Table 28.1 List of the fifty most frequent keywords in a corpus of sample in-house EAP materials

  Word Freq.   Word Freq.
1 of 1164 26 fast 105
2 in 953 27 these 101
3 is 613 28 academic 98
4 you 565 29 used 97
5 are 381 30 other 95
6 your 332 31 sentences 86
7 this 272 32 how 86
8 or 227 33 read 83
9 which 212 34 also 80
10 what 208 35 project 78
11 an 184 36 make 78
12 about 155 37 need 75
13 do 153 38 may 75
14 can 152 39 write 74
15 words 141 40 using 74
16 will 140 41 following 69
17 use 132 42 look 66
18 has 132 43 most 65
19 some 128 44 countries 64
20 food 126 45 own 62
21 information 123 46 work 61
22 text 121 47 tourism 60
23 writing 119 48 different 60
24 more 118 49 check 59
25 language 117 50 word 59