
After many months and even years of hard work, I would like to thank numerous people who have helped make this book possible. Thanks to the many survivors, government officials, law enforcement personnel, ex-perpetrators, and those who work with victims in rescue and recovery for your time and your willingness to be vulnerable in order to help others by sharing from your lives.

Thanks to my family for putting up with my being endlessly busy and preoccupied with this work. A huge thanks to my wonderful husband, Dan; without his unending support, his long days and nights of working with me on this issue, and his patience and love, I couldn’t have written this book and couldn’t do what I do each day.

Most of all, I give thanks to God.

These three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Cor. 13:13)

May this book help to demonstrate that love in helping to end the atrocity of modern slavery.