In his book, The Brotherhood of Angels and of Men, Geoffrey Hodson gives us an evocative image of an angel pointing upwards – the ‘angel of the pointing hand’. This image comprises the first lesson that the healing angels bring to us. We need to bear in mind always that the healing, inspiring, life-renewing domain of the angels cannot be entered at the level of ordinary, everyday awareness. We need to aspire heavenwards, to reach upwards in consciousness to the most exalted heights of which we can conceive. Simultaneously, we need to maintain a balance by realizing that our communion and cooperation with the healing angels takes place on the simplest level, in everyday circumstances, and, if we are to benefit fully, should indeed be a daily occurrence.

How can we reconcile these two apparently conflicting truths? Perhaps we can do so by embracing a new understanding of what we might term our ‘everyday awareness’. Whilst we always need to be properly grounded in order to fulfil our earthly lives and to engage with mundane tasks, our corresponding mundane consciousness can be lifted many times throughout each day into a beautiful awareness of the angelic realms, so that communion with these beings becomes as natural as breathing, and our vision of life is no longer compressed into airless and stultifying compartments of dull materiality, but is shot through with the rainbow hues that are the dynamic joy and the soaring song of the angels.

Of course, it is all very well to wax lyrical about the angels in this vein, but how is that fine balance between operating in the mundane world and simultaneously inhabiting the beautiful angelic worlds achieved? It seldom happens of its own volition, especially as, through the increasing pressures and pace of 21st-century life and because of the nature of earthly incarnation, we are drawn into ever deeper and more concrete levels of materialism throughout the course of our lives. Moreover, our intellectual will cannot demand or summon it.

The angel of the pointing hand points upward with one hand, but the other hand stretches downward, grasping the head of the caduceus, that great symbol of opposite forces combining to create healing, harmony and wholeness upon the earth. Via this emblem, the angel closes his hand over ours, giving us the strength and inspiration to aspire to the highest, but keeping us firmly grounded and secure at the earthly level of our lives. These two aspects encompass the full meaning of the angel’s message and teaching.

To enable us to achieve this state of balance, we can carry out the following exercises. They are a means of clearing the accumulated debris from the path of our spiritual will (that will within us which springs from the bidding of the heart, abiding always by its wisdom, and which uses aspiration, visualization and inner attunement to empower its objectives – never force).

Star Breathing

Sit quietly, and imagine a star of the purest white-silver taking radiant form in your heart. The star has six points.

Breathe in its brilliance, as if you drew each breath through your heart.

See yourself being slowly absorbed into its centre.

Rest easily in this exquisite star temple of the heart.

Feel the presence of the angels all around you.

The Spirit of the Rose

Relax, and imagine that you are sinking gently into the soft petals of a fragrant rose, the colour of the first flush of sunrise (ethereal pink with a muted and delicate red fire illuminating its depths).

Know that you are in the heart of the rose, and the rose is in your heart.

Feel its tender enfoldment, as if you were being drawn into the arms of a perfect love.

Inhale its beautiful perfume, which is the scent of paradise.

From it emerges the angel of the rose, like a dream given by the divine.

Breathe in the essence of this radiant angel, the quintessence of the rose, and let your spirit float, as if on air currents composed of the fragrance of the rose, into the shining higher realms.

The Ocean of Peace

Rest in the endless blue of a softly heaving ocean.

Breathe in its depths more easily, more invigoratingly, than you breathe air.

Feel the gentle, calming, cleansing rush of revitalization through your lungs as you take each breath of this magical element.

The water surrounds you with an eternal wash of heavenly blue, but its waves are transparent and limpid as raindrops. They support you on a swelling breast of peace and wellbeing, the breast of motherhood and all that reassures.

Begin to realize that you are cradled within the heart of the great Angel of Peace. Her vibration is the sound of the white surf, infinitely hushed, and yet a huge sound, with a boom of might and majesty in it that soothes the ears and all the senses.

Sleep for a moment in the heart of this vast angel, and receive her healing in your bright dreams of ocean-deep peace.

Visionary Mountain

Think of the mountain tops, bathed in the golden glory of the sun.

Become aware of the soles of your feet treading the mountain heights with reverence, with worship. The Divine Presence dwells upon these shining hills.

