There are a few further steps to take in developing the art of angel healing before we advance to its practical application, although of course the progress you make through individual effort, aspiration and experience will be the true measure of your qualification.
Space Clearing
It is always advisable to cleanse your surroundings, even when you intend only to meditate or to perfect your healing techniques. Before treating yourself or a patient (whether or not the patient is present or absent), the process is indispensable.
No great effort is required for everyday space clearing. You can simply:
• call on the Cleansing Angel Vwyamus (see Chapter One);
• employ the method of the Violet Flame (see Chapter One);
• use the idea of the sun ceremony described at the end of Chapter Four to invoke that great, glorious presence of the Sun Being, Christ-Brigid, praying that Her-His benign Presence will transmute all shadows and negative energy into sparkling, highspin, angel-touched atoms;
• call on the angels generally to purify your environment with the cleansing flames of spirit fire;
• imagine a great, crested, rolling wave of a spiritual sea sweeping through the room and onward, taking with it in its crashing, rotating cylinder all undesirable influence and energy.
These methods are for general cleansing purposes. However, you may encounter situations where an atmosphere is very poisonous at the psychic level. Clearing this energy is part of your work as an angel healer, but it is very important that you proceed with caution. Bear these rules in mind.
1 Sit down quietly by yourself, and, with both feet resting firmly on the ground, call on the power of the sun.
2 Create the form of a great silver cross contained within a ring of light, and place yourself and any who are with you in its centre.
3 Call on the protection of your guardian angel, and then of Archangel Michael, the Protector. Ask him to monitor the entire cleansing procedure.
4 Ask Archangel Michael if it is right for you to proceed alone. Communicate through your heart-centre.
5 Wait patiently for Michael’s answer. It will be given through the medium of your will. If you feel encouraged to go ahead, it is safe to do so. If you feel any obstruction or inhibition at the level of your will concerning the implementation of the cleansing process, you must not put it into practice. You could either endanger yourself or another (perhaps someone living in the astral dimensions of life).
Another method of receiving Archangel Michael’s instructions is to visualize a set of traffic lights. See the three vertical discs unlit. Watch as one lights up. If the amber light starts to glow, its message is that you may go ahead, but the present time is ill-auspiced. Choose another day to carry out your cleansing ritual.
If Archangel Michael advises against the procedure, there are four stumbling blocks which are the most probable reasons for his warning.
1 A trapped human soul is causing the energy disturbance, and would suffer as the result of an attempt at space clearing.
If this is the case, summon the Healing Angels and place the matter in their hands; then call on the angel Colopatiron, the angel who frees us from imprisonment, to lend his assistance to the situation. It is also important to create the star in your heart, and gently enfold the struggling, confused soul in its light. Send them the fragrance of the mystic rose. Request the protection of the angels throughout. Ask for Archangel Michael’s instructions regarding the relevant space clearing again after three days, and see if his answer has changed.
If not, repeat the process outlined above, including the creation of the rainbow bridge, which you can then invite the distressed soul to cross.
If none of this has any effect (which will be very rare), continue to hold the situation in your spiritual heart-light each day (just take a short moment) and instruct the angels to stand by so that they may continue to give assistance as the dark energy begins to loose its grip. You will know when to return to the task, if it still requires your attention, because the angels will alert you through your intuition.
2 An unpleasant entity is the cause of the problem, which should not be tackled alone; therefore it will be necessary to form a small group. Follow the instructions for the Cleansing Ritual below.
3 The etheric conditions are so poisonous that group effort is required to alleviate the problem. Attempting to deal with the situation alone could overwhelm you or cause you to be unwell. Use the method outlined in the Cleansing Ritual below.
