
We thank the many who have mentored us on our life journeys to this time and place. To name a few: Brown Bears, Elephants, Octopuses, Beavers, Emperor Penguins, Gray Wolves, Sperm Whales, Amazon Parrots, and alphabetically:

  1. Deeksha Agrawal
  2. André Ancel
  3. Robin Bjork
  4. Anne Borchardt
  5. Greg Cajete
  6. C. Sue Carter
  7. Lokesh Coomar
  8. Olivia Crossman
  9. Richard and Leanna DeNeale
  10. Susan Donohue
  11. Ben Goldfarb
  12. J. Zoharah Hieronimus
  13. Marybeth Holleman
  14. Sarah Hrdy
  15. Diana Hulet
  16. Melvin Konner
  17. Tommy R. Lapin
  18. Tom and Carolyn Long
  19. Gabor Maté
  20. Jennifer Mather
  21. Rick McIntyre
  22. Ashley Montagu
  23. Jaak Panksepp
  24. James Prescott
  25. Allan Schore
  26. Gerhard Schwab
  27. Deborah Slicer
  28. Barbara Smuts
  29. Alan Sroufe
  30. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
  31. Wahinkpe Topa
  32. Genevieve Vaughan
  33. Sam Wasser
  34. Mary Watkins
  35. Hal Whitehead
  36. Jenny Wiegand
  37. Gypsy Wulff
  38. Jon Young

With gratitude to NAB for their guidance and support throughout the process.