adulteress, 126
Ananias of Damascus, 86
angel, 164
animosity toward Jesus, 131
Anna (prophetess), 100
Antipas (Herod), 128
apostles, 40; choice of, 105–107; failure in garden, 153; footwashing, 106; recognition of Jerusalem danger for Jesus, 132
Augustine, 27
authority (exsousia), 54
baptism of Jesus, 29–42; Holy Spirit at, 62
beth hasepher (“house of the book”), 10
Bible verses, during temptation, 51
Bonaventure of Fidanza, 12
breath (pnevma), 189
Caiaphas, 133
Capernaum, 67
carpenter (tekton), 4
Celsus, 149
“child of God,” 111
Christian scribes, corrections by, 70
Chuza (steward of Herod Antipas), 129–130
confession of guilt, 182
Council of Chalcedon, xix
counterquestions, rabbinical, 21, 86
Creation, 97
cross: final words of Jesus, 183–186; mockery beneath, 178–180; prayer from Psalms, 185–187; Satan’s invitation to avoid, 54; thieves on, 181–183
crown of thorns, 178
“custom” (eiothos), 9
Cyril of Alexandria, 44
David, 176
Davidic kingship, Jesus’ claim to, 177
death: conquered by Jesus, 154–155, 256; of Jesus, cause, 187; tasting, 183–188
disciples, 38–42, 132; on road to Emmaus, 101, 196–199
Eden, vs. Gethsemane, 160
Elizabeth, 67
Emmaus, disciples on road, 101, 196–199
erotema, 118
exodus: Luke’s use of, 100; of Peter, 102–103
failure of apostles, 153
faith: of Gentile woman, 121; of Mary, 7
family lineage, 4
Father: call to, from cross, 183; Jesus addressing God as, 107–111, 145–147; Jesus’ experience of, 33; will of, 161–162
feast days, 9
Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkoth), 99, 132
Flavius Josephus, 9
garden of Gethsemane, 148–168; vs. Eden, 160; Jesus’ prayer, 148; soldier’s cut ear, 167–168; witnesses, 151–153
glorification, 190
God: as Father, 33, 107–111, 145–147, 183; human experience of distance from, 185; weakness of, 149–151; will of, 161–162
Gospels: “lateness of,” 73–74; sequence of events, 60, 71–73
Gregory Nazianzen, xxiii–xxiv, 209–211
Hallel, 144
Hanukkah, 132
hardness of heart, 71
healing: of Gentile woman’s daughter, 120–122; leper, 68–71; man born blind, 65–66; of nobleman’s son, 64; of paralytic at pool, 64–65; of paralytic with friends, 135–137; Peter’s mother-in-law, 68
heir, Jesus as, 141
hematidrosis (sweat of blood), 163
Holy Spirit, 189; at Jesus’ baptism, 34, 62; Jesus’ experience of, 33; and Jesus in wilderness, 46, 50
“house of the book” (beth hasepher), 10
human experience, of distance from God, 185
human ignorance, and
human traits, xix
humanity, defining, xi
humanization, xxii
humility, 144
hypothetical questions, 87
Incarnation, xxi, 27, 33, 43, 158, 211
Infancy Gospel of Thomas, 24–25
innocence of Jesus, 182
Irenaeus of Lyons, xxii
Isaiah, 176
James (son of Zebedee), 41, 152–153
Jeroboam, 83
Jerusalem, 100; Ophel Inscription, 10
Jesus: actions on Emmaus road, 197; and Adam, 209–211; enemies, 134–135; experience as forsaken, 184–185; identifying self in Scriptures, 13–14; as one person, not two, xix; personal preference for prayer, 95–98; pierced side, 190; post- Resurrection stories, 192–194; prediction of Peter’s denial, 144; and prophecy, 102–105; reading thoughts, 84–85; risen in the flesh, 191–201; signs, 26; walking on water, 65
Joanna, 130
Job, 172
John (son of Zebedee), xiv–xv, 41; arrival at tomb, 202; as eyewitness to Jesus’ death, 183–184, 188–190; on Last Supper, 145–147; as witness in garden, 152–153
John the Baptist, 1, 29–32, 38–39, 67
Judas Iscariot, 127–128, 143–145; kiss for Jesus, 164–166
justification by faith, 182
kerchief, folded in tomb, 202–205
“King of the Jews,” 175
knowledge of Jesus, 86
Lazarus, 64, 66, 80, 84, 133, 199–200; sisters of, 113
Legion (demons), 77
light and darkness, prayer during transitions, 96
limitations, 44
