Copyright ©2008 The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc.
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Reader’s Digest and Humor in Uniform are registered trademarks of The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc.
Project Editor: Nancy Shuker
Project Designer: Elizabeth Tunnicliffe
Associate Art Director: George McKeon
Executive Editor, Trade Publishing: Dolores York
Manufacturing Manager: Elizabeth Dinda
Director of Production: Michael Braunschweiger
Associate Publisher: Rosanne McManus
President and Publisher, Trade Publishing: Harold Clarke
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Humor in uniform : funny true stories about life in the military/the Reader’s Digest Association.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-0-7621-0929-6
ISBN 978-1-60652-258-9 (Adobe)
ISBN 978-1-60652-587-6 (E-PUB)
1. United States--Armed Forces--Military life--Anecdotes. 2. United States--Armed Forces--Humor. I. Reader’s Digest Association. II. Reader’s digest.
U766.H86 2008
355.10973--dc22 2007052743
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