Feel the freedom, the expanse of vision, the falling away of the fetters of little irritations and narrowness of perspective with which our earthly life can beset and burden us.

Let your vision take wing and soar as you walk upon the noble mountaintops.

Breathe the sparkling air that the angels breathe, and keep with you always this vast, clear, free-ranging vision from the mountains of the spirit.

Using these simple meditations, one or more for a few minutes each day, will help you to establish a strong and sure contact with the healing angels.

From time to time you may feel that your interior climate is dull and heavy, your heart closed, unresponsive and generally uninspired by the idea of angels! On these difficult days, it is probable that you stand in particular need of angelic healing, so it is well worth pursuing a few short and easy methods to dispel the inner clouds, and with them your rebelliousness and resistance to the programme of angel healing to which you have committed yourself. Our lower mind invariably attempts to scupper our best spiritual efforts, so its obtrusion necessarily means that you are making good progress and have achieved genuine and potent angelic contact, otherwise it wouldn’t trouble itself to try to intervene! Here are three powerful exercises to get back on track. (Please note that when named angels are given in any exercise, it is always a good idea to call their name three times. This provides for a more powerful invocation.)

Petition to Vwyamus

Place yourself in the star of spiritual light. Ask the great cleansing angel Vwyamus (Vwy-ah-mus) to clear your surroundings and your aura of negative vibrations and accumulated psychic material. Vwyamus has power over the unpleasant etheric mucus that gathers in our immediate environment and within our auric field. This etherically viscous substance has the same effect as physical mucus in that it blocks our spiritual breathing and hearing passages, poisons our system and generally makes us feel off-colour! The dynamic cleansing and clearing virtues of Vwyamus dissolve and purify all forms of etheric mucus, absorbing it into the heart of high-spinning angelic energy so that its pollutants are transformed into golden etheric atoms charged with effervescent life-force. You can use the following invocation, or you may prefer to petition Vwyamus using your own words.

Great Angel Vwyamus

Cleanse me of all accumulated etheric mucus,

of all negative psychic matter that clings within

and to my aura and that pollutes my surroundings.

Cleanse me in the west, cleanse me in the east

cleanse me in the south, cleanse me in the north.

Encircle me with your power of cleansing,

your silver spinning loops that purge and clear.

Shed your purifying light throughout me

and all around me until I am immaculate.

Thank you, dear angel of the heights.

Be with me and shine in me throughout this day.

As with all angel work, we cannot expect everything to be done for us. Of course, the angels constantly perform marvels and wonders on our behalf; but they will never take on a role which might encourage us to cease our progression on our spiritual path and fall into a stupor by the wayside. They will always guard against our tendency to fall into atrophy, inertia and dependence.

When we work to clear negative conditions from our chakras, our aura and our environment, the angels will do it for us, especially if one or more of the methods outlined are utilized. A way will clear through the mists as they act upon our bidding, but we must be alert to it, and set our feet firmly on the shining trail that the angels reveal to us, prepared to use our own strength and determination to prevent the shadows from gathering again. Of course, if they do, we simply ask once more for the angels’ help; but it is important to recognize that however many times the angels are prepared to come to our aid (and we can call on them infinitely), our way forward as a positive being, centred and sourced in the light, must be our own decision and an expression of our own will. The angels will serve, they will facilitate, they will companion, they will bear us up. But if we are in a stew of negativity, and decide not to make an effort to walk out of it along the shining path that the angels open up for us as soon as that path appears, then they can do nothing further to help us, and can only watch sadly as we enclose ourselves in our tower of darkness once again. The essential thing to remember is that humans and angels work together. If we think that no effort of our own is required, we actually cut ourselves off from their help. So, be a spiritual opportunist! As soon as the shining trail appears, stand upright on it. As soon as the golden door into the angelic realms takes form, grasp the handle and insist on admittance. We will grow to immediately recognize that moment, that beautiful piercing of the prevailing negativity, as we continue to work with the angels. Our own heart instantly feels the release of pressure, of oppression. In this way, we ground the angels’ work into our earthly conditions.

The Sword of Michael

Archangel Michael rules the angelic hierarchy. We will learn more about his feminine consort as we progress into the new age, for her energies and consciousness are as vividly present as his in the androgynous being we know as Michael.

