and; HK’s Harvard years and; RN’s rhetoric on
anti-Semitism: ascribed to RN; in Nazi Germany
antiwar movement; Cambodian incursion and; HK picketed by; HK’s anger at; HK’s meetings with; killings of students in; Lincoln Memorial demonstration and (May 8–9, 1970); Moratorium demonstrations and; Nixon administration’s aggressive campaign against; RN’s contempt for; RN’s meetings with
Apollo 11 mission
Apollo 13 mission
Arab oil embargo; end to; HK’s negotiations and; RN’s energy initiatives and; RN’s preoccupaton with credit for ending of; State of the Union address and; U.S. oil executives and; Washington energy conference and (1974)
Arafat, Yasser
Arbatov, Georgi
Arends, Les
arms control; Middle East tensions and; Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) (1968); peace arrangements for Vietnam linked to; RN’s lack of patience with arcane details of; Test Ban Treaty (1963) ; Threshold Test Ban Treaty and (1974). See also SALT
Arms Control and Disarmament
Agency (ACDA)
arms race; Soviet advantage in
Armstrong, Neil
Army, U.S., HK’s service in
Army Signal Corps
Asia; RN’s doctrine on; RN’s trip to (1969). See also specific countries
Assad, Hafez al-
“Assault Book”
Associated Press (AP)
atomic bomb. See also nuclear weapons
B-52 raids: over Laos; over North Vietnam
Bac, Vuong Van
Bahr, Egon
Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan)
Battle of the Bulge
Bay of Pigs invasion (1961)
Beecher, William
Begin, Menachem
Bengali uprising (East Pakistan, 1970)
Berlin; Kennedy-Khrushchev confrontation over (1961)
Birch, John, Society
Bismarck, Otto von
Blumenfeld, Ralph
Bo, Mai Van
Boehm, Edward Marshall
Bolling, Alexander
Bork, Robert
Bowie, Robert
Boyd, Forrest
Brandon, Henry
Brandt, Willy
Bremer, Arthur
Brennan, John V.
Brewster, Kingman
Brezhnev, Leonid; Chinese threat and; HK’s memo on; HK’s pre-Moscow Summit discussions with (1972); HK’s pre-Washington Summit discussions with; Indo-Pakistan war and; Middle East and; Moscow Summit of 1972 and; Moscow Summit of 1974 and; personality and demeanor of; prevention of nuclear war agreement and; RN’s camaraderie with; RN’s Watergate problems as viewed by; SALT and; Vietnam War and; Washington Summit and Yom Kippur War and
Brookings Institution
Brown, D. Earl
Brown, Edmund G. (Pat)
Bruce, David
Brussels, NATO talks in (1974)
Bryan, William Jennings
Buchanan, Pat
Buchanan, Shelley
Bucharest, U.S. embassy in
Buckley, William F., Jr.
Buffalo News
Bundy, McGeorge
Bundy, William; SALT and
Bunker, Ellsworth
Burns, Arthur
Bush, George H. W.
Butterfield, Alexander
Butz, Earl
Buzhardt, Fred
Byrd, Harry F., Jr.
California, RN’s 1962 gubernatorial bid in
Calley, William
Cambodia; assessment of Nixon-Kissinger policy on; attempts to curtail collaboration of, with North Vietnam; CIA operations in; continuation of fighting in, after Paris accords; coup in (1970); incursion into; Khmer Rouge in; North Vietnamese supply routes and sanctuaries in; RN’s Oval Office address on (June 3, 1970); RN’s television interview on (July 1, 1970); secret bombing of ; successes cited by HK for operations in; threat of Communist takeover in
Camp Claiborne, La.
Camp Croft (Spartanburg, S.C.)
Camp David accords (1978)
Canales, Alfredo
Caracas, Venezuela, RN attacked in (1958)
Carter, Jimmy
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Lord
Castro, Fidel
Ceauşescu, Nicolae
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); antiwar movement investigated by ; Cambodian operations of; Chilean operations of; Cuba and Indo-Pakistan war and; negative press reports countered by; nuclear capabilities and; propaganda war in Vietnam conducted by; Soviet and Eastern European operations of
“Central Issues of American Foreign Policy” (Kissinger)
Chambers, Whitaker
Chancellor, John
“the Channel”
Chayes, Abram
Checkers speech (1952)
Chennault, Anna
Cherne, Leo
Chiang Kai-shek
Chicago Daily News
Chicago Tribune
chief executive: foreign policy as domain of; suspension of presidential authority and; War Powers Act and (1973)
Childs, Marquis
Chile; Allende’s accession to presidency in (1970); apocalyptic fears about Allende government in; assessment of Nixon-Kissinger policy in; brutality of Pinochet regime in; CIA operations in; Congress of; coup against Allende in (1973); HK as RN’s point man in; HK’s convictions about importance of; HK’s hypersensitivity to criticism about; Korry recalled from post in; military coup encouraged in (1970); Schneider’s death in; U.S. efforts to impede Allende presidency in; U.S. national interests and; U.S. support for Pinochet regime in
Chilean National Commission on Truth and Reconciliation
China, People’s Republic of (PRC); assessment of Nixon-Kissinger policy on; civil war in; conservative critics of RN’s policies toward; HK’s desire for personal credit and; HK’s secret trip to (July 1971); HK’s trip to (October 1971); HK’s trip to (June 1972); HK’s trip to (February 1973); HK’s trip to (August 1973); Indo-Pakistan war and; Kissinger-Rogers conflict and; loss of; Middle East and; Nixon administration’s insistence on secrecy and; nuclear capabilities of; “one China” formula and; rapprochement with; RN’s announcement of opening to (July 15, 1971); RN’s postpresidential visits to; RN’s preoccupation with personal credit and; RN’s presidential visit to (see Peking Summit); RN’s primary role in U.S. policy toward; RN’s reelection bid and; Soviet-American détente and; Soviet relations with; Soviet views on danger posed by; Taiwan issue and (see Taiwan); UN admission of; U.S. ping-pong team in; U.S. public opinion on rapprochement with ; U.S. trade with; Vietnam War and; Warsaw talks and; Watergate and
China, Republic of. See Taiwan
China lobby
Chou En-lai; HK’s descriptions of; HK’s talks with (July 1971); HK’s talks with (October 1971); HK’s talks with (June 1972); HK’s talks with (February 1973); initial exchanges between Nixon administration and; Malraux’s counsel on; RN’s comparison of himself to ; RN’s talks with (1972); Vietnam War and
Christian Democratic party (Germany)
Christian Science Monitor
Christmas bombings (1972)
Church, Frank
Churchill, Winston
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
Circuit Court of Appeals, U.S.
