Chapter 38

I slid my hand through the safety lanyard and pulled it tight around my wrist. The whistle on the end dangled. I had no intention of being thrown from the watercraft. I helped Lady Anthea onto the Jet Ski and then I climbed on in front of her. I clipped the lanyard to the stop button, pressed the go button. And slowly pulled away.

When we were in open water I accelerated. Lady Anthea hadn’t spoken since she’d thanked me for the life vest.

The night sky was clear and my mood lifted. Soon we were nearing the breakwater and I slowed. This was the outer breakwater. Some people, like Charles Andrews, still called it the new breakwater. We went from one side to the other, checking for movement or even a flashlight, before I pulled up to the side of the dock. I pulled a line out of the storage boot and then reached for the railing of the dock. I used a clove hitch knot to secure the Jet Ski. I got out and then helped Lady Anthea onto the dock. I pulled a tarp out of the hold and covered the PWC, then slung my backpack over my shoulder. “Let’s go.”

We walked the length of the dock and climbed the stairs up to the lighthouse. Staying out of the light, we leaned up against the cast-iron structure. I imagined some of the lighthouse’s steadiness seeping into my body.

“Thank you,” Lady Anthea said.

“For what?”

“For another adventure,” she answered.

Waves broke over the stones of the breakwater. Some of the stones were the size of a car.

“You’re welcome,” I said. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something. Remember, when we were talking on the phone on Monday and you said you needed to tell me something. You said that you didn’t know how it came about. What was it?”

“My brother wants to come with me on my next visit,” she said.

“The duke?” I asked, not knowing how I should feel about the prospect.

“Yes, but he’ll probably forget he ever thought of it.”

I checked my phone for texts. There was a group text from Dayle and I read it to her. “The Fouries & Julie here on beach.”

What about Martin? I texted back.

He was looking for someone to complain about the wine to. Wants a refund.

Then I heard the sound of a motor. A boat was on its way to us. “Then who is that?” I whispered.

We watched as it pulled up to the dock. Captain Sandy Westlake crawled out.

“Sue Patrick, I know you’re here.”