When you feel that a murkiness exists in the atmosphere around you, and especially when you feel negative, energy-draining attachments present in your aura or clinging to the area of your chakras, call on Archangel Michael to deliver you by means of his magical sword. (Chakras are spiritual energy-points aligned with the spine and associated with the ductless glands which connect us to our spiritual or light body. The main chakras occur at the base of the spine, at midpoint between the navel and the pubis (this chakra, although associated with the sex organs, is also linked to the spleen), at the solar plexus, at the heart, in the hollow of the throat, upon the brow at the point between the eyes, and at the crown. The crown chakra is a double one, and also manifests directly above the brow chakra, at the top of the forehead. This is our ‘unicorn’s horn’ chakra. (There are also important chakras at the centre of the hands and the feet – see The Mysterious Vivaxis on page 12.)

When you call on Archangel Michael, enter the star of spiritual light (see Star Breathing on page 2), and let all your work with him commence from its protective centre. (The star is, in one sense, a manifestation of the mighty Archangel Michael).

The sword of Michael is electric blue and bright silver in colour. It throws off shafts of blue-silver light, and its blade flashes pure silver. Always use this sword with caution. See it cutting away unwanted conditions and stagnant energy from around and within your aura and your chakras, but let it work gently and with calm precision, as a dedicated surgeon might work. The silver blade cuts and frees, the flashing blue of the sword seals the sites where the silver blade has descended and cleansed. Use these two qualities of the sword in sequence, cutting and then sealing. When the process is complete, thank Archangel Michael and ask for his continued protection and blessing.

Visualization practice with the sword of Michael is always beneficial, for you will probably find that you need to call on its impressive powers of emancipation many times throughout your work with angel healing, both for yourself and for others.

The Violet Flame

The third great power tool for clearing and transforming oppressive energy is the famous Violet Flame. This was given to humanity by Saint Germain, one of the ascended masters, who, like all the masters concerned with our solar system, descends from the spiritual realms from time to time to offer teaching and enlightenment to those who will listen. He gave the knowledge of the Violet Flame to Guy Ballard in the early 1930s, telling him that ‘the use of the violet consuming flame is more valuable to… mankind than all the wealth, all the gold and all the jewels of this planet.’ The great Archangel Zadkiel has described the Violet Flame as ‘a giant electrode of cosmic energy’. When we invoke this energy, no negative emanation can stand in its way.

At the heart of the Violet Flame is the white fire that dwells within, and comprises the star of spiritual light, which we all carry within our being at the centre of the heart. Therefore, when we invoke the Violet Flame, it is best, as with the other exercises, to first step into the heart of the star in our imagination, and to call upon Archangel Michael for protection. We need to do this because, like moths to a flame, the violet fire actually attracts the darkness. We do not need to be dismayed by this, because all light, whether spiritual or physical, attracts the creatures that ensoul the mysterious darkness of the earth plane. One day, they will all be redeemed and gathered safely into the light, and their darkness will be no more. Until that time, we have to protect ourselves from them whenever we use a power so concentrated and dynamic as the Violet Flame.* The protection, once requested, is definite and assured, so we should not allow ourselves to feel any reluctance or inhibition in our use of the peerless and incomparable Violet Flame. Saint Germain is known as Lord of the Seventh Ray.

There are seven great rays of creation, depicted for us by the rainbow, which, through the magical effects of the liquid crystal in the atmosphere that we know as water, refracts the white light from the sun into seven different hues. The Seventh Ray is the ceremonial ray, the ray of beauty and power which facilitates the conjoinment of angels and human beings in service and cooperation, and so we work with this ray when we conjoin with the healing angels in loving service. Saint Germain overlights our ceremonies with the healing angels, and delights in being called upon to give his inspiration and enlightenment to our efforts and aspirations. Although the masters have expressed a specific wish for us not to get too involved in focusing on their different personalities, it seems appropriate that we should know a little about the history of this mystical and fascinating figure. For now, however, Saint Germain would particularly stress the beauty and simplicity of using the Violet Flame each day, and even many times a day, as we tread the course of our lives. It is so simple and easy to do, that it would seem crazy not to avail ourselves of the opportunity! Using the Violet Flame liberates us into love, liberates us into light, so that we may enjoy the myriad configurations and manifestations in our life that these all-encompassing words embrace.

