
Chapter 6


Maxwell was talking with the milking supervisor. The production was up; he was told, and it was running like clockwork. The crop planting, field rotation plan, and other details of the fall to spring strategy were well underway. As he checked items off his task list this morning, he was feeling a little pep in his step. Last night had been perfect. The old drive through brought back so many memories. The movie was an action flick, one of his favorites, and Annalise also said one of hers. They had laughed, chatted, and talked throughout the entire evening. When he delivered her home, the sweet kiss was enough to make him want to make another date immediately. Patience was a virtue, though, and he would try and play it cool.

“Hey honey,” his mom came out into the yard, ready for church.

“You look great,” he said, glad she was up and finally wanting to go into the church. It had been a tried and true tradition in their home, and he had been shocked to find out that she hadn’t been in years. This was a good step in the right direction, he hoped.

“You get dressed in your Sunday best, and then do chores?” She asked, with the funniest look on her face.

“Not exactly. There are people responsible for most everything, I just feel a bit behind and want to get around to some of the essential items I missed this week. Look,” he said, holding up his palms toward her, “hands are clean.”

She laughed, “I remember many a time when you were a kid when that was not the case.”

“I know,” he said, crooking an arm to her, “you ready for this?”

“Sure,” she said, lacing her hand through his arm.

When they finally made it into town, the church parking lot was nearly full. He dropped his mom at the front door and nodded to Jake, who stepped forward to help her up the stairs. He found a spot out in the backfield and stopped when he saw Annalise parking a few places down. He walked her direction and caught the stupid grin on his face spanning out.

“Morning,” she said, as her cheeks tinged the most becoming red.

“Morning,” he replied, falling into step next to her.

“Did your mom come today?”

“Sure did,” he said.

She looked up with a very knowing smile, “I bet you are on cloud nine. I’m so glad things are starting to settle on that front.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” he said, leaning over to bump her shoulder lightly, “gives me time for more personal matters. I need you to know I had a great time last night.”

“Me too,” Annalise said. “I thought maybe I could plan the next outing. If you are game and trust me?”

“I’m game,” he said with a chuckle, as they came upon their friends standing and socializing right outside the church sanctuary. Stormi had a man that Annalise didn’t recognize on one side of her, with Grayson, Phoebe, and Emma on her right.

“Annalise,” Stormi said as soon as she came up, “I want you to meet Ezra Necome, an old friend of mine.”

“Necome? Like Pastor Necome?” Annalise asked as she hadn’t heard of the Necome’s having a son previously.

“My dad,” the tall, dark man said. His stance, short hair, and demeanor screamed the military. “I was deployed until recently.”

“It’s great to meet you,” Annalise said, and then turned to introduce Maxwell. “Did you guys ever meet?”

“No, I believe Ezra deployed just a few months before Maxwell, and his dad moved here.”

“Nice meeting you,” Ezra said, extending a handshake to Maxwell. “There are so many newcomers to Little Bend, its been hard keeping up with everyone that has come and gone.”

“We are glad you have come home,” Annabeth Necome said, coming upon the group and weaving an arm around her son with a huge squeeze. The happiness she was feeling was evident in her smile. In the many times, she had been in Annabeth’s company; this was by far the most joyful she had ever appeared.

“Are you home for good?” Belle asked.

“I am for the time being,” he said lightly, looking as if that saddened him.

“Ezra and I were in the same class in high school,” Noah said, holding out a hand. “Good to see you man,” he added, as Margaret and he joined the tight-knit group.

“I heard the two of you got hitched,” he said to Margaret. “What did Katherine think about that development?”

“She thought she was grateful because she met her fabulous boyfriend,” Katherine’s voice cut into the chatter.

“Hey,” Ezra said, hugging her. “Long time.”

“It has been. I’m so glad to hear you are home for good. My father said to tell you to stop on out; he would love to swap stories.”

“Will do,” Ezra said lightly.

“Matthew,” he said, holding out his arms as Matthew joined the group, “my man,” he touted, patting him on the back.

“I missed you, Ezra,” Matthew said, hugging him tightly.

“I missed you too, man.” I heard you had a job here in town now?”

“I do. I work with Troy and help people at the Quad Community Service Center. We do lots of good, and I get to help put out the clothes and help kids find stuff.”

“That is amazing; maybe I will stop down there this week.”

“I think we probably need to get inside,” Troy said, as he and Katherine started that direction.

“Stop out at the Ranch sometime soon, so we can catch up,” Margaret said, as she and Noah headed inside.

Annalise started forward before Maxwell noticed her staring at Stormi’s face. He noticed Stormi was, in turn, focused on Ezra. Annalise let Maxwell’s hand go as she moved to her sister’s side.

“Ezra, you and I were the best of friends in high school, and you never could lie to me. Tell me why you are at home?”

He inhaled deeply and glanced down at his mom with a sad look. “I inhaled some chemicals earlier this year and have been medically discharged. They won’t know for a while how bad it is,” he said, but the glistening in his eyes said everything necessary.

Stormi moved to hug him again. “If there is anything you need, we got your back.”

“Thanks. It is great to be back in Little Bend, even if I wish the circumstances were different,” he finished, as his mom and he turned toward the door.

Annalise wound an arm around her sister. “He’s got a town behind him, no matter what this is the best place for him.”

“Couldn’t agree more,” she said, hugging Annalise back before they both headed inside. Maxwell followed a short distance behind; with a nod, he agreed with the sentiment. Little Bend and this tight-knit community would see him through, good or bad.