
Having Great Sex


SEXUAL FULFILLMENT and happiness naturally depends on having great sex. Although sexual compatibility has a lot to do with how satisfied you and your partner are in the bedroom, great sex takes time, patience, understanding, and work to perfect. Here are some ideas for turning your repressed or boring sex life into something breathtaking. 

1. Choose a mutually compatible sex partner. By trying to control your sexuality, and hiding your wants and needs and desires, you’re simply squashing down who you are as a sexual being. If you’re into kinkier things and your partner is totally repressed or unwilling to give anything new a try, then you owe it to your ultimate happiness to find someone who matches you both in and out of the bedroom.

2. Let go of sexual pressures. Always worrying about when you’ll have sex with your partner and how well you’ll perform, especially if you’ve suffered with ED at times, is enough to take all the fun and enjoyment out of sex.

Instead of stressing over everything, just let things happen as the come (no pun intended). Releasing this pressure can often lead to some amazing lovemaking sessions. 

3. Leave work at work. When you’re having sex, the worst thing you can do is allow your mind to wander over problems such bills, work issues, erectile dysfunction, or wanting a bigger penis. Let go of the negative thoughts and worries, allowing yourself to enjoy the moment. Be in the here and now, using all your senses, enjoying your partner and the sexual experience. 

4. Sex talk and sexy talk. Having open communication in a relationship is important to healthy sex and a healthy relationship in general. Both of you need to talk about your sexual likes and dislikes, needs and desires.

Be a supportive listener as well. Helping to fulfill your partner’s sexual wants and fantasies can lead to great sex for you both. When in the bedroom don’t be afraid to talk sexy or even dirty to one another. This can be incredibly arousing!

5. Self-love isn’t a bad thing. I’m talking about having good self-esteem and loving yourself as you are—provided you’re taking care of your mental, physical, emotional and sexual health. Constant self-improvement is a must as a human being, but don’t hate who you are right now.

I’m also talking about self-love as in sexually pleasing yourself when the desire to arises. You need to get to know your body, what feels good and many other nuances that you can share with your partner. It’s also a great way to release pent-up energy when you’re feeling uptight or stressed, just don’t overdo it. 

6. Try new things to improve your sex life. Again, you need to have open sexual communication with your partner. If she’s willing to try new things, suggest some different positions, adult movies, toys, role playing, or whatever the two of you can come up with to add spice to your sex life. 

Having great sex doesn’t need to be rocket science, you simply need to be honest, a bit adventurous, and keep communication open between yourself and your partner. Sex should be fun and fulfilling on many levels, it shouldn’t be a chore, stressful, or boring. If it is, you may need to rethink your bedroom tactics.