How to do it...

To write a method that returns a dictionary that contains the mapped names of countries to a recordset of all active partners from that country, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Write a class extending res.partner:
class ResPartner(models.Model): 
    _inherit = 'res.partner' 
  1. Add a method called partners_by_country():
    def partners_by_country(self):
  1. In the method, write the following SQL query:
   sql = ('SELECT country_id, array_agg(id) ' 
          'FROM res_partner ' 
          'WHERE active=true AND country_id IS NOT NULL ' 
          'GROUP BY country_id') 
  1. Execute the query: 
  1. Iterate over the results of the query to populate the result dictionary:
    country_model = self.env[''] 
    result = {} 
    for country_id, partner_ids in 
        country = country_model.browse(country_id) 
        partners = 
            [('id', 'in', tuple(partner_ids))] 
        result[country] = partners 
    return result