City College (New York City)
Civil Rights Act (1964)
Civil War
Clawson, Ken
Clifford, Clark
Clinton, Bill
Colby, William
Cold War; end of. See also specific topics
Colson, Charles; Harris’s polls and; Pentagon Papers and; Watergate and
Combat Air Transport Command
Committee to Reelect the President (CREEP)
communism; Domino theory and; efforts to establish connection between antiwar groups and; in Latin America, Nixon administration’s fears of; Romanian independence from Soviets and
Communist insurgencies
Communist party
Communist threat: Hiss case and; RN’s rhetoric on
concentration camps, HK’s encounters with survivors of
Congress, U.S.; arms control and; Chilean aid request and; China policy and; election of 1954 and; election of 1958 and; election of 1968 and; election of 1970 and; election of 1972 and; energy crisis and ; executive power and Ford’s selection as vice president and; Nixon administration’s annual foreign policy reports to; Soviet-American relations and; Vietnam War and; War Powers Act and; Watergate and (see also House Judiciary Committee; Senate Watergate Committee); Yom Kippur War and ensuing negotiations and . See also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Congressional Record
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
Connally, John
conservatives: RN’s credentials and; SALT agreements and; Sino-American rapprochement and; Soviet-American détente and; Vietnam peace settlement and
Constitution, U.S., Twenty-fifth Amendment to
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooper, John Sherman
Coral Sea,
COSVN (central committee of the communist party in South Vietnam)
Council on Foreign Relations
Counter-Intelligence Corps
Cox, Archibald
Cox, James
Cronkite, Walter
Crowley, Monica
Cuba; Bay of Pigs invasion of (1961); missile crisis in (1962); Soviet construction of naval base on (1970)
Cultural Revolution
Cyprus crisis (1974)
Daley, Richard
Davidson, Daniel
Davidson, David
Dayan, Moshe
Dean, John
DeChamps, Bruno
Defense Department, U.S.; Chilean crisis and; intelligence agency of; leaks originating in; Vietnam War and
defense spending
de Gaulle, Charles
DeLoach, Cartha (“Deke”)
Democratic convention of 1968
Democratic convention of 1972
Democratic National Committee (DNC), Watergate break-in and
Democratic party; election of 1970 and; election of 1972 and; portrayed as “party of surrender”; RN’s characterizations of
Dent, Harry
Detroit News
Dewey, Tom
Dickerson, Nancy
Diem, Bui
Diem, Ngo Dinh
Dinitz, Simcha
Dirksen, Everett
Dobrynin, Anatoly; arms control and; Cuban naval base and; HK’s relationship with; Middle East and; Moscow Summit of 1972 and; RN’s pre-Summit meeting with; Sino-American rapprochement and; Vietnam War and; Watergate and; worsening of U.S.-Soviet relations and (fall 1970–spring 1971); Yom Kippur War and
Dole, Robert
Domino theory
Dong, Pham Van
Douglas, Helen Gahagan
Douglas, Melvyn
Downey, Sheridan
draft; bill authorizing extension of (1971); elimination of deployment of draftees to Vietnam and Drury, Allen
Duc, Nguyen Phu
Duck Hook
Dudman, Richard
Duke Law School
Duke University
Dulles, John Foster
Eagleburger, Lawrence
Eastern Europe; collapse of Communist rule in; German Ostpolitik and; RN’s trip to (1969); Soviet domination of
East Germany. See German Democratic Republic
East Pakistan. See Bangladesh; Pakistan
Eban, Abba
Ecevit, Bülent
economy, U.S.
Egypt; bilateral talks of Israel and; deadlock in Israeli tensions with; HK decorated by; RN’s trip to (1974); Soviet military aid to; Soviet military presence in; Third Army of ; Yom Kippur War and ensuing peace negotiations and. See also Middle East; Yom Kippur War
Ehrlichman, John; China policy and; HK’s conflict with; HK’s emotional crisis and; on HK’s personality and demeanor; “Kissinger problem” and; Nixon administration’s press relations and; Pentagon Papers and; as RN’s domestic counselor; staff changes and; Watergate and
Eighty-fourth Infantry Division
Eisenhower, David
Eisenhower, Dwight; massive retaliation policy of; RN as running mate of
Eisenhower, Julie Nixon
election of 1946, RN’s House race in
election of 1948
election of 1950, RN’s Senate race in
election of 1952, RN’s vice-presidential campaign in
election of 1954
election of 1958
election of 1960, RN’s presidential campaign in
election of 1962, RN’s gubernatorial bid in
election of 1964
election of 1966
election of 1968; bugging of Nixon campaign in; Democratic primaries and convention in; HK’s efforts in; Johnson’s indirect help to RN in; Johnson’s potential candidacy in; Republican primaries and convention in; RN’s secret intrusion into Paris peace talks and; RN’s strategy in; Vietnam War and; Wallace’s candidacy in
election of 1970
election of 1972; American Jewish community and; Cabinet and staff changes after; dirty tricks in; Ervin investigation’s report on; foreign policy as RN’s strongest talking point in; HK’s role as political operative in ; Indo-Pakistan war and; McGovern’s candidacy and; Middle East tensions and; Moscow Summit and; RN’s denials of use of foreign affairs for political advantage in; RN’s focus on broad electoral center in; RN’s gloom and doom feelings about; RN’s massive victory in; RN’s paranoia about political enemies and; RN’s response to triumph in; RN’s strong position in; Sino-American relations and; Soviet-American relations and; trolling for ethnic votes in; Vietnam War and; Watergate break-in and (see also Watergate) election of 1974
election of 1976
Elliott, William Y.
Ellsberg, Daniel; break-in at office of psychiatrist of
Ellsworth, Robert
energy crisis; RN’s efforts at easing of; Washington conference on (1974). See also Arab oil embargo
Ervin, Sam
Ervin committee. See Senate Watergate Committee
Europe: mutual balanced force reductions in (MBFR); recognition of existing post-1945 borders in; RN’s Paris trip and (1974); RN’s trip to (February 1969); RN’s trip to (September–October 1970); Year of Europe initiative and (1973). See also specific countries
European Command Intelligence School
European Economic Community
European security conference, Soviet proposal for
Evans, Rowland
Executives’ Club of Chicago
Export-Import Bank
Fahmy, Ismail
Faisal, king of Saudi Arabia
Fallaci, Oriana
Fawzi, Mahmoud
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Watergate investigation and; wiretaps related to leaks at NSC and
Federal Energy Office
Feeney, Mark
Figaro, Le,
Fillmore, Millard
First Annual Report on United States Foreign Policy
Fleischer, Ann. See Kissinger, Ann Fleischer
Ford, Gerald; RN pardoned by; RN’s resignation and
Ford Foundation
Foreign Affairs
Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (FIAB)
Foreign Office, British
“Foreign Policy for the 1970s: A New Strategy for Peace,”
Fortas, Abe
40 Committee
Fourth Annual Report on United States Foreign Policy (1973)
France; Indochina and; Middle East and; in Napoleonic era; RN’s trip to (February 1969); RN’s trip to (April 1974)
Frankel, Max
Frankfurter, Felix
Freeman, John
Frei, Eduardo
French Communist party
Friedrich, Carl
Fulbright, J. William
Gallup polls
Galosh (ABM)
Gandhi, Indira
Garfield, James A.