4 Distorted earth forces are present which require the attention of an expert.
If the earth forces are constricted, choked, or distorted, you will need to contact an earth healer. If this is not possible, call on Archangel Raphael and the healing angels and ask them to form a circle of healing and protection around the affected area. Then summon the great Angel Sandalphon, the Earth Angel, to enter into the disharmony the earth is suffering and transform it from within. Ask Raphael in his Merlin guise to work closely with Sandalphon, and to bring the healing forces of his secret queen to bear upon the afflicted portion of the earth you are seeking to cleanse. Appoint the healing angels to stand guard over the vicinity until the healing begins to take effect. Hold all in the light of the star, and enquire of Archangel Michael once more, after the passing of a month, if your cleansing ritual may go ahead. If the answer is still negative, keep the healing angels in place via your specific instructions, and wait. Your inner direction as to how to proceed will make itself known at the right time.
Your intuition will guide you as to why Archangel Michael is advising against the cleansing ritual. When the time is right, follow the instructions given below.
The Cleansing Ritual
This is very simple. It has four stages, although it may not be necessary to implement them all.
Stage One
1 Imagine that you are holding a white rose bush, budding and ready to bloom. The white rose is the symbol of Archangel Michael. Call on him for protection as you enter the site of the disturbance you seek to heal. Surround yourself with light.
2 Ask the angels to guide you to the point of greatest pressure concerning the contamination.
3 Walk three times around it in a clockwise direction, and call down Archangel Sandalphon’s blessing upon it, intoning the name with resonance.
4 Invoke the blessing of Raphael and his company of healing angels, followed by a request to Merlin and his secret queen to bless, heal, and to earth the angelic emanations into the pressure point. Chant the angelic names. Also call on the angels of purity.
5 Take your white rose tree, and plant it at that exact spot. Water it with ethereal water, and feed it with the starlight in your heart. Watch as it springs into the loveliest white blooms. Lovingly command the white rose tree to give forth its fragrance in full measure. Delight in this cloud of incense as it rises.
6 Summon the healing angels to assume stations of protection and maintenance of the healing power until all is harmonious again. Give them this instruction clearly and directly.
7 Call down a blessing from Valoel, the great Angel of Peace. ‘Under your white wings may this place be soothed into tranquillity, and receive your calm and stillness into its troubled breast. Amen.’
8 Thank the angels.
This little ceremony can be conducted when you are working alone, or with others when Archangel Michael has instructed you to work as a group. In the latter case, each member of the group will plant a white rose tree in the troubled area, as almost certainly there will be more than one pressure point within it. You can chant the angelic names to good effect when you work alone, but when you work as a group your chanting can become deeply musical and rhythmic, and will be very powerful.
This ritual can be enacted even when a trapped soul is present in the room or vicinity, because it can do no harm. Nevertheless, always ask for Archangel Michael’s judgement of the situation before proceeding with any ceremony.
Stage Two
This simply involves waiting. Let one week or one month pass, whichever you feel is appropriate. If you are dealing with a trapped soul, you need only wait for three days. Return to the site, and test its energies, which may have healed by the enactment of the white rosebush ceremony alone. If the atmosphere is still stagnant, heavy or oppressive, follow the steps given above to ask Archangel Michael whether it is safe for you to proceed to the third stage. If not, follow the instructions as given above. If so, then you can proceed as soon as it is convenient.
Stage Three (Group Work Only)
1 Elect a leader of your group, and let the rest of the group surround that person. From the centre, the leader will call on the blessing and protection of Archangel Michael. All members must see this great ring of white light descending. It forms a great cross of light within a circle of light. Go in imagination to the intersection of the cross, from which there blazes a single white star, pure and perfect. It is from this spiritual point that all must conduct the ceremony, meaning that in their spiritual awareness, that is where each member of the group must work from at all times. Never let go of your awareness of this blazing sacred centre, crossed and starred with holy light.
2 Proceed to the site of the problem. Stand together in a circle, and call on the Archangel Sandalphon, Archangel Raphael, and his company of healing angels, as before. Summon Merlin and the healing power of his secret queen to bless, heal, and to earth the angelic emanations into the site.
3 Chant all angelic names three times, or more if you feel a buildup of rhythm and power.
4 Call on the presence of the angel Tahariel, the Angel of Purity, to work her magic and give her blessing to your work and to the site.
