Chapter 12

A minute later, the office door opened again. Robert was there. He tipped his head at the room behind him. ‘Would you come in for a moment?’

I expected him to step out as I entered but he didn’t. Or, at least, he did step out but only to claim the guest chair from my desk before bringing it in to set it beside the seat I was taking. I thought he intended to supervise this talk.

My uncle was watching across the wide spread of his desk while Robert shut the door and took his seat. The older man’s chair was set before a window so that the natural light brightened the pages of notes in his hand. My uncle looked as he always did. Tall and willowy, but comfortable about the edges.

Beneath the familiar wooliness, though, there was that undertone of preoccupation that had concerned me before. Even now it didn’t fully take any specific form. At once his expression matched the general worry of a kindly relative; in the next a remoteness that must have stemmed from being the man in charge.

Uncle George certainly sounded unnaturally crisp when he leaned in to lay his work down upon the crowded tabletop and told me, ‘Lucy, dear child, I hoped to keep you blissfully ignorant of this, but Rob disagrees. He’s said it before, and now he’s said it considerably more loudly that he never approved of this particular aspect of our plan. He’s said that I’m acting as though wishing that all will be well is the same as it actually being so; and that it’s irresponsibly naïve of me to go on burying my head in the sand about the wider consequences of misleading you.’

My uncle left a pause long enough to give this the weight of a direct quotation and to receive a grimace from his second-in-command. Then my uncle’s attention returned to me. ‘So here you are. We needed the paper because I’ve spent the reserves keeping the business afloat.’

‘I don’t understand.’ I couldn’t help the sideways glance to my neighbour, but he was no help.

My uncle was saying, ‘My reserves are what your Aunt Mabel would call our pension. Only we haven’t got much left after the expense of the war. You know how hard it has been for small book presses like ours to weather the years of shortages. It’s what claimed Nuneham’s, and all the rest.’

I don’t know why but it startled me to hear my uncle mention the source of that paper so easily. I expected Robert to react too, but he simply sat in his chair with one leg crossed loosely over the other and his fingers laced around the knee. He looked, in fact, like a man who had been stepping in and out of meetings in this room for years, not the paltry eight or so months it had truly been.

Uncle George’s own fingers were mindlessly tidying the papers on his desk. He stilled his hands and sat back to say grimly, ‘About four years ago, while you were busily turning out notices from your office in Bristol, we began producing very short print runs and took to making up the shortfall in our income by spending our reserves. It was a common enough practice for those of us who were feeling the effects of the paper shortage. For your aunt and for me, it was the choice we had to make between closing down there and then – with the knowledge that we mightn’t have enough money for our dotage – or pressing on in the hope that conditions would improve enough to remedy some of the disaster.’

I hadn’t often seen my uncle look so grave. In a way, Robert had been perfectly accurate when he’d dubbed the older man naïve, because this kindly presence from my childhood had always existed within a wonderfully innocent world of books and writing. He was the man who had made up silly stories and left them on scraps of paper about the house to make a little girl laugh.

At this moment, however, I was feeling every one of my adult years, because my uncle’s narrow face was drawn as he explained, ‘The work has improved slowly. We’ve got new titles on our list; we’ve won the enormous challenge of publishing the Willerson archive. But the shortages of the war haven’t eased to match. We lack resources. Mabel and I are close to sinking. And I don’t mean we’re just a touch poor. I mean if we don’t fulfil these next few jobs, we’ll have nothing left. We’ll have to sell up. And we’ll lose the bulk of the sale of these buildings to the cost of settling our breaches of contract.’

‘You’ll have nothing left?’

My uncle knew it was a query for specifics. He tipped his head uneasily. ‘Mere pennies. Mr Lock and the print room boy will be out of work too. And Amy downstairs. All our responsibilities are hanging on by a thread. And it’s a terrible secret because it won’t matter how hard we work if even the smallest rumour gets out.’

He added, ‘When that happens, we’ll find our authors ringing to cancel our current projects quicker than we can answer the telephone. That’s what really did for Nuneham’s. The rumours. Which is why Rob here has been working to save us ever since he came. He’s the only one who could act without drawing attention to himself. I could hardly go dashing about the country chasing contacts – I’d be bumping into friends and neighbours at every turn. So it fell to Rob. He’s barely had a moment’s rest.’

That last part was said more briskly with a sideways glance at his fellow editor. And it carried the warmth of affection.

Whereas I was thinking that his note of excuse carried that trace of innocence again. And this time, the naivety didn’t quite ring true. Because Uncle George was always travelling to meetings if the query couldn’t be answered over the telephone. He had met the Willerson family at least five times since my return home, and the contradiction was reinforced when I caught the faint stirring beside me as Robert changed position in his chair. Something had surprised him too in my uncle’s speech. There was an alertness in the younger man like puzzlement, only suppressed to nothing very quickly because he knew I had noticed.

