WHEN YOU WERE YOUNGER it probably didn’t take much to arouse your libido. Just the smell of a girl’s perfume could send you into sexual overdrive and spark an erection that would last an hour. Now that you’re older you may find that your sexual desire has slipped down a few notches. Perhaps you’re in the mood mentally but you have some erection problems, or maybe you simply don’t feel like having sex no matter what your body thinks otherwise.
Common reasons why your sex drive fades –
1. Abuse – Whether you smoke, drink, or take drugs on a regular basis it will eventually take its toll on your mind and body. Those few moments that a cigarette relieves stress or a couple of drinks calm the nerves will, in time, lead to loss of libido and erectile dysfunction.
2. Diet – Everything you eat and drink has an overall effect on your health and wellbeing. Yes, even your sexual health. Having a poor diet reduces blood flow to your organs, including your penis, and soon you’ll find it difficult to get an erection. Blood carries oxygen to your cells and with a reduced flow your brain will suffer as well. This leads to depression, lack of sexual desire, and a host of other mental and physiological problems.
3. Testosterone – As you age your levels of testosterone fall, which means your sex drive decreases, desire diminishes, muscles become flabby, while insomnia, anxiety and depression control your mind.
Hormones tend to fluctuate so you may have days where you feel pretty good and enjoy sex, while most days are sort of painted gray and you don’t have much enthusiasm for anything.
4. Health – If you have any sort of health issue such as heart problems, being overweight, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc., you’ll find that your libido is often in hibernation.
5. Stress – Being under a great deal of stress affects your entire life. Your diet, sleep, sex life and relationships suffer, and you’re also at a higher risk for certain diseases. Stress can kill everything from your libido to your marriage...or even you.
By correcting these 5 common sex drive killers, you can enjoy a healthy, vibrant sex life and feel better all over.