
Chapter 42


"We've got to find her," Ivy cried. "If she is out there, at the farm, we can't leave her out there, alone."

"Penny's with her," Kat said in a feeble attempt to calm Ivy. 

T.C. grew rattled at this information. Sure, he'd known Penny was with the small-town detective. But he hadn't bet on a serial killer being in the mix. One who might even be frightening to his own sister. His stress knocked up to a whole new level. Flora watched as his assistant offered him a calming whisper.

"How can we help?" T.C. asked.

Flora sighed. She paced in front of the maps hosting the purple push pin that seemed to seal Lydia's fate. "Two of us need to get to Lydia. Knowing her," Flora continued. "she's probably already escaped with Penny.  More than likely, given her track record, not without injury. She'll need help even if she isn't being chased."

"We'll go," T.C. said.

Trevor frowned at T.C. "I know you want to be all knightly and sweep in to rescue Penny, but you've got to send the help that will be most beneficial."

"Which means?" T.C. said, shaking as he placed his notebook back into his pocket.

"Not us," Trevor offered. "We don't know the area. Not like these ladies do. Besides, there's no way my mom's car will make it up the mountains in this weather."

"You're right," T.C. said. "But what then?"

Kat fretted. She wasn't the best at making plans on the fly.  Really, all she wanted was to drive right at Lydia, kick down any door that hid her, and yank her back into safety. But she needed a plan. That was usually Lydia's department.

Flora stood in Lydia's place. "Lydia would hate this idea," Flora said. "But Ivy, you go with Kat to get Lydia. T.C. and Trevor, you fly to Willis Bridge and get Ethan."

Ivy stood and hurried to put her coat back on. Flora continued detailing her plans. "Of course, I'll stay with the babies.  I'll make sure they have dinner and everything," she said without bitterness or sarcasm. "But Kat, you can't get to the farm, in this weather, in your minivan. You're going to need a bigger car."

A mischievous glimmer settled in Kat’s eyes. “And I know where to find one.”