Chapter 11

They didn’t exchange numbers. They didn’t kiss goodbye. For all intents and purposes, Tyler and Jaime had just had another casual sexual encounter. Yet Tyler kept replaying every minute he had spent with Jaime when he least expected. In the shower or bed, it was a given. But Tyler hadn’t expected to think about going down on Jaime while washing his car or brushing his teeth. Tyler was looking forward to the next karate class with an eagerness he hadn’t felt since he had first earned his black belt. Class had always been a special time for him, but now it was also an opportunity to interact with Jaime. After their last parting, Tyler felt more confident than ever that he could have the best of both worlds, a kickass training partner and a sex fiend with an insatiable appetite.

Like too many guys he knew, Tyler was often at his girlfriends’ mercy when it came to sex. A few of them had even voiced objections when he masturbated. Now he had Jaime to play with, his libido was working overtime. It was probably best Jaime hadn’t given Tyler his number. Even though Tyler had it on the karate call-out list, the fact that Jaime hadn’t given it to him meant Tyler was in control of the next time they got together. Jaime was like that girl you wanted but who kept just out of reach. Only Tyler knew Jaime would give in to him if he showed enough interest. Jaime might be a cool customer, but Tyler was getting the hint Jaime liked being seduced as much as he enjoyed seducing Tyler.

* * * *

Monday night, Tyler arrived at class early. The delicious thoughts of Jaime that had kept him up at night and busy during his free moments needed to be tempered with a little physical exertion. Otherwise, he was afraid his body would betray him the moment Jaime walked through the door.

Tyler had already spent half an hour running through basics when the first students started to arrive. To his surprise, Steve and his buddies were the first through the door. Once they got changed, Tyler led them through their katas until they were all soaked in sweat. Tyler didn’t even notice Jaime come in until he was dressed and on the dojo floor working with Randy.

Between kata steps and making corrections to the students who followed him, Tyler managed a few casual glances in Jaime’s direction. He needed to know Jaime was going to be okay for class. With intense concentration, Jaime listened to Randy’s every word. Each correction was met with a formal bow and acknowledgment. The more reserved Jaime was in class, the more Tyler longed to break that reserve the next time they were alone. Although Jaime remained formal, Tyler didn’t see the same tension in his shoulders he carried last class. Tyler wouldn’t know for sure until he saw Jaime’s eyes.

Tyler had started to give up hope of catching Jaime’s glance when he looked Jaime’s way. It wasn’t long enough or direct enough for anyone else to see but Tyler. When he saw the confident acceptance in Jaime’s gaze, he had to fight the urge to smile.

As soon as Sensei Melissa arrived, class started. She was in a fighting mood, and they spent most of class working on sparring drills. Near the end of class time, the students partnered up to practice combinations.

On the third round of partner switches, Jaime and Tyler were paired. It was surprisingly easy to work with him. Tyler took pride in pushing Jaime to train hard. Their time together was too short, and before Tyler knew it, they were bowing.

“Switch partners,” Sensei Melissa said. “Work with someone you haven’t worked with tonight.”

It was inevitable that Jaime would have to work with Steve. They hadn’t worked together since their last grading. Neither looked happy about the situation.

Hajime.” Sensei Melissa gave the command to start.

Tyler had his hands full with Sarah. Every class she seemed to get a little faster, and her skill level was worthy of testing for black belt. It was only a matter of time before Sensei Melissa called the testing panel. Tyler was glad to see how far she had progressed since she’d wandered into the dojo as part of a trio of giggling coeds. They had seen a Kung-Fu movie marathon and didn’t know the difference between karate and Kung-Fu. Four years later, she was the only one of her friends who was still training.

Yame!” Sensei Melissa shouted, and everyone stopped. The alarm in her voice got Tyler’s attention. The only time she stopped the class so abruptly was when someone was doing something dangerous.

The whole class remained frozen in place. Tyler’s eyes scanned the class looking for injuries. When he came to the space Steve and Jaime were using, he saw Jaime on the ground holding his nose. Blood spilled over his hand. Steve took a step back, keeping his hands up.

“He walked into it.”

“Tyler, take care of Jaime,” Sensei Melissa said, but Tyler was already in motion. “Everyone else line up.”

Hauling Jaime to his feet by his arm, Tyler guided him to the bathroom.

“Here.” Tyler handed Jaime paper towels as he got a cold pack out of the first aid kit. “How is the pain on a scale of one to ten? Keep a steady pressure on the bridge of your nose.”

“I’m okay, Sempai,” Jaime’s nasally voice answered as he kept his head down. “I should have blocked.”

Tyler frowned. “It was a drill. He shouldn’t have hit you.”

“It wasn’t Steve’s fault.” Jaime seemed to be avoiding direct eye contact with Tyler. “I walked into it like he said.”

His words did nothing to allay Tyler’s concern. Besides the fact that Steve had never liked Jaime, he was the higher rank and should have shown more control.

“You can tell me if it wasn’t an accident.”

Jaime looked at Tyler with an unsure expression but said nothing. Tyler doubted Jaime would complain about Steve, especially if he did feel like Steve had hit him on purpose. No student should ever feel singled out. The dojo was supposed to be a safe place. Tyler wanted to go upstairs and make sure Steve understood that, even if he had to beat the concept into the guy. The only thing that stopped him was not wanting anyone to think he was looking out for Jaime any differently than the other students. Sometimes the guys got rough with each other. Usually it resulted in a strengthening of their bond as students. Tyler doubted there was any kind of bonding between Jaime and Steve. He was torn between the desire to protect Jaime and to appear neutral. Would the other students think there was something going on between Jaime and him if he made an example of Steve?

