The purpose of this book is to bring into focus the simplicity, serenity and beauty of angel healing. An excellent way to draw close to the angelic worlds and enjoy regular communion with the angels themselves, so that we begin to enjoy the innumerable benefits that such contact confers, is to actively engage with the angels in healing ourselves, one another and the planet. Angels are task-based, and the best way to invite them into our lives is to begin to work with them on a well-defined and practical basis.
As humanity attunes ever more deeply to the spiritual spheres, it will discover that the treatment of illness from the orthodox point of view, where the malaise is separated from its human context and bombarded with aggressive chemicals, becomes less and less satisfactory. A much wider scope of knowledge of our holistic being is required. The healing angels bear this knowledge, coming to us on exquisite colour rays which are aspects of consciousness itself. When we attune to the healing angels through simple and serene ceremony and ritual, healing floods our being on every level and releases us from the imprisonment of our sickness. We can then understand that the manifestation of our illness was a refusal, a blocked conduit, or a lack of understanding of the spiritual light which is our true essence.
My own experiences of communion with the angels led me to write my previous two books (Summoning Angels and Your Guardian Angel). I subsequently gave workshops on what I had personally experienced and learned in this field. The enthusiastic response and the number of spontaneous healings and angelic manifestations that took place during these workshops encouraged me to expand and intensify my focus on the path of angel therapy that was opening out before me, and I became eager to share with others the simple methods and procedures that the angels themselves were revealing to me. They are so easy to learn, so liberating and rewarding in their application and effects, it seemed to me that anyone could make use of them, even those among us who do not feel particularly attuned to the angelic realms!
There is nothing complicated about the healing rituals. Anyone, whether experienced in the subtleties of regular angelic contact or not, can put these simple healing ceremonies into operation at once, for their own benefit and the benefit of others. Although crystals, fragrances, flowers, coloured candles and other angelic correspondences are sometimes given in the text as an integral part of the healing ceremonies, the angels reassure us that our imagination is the key to successful ritual. You do not need to arm yourself with material paraphernalia before beginning to work with the angels.
I have made a point throughout of bringing to the fore certain methods of procedure which the angels themselves have requested, and which are essential in procuring and maintaining a strong, clear, highly functioning link with them. Many of these healing implementations spring from communications which I have received directly from angelic sources; others are the inspiration of that great angel seer, Geoffrey Hodson, one of the earliest of our present-day iconic angel teachers, to whom this book pays tribute. His teachings have always clarified and directed my understanding of my own communion with the angels.
The gentle techniques of angel healing outlined in the following pages will appeal to all those who seek deeper realities in the living of their lives than a purely materialistic philosophy can provide. Here is proof, growing ever clearer and more evident on a day-to-day basis as the healing rituals are put into practice, that angels do indeed exist and bear healing and transformation on their wings for the uplift and blessing of straitened humanity.