Table 28.2 List of the most frequent keywords in the science and engineering corpus

  Word Freq.   Word Freq.
1 these 25220 26 higher 8648
2 between 22875 27 rate 8437
3 model 22500 28 models 8382
4 also 21547 29 thus 8259
5 used 20662 30 process 8244
6 using 20610 31 conditions 8057
7 data 19223 32 respectively 7845
8 each 16845 33 structure 7698
9 results 16620 34 following 7612
10 different 14645 35 similar 7561
11 both 14230 36 significant 7251
12 study 13723 37 cell 7170
13 however 12895 38 therefore 7036
14 based 11966 39 sample 6896
15 shown 11514 40 size 6893
16 effect 11067 41 parameters 6825
17 values 11064 42 type 6704
18 analysis 11029 43 compared 6613
19 function 10393 44 phase 6602
20 table 10309 45 samples 6386
21 observed 10117 46 lower 6236
22 method 9573 47 total 6186
23 obtained 9420 48 distribution 6086
24 effects 9356 49 shows 5956
25 value 9099 50 response 5936