Garment, Leonard
Gaulle, Charles de. See de Gaulle, Charles
Gavin, James
Geneva: disarmament conference in (1969); Middle East peace conference in (1973–1974)
George Washington High School (New York City)
German Democratic Republic (East Germany); access to West Berlin and; West German recognition of
Germany; HK’s childhood in; Nazi era in; Soviet relations with (Ostpolitik),. See also Berlin
Geyelin, Philip
Gibbons, William
Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry
Glassboro Summit (1968)
Golan Heights: Israeli occupation of; Yom Kippur War and
Goldwater, Barry; Watergate and
Goodpaster, Andrew
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Government Accounting Office (GAO)
Graham, Rev. Billy
Graham, Katharine
grain sales
Graubard, Stephen
Gray, L. Patrick
Great Britain; Chilean crisis and; difficulties in U.S. relations with; Middle East and; Vietnam War and
Great Society
Greece; Cyprus crisis and (1974)
Green, Marshall
Greenberg, David
Gromyko, Andrei; Middle East and; Moscow Summit of 1972 and; RN’s and HK’s meetings with (September 1971); SALT and; Vietnam War and
Group on Domestic Intelligence and Internal Security
Guam Doctrine
Habash, George
Habib, Philip
Haig, Alexander; background of; on difficulties of working for HK; Haldeman replaced as chief of staff by; HK’s appointment as secretary of state and; HK’s distrust of; HK’s emotional crises and; Indochina trips of Indo-Pakistan war and; Korry’s recall and; leaks and; Middle East and; Moscow Summit of 1972 and; rapid advancement of; SALT and; Sino-American rapprochement and; Soviet naval base on Cuba and; Vietnam War and; Watergate and; Watts’s resignation and
Haiphong; air attacks on; blockade of; mining of harbor
Haldeman, H. R. (Bob); ABM controversy and; China policy and; in deliberations about firing of HK; HK’s emotional crises and; “Kissinger problem” and; Kissinger-Rogers conflicts and; leaks and; Middle East and; Moscow Summit of 1972 and; Nixon administration’s press relations and; Pentagon Papers and; resignation of; RN’s efforts to repress critics and; as RN’s gatekeeper and man Friday; RN’s image as foreign policy leader and; RN’s relection bid and; SALT and; staff changes and; student antiwar activists and; Vietnam War and; Watergate and; White House taping system and
Halperin, Morton
Hanoi; bombing of; HK’s trip to (1973); meeting of senior diplomats in (1970)
Harding, Warren
Harlow, Bryce
Harper & Brothers
Harriman, Averell
Harris, Louis
Harvard University; HK as graduate student at; HK as instructor at; HK’s appointment as national security adviser and; HK’s doctoral thesis at; HK’s quest for tenured professorship at; HK’s undergraduate studies at; University Summer International Seminar at
Hawaii, RN’s CINPAC briefing in (1970)
Heath, Edward
Hegel, Georg
Helms, Jesse; Chilean crisis and; Laos offensive and
Helms, Richard
Helsinki talks (1969)
Helsinki talks (1970)
Henry Kissinger: The Private and Public Story (Blumenfeld)
Herndon, William
Hersh, Seymour
High Noon in the Cold War (Frankel)
Hiss, Alger
Hitler, Adolf
Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh trail; attack in Laos on (1971); bombing of, as response to violations of Paris accords
Hofstadter, Richard
Hogan, Lawrence
Holdridge, John
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hope, Bob
Horman, Charles
Hornet, U.S.S.
Houghton Mifflin
House Foreign Affairs Committee
House Judiciary Committee; public hearings in; subpoena powers granted to; votes on articles of impeachment in; White House tapes subpoenaed by
House of Representatives, U.S.; election of 1970 and; prospects for impeachment vote in; RN’s pressure on Jews in; RN’s race for seat in (1946); RN’s term in (1947–1950). See also Congress, U.S.
House Select Committee on Foreign Aid
House Un-American Activities Commitee (HUAC)
Huang Hua
Hubbard, Henry
Humphrey, Hubert; election of 1968 and
Hussein, king of Jordan; attempted overthrow of (1970)
Huston, Tom
Huston Plan
Hutschnecker, Arnold
India; Bengali refugees from East Pakistan in; Soviet treaty with (1971); U.S. economic aid to. See also Indo-Pakistan war
Indo-Pakistan war (1971); American liberals and; author’s assessment of Nixon-Kissinger policy on; W. Bundy’s assessment of Nixon-Kissinger policy on; cease-fire negotiations in; circumstances leading to; danger of widened conflict in; diplomatic efforts to avert war; eruption of full-scale hostilities in; HK’s reputation for honesty and his ties to Nixon as casualties of; Nixon administration’s reluctance to intervene in; nuclear option and; RN’s and HK’s personalization of; “tilt” policy revelations and; UN and; U.S. warship and troop movements and
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Inter-American Press Association
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs); SALT and; SS-9s
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT)
Isaacson, Walter
Ismail, Hafiz
Israel; American Jewish community’s support for; Arab recognition of; assassination of athletes from, at Munich Olympics; bilateral talks of Egypt and; deadlock in Egyptian tensions with; difficulties in U.S. relations with; HK suspected of bias toward; HK’s views on creation of state; Jordanian crisis and; Lebanon attacked by; nuclear weapons of; occupied territories and; RN’s relection bid and; RN’s trip to (1974); Six-Day War and; U.S. aid to; Yom Kippur War and ensuing peace negotiations and. See also Middle East; Yom Kippur War
Jackson, Henry
Jackson State
Jarring, Gunnar
Javits, Jacob
Jaworski, Leon
Jefferson, Thomas
Jewish community, American; electoral politics and; emigration of Soviet Jews and; Israel supported by; RN’s animosity toward; support for Vietnam policy sought from
Jews, Soviet, emigration of
Jha, Lakshmi
Jobert, Michel
Johnson, Lyndon; domestic policies of; election of 1964 and; HK as consultant to; Humphrey’s presidential candidacy and; McGovern’s presidential candidacy and; Middle East and; Pentagon Papers and; as potential candidate in 1968 election; RN’s 1968 campaign wiretapped by; Rockefeller’s presidential candidacy and; telephone and office conversations secretly recorded by; Vietnam War and
Johnson, U. Alexis
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS); Radford’s skullduggery and; SALT II and
Joint Congressional Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation
Jones, Jim
Jordan; arms sales to; crisis in (1970)
Justice Department, U.S.