Decree of the Violet Flame

Enter the star of spiritual light, and call on Archangel Michael for protection.

Imagine that the seventh ray of the rainbow, like the mysterious light cascading from some hallowed violet jewel in the heavenly realms, is enfolding and illuminating you.

Its fiery essence permeates every cell, every atom and subatomic particle in your body; it enters into each and every body that is yours and comprises your soul.

It suffuses your emotions, your mind, your nervous system, your memory and subconscious.

Say three times (or as many times as you like, but at least three):

I AM a being of violet fire!

I AM the purity God desires!

At first you will think that nothing much has happened to you by invoking the Violet Flame. Just wait a little while, and note how you begin to feel! A high tide of radiant life-energy will sweep through you, carrying you forward into every task with a divine volition that has to be experienced to be appreciated. Remember – ‘the use of the violet consuming flame is more valuable to mankind than all the wealth, all the gold and all the jewels of this planet.’

After working with these short and simple meditations, it is wise to seal your upper chakras. It takes only a few seconds. Just see a circle of light enclosing a bright silver cross (+), and hold this image briefly over your crown, at the top of your forehead in the middle (the unicorn’s horn chakra which is connected to the crown centre), the middle of the brow (above and between the eyes), the hollow of the throat, the heart (this centre is located directly in the centre of the chest, rather than slightly to the left, which is where the physical heart resides), and the solar plexus (not truly one of the higher chakras, but it is always better to seal this sensitive and sometimes reactionary chakra).

Healing Hands

Let us contemplate our hands for a moment. We use them for almost every task we perform. From my own perspective, it is the use of the hands allied to the thinking and imaginal processes that makes writing and literature a manifest art form. From the humblest activity to the most sublime, we call on the magic in our hands.

The angels tell us that the ideation which became the living form of our created hands was forged from the deepest indwelling mystery within the heart of Divine Spirit. They are the cosmic twins, the mystical balance between the sacred masculine and feminine principles, the ongoing Sacred Marriage in action. When we use their consecrated union for the purposes of cruelty and all that comprises the death forces in any form, we fail to realize with what potency and power we invoke the darkness. Angelic intelligences fashioned our hands after their own image according to divine will, for our fingers are truly rays. Our feet, being our interface with the earth, were forged in harmony with similar principles. Our hands and our feet were meant to conjoin heaven and earth within ourselves, and so to balance the forces of light and the forces of darkness, for in that balance is the source of supernal light, the heavenly light that absorbs and transforms the darkness and makes of it an increase in divine radiance.

As we hope to show in our next book, Margaret Bailey and I believe that this dynamic link between heaven and earth that exists within ourselves is connected deeply to the Holy Grail, and that the powers of the Grail will come amongst us again, indeed are even imminent. Our first step towards receiving the blessing of the Grail is to bless and honour our hands, in full recognition and reverence of the divine purpose for which they were created.

Important chakras exist within the palms of our hands, like a bright circle in their centre. They are linked to the chakras in the soles of our feet. These four chakras are further connected to the intriguing mystery of what is called our ‘Vivaxis’.

The Mysterious Vivaxis

The pioneering work of Frances Nixon brought to light this fascinating phenomenon in the middle years of the 20th century. She discovered, and went on to scientifically validate, the marvel of the Vivaxis, described as our ‘energy point of origin’. By careful and meticulous research, she proved that we are connected throughout life by lines of energy to our Vivaxis sphere. Frances Nixon gave it this name from an amalgamation of the Latin words viva (life) and axis (a central line around which a rotating body moves), because her observations revealed that the life force of each individual rotated about this central point that is the Vivaxis.

The Vivaxis is a little sphere, the size of a foetus, which is usually formed in the last few weeks of a pregnancy, when the incoming soul has finally ‘touched base’ and has arrived securely in the body of the unborn baby (although it actually takes 21 years to thoroughly ‘ground’ the soul in the physical body, which is the inner reason why we associate our 21st birthday with ‘coming of age’). At this point, the little Vivaxis sphere is released into the earth and fixes there, generally at some spot where the mother lived or spent time in the final few weeks of gestation. There it faithfully remains, however far its owner travels from the site of its location.

