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Appa. See State of Bombay v Appa.

Atheist Society of India v Government of A.P., AIR AP 320 (1992).

Ayodhya Reference Case. See Dr. M. Ismail Faruqui and Others v Union of India and Others.

Bommai. See S. R. Bommai v Union of India.

Comm. H.R.E. v Swamiar, AIR SC 282 (1954).

Dr. M. Ismail Faruqui and Others v Union of India and Others, 6 SCC 360 (1994).

Golak Nath v State of Punjab, A SC 1643 (1967).

Hindutva Cases. See Prabhoo v Kunte.

Indira Gandhi v Raj Narain, AIR SC 2299 (1975).

Indra Sawhney v Union of India, AIR 1993 SC 477 (1992).

Joshi. See Manohar Joshi v Nitin B. Patel.

Kesavananda v State of Kerala, A SC 1461 (FB) (1973).

Manohar Joshi v Nitin B. Patil, 8 SC 646, 677 (1995).

Minerva Mills Ltd. v Union of India, A SC 1789 (1980).

Mohd. Ahmed Khan v Shah Bano Begum, AIR SC 945 (1985).

Mohd. Aslam v Union of India and Others, WP (Civil) No. 135 (1996).

Prabhoo v Kunte, 1 Sup Ct 130 (1996).

Ramakant Mayekar v Celine D’Silva, Election Petition No. 21 of 1990 decided on 5th/6th August 1991 by S. N. Variava, J. of the Bombay High Court.

Ram Prasad v State of U.P., AIR Allahabad 411 (1957).

Ratilal v State of Bombay, AIR SC 388 (1954).

Saifuddin v State of Bombay, AIR SC 853 (1962).

Sarla Mudgal v Union of India, AIR SC 1531 (1995).

Shah Bano. See Mohd. Ahmed Khan v Shah Bano Begum.

Shrikekha Vidharthi v State of U.P., AIR SC 537 (1991).

S. R. Bommai v Union of India, 3 SC 1 (1994).

St. Xavier’s College v State of Gujarat, AIR SC (1974).

State of Bombay v Appa, AIR Bombay 84 (1952).

State of Rajasthan v Union of India, 1 SCR 1 (1978).

Thackeray. See Prahoo v Kunte.

Yagnapurushdasji v Muldas, SCt J 502 (1966).

Yulitha Hyde v State, AIR Orissa 116 (1973).

Ziyauddin Burkharrudin Bukhari v Brigmohan Ramdass Mehra and Others, 2 SCC 17 (1976).

United States

Abington v Schempp, 374 US 203 (1963).

Abrams v United States, 250 US 616, 630 (1919).

Aguilar v Felton, 473 US 402 (1985).

Allegheny County v Greater Pittsburgh ACLU, 492 US 573 (1989).

Austin v Michigan Chamber of Commerce, 494 US 652 (1989).

Barnette. See West Virginia v Barnette.

Beason. See Davis v Beason.

Board of Education v Grumet, 114 SCt 2481 (1994).

Board of Education of the Kiryas Joel Village School District v Grumet, 512 US 687 (1994).

Boerne v Flores, 117 SCt 2157 (1997).

Bob Jones University v United States, 461 US 574 (1983).

Buckley v Valeo, 424 US 1 (1976).

Cantwell v Connecticut, 310 US 296 (1940).

Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v Hialeah, 508 US 520 (1993).

City of Boerne v Flores, 521 US 507 (1997).

Cleveland v United States, 329 US 14 (1946).

Coleman v Tennessee, 97 US 509 (1863).

Committee for Public Education v Nyquist, 413 US 756 (1973).

Davis v Beason, 133 US 333 (1890).

Employment Division, Oregon Department of Human Resources v Smith, 494 US 872 (1990).

Everson v Board of Education, 330 US 1 (1947).

Fay v New York, 332 US 261 (1946).

Federal Election Commission v NCPAC, 470 US 480 (1985).

Garcia v San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority, 469 US 528 (1985).

Gitlow v New York, 268 US 652 (1925).

Jacobellis v Ohio, 378 US 184, 197 (1964).

Kiryas Joel. See Board of Education of the Kiryas Joel Village School District v Grumet.

Late Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints et al v United States, 136 US 1 (1890).

Lemon v Kurtzman, 403 US 602 (1971).

Luther v Borden, 48 US 1 (1849).

Lyng v Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Assn., 485 US 439 (1988).

Lynch v Donnelly, 465 US 668 (1984.).

Marbury v Madison, 5 US (1 Cranch) 137 (1803).

McCollum v Board of Education, 33 US 203 (1948).

McGowan v Maryland, 366 US 420 (1961).

People v Woody, 61 Cal2d 716 (1964).

Plessy v Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896).

Printz v United States, 521 US 98 (1997).

Raines v Byrd, 117 SCt 2312 (1997).

Reynolds v United States, 98 US 145 (1878).

Romer v Evans, 517 US 620 (1996).

Rosenberger v University of Virginia, 515 US 819 (1995).

Serbian Orthodox Diocese v Milivojevich, 426 US 696 (1976).

Sherbert v Verner, 374 US 398 (1963).

Smith. See Employment Division, Oregon Department of Human Resources v Smith.

Southern Pacific Co. v Jensen, 244 US 205 (1917).

Texas Monthly Inc. v Bullock, 489 US 1 (1989).

United States v Seeger, 380 US 163 (1965).

United States v Thind, 261 US 204 (1923).

Walz v Tax Commission of the City of New York, 397 US 664 (1970).

Watson v Jones, 80 US 679 (1871).

West Virginia v Barnette, 319 US 624 (1943).

Wisconsin v Yoder, 406 US 205 (1971).


Ben Shalom v Central Committee for the Elections of the Twelfth Knesset, 43(4) PD 221 (1988).

Bergman v Minister of Finance, 23(1) PD 693 (1969).

Gal. See United Mizrachi Bank plc v Migdal Cooperative Village.

Kol ha’am Co. Ltd. v Minister of Interior, 7 PD 871 (1953).

Neiman v Chairman of Central Elections Committee, 42 PD 4 177 (1988).

Ressler v Minister of Defense, 42(2) PD 441, 458 (1988).

Rogozinsky v State of Israel, 26(1) PD 129 (1972).

Rufeisen v Minister of Interior, 16 PD 2428 (1962).

Shakdiel v Minister of Religious Affairs, 42(2) PD 221 (1988).

Tamarin v State of Israel, 26(1) PD 197 (1972).

United Mizrachi Bank plc v Migdal Cooperative Village, 49(4) PD 221 (1995).

Yosifof v Attorney-General, 5 PD 481 (1951).

Zeev v Gubernik, 1 PD 85 (1948).


Adelaide Co. of Jehovah’sWitnesses v The Commonwealth, 67 CLR 116 (1943).