Kalb, Bernard
Kalb, Marvin
Kant, Immanuel
Karamessines, Thomas
Kendall, Don
Kennan, George
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, John F.; Alliance for Progress and; Berlin crisis and; election of 1960 and; HK as consultant to; Vietnam and
Kennedy, Robert
Kent State University
Kerry, John
Khachigian, Ken
Khan, Yahya
Khmer Rouge
Khrushchev, Nikita; RN’s debate with (1959)
King, Martin Luther
Kissinger (B. Kalb and M. Kalb)
Kissinger, Ann Fleischer (wife)
Kissinger, Henry: abstract principles of foreign policy forged by (1968); after leaving government service; ambition of; appointed national security adviser; appointed secretary of state; approval ratings for; army service of; ascent of, as national security expert; assessment of foreign policy record of; attention and approval continually needed by; Bavarian accent of; biographies of; childhood of; as collaborator in what he knew was a corrupt administration; conservative critics of; as consultant to Johnson administration; as consultant to Kennedy administration; control over bureaucracy sought by; election of 1968 and; emigration of, to America; emotional and professional crises of; exceptional intelligence of; fiftieth birthday party for; firing of, contemplated by RN; Ford presidency and; foreign policy based on personality vs. institutions and; forging of national security strategy as focus of; frequency of RN’s meetings with; fundamental similarities of RN and; General Kirschman as code name of; German and, more broadly, European identity of; governance style of RN and; hostility and tensions in RN’s relationship with; intellectual arrogance ascribed to; Jewish origins of; marriages of; memos on RN’s discussions with; negotiating skills of; Nobel Peace Prize awarded to; NSC restructured by; pandering and flattery of RN ascribed to; paranoia ascribed to; personality and demeanor of; personalization of international crises ascribed to; personal philosophy of; petulance and angry outbursts of; playboy image of; as political operative in RN’s reelection campaign; press briefings of (“backgrounders”); prominence and celebrity of; psychiatric counseling recommended for; RN first advised by; RN’s first meeting with; as RN’s most important adviser; as RN’s principal negotiator; secrecy as predilection of; self-deprecating humor of; sensitive to any slight or criticism; staff of; university training of, (see also Harvard University); viewed as part of liberal foreign policy establishment; White House workplace of. See also specific topics
Kissinger, Louis (father)
Kissinger, Nancy Maginnes (wife)
Kissinger, Paula Stern (mother)
kitchen debate (1959)
Klein, Herb
Korean War
Korff, Rabbi Baruch
Korry, Edward; recall of
Kosygin, Aleksei; HK’s pre-Summit memo on; RN’s discussions with, at Moscow Summit of 1972
Kraemer, Fritz
Kraft, Joseph
Kutler, Stanley
Ky, Nguyen Cao
labor unions
Lafayette College
Laird, Melvin; appointed secretary of defense; bureaucratic intrique and; Cambodian incursion and; HK’s jokes about his relationship with; Israeli nuclear program and; Vietnam War and
Lake, Anthony
Lam, Pham Dang
Laos; B-52 raids over; continuation of fighting in, after Paris accords; offensive in (1971); RN’s announcement of South Vietnamese victory in
Latin America; conference with ministers from (1974); covert activities in (see also Chile); HK’s undiplomatic remarks about; Nixon administration’s fears of Communist influence in; prospects for democracy in; RN’s “new policy” toward (1969); RN’s trip to (1958); RN’s trip to (1967); Soviet ambitions in; Walters’s memo about (1970). See also specific countries
Léger, Fernand
Lewis, Ted
limited war strategy
Lin Biao
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln Memorial, RN’s encounter with antiwar activists at (May 8–9, 1970)
Lippmann, Walter
Lisagor, Peter
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Logan Act (1799)
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Loory, Stuart
Lord, Winston
Los Angeles Times
Luce, Claire Booth
Lynn, Lawrence
“Madman theory,”
Maginnes, Nancy
Mahan, Erin
Malraux, André
Mankiewicz, Frank
Mansfield, Mike
Mansfield Amendment
Mao Zedong; HK’s talks with (February 1973); Malraux’s counsel on; personality and demeanor of; RN’s talks with, at Peking Summit
Marcantonio, Vito
Mars, manned mission to
Marshall, George C.
