This isn’t all I know about the important arts and sciences but it is all I’m willing to share, here, now, with the likes of you.
Take what’s been said and think on these things, then decide for yourself if they have value. Find your own truth or forever allow yourself to be deceived by others.
My hope for you is that one day, you will rise up and be counted as the champion of Earth and a worthy nemesis; a true leader, unashamed to take the title of emperor and wear that mantle proudly. For your current controllers are cowardly, miserly men who take the wealth from others and then do nothing with it. Each one, mortal. Each one, clutching and forever counting. Each fearing that what they found by chance will be taken by someone more deserving.
Above all things, I have longed for this: One last adversary to stand against. That I might engage in open combat with a worthy challenger again. That I might find the will to summon up the blood and don my armor one last time. And there, on a green field of my choosing, watch my final battle unfold. Soldiers screaming for vocals, Stalin on the organs, artillery beating the earth like a base drum. All of it scented with a heady, sweet napalm. And I in the thick of it, hands raw from wrenching lives asunder, throat dry from the shouting of orders, legs growing weak but still stepping over the fallen. In the quiet moments, listening for mothers wailing in despair at the sight of their fallen sons. Is that too much to ask for?
And there you can pitch your men against my minions and we can see how they fare. I will show you more about the arts of war on that day. I will show you wonders you haven’t the mental capacity to imagine. Terrifying, frenzying, splendid things, which will leave your mouth agape and your men trembling as my horrors lurch towards them hungrily.
And if I were to fall on that day, what a prize you shall have! If I were to find the ground holding me at last; in that embrace I will tell you all the secrets of the universe known to me and they are legion. Then, finally, I would pass into the screaming well of darkness; content with a life well-fought. You can look down on my bloodless corpse, scan up across the lands you can now call yours, and then higher still. Looking up at the night sky, you can pick a star, point to it and say this: “There, that is where we begin.”