“living water,” 118
Luke, 1–2, 88; contrasts in, 182; events unique to, 67; parable of fig tree, 58–59; source for, 3; temple in, 52–53; on Transfiguration, 99
Malchus, cut ear in garden, 167–168
man carrying pitcher of water, 82
Mark, 88; Peter as source, 75; timing of writing, 74
martyrdom of Peter, 102
Mary, 5–8, 210; at Cana wedding, 23–28; conversation with Jesus, 15–28; faith of, 7; as Gospels’ source, 3; Magnificat, 2; spiritual mark on Jesus, 6
Mary Magdalene, 88, 113, 193, 195–196
miracles, 63–67. See also healing; of bread and fish, 65, 91–92; wine at wedding, 18
Mishnah, 10
motion (kinesis), xxi
“my beloved” (agapetos mou), 140
Nain, funeral procession, 114–117
Nathaniel, 22, 39, 40–41, 85–86
Nazareth, 60–63; Jesus’ rejection in, 59; synagogue in, xv–xvii, 60–61, 62
Nero’s fire, persecution following, 103
Nicodemus, xv
nobleman, healing of son, 64
obedience, 64–65; and the body, 157–159; learning, 153–155
“only child,” Jesus’ actions for parent, 115–116
Origen, 149
parables, 2–3; of fig tree, 58–59; of lost coin, 143; of sower, 127; of vine growers, 137–142
paredoken to pnevma, 189
Passion, 176; Transfiguration and, 100
Passover, 58, 59; final meal, 82
Paul, 30, 46, 86, 155; on Last Supper, 144; timing of Epistles, 73
Peter, 30, 34, 39, 42, 80; attack by, in garden, 167–168; denial by, 170–173; Jesus’ prediction of denial, 144; as Mark’s source, 75; mother-in- law, 67–68; as witness in garden, 152–153
physical limitations, 44
plot against Jesus, 131, 143; dream warnings, 174
Pontius Pilate, 109, 128, 169–170, 175; wife, 173–176
pool of Bethesda, paralytic healed, 64–65
poverty, 44
prayer, 94–111; before choosing apostles, 105; on cross, 185–187; in garden, 148; at Jesus’ baptism, 32–35; priestly, 256–257; purpose of, 162
prophets, 140; Jesus seen as, 83–84
public ministry of Jesus, 58–78; length of, 58–59
public Scripture readings, 9–10
qahal (“congregation”), 40
questions: hypothetical, 87; as invitations, 91–93; from Jesus, 81, 86–88; pedagogical, 88–91; from resurrected Jesus, 194
rejection of Jesus, 40
Resurrection, 63–64, 204; post-Resurrection stories, 192–194
rhetorical questions, 86
Sabbath, Jesus and, 131
sadness, in Gethsemane, 159–160
Samaritans, 41; woman at well, 83–84
Samuel, 84
Sanhedrin: Judas and, 165–166; plot against Jesus, 143; trial before, 169–190
Saul, 84
sedition, 170
self-knowledge, 14
self-reflection of Jesus, 61–62
self-understanding of
Jesus, 12
Sermon on the Mount, 179
servanthood, 44
Simon (Pharisee), 125
sin: forgiving, 131, 136, 137; paralysis and, 136
“Slanderer,” 49
“Son of God,” 179
source of knowledge of early events, 3
spiritual sensitivity, 85
study, synagogue for, 10
sweat of blood (hematidrosis), 163
“sword drill,” 51
synagogue, 8–11; in Nazareth, xv–xvii, 60–61, 62
teaching by Jesus, 8, 87–88; beginning of ministry, xiii–xvii; with questions, 87
temptations, 44–45, 52–55, 179; Bible verses during, 51; of Christians, 47; of Jesus, 49–55, 56
tethrammenos (“having been nourished”), 10
“Today,” 183
tomb, John’s arrival, 202
Torah, on women’s ritual impurity, 122–125
Transfiguration, 98–102, 103–105; and Passion, 100
trial before Sanhedrin, 169–190
Trinity, baptismal revelation and, 32
voice of Jesus: from cross, 187; power of, 66; and resurrection, 116
wedding feast in Cana, 16, 22–24, 64
weeping, 44
widow with mites, 115, 142–143
wilderness: Israel in, 55; Jesus in, 46
wisdom, Jesus’ increase in, 62
women, 112–130; in Bethany, 125–128; bleeding for years, 122–125; healing of Gentile’s daughter, 120–122; Jesus and, 25, 125–126; Jesus healing of, 113; Samaritan at well, 83–84, 117–120; who touched Jesus, 81; as witnesses to Resurrection, 193–194
world evangelism, 2