Frances Nixon explains that the atomic particles inside the Vivaxis energy sphere align themselves with, and become magnetized to, the geophysical field in which the Vivaxis ‘earths’ itself. This magnetizing of the energies causes a wave link to establish itself between the Vivaxis sphere and its owner which remains constant regardless of distance.

There is a bilateral flow of energy between ourselves and our Vivaxis. The energy flow coming to us from the Vivaxis travels vertically until it reaches our current altitude, then horizontally until it reaches our left foot, switching to a vertical flow once again as it moves up our left leg to our left hand. The flow of energy returns to the Vivaxis sphere in a vertical direction through our right foot up to our right hand, wherefrom it flows in an outgoing horizontal direction from our right hand.

There is good reason to believe (see my book, Your Guardian Angel) that the Vivaxis is actually our eighth or our earth chakra, expressed through our hands and our feet. Our eighth chakra is magenta in colour, a combination of red and violet, for our first chakra at the base of our spine is associated with the first ray of the rainbow, whose colour is red, and with the last ray of the rainbow, whose colour is violet. These make an octave, an harmonic, a complete sphere of creation. The rainbow (the half circle) shows us the seven rays, but if we pick up a compact disk (the full circle) and look into its mirroring surface, we will see the seven colours of the rainbow plus the hue of the earth chakra, the eighth chakra, depicted in glorious magenta. This most holy eighth chakra is the one that connects heaven and earth within our very being. Its signature is wholeness, is healing. We can draw on its strength, its wisdom and its potency by consciously developing the sleeping chakras in our hands.

We can help to activate and to purify this eighth chakra of the hands and the feet by consciously connecting with our Vivaxis. Just think of the little sphere of your Vivaxis, the same size as you were when in your foetal stage, so precious because it declares, beyond contradiction, that you contain the earth within yourself, that you are the octave which is the vibration of the earth sphere; and, therefore, you hold the destiny and the future of the earth in your hands.

First, it is a good idea to locate our Vivaxis, because by this means we can visualize the heaven and earth forces flowing through it and circulating through our hands much more easily.

Locating the Vivaxis

Take two pendulums, or objects on a chain. Hold one chain in each hand.

Stand erect, with feet apart, your heels touching (so that a V shape is created between your feet).

Gently turn clockwise, a few degrees at a time.

Note the motion of the chains in your hand. When they swing back and forth in alternating movements, you are aligned with your Vivaxis. (If the chains swing in unison, you are standing at right angles to it.)

Once you have aligned your body with your Vivaxis, you can carry out the following exercise:

Stand quietly, without holding either pendulum, and begin to be aware that you are receiving a flow of energy from your Vivaxis.

It is coming in beneath your left foot, travelling up your left leg, and entering your left hand. Just feel this for a moment or two.

Now sense the Vivaxis energy crossing the trunk of your body between the solar plexus and the sacral chakras.

As it does so, the energy connects with your navel, and then carries on down the inside of your right leg until it enters your right foot.

From there, it climbs the outside of your right leg until it enters your right hand.

It is at this point that the energy flows back to your Vivaxis: the outgoing energy becomes the returning flow as it enters the right foot and travels back up the right leg to the right hand, at which point it actually leaves the body.

When you have a clear sense of the direction and the circulation of the Vivaxis energy, open your right hand, slightly cupping the palm, and call on your guardian angel. Ask it to oversee this exercise.

Using your breath, drawing it through your heart, and using the clear visualization of the star in the heart, send bright white starlight, of a beautiful, pristine, coruscating purity, out with the Vivaxis energy leaving your right hand.

Say to your own guardian angel: ‘Guardian angel, please bring all safely into balance and harmony; please circulate the white light seven times throughout me and my Vivaxis. Please bless, protect and stabilize my earth chakra.’

Visualize the beautiful white starlight coming back into your left foot with the Vivaxis energy; and then watch it flow in and out, to complete the circuit seven times.

Ask for the blessing of Divine Mother and her angels on your earth chakra.

Thank your guardian angel for its help.

Attune to the chakras in your hands, and see them as agents of blessing that can heal and transform. In all your work in healing with angels, you will use your hands in some capacity either humble or sublime. We need often to wash our hands in spiritual substance so that their energies do not become jaded. We can do this by using the following simple exercises.