Marshall Plan
“Massacre Enabling Act,”
massive retaliation policy
Matskevich, Vladimir
Mauldin, Bill
McCain, John
McCarthy, Eugene
McCarthy, Joseph
McClellan, John
McCloskey, Pete
McCone, John
McCord, James
McCormack, John
McGovern, George; delay of Vietnamese peace settlement and
McKinley, William
McNamara, Robert
“Meaning of History: Reflections on Spengler, Toynbee and Kant, The” (Kissinger)
Meany, George
Meir, Golda; RN’s first meeting with (1969); Washington trip of (1973); Yom Kippur War and ensuing peace negotiations and
Menu raids
Metternich, Klemens
Middle East; American Jews and ; assassination of Israeli athletes at Munich Olympics and; assessment of Nixon-Kissinger policy in; deadlock in Egyptian-Israeli tensions in; de Gaulle’s advice on; Four Power talks on; gap in military capacities between Israel and Arabs in; Geneva peace conference and (1973); HK’s back channel in negotiations on; HK’s conflicts with Rogers and state department over; HK’s exclusion from policy discussions on; hopeless complexity of conflict in; Israeli raids on Lebanon and (1974); Jordanian crisis in (1970); leaks and; National Security Decision Memorandum on (1969); Nixon administration’s stalling tactics on; nuclear weapons in; Resolution and; RN’s domestic political self-interest and; RN’s preoccupation with personal credit and; RN’s reelection bid and; RN’s reluctance to become directly involved in negotiations on; RN’s trip to (June 1974); Rogers’s cease-fire proposal for (1970); Six-Day War in (1967); Soviet interests in; state department’s responsibility for U.S. policy on; Watergate’s impact on conduct of U.S. policy in. See also Arab oil embargo; Yom Kippur War; specific countries
Midway Island, RN’s meeting with Thieu on (1969)
Milhous, Almira Burdg (grandmother)
missile gap
Mitchell, John; appointed attorney general; Chilean crisis and; HK’s appointment as national security adviser and; Middle East and; Pentagon Papers and; RN’s intelligence on Paris peace talks and (1968); RN’s reelection campaign and; Watergate and; wiretaps and
Monde, Le
Montgomery, Lord
moon landing (1969)
Moorer, Thomas
Moose, Richard
Moratorium demonstrations
Morris, Roger
Moscow Summit (1972); communiqué at end of; congressional briefings on; exchanges with Soviets following; first day’s sessions in; HK’s pre-Summit memos and; HK’s secret pre-Summit trip and (April 1972); Indo-Pakistan war and; jeopardized by developments in Vietnam War; last three days of; profiles of Soviet leaders prepared for; public relations campaign launched after; RN’s and HK’s eagerness for; RN’s arrival at; RN’s doubts about success of; RN’s lobbying for; RN’s meeting with Dobrynin before; RN’s preoccupation with personal credit and; RN’s public pronouncements on; RN’s reelection bid and; Rogers’s role minimized in; SALT I and; second day’s sessions in; signing ceremonies in; statement of Basic Principles for
Moscow Summit (1974); communiqué at end of; disappointing results of; HK’s pre-Summit trip and (March 1974); SALT II and
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
multilateral force (MLF)
multiple independently targeted reentry vehicles (MIRVs); SALT and
Munich Olympics (1972)
Muskie, Edmund
mutual balanced force reductions (MBFR)
Mutual Broadcasting
MyLai massacre (1968)
Nakasone, Yasuhiro
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
National Archives
National Citizens’ Committee for Fairness to the Presidency
National Council of Reconciliation
National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF; also known as Viet Cong); Saigon attacked by (1969)
National Review
National Security Agency
National Security Council (NSC): Committee of; HK’s dual appointment and; HK’s restructuring of; HK’s staff at; Jewish staff members of; Radford’s skullduggery at; resignations at, over Cambodia incursion; Senior Review Group of; wiretaps in investigation of leaks at
NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Naval Academy, U.S.
Navy, U.S.
Nazi Germany
Necessity for Choice: Prospects of American Foreign Policy (Kissinger)
Negroponte, John
New Deal
New Left
New Republic,
New York Daily News
New Yorker
New York Post
New York Times; Pentagon Papers and; Watergate and
Nha, Hoang Duc
Nitze, Paul
Nixon, Arthur (brother)
Nixon, Edward (brother)
Nixon, Frank (father)
Nixon, Hannah (mother)
Nixon, Harold (brother)
Nixon, Patricia Ryan (wife)
Nixon, Richard: 1946 House race of; 1947–1950 congressional term of; 1950 Senate race of; 1952 vice-presidential campaign of; 1953–1961 vice-presidency of; 1960 presidential campaign of; 1962 gubernatorial campaign of; 1968 presidential campaign of; 1972 reelection of (see election of 1972); ambition of; “American values” espoused by; angry outbursts of; anti-Semitism ascribed to; approval ratings for; assessment of first year in presidency of; assessment of foreign policy record of; Cabinet and staff appointments of; Cabinet meetings of; ceremonial aspects of presidency enjoyed by; childhood of; at college; conservative critics of; contradictory impulses of; conversations recorded by, (see also White House tapes); credibility problem of; crisis responses of; criticism resented by; daily news summaries prepared for; daily schedule of; death of; desk used in White House by; difficulties of working with; dirty tricks in administration of; distrustful of White House aides; domestic affairs and; drinking of; ethnic stereotyping of; financial improprieties ascribed to; foreign policy as focus of; frequency of HK’s meetings with; fundamental similarities of HK and; funeral of; governance style of HK and; health problems of; historical reputation as concern of; HK’s first meeting with; HK’s genuine regard for; hostility and tensions in HK’s relationship with; image-making efforts of; Inauguration of (1969); Inauguration of (1973); inner circle of; at law school; legal practice of; leisure activities of; Navy service of; paranoia ascribed to; pardon of; peacemaker image of; personality and demeanor of; personalization of international crises ascribed to; political enemies as viewed by; politics as odd career choice for; postpresidential career of; presidential control over foreign policy enlarged by; psychological stress of presidency and; psychotherapeutic treatment of; public perception of; Quaker faith of; resignation of; round-the-world trip of (July–August 1969); secrecy as predilection of; status strivings of; “tricky Dick” appellation for; warrior self-image of; White House workplaces of; work ethic of. See also specific topics
Nixon, Tricia (daughter)
Nixon Doctrine
Nobel Peace Prize
Nofziger, Lyn
Nol, Lon
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); Brussels meeting marking twenty-fifth anniversary of (1974)
North Vietnam; bombing of ; Cambodian sanctuaries and supply routes of; HK’s trip to (1973); Johnson’s bombing halt and (1968); mining of harbors in; negotiations with (see Paris peace talks); outlasting Americans as strategy of; peace settlement with (see Paris accords); Sino-American rapprochement and; South Vietnam taken over by; U.S. aid proposed for. See also Haiphong; Hanoi; Vietnam War
Novak, Robert
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) (1968)
nuclear weapons; ABM controversy and; Indo-Pakistan war and; integration of, into U.S. foreign policy; Korean War and; massive retaliation policy and; in Middle East; peaceful co-existence and; Prevention of Nuclear War treaty and (PNW) (1973); RN’s control over foreign policy and; stable deterrence and; tactical or battlefield; U.S. intelligence community and; Vietnam War and. See also arms control; arms race; SALT
Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy (Kissinger)
Oberdorfer, Don
O’Brien, Larry
Office of Price Administration
Office of War Mobilization
oil. See also Arab oil embargo; energy crisis
Old Executive Office Building (OEOB)
Open Skies
Osgood, Robert
Oval Office
pacification program
Pakistan; Bengali uprising in (1970); East Pakistan’s autonomy and; as intermediary for Sino-American exchanges; U.S. “tilt” toward. See also Indo-Pakistan war
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
Palestinians; Geneva peace negotiations and; overthrow of Jordan’s Hussein attempted by (1970)
Panzer, Fred
Paris accords (1973); continuation of fighting after; doubts about viability of; enforcement of, limited by Watergate; HK’s and RN’s preoccupation with personal credit for; May 1973 Paris talks on; Nobel Peace Prize and; opportunities for settlement four years earlier and; press briefings on; reaffirmation of (June 1973); signing ceremony for; South Vietnamese opposition to; Soviet-American relations and collapse of; U.S. public’s lack of interest in enforcement of
Paris peace talks; in 1967 (code named Pennsylvania); in 1968; in July–August 1969; in February–April 1970; in September–October 1970; in April 1971; in May 1971; in June–September 1971; in March 1972; in April–May 1972; in July 1972; in August 1972; in September–October 1972; in November 1972; in December 1972; in January 1973; antiwar sentiments’ effects on; contradictions between North Vietnam’s private and public statements in; “decent interval” concerns and; delay of settlement until after RN’s reelection and; final peace agreement in (1973), (see also Paris accords); four-party vs. bilateral discussions proposed in; HK’s “cloak and dagger” tactics and; HK’s diplomatic initiatives and; HK’s functioning as surrogate president in; HK’s “peace is at hand” statement and; HK’s personal credit for settlement in; HK’s press briefings on progress in (October–November 1972); Johnson’s bombing halt and (1968); Mansfield Amendment and; North Vietnamese intransigence in; October 1972 settlement proposal in; as “posturing” vehicle; RN’s accession to presidency and; RN’s escalation threats and; RN’s insistence on postelection settlement and (1972); RN’s overture to Ho and (1969); RN’s secret intrusion into (1968); secret bombing of Cambodia and; South Vietnamese participation proposed for; Soviet pressure on North Vietnam and; stalemate in
Paris Summit (1960)
atton, George S.