Soon students were filing by the washroom on the way to the changing room. The bleeding had subsided and it didn’t seem like anything was broken. Tyler handed Jaime a fresh wet paper towel to clean up.

“Jaime, how are you doing?” Sensei Melissa asked as she stood in the doorway.

With a small smile, Jaime nodded. “I should have blocked.”

Sensei Melissa put her hand on Jaime’s shoulder and gave him an encouraging smile.

“Good plan.”

Despite her casual tone, Tyler saw the concern in her eyes. He could still hear Randy counting on the dojo floor and knew Steve had received his reprimand in the form of push-ups.

“Keep up the good work.” Sensei Melissa always had a way of saying the right thing to inspire a student to be better than even they thought they could be. “The extra training is really paying off. Sometimes getting hit provides a valuable lesson.”

Hai, Sensei,” Jaime said with a broad smile.


Sayonara, Sensei.” Jaime and Tyler spoke in unison.

Alone again with Jaime, Tyler couldn’t help but examine Jaime’s swollen and reddened nose. Blood streaked down the front of his white gi. His eyes were focused on the floor. Jaime’s defeated posture had Tyler more concerned than ever about Jaime’s altercation with Steve.

“Jaime,” Tyler resisted the urge to lift his chin so that he could see Jaime’s eyes. “Was it really an accident?”

Before Jaime could answer, Steve stomped by the washroom and into the changing room. A series of mumbled curses were punctuated by a slamming locker door.

“You are going to want to get that in the wash tonight,” Randy said as he settled against the doorframe of the washroom.

Jaime’s eyes lifted from the floor, only to settle on the bloodstained gi front.

More stomping announced Steve’s exit from the changing room. He looked ready to punch the nearest available target. Tyler wasn’t about to let that be Jaime, again. Before Steve could charge by the washroom, Randy stepped in his path.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Randy asked.

Steve shot Randy a look that barely concealed his fury under a mask of civility. He might be a hot head, but Steve wasn’t about to mouth off to a black belt. Not if he wanted to keep training in the dojo. Swallowing whatever vile thoughts raced through his brain, Steve turned to Jaime.

“I’m sorry for my lack of control.” Steve looked like he was practically biting his tongue off in the effort to keep it in check.

“It’s okay,” Jaime mumbled.

Steve gave a shallow bow then eyed Randy, waiting for his permission to leave.

“See you next class.” Randy’s smile was genuine because Steve had done what was right. “Control comes with practice. Being a brown belt isn’t easy.”

Hai, Sempai.”

Steve didn’t look as pleased as Randy. In fact, he looked about as pissed off as Tyler had ever seen him. He walked off without another word. Tyler almost felt bad for Steve. Then Tyler saw the blood on Jaime’s gi and Tyler’s body started to shake with anger. It was a stupid reaction. If only it was because Jaime was a student and not because Tyler felt like he wanted to protect Jaime.

“I’d better be going,” Randy said. “Sarah’s waiting for me. Next time, keep your guard up.”

Hai, Sempai.” Jaime bowed to Randy. “Sayonara, Sempai.”


* * * *

Despite the blood and a nose that felt like it belonged on a clown, Jaime started to relax as soon as Steve left the dojo. It had been an accident. Or at least Jaime preferred to think of it that way. He wouldn’t put it past Steve to take a cheap shot, but Jaime wanted to be a good enough martial artist that he could handle whatever cheap shot anyone took.

“I think we can skip the sparring tonight,” Tyler said. He smiled and put his hand on Jaime’s shoulder. He looked genuinely concerned about Jaime and that made Jaime’s heart melt.

“Thanks for the first aid.” Jaime felt his cheeks heating up and hoped he wasn’t blushing. He wasn’t used to having someone looking after him. “Guess I need a few more lessons on blocking.”

Jaime heard Tyler sigh before he headed to the changing room. Jaime filed in behind Tyler and took off his blood-splattered gi top with a frown. Some students might think blood on their uniform was a badge of honor, but Jaime wasn’t one of them.

“Randy’s right,” Tyler said and kept his eyes to himself as he undressed. It was impossible for Jaime to guess what he was thinking. “The blood will set if you don’t wash it out as soon as possible.”

“Guess it’s the twenty-four-hour laundromat then.” Jaime wasn’t looking forward to a late night. All he wanted was to get cleaned off and crawl into bed. “I’m not supposed to use the unit washer and dryer after ten.”

“You could come over to my place and use mine.” Tyler made the offer without a second’s hesitation. Jaime felt his blush deepen. The thought of being back in Tyler’s apartment only reminded him of the last time they were together. “I’ve got a washer and dryer in my apartment.”

Tyler kept his focus on his gi bag. Jaime wasn’t sure if he was just being friendly or wanted to be more than friendly.

“Do you want me to come over?” Jaime asked.

“Only if you want to.”

Finally, Tyler looked at Jaime. There was something hopeful and vulnerable in his voice. Jaime wasn’t sure what would happen if he went home with Tyler, but he was willing to find out.

“Let’s go.”