Starlight Hand-Bathing

Become aware of the gentle spiritual light emanating from your heart-centre.

Look into the star shining peacefully there with your soul vision, and imagine a pearly white candle in your left hand.

Place it within the star in your heart, and see it take flame.

Lift it out again with your right hand and place it in front of you.

Watch this pearly candle for a moment as it burns with a white-golden flame.

Wash your hands thoroughly in the flame (it is quite painless!), and feel the invigorating purity of the spiritual starlight cleansing and blessing your hands until their chakras shine like the sun.

Angel of the Chaste Hands

Call on the female angel Ouestucati (Oo-stu-cahti) to wash away all impurities from your hands. Ouestucati is a beautiful female angel, known as ‘the lady of the chaste hands’. She will perform this important task for you if you do not happen to have the few moments necessary to carry out the ceremony above. Just hold out your hands to Ouestucati and slowly turn them around as if washing them as you call on her and receive her ministrations.

Of course, you can combine both ceremonies for a power-cleanse! It is very important to look after the spiritual hygiene of your hands, both before and after healing ceremonies, especially if your hands come in contact with someone who is suffering pain, sickness, mental disturbance or depression. In each case, the cleansing power of water is also necessary.

Remember always that your hands are mystic symbols of the highest potency, and that they were fashioned by angels, according to the law of Divine Spirit, in their own miraculous image.

Absorbing the Love of the Angels

Before beginning this programme of angel healing, just sit quietly for a minute or two and absorb the love of the angels. Their love is perfect, free from all taints, and they always celebrate the highest and the best in us. The darkness, the faults and the fool-hardiness that exist in our makeup they enfold in compassion and tenderly seek to unlock the chains that bind us. No matter how shamefully petty and unworthy our thoughts and actions have been, we can confide in our angel friends and be assured of no judgement or reproach. They will offer us only profound understanding and kindness, and shine a light onto a way out of any confusion or distress we may feel.

But it is not only when in confusion or distress that we turn to the love of the angels. It is not something we should feel duty-bound to do because we want to advance our spirituality or learn angel healing techniques or cleanse ourselves from negativity. It is simply a joy, a treat, some special time for ourselves during which nothing is required of us except that we should relax and feel good: soothed and stilled and comforted at the deepest levels. Accept the angels’ gift of love. It is a gift of happiness that they offer perpetually and unstintingly as an expression of their grace, their abundance and their delight in giving.

The Angel of the Pointing Hand

We return to our contemplation of this angel, who urges us to look to and aspire to the highest in our angel communion and healing, and indeed in all things. Who is the angel of the pointing hand?; this mysterious teacher who, in his burning intensity, may seem a little stern, but who is yet all compassion, all love. He sounds a clarion call to our soul, to our deepest indwelling spirit, and that is why he seems to some to be a little intimidating, for he stirs our awareness of our more profound self, with all it majestic potentialities and fabulous hidden treasure.

We may associate the angel of the pointing hand with that circle of angels who are known as the ‘Ancient of Days’. These are ‘the holy ones of the highest’, the most exalted among the angel clan. The Ancient of Days has been cited by the first teachers of angel lore as ‘both the Eternity and the Time of all things prior to days and eternity and time’. In other words, this angel, or circle of angels, encompasses the emanations of Divine Spirit, and was in existence before material, measurable, linear time began.

They are headed by Macroposopus, ‘vast countenance’, who is of the ineffable living essence of God. We can appreciate, therefore, that our angel of the pointing hand is indeed in earnest about directing our aspirations, our consciousness, to the ‘highest of the high’! He manifests as a being of white light of measureless purity. But if we are overawed by his sternness and gravity, we can reflect that through him shines the peerless Michael, friend and comforter of stumbling humankind, and that Michael himself emanates the all-enfolding love of the Shekinah, the Feminine Shining One, who dispenses her blessing with unequalled tenderness and sanctity. Through her kindly benediction, those highest heights do not appal or daunt us; we know that they are not unattainable or far away, but here within the mystery of our hearts, and that we can find them in simplicity, in peace, as we quietly walk the earth.

*See Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s excellent little book, Violet Flame, Summit University Press, USA, for further information.