It was an odd time to remember the doctor’s harsh suspicion that Robert might have been more than my uncle’s lackey. That Robert might, in fact, have been driving this.

I didn’t believe for a moment in the doctor’s darker insinuations. But I was absolutely certain that Robert had expected my uncle to give a different excuse for leaving the work to his second editor.

Focusing very hard upon my uncle’s face, I asked, ‘Who else knows about the situation here? Presumably, Mr Lock and his assistant do, if they were involved with the hired van. Does Amy know about the risk to her job?’

‘No, of course not. She’s too gentle for me to risk upsetting her for no good reason. I know she acts as if she’s been managing our shop for years, but she spent her war wearing an air of frantic jolliness and daubing patches over holes in damaged training planes. She knows everyone – she even knew our man Gilbert Willerson before he died. If we worried her, she might let it out in conversation over her shop counter. The rest of us – myself, Rob and the men from the printworks – meet the public on very different terms.’

I wanted to bridle at that – it sounded like a criticism of Amy’s ability to bear bad news; and, by omission, mine too.

But Robert’s voice was making a quiet addition beside me. ‘It’s a basic fact that we needed the paper stock to print the books. We can produce all the Jacqueline Dunns and the Miss Prichards and so on within the scope of our usual allowance, but the Willerson project is likely to sell. If we’re going to meet demand we’ve got to print a good volume of books from the first moment. If it really takes off, we’ll need to licence the title to one of the big producers. But in order to achieve that, it’s vital that we first get it out and earning recognition.’

‘I know that.’ I had, in fact, said as much to Doctor Bates.

Perhaps Robert had guessed, not unreasonably given the way my left hand had tightened its grip upon my chair, that I was noticing once again the division that seemed to be perpetually being raised between the men and the women.

Perhaps he meant to bridge the gap by bringing this back to plain facts.

I told him as an aside, ‘You really needn’t explain yet again why it was necessary to purchase that paper. To be frank, it has been discussed so much by now and by so many different people that I feel we’ve established that you and my uncle wanted to combat the paper shortage.’

‘I wasn’t trying to justify myself,’ he replied quietly.

‘So perhaps you’re trying to distract me again?’ Somehow, I was almost making light of it. ‘Or are you directing my mind towards something I’m overlooking? You’ve led my thoughts before, after all, with that well placed query about my plans for the future. I suppose you couldn’t say more that time, without breaking your oath of silence to my uncle.’

He acknowledged the remark with a faint tilt of his head. His manner suited mine. There was a precision beneath the steadiness, and in the process he reminded me that I still hadn’t been given more than a partial answer to one of the many points I couldn’t quite comprehend – the point where I specifically couldn’t have been told.

‘What are you two talking about?’ My uncle’s voice drifted across the desk. The older man was bewildered.

I turned my head. My voice was bolder than I meant it to be when I asked, ‘Why didn’t you get me to contact Nuneham’s, or whichever of the other failing printworks you had Mr Underhill try first?’

‘I offered to help. I didn’t mind.’ This was said more crisply, by Robert.

I thought he was reacting to my unplanned stumble into the formal use of his name.

Or perhaps he was trying to show that his disapproval of my uncle’s decisions only went so far. That must have been my mistake based on my wish to assure myself that Robert was on my side. But I ought to have guessed that the younger man considered himself fully committed to his role. He had, after all, said as much while I’d been worrying about his tension during that companionable little meal between buses.

My manner was less reasonable than it had been when I told my uncle insistently, ‘All the same, it wasn’t right to let him take such a personal risk like this. When I might have done it.’

‘Lucy, don’t. Please.’ The agonised correction from my uncle checked my heart. He said desperately, ‘Please don’t make your offer like that. Like this business with Nuneham’s is something that would taint him.’

I hadn’t realised how close I had come to apportioning blame. Then my uncle’s distress changed everything. I think until this moment, I had still been feeling the tug of the doctor’s nastier suspicions about Robert’s influence upon these decisions. Now, though, I could remember that I really hadn’t been alone in noticing the very real toll this had taken on Robert. My uncle cared terribly too, but still he had leaned upon his second-in-command.

The raw adjustment to my temper made me straighten a little. Somehow I had my bandaged hand hidden from my uncle by keeping it behind me, between my back and the chair as though bracing for action. And yet even this small secret felt like a risk because, really, by hiding my injury, I was doing it too – I was making a decision to exclude these people. And I was calling it protection.

I was gripping the rim of my seat with my other hand when I tripped into saying with rather too much feeling, ‘I meant that kindly. I meant that I might have helped. You needn’t have felt remotely guilty about asking me, would you? After all, I’ve taken enough care from you over the years. Surely it might have been fair to let me pay something back.’

