S. L. Huang (slhuang.com) is an Amazon.com bestselling author who justifies her MIT degree by using it to write eccentric mathematical superhero fiction. Her Cas Russell series includes the novels Zero Sum Game, Null Set, and Critical Point, with her first book outside that series, Burning Roses, to come this year. Her short fiction has sold to Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Strange Horizons, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, and elsewhere. Huang is also a Hollywood stuntwoman and firearms expert, and she has appeared on shows such as Battlestar Galactica and Raising Hope. Her proudest geek moment was getting killed by Nathan Fillion. The first professional female armorer in the industry, she’s worked with actors such as Sean Patrick Flanery, Jason Momoa, and Danny Glover, and been hired as a weapons expert for reality shows such as Top Shot and Auction Hunters.