
Are You Having Enough Sex?


YOU MAY BE WONDERING if you and your partner have an average sex life. Is it above or below average?

As humans we're always curious as to how much money other people make, how happy they really are, and how much sex they're having. Maybe it’s because we use others as a measuring stick for our own lives. If you know someone who has less money than you or less sex than you, then it makes you feel pretty great and above average.

Naturally, we all want to feel above average. However, if you discover that you have less money, less friends, less stuff, and certainly less sex than others do, it really makes you feel depressed. You wonder what's wrong with you, your partner, or the relationship. So how much sex does the average couple have?

In the Beginning

At the start of nearly all relationships sex is an important, if not the primary, focus between two people. You can't get enough and sometimes have sex twice a day or more. Most men are certainly okay with this since too much sex is never enough. 

When you first get together your primitive brain chemicals are flowing fast and furious. Human beings have a subconscious need to procreate, so we're hardwired to do so. These endorphins spinning wildly through your veins and loins are what make for fabulous sessions of sex in the beginning.

Fading Hormone Frenzy

As time goes on, usually about six months to one year into the relationship, sometimes more or less depending on the individual, your hormone frenzy comes to a screeching halt or cools down dramatically.

This is where true love or absolute indifference sets in. This is when you find out if what you feel for your girlfriend is really love or if it was simply fiery lust that burnt itself out. This is a normal part of the relationship process, but it doesn't mean that sex should stop.

So, What’s The Average?

According to studies, the average couple who have been together a year or longer has sex twice a week. Real life and real responsibilities have set in and this is a good thing. Imagine if you felt as wildly out of control as you did in the beginning and lived your life in this mode? You'd never get anything done, bills would go unpaid, you probably wouldn't go to work, and would simply stay in bed making love all the time. Okay, that doesn't seem all that bad, and maybe even quite appealing, but it isn't healthy. 

Now you know that the average couple has sex twice a week. How do you feel about that? Are you above or below average? If you're making love twice or more a week and feel good about your relationship and sex life, then leave well enough alone. Don't fix what isn't broken.

If you're having sex less than twice a week and would like to do it more often then you need to be open, caring, understanding, and honest with your partner. Work through this together and try to ignite the spark again. The two of you may have simply fallen into bad habits and gotten out of the intimacy routine, but you can get back into it with delightful ease.