Beyond his desk, my uncle only smiled in a watery sort of way. ‘We couldn’t ask you, Lucy.’

‘Why on earth not?’

I looked from man to man and caught the last seconds of another silent exchange between them. And then the sympathy of my previous thoughts evaporated.

The sense of collusion between them made my mouth tighten with a sharp pang. Here, despite every swing in my emotions, was proof that everything was being said, more or less, to an agreed script. And Robert was driving it.

With that man’s silent insistence, my uncle added reluctantly, ‘Your aunt and I think you’ve had enough to worry about in recent times. We decided we shouldn’t add to your burdens.’

Archie. He meant Archie.

After all this worry about motives and the personal cost to these people, I found I had been blind. Everyone had been involved except me, and for one very specific reason.

I felt my voice grow small and disbelieving. ‘You couldn’t ask for my help because I was widowed five years ago?’

Somehow, I hadn’t prepared for this. It felt like a trap. It had to be. And it had to be Robert’s because he had orchestrated this meeting, and yet I felt his sideways glance that took in my bewilderment as I shook away Uncle George’s explanation with a brief turn of my head. It made no sense because these people knew me. They knew I was fine.

Whereas I had never seen my uncle like this. There was no mask here. No fresh concealment. He was alive; he was the same man I had always known when he adjusted his position in his chair, and yet he was utterly aged.

It burned my spirit when my uncle asked gently, ‘Lucy, what would you have done if I had asked you to go to Nuneham’s?’

‘I’d have tried to find another way.’

His expression made it clear that this wasn’t enough of an answer, so I added, ‘I’d probably have saved the money you spent on the paper and attempted instead to buy the assistance of one of the other struggling printworks. It would have cost us fractionally more to produce each book by sending the work outside these walls, and we might have had to explain why we weren’t fulfilling the contract ourselves. But surely people can appreciate the toll the war has taken? And at least you wouldn’t have had to worry about all this secrecy.’

And while I heard the seriousness of my reply and began to feel the smallness of defeat, my uncle nodded and sat back in his chair as if I had just confirmed something for him. Presumably that my stubbornness was why they hadn’t told me.

I asked rather too sharply, ‘Who really decided that you would do this? And when?’

My uncle looked bewildered again. ‘Your aunt and I decided in the midst of last winter. We realised that the business was going to fail at about the same time when it became clear your aunt was going to have to retire. I took steps to halt the decay very early this year. Rob was drawn in some time later through the course of general conversation over dinner.’

The routine of their quiet family dinners made my heart ache. For a moment I thought the feeling was resentment again. Then I realised it was protectiveness.

Because Robert had taken a seat at that warm kitchen table in their cosy little house, and had agreed to do this for them even when it had turned him into the man who had met me from the bus in Bourton: the uneasy male who had told me as much of my uncle’s business as he could within the scope of his promise, before hinting at all the rest.

The doctor’s theories about Robert’s influence in this business were wrong. This was where the shadow of Robert’s wartime incarceration lay. It lay, as Robert had said, in the difficulty of feeling he had the responsibility to act where he was needed. I only had to look at the age that had etched itself upon the old man’s face today to understand why my uncle had felt unequal to the task of managing this alone.

Now I thought I understood that Robert wasn’t any more pleased with my uncle’s idea of a solution than I was. But he’d possessed the grit to do it for them all the same.

My uncle had moved on. He was giving room to his real preoccupation – that dread of wasting all this by letting his business collapse – and saying crisply, ‘Rob, did you say that Doctor Bates’ information about the trip to Nuneham’s was limited to the paper?’

‘Lucy said as much just now, yes.’

As Robert glanced at me, the fingers of my bandaged hand spread sensitively against the chair behind my back. I could feel every grain in the wood.

My uncle added, ‘Someone will have to talk to the man.’

Meaning, presumably, that Robert would have to talk to him.

I woke abruptly from my trance. After everything I had just said, my uncle still meant to turn to Robert rather than me.

I straightened in my seat and said quickly, ‘Honestly, I don’t think it’s necessary. When Doctor Bates and I spoke just now, he didn’t give the impression that he was going to do anything.’

I said that with some certainty. I couldn’t bear to imagine what damage would be done if Doctor Bates were to be confronted about what had happened last night and today.

I could guess how my uncle might feel if he discovered that the risk with the paper had lately extended to include physical harm to me, and that alone would be bad enough. But I very definitely did not want Robert to be thrust into the responsibility of dealing with all those layers of blame.

I knew that Robert had noticed the change in my sense of urgency. I could feel the intensity of his attention upon the side of my face when I told my uncle again, ‘You really don’t need to worry about Doctor Bates. I’ve already talked to him. He hasn’t any reason to say anything.’