peaceful coexistence
Peale, Rev. Norman Vincent
Pearson, Drew
Peking Summit (1972); announcement of; Chinese motivations for; communiqué at end of; HK’s advance trip for (October 1971); HK’s prestige and; HK’s secret trip to Peking and (July 1971); Indo-Pakistan war and; popular approval of; press coverage of; RN’s arrival at; RN’s doubts about success of; RN’s preparations for; RN’s reelection bid and; substantive discussions in; suggestion for; technical arrangements for; U.S. advance party for
Pennsylvania negotiations (1967)
Pentagon Papers; Ellsberg’s role in; HK suspected of complicity in leak of; Supreme Court decision on
People’s Daily (Peking)
Percy, Charles
Peres, Shimon
Phi Beta Kappa
Philadelphia Inquirer
Phnom Penh, U.S. diplomatic mission in
Phouma, Souvanna
Phuong, Tram Kim
“ping-pong diplomacy,” origin of term
Pinochet, Augusto
Podgorny, Nikolai
Polish-American community
Polk, James K.
Pompidou, Georges
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Powell, Enoch
POWs, American; dinner honoring return of; Paris accords and
POWs, North Vietnamese
press; ABM controversy and; détente and; friendly to RN, called on in news conferences; HK’s “backgrounders” on foreign affairs for; HK’s relationship with; Indo-Pakistan war and; Jewish point of view and; leaks to; Moscow Summit of 1972 and; Nixon administration’s attempts at manipulation of; Peking Summit and; RN’s animosity toward; Vietnam War and; Watergate and. See also specific publications and reporters
Prevention of Nuclear War treaty (PNW) (1973)
Price, Ray
Prospects for America
“Psalm of Life” (Longfellow)
Pursley, Robert
Rabin, Yitzhak
Radford, Charles
Rahman, Sheikh Mujibur (known as Mujib)
Rather, Dan
Rayburn, Sam
Raymont, Henry
Reagan, Ronald
Reasoner, Harry
Red River, destruction of dikes on
“Report on the Cambodian Operation,”
Republican convention of 1960
Republican convention of 1964
Republican convention of 1968
Republican convention of 1972
Republican convention of 1992
Republican party; conservative wing of (see conservatives); election of 1970 and; election of 1972 and; RN’s reelection bid and
Reston, James (“Scotty”)
Reuther, Walter
Review Group
revolutionary states, HK’s views on
Reynolds, Frank
Rhodes, John
Richardson, Elliot
Rickover, Hyman
Riesman, David
Roberts, Chalmers
Rockefeller, David
Rockefeller, Nelson; in election of 1960; in election of 1964; in election of 1968; HK as adviser to
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Rockefeller Foundation
Rodino, Peter
Rogers, William P.; appointed secretary of state; arms control and; Cambodian incursion and; China policy and; firing of, contemplated by RN; German Ostpolitik and; HK’s conflicts with; HK’s jokes about his relationship with; Indo-Pakistan war and; Israeli-Egyptian cease-fire proposal of (1970); Jordanian crisis and; Korry’s recall and; Middle East and; Moscow Summit and; NSC restructuring and; Pentagon Papers and; resignation of; Vietnam War and
Rogers Plan
Romania; as intermediary for Sino-American exchanges; RN’s trip to (1969)
Romney, George
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rostow, Walt
Roth, Philip
round-the-world trip (July–August 1969)
Rovere, Richard
Rowe, James
Rowen, Henry
Ruckelshaus, William
Ruebhausen, Oscar
Rush, Kenneth
Rusk, Dean
Russell, Richard
Russia. See also Soviet Union
Ryan, Patricia. See Nixon, Patricia Ryan
Sadat, Anwar; HK’s meetings with; lifting of Arab oil embargo and; RN’s Egypt trip and; Yom Kippur War and ensuing peace negotiations and
Safire, William
Saigon: shelling of (December 1971); Viet Cong attack on (1969)
St. Clair, James
Sainteny, Jean
St. John, Jill
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
SALT (strategic arms limitation talks); ABMs and; breakthrough in (May 1971); conservative critics of; détente as payoff of; heightened U.S. defense posture and (1969); Helsinki talks (November 1970); HK’s drive to control process in; ICBMs and; leaks and; MIRVs and; Moscow Summit of 1972 and; Moscow Summit of 1974 and; offensive land-based missiles and; RN’s concerns about personal credit for; RN’s domestic gains from; SLBMs and; strategic superiority notion and; technical, mind-numbing discussions in; Threshold Test Ban Treaty and; U.S. national security and; verification methods and; Vienna talks (April–August 1970); Vienna talks (March 1971). See arms control; SALT I agreement; SALT II agreement
SALT I agreement; flaws in; Goldwater’s backing for; Senate approval of
SALT II agreement
Salvatori, Henry
Sanchez, Manolo
San Francisco State
Saragat, Giuseppe
Saturday Night Massacre (October 20, 1973)
Saudi Arabia. See also Arab oil embargo
Saunders, Harold
Saxbe, William
Scali, John
Scheel, Walter
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.
