I did not know sweet potatoes, or yams, until I came to the U.S. many years ago, but now I cook many variations of them, and they are a must for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Gloria particularly likes them halved and roasted in the oven (we cook butternut squash the same way). Sometimes I flavor them with honey or maple syrup rather than brown sugar and olive oil instead of butter. Shorey likes both sweet potatoes and butternut squash, and she wanted to know how to make this dish. The potatoes can be roasted a couple of hours ahead if need be. Line the baking sheet with nonstick aluminum foil to minimize cleanup.
Serves 2
Heat the oven to 425 degrees.
Trim about ¼ inch from each end of the potato. With a large knife, split the potato in half lengthwise. Cut a sliver from the bottom of both halves so they will stand flat. Using a sharp paring knife, crisscross the flesh about ¼ inch deep, making 5 or 6 slits in each direction. This will both help the seasonings penetrate the potatoes and make a beautiful checkered design on top.
Place the potatoes flesh side up on a baking sheet lined with nonstick aluminum foil. Brush the melted butter on top, spoon on the brown sugar, and sprinkle with the salt and pepper. Bake for 35 minutes until browned and well cooked. Enjoy.