Uncle George didn’t believe me. He was insisting with sudden weariness, ‘We have to be sure. If you truly object to Rob doing it, I’ll go. But perhaps, Lucy, if you’re already on terms with the man, you might pay him this little visit? Would you do that?’

My mouth moved to frame speech; meaning to say, I don’t know what. I was shuddering at the idea of going in person. But I hated the way my objections had been interpreted by my uncle; where he had linked my name to Doctor Bates in a manner that might give Robert a very specific gloss to the knowledge I had of the man’s intentions.

Now, presumably, I was going to pay this visit, purely because it was fractionally safer than admitting the truth of the injury, the suspicions, the mistaken intimacy, everything.

But I was interrupted before I could even really make a sound.

‘No,’ said Robert quite tersely from his seat near my side. ‘I’ll talk to him.’

He didn’t leave room for debate. He didn’t look at me either. He kept his eyes fixed upon my uncle’s careworn face.

In fact, I thought the set to Robert’s jaw was even tougher than the way he had made me let him test the health of my hand. This decisiveness was a shelving of personal concerns; it was a glimpse of the hard resolve that must have carried him through all those unhappy visits to other failing publishers.

This was a man bracing to meet a difficult scene and, shamefully, I didn’t argue because I was too relieved that this particular decision was being taken out of my hands.

Robert made my sense of shame even grimmer when he caught me as I climbed the stairs to the kitchen. We’d been sent out of my uncle’s office after a few more quick instructions had been passed between business owner and second-in-command. Despite everything that had been said, there really was fresh exclusion here.

And even if I could pretend to understand why my uncle might still value the support of his friend and colleague more than any help I could give, I thought that I, in my turn, must surely have earned the right by now to claim the attic kitchen as my own while I made the morning round of tea.

But Robert was lingering there in the open doorway at the foot of the stairs while I turned to face him several steps higher up. He was in the light cast by the lamps on the first floor. I was in shade where the light failed halfway to the top. I had imagined he was following me to prolong the discussion.

But, in fact, I got the impression he was at a loss himself as to why he was standing there.

He covered it by allowing the door to close slightly until it was propped open by his shoulder, then he asked me, ‘Are you bearing up all right?’

‘Of course I am,’ I said. ‘I ought to be asking you the same thing.’

I could feel the drama of my place in the dark of these narrow stairs. I felt its power too. I had turned to face him with my hand outstretched to grip the rail. In my mind was the shadow of those terms he and Doctor Bates had used to define me – formidable and ethereal. For a moment – a very fearsomely triumphant moment – my jaw lifted to match the pulse in my veins, and I was tempted to test this man.

Then I reverted to myself with a rush. The harsh angles of my body and the stairs softened as I sagged back against the solid wall.

I confessed, ‘I still don’t fully understand why I wasn’t to be told.’

‘I know. Mr Kathay surprised me too when he sidestepped that point. I thought he had decided to explain. But the clue was in the way you answered your uncle’s question about the shortfall of resources. You described how you would set about forging links with our neighbouring publishing companies.’

‘I’m irresponsibly naïve, you mean?’

I turned my head and found that a dry idea of amusement had touched the presence at the foot of the stairs. He shook his head. ‘Too predictable. They knew perfectly well that you’d never have taken the job if you’d found out they couldn’t afford your wages.’


That jerked me out into the middle of my step once more. Then the soft release of something like affection came out on a slow breath.

His voice drifted up the stairs to meet me. ‘As it is, long before you telephoned your aunt to say that you were thinking of moving back here, they gave me to understand that you, Lucy, are the one aspect of their life they absolutely never meant to risk.’

The smallest of hesitations, then, ‘They’ve waited a long time to have you back.’

Later, when I took the opportunity at lunchtime of slipping away to my aunt’s house, I discovered just how long that wait had been.

My uncle’s reference to Archie hadn’t been an accident. It hadn’t been designed to bewilder my questions about his ongoing determination to lean on Robert. I learned from Aunt Mabel that ever since I had moved away to Bristol, she had lived with a terror of being too far away to help.

She had never met Archie; there hadn’t been time in the brief few weeks that had remained of his training to make the long run by train out of the city to here. But she and my uncle had seen the photograph of our wedding and experienced all the grief of guessing what war might mean for me. And they’d endured the distance of hearing that final news and the years that had passed since, which had never, until these past few months, drawn me back to them for longer than a routine visit.

Now, though, as I stood on my step at the midpoint of this gloomy stairwell, I hadn’t yet had that conversation. I was still standing here and thinking that all the time that Robert had been squandering his good name for the sake of helping them with their financial disaster, he must have also been working quite seriously for me.

It was a peculiar feeling, knowing that this man had quietly, steadily, been a fundamental part of this conspiracy to smooth my pathway home.

‘Robert,’ I felt compelled to say as he turned to go.

He paused with the door open in his hand.

I said simply, ‘Thank you.’