Schlesinger, James
Schneider, Rene
Schneider, Richard
Schorr, Daniel
Schumann, Maurice
Scott, Hugh
Scowcroft, Brent; as Ford’s national security adviser; Haig replaced at NSC by; Middle East and; Watergate and
Senate, U.S.; arms control and; election of 1970 and; HK’s confirmation hearings in; Mansfield Amendment and; prospects for impeachment trial in; RN’s race for seat in (1950); RN’s Soviet policy and; Watergate investigated by (see Senate Watergate Committee). See also Congress, U.S.
Senate Armed Services Committee
Senate Banking Committee
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Senate Watergate Committee (Ervin committee); White House tapes subpoenaed by
Senior Review Group (NSC)
Sentinel (ABM)
Sevareid, Eric
Shah of Iran
Shaw, George Bernard
Shawcross, William
Shazar, Zalman
Sheehan, Neil
Shrike missiles
Shultz, George
Sidey, Hugh
Sihanouk, Prince Norodom
Simon, William
Sinai: Israeli occupation of; Yom Kippur War and
Sindlinger polls
Sirhan, Sirhan B.
Sirica, John
Sisco, Joseph
Six Crises (Nixon)
Six-Day War (1967)
Smathers, George
Smith, Gerard
Smith, Hendrick
Smith, Howard K.
Smothers Brothers
Smyser, Dick
Snow, Edgar
Socialist party
Socialist Workers party
Society of Newspaper Editors
Sonnenfeldt, Helmut (Hal)
South Vietnam: autonomous future sought for; conduct of war turned over to (see Vietnamization); consequences predicted for loss of; deterioration of U.S. relations with; election in (1971); election plans for, after end of war; HK’s low opinion of; National Council of Reconciliation proposed for; negative media reports on; North Vietnamese takeover of; North Vietnamese troops in; North Vietnam’s massive conventional invasion of (1972); pacification program in; participation in Paris peace talks proposed for; postwar military aid to; reconstruction aid for. See also Thieu, Nguyen Van; Vietnam War
Soviet Union; American Jews and; arms control and (see arms control; SALT); arms race and (see arms race); assessment of Nixon-Kissinger policy on; Berlin crisis and; Chinese relations with; collapse of; conservative critics of RN’s policies toward; Cuba and; de Gaulle’s advice on relations with; détente with, (see also Moscow Summit (1972); Moscow Summit (1974); Washington Summit); development of U.S. defense policy against; Eastern Europe dominated by; German relations with (Ostpolitik),; HK’s trip to (September 1972); HK’s trip to (May 1973); Indian treaty with (1971); Indo-Pakistan war and; Jewish emigration from; Jordanian crisis and; Latin America and; Middle East and; missile gap and; Prevention of Nuclear War treaty and (PNW) (1973); RN’s postpresidential visits to; RN’s reelection bid and; Romanian independence from; Sino-American rapprochement and; state department isolated from direct involvement with; superior military capacity of; U.S. trade with; Vietnam War and; Watergate’s impact on U.S. relations with; worsening of U.S. relations with (fall 1970–spring 1971); Yom Kippur War and ensuing peace negotiations and
Spanish-American War
Special Study Group
stable deterrence
Stalin, Joseph
Stans, Maurice
State Department, U.S.; arms control and; Chile and; China policy and; HK’s conflicts with; Indo-Pakistan war and; Korry’s recall and; leaks and; Middle East and; NSC restructuring and; RN and HK’s efforts to limit involvement of; RN’s animosity toward; Soviet Union and; Vietnam War and. See also Rogers, William P.
State of the Union address (1969)
State of the Union address (1974)
status politics
Stennis, John
Stevenson, Adlai
Stewart, Michael
Stoessel, Walter
Strategic Air Command (SAC)
strategic arms limitation talks. See arms control; SALT
Strauss, Franz Joseph
Stripling, Robert
Stuart, Gilbert
Student Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs); SALT and
Suez Canal
Sullivan, William
Sunday Times (London)
Supreme Court, U.S.; White House tapes and
surface-to-air-missiles (SAMs)
Syria; Jordanian crisis and; RN’s trip to (1974); Yom Kippur War and ensuing negotiations and. See also Yom Kippur War
Szulc, Tad
Taft, Robert
Taft-Hartley legislation
Taiwan (Republic of China); expulsion of, from UN; “one China” formula and; U.S. military presence in
“Talking Points on China” (Nixon)
Tanaka, Kakuei
tapes. See White House tapes
Taylor, Maxwell
Tay Ninh, attack on (1973)
“Tell it to Hanoi” ad
terHorst, Jerald
Teruggi, Frank
Test Ban Treaty (1963)
Tet Offensive (1968)
Thieu, Nguyen Van, as candidate in 1971 election, delay in settlement until after RN’s reelection and, deterioration of U.S. relations with, HK hated by, Laos offensive and, negotiations on fate of, as possible coup target, reaffirmation of Paris accords and, RN’s insistence on postelection settlement and, RN’s Midway Island meeting with (1969), South Vietnamese participation in Paris peace talks and (1968), U.S. visited by (1973)
Thimmesch, Nick
Tho, Le Duc, final settlement and, HK’s talks with (May and June 1973), Nobel Peace Prize awarded to, October 1972 settlement proposal and, violations of Paris accords and
Thomas, Helen
Thompson, Sir Robert
Threshold Test Ban Treaty (1974)
Thuy, Xuan, October 1972 settlement proposal and
Tibet, 28
Time, RN and HK as “man of the year” in
Tindemans, Leo
Tirado, Hugo
Tkach, John
Tkach, Walter
Tomic, Radomiro
Tonkin Gulf Resolution (1964), repeal of
Toon, Malcolm
Tower, John
Troubled Partnership: A Reappraisal of the Atlantic Alliance, The (Kissinger)
Truman, Harry
Truman Doctrine
Tumulty, Joe
Turkey, Cyprus crisis and (1974)
Twenty-fifth Amendment
United Arab Republic of Egypt and Syria (UAR)
United Nations (UN), Communist China’s admission to, Indo-Pakistan war and, Middle East and, Vietnam War and, Yom Kippur War and
United Nations Security Council, Communist China’s seat on, Resolution 242 of
United Press International (UPI)
United States Information Agency
University of Chicago
University of Pennsylvania
U.S. News & World Report
U Thant
Vaky, Viron
Valdés, Gabriel
Valenzuela, Camilo
Valeriani, Richard
Van Buren, Martin
Vanik, Charles
Vann, John Paul
Venezuela, RN attacked in (1958)
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
Viaux, Roberto
Vienna talks (1970)
Vienna talks (1971)
Viet Cong. See National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam
Vietnamization, Cambodian incursion and, Laos offensive and, likelihood of negotiated settlement and, North Vietnam’s 1972 offensive and, rosy assessments of, shortcomings of South Vietnamese military and, withdrawal of U.S. troops and
Vietnam Veterans Against the War
Vietnam War, aid to Israel linked to support for, analysis of options in (1969), arms control linked to peace arrangements in, assessment of Nixon-Kissinger policy on, atrocities in, bombing of North in, Christmas bombings in (1972), CIA propaganda campaign in, Clifford’s article on (June 1969), congressional cutoff of funding for, credibility argument for remaining in
Vietnam War (cont.) de Gaulle’s advice on, demoralization of U.S. military in, draft policies and, drug addiction among soldiers in, election of 1968 and, foreign government officials’ views on, HK’s consultancy to Johnson administration and, HK’s memo on (September 1969), HK’s status as RN’s most important adviser and, “honorable” peace sought in, Johnson’s bombing halt in (1968), lack of excitement at end of, Laos offensive in (1971), leaks and, Mansfield Amendment and, Middle East disputes and, Moscow Summit of 1972 jeopardized by, mutual withdrawal of forces from, negotiated settlement sought by Johnson administration in, North Vietnam’s massive conventional invasion of South in (1972), nuclear weapons and, Pentagon Papers and, POWs in (see POWs, American); press coverage of, psychological stress placed on RN by, renewed hopes for U.S. victory in (late 1970), RN’s eight-point plan for end of, RN’s insistence on postelection settlement of (November 1972), RN’s major speeches on, RN’s nationally televised interviews on, RN’s optimistic assessments of (1969), RN’s overall presidency impacted by, RN’s reelection bid and, RN’s sense of urgency about ending of, secret war in Laos and, Sino-American rapprochement and, Soviet-American détente and, Special Study Group on, stepped-up Communist offensivesin, Thieu-Nixon meeting and (Midway Island, 1969), as unwinnable war, U.S. casualties in, U.S. domestic opposition to, (see also antiwar movement); U.S. military escalations in, U.S. national interest and, U.S. public opinion on, widening of, into Cambodia, (see also Cambodia); withdrawal of U.S. troops from, See also North Vietnam; Paris accords; Paris peace talks; South Vietnam; Vietnamization
Voorhis, Jerry
Vorontsov, Yuli
Voroshilov, Kliment
Voting Rights Act (1965)
Waggonner, Joe
Walinsky, Adam
Wallace, George
Walters, Barbara
Walters, Vernon
War Powers Act (1973)
Warren, Earl
Warsaw, meetings of U.S. and Chinese representatives in (1970–1971)
Washington, George
Washington Daily News
Washington energy conference (1974)
Washington Post, “tilt” policy revelations in, Watergate and
Washington Press Club
Washington Special Action Group (WSAG)
Washington Star
Washington Summit (1973), HK’s secret pre-Summit trip and (May 1973), opening statements in, substantive discussions in, Watergate’s impact on
Watergate, allegations of financial improprieties and, allegations of HK’s involvement in, avalanche of bad news in, break-in at DNC and, conduct of foreign affairs impacted by, congressional investigation of, (see also House Judiciary Committee; Senate Watergate Committee); conspiracy indictments and, in context of illegal secret operations of Nixon administration, demands for presidential records related to, (see also White House tapes); FBI investigation of break-in and, Ford’s pardon of Nixon and, foreign policy used to deflect attention from, HK’s appointment to secretary of state and, HK’s exceptional status due to, HK’s management of foreign policy during, HK’s resignation threat and, HK’s support for RN in, impeachment and, (see also House Judiciary Committee); PR efforts to demonstrate RN’s foreign policy leadership and, press coverage of, prospects for criminal proceedings against RN and, public opinion on, question-and-answer session with AP editors about, resignations and firings of White House staff and, responses to violations of Paris accords limited by, RN as unindicted co-conspirator in, RN’s hospitalization and, RN’s mental condition and, RN’s Middle East trip and (1974), RN’s PR campaign on (July–August 1973), RN’s resignation and, RN’s speeches and interviews on, RN’s tactics against his opponents and, Saturday Night Massacre and (October 20, 1973), Southeast Asia policy and, Soviet-American relations and, special prosecutor and, State of the Union address and, suspension of RN’s presidential authority as possibility during, trial of burglars in, War Powers Act and, White House officials linked to, wiretap allegations against HK and, Yom Kippur War and ensuing peace negotiations and
Watson, Marvin
Watts, William
Wayne, John
Weiss, Arnold
Welch, Ola Florence
Wells, H. G.
Wells, Tom
West Bank, Israeli occupation of
Westmoreland, William
Whalen, Richard
Wheeler, Earl
White, Theodore
White House: HK’s workplace in, RN’s workplaces in
White House tapes, blue language and angry attacks in, destruction of, considered by RN, erasures in, existence of, revealed to Ervin committee, installation of recording system and, missing tapes and, RN’s concern for historical record and, “smoking gun” and (June 23, 1972, tape), subpoenas for, Supreme Court ruling on, transcripts of, released by RN
White House Years (Kissinger)
Whittier College
Wicker, Tom
Wills, Garry
Will to Live, The (Hutschnecker)
Wilson, Woodrow
Wingert and Bewley
wiretaps, allegations against HK related to, leaks at NSC and, of RN’s 1968 campaign by Johnson
Woodward, Bob
World Bank
World Restored, A (Kissinger)
“World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace, A” (Kissinger)
World War I
World War II, HK’s army service in, RN’s navy service in
Yahya Khan
Year of Europe (1973)
Years of Renewal (Kissinger)
Years of Upheaval (Kissinger)
Yeats, William Butler
Yom Kippur War (1973), DefCon alert and, Egyptian and Israeli violations of cease-fire in, HK’s complaints about RN during, HK’s dominant role in U.S. response to, HK’s shuttle diplomacy and, oil embargo in (see Arab oil embargo); outbreak of fighting in, peace negotiations and, PR efforts to demonstrate RN’s leadership in, prospects for productive Arab-Israeli negotiation after, RN’s Middle East trip and (1974), Soviet interests and, supplies for client states in, suspension of RN’s presidential authority as possibility during, UN-sponsored cease-fire in, U.S. strategic aims in
Ziegler, Ron, Peking Summit and, Vietnam War and, Watergate and, Yom Kippur War and ensuing peace negotiations and
Zumwalt, Elmo