5 Call on the angel Vywamus, the Angel of Cleansing, and give forth the invocation detailed in Chapter One.
6 Call on Zadkiel, Angel of the Violet Flame, to lend his mighty assistance. Invoke the Violet Flame (‘I AM a being of violet fire. I AM the purity God desires’). Command the Violet Flame to cleanse and purge the vicinity.
7 Calling again on Archangel Michael, summon a whirling pillar of white light down from the heavens, from the third eye of the mighty Angel Michael. This white tornado, purer and brighter than any light on earth, stands spinning in the centre of your circle. Each member of the group must, with a huge release of willpower, command this tornado to move about the room, spinning with breathtaking rapidity as it sucks up and instantly transmutes all negative, contaminating energy into its twisting column of white flame. If there is any resistant energy, the tornado pulverizes it in a fraction of a second and scoops it up in its majestic whirlwind. Finally, it returns to the centre and becomes an angelic figure, sculpted of sanctified stillness and pure white fire, which spreads its arms and its wings about the affected area and about the group.
8 Command the healing angels to assume stations around the affected area, to conserve, maintain and direct the healing, cleansing forces until they have taken full effect.
9 Call down the blessing of Tahariel once again.
10 Thank the angels.
Stage Four
This is a repetition of Stage One, to be put into practice one week or one month after Stage Three.
The meditation poem that follows, concerning the mystic rose in our heart-centre, has been found useful by some as an inner focus prior to planting the white rose bushes of purification.
Find the point of peace within.
It dwells not in the mind,
Not in the turbulent emotional body,
But deep in the heart, like a tranquil jewel.
Give up the haughty claims of the mind,
Give up the anxiety-spell of the emotional body:
Go straight to the heart.
Like a babe enfolded in the embrace of its mother,
Peace will hold you in everlasting arms;
It is a rose softly lit with the light of eternity.
Within its temple you receive true Selfhood.
Your in-breath partakes of its holy essence.
You breathe out its fragrance to heal the world.
Grounding Techniques
An essential for all healing work, and for our lives generally, is to learn to ground ourselves. Our tendency as human beings is to float off to some degree in our astral vehicle, and to semi-detach from our bodies. This does us no favours, because our destination, if we do float off, is an unreal state between the vital inner worlds of meditation and the fundamental physical world of earth. We truly inhabit neither when we are in this floating state, and we cannot ingest nourishment from either one. We are in a vacuum between earth and heaven.
To correct this state, we need to ground ourselves daily, and even more often if we ever feel particularly dreamy and detached. Some techniques are outlined below.
• A popular method is to imagine strong, fibrous, healthy roots growing from the soles of your feet and anchoring themselves deep into the essence of Mother Earth.
• Another way is to hold a grounding crystal (previously cleansed – just hold it under the flow of the cold tap for a second or two) such as bloodstone or smoky quartz in your left hand for a few moments until you feel steadied and centred.
• A third way is to affirm on the in-breath, aloud and whilst holding your right thumb and forefinger together, ‘I am’, and on the out-breath, ‘present’. Do this three times.
• If you experience days when your energies feel severely unsettled, a little time spent in gardening (especially digging) or walking in nature will help you. You can always ask the earth angels to stabilize and earth such chaotic energies.
Cleansing the Aura
Many beautifully formulated sprays and perfumes are available nowadays which perform this function delightfully. However, they are expensive and not always easily accessible, so it is wise to have a stand-by. One tried and tested method is simply to rub the hands together briskly, as though you were seeking to create fire (which, of course, at the subtle level of life, you are). Smooth this subtle fire around the space at the top of your head and shoulders, vigorously chafe your hands together again, and continue down your auric field (the space around your body), pausing three or four times to renew the celestial fire in your palms before resuming your task. To treat the auric field that links with your back, simply stroke the space connecting to your neck and shoulders in a downward motion and see the spiritual fire streaking down your back. Lift the soles of your feet and pass your palms under them. You will note that we use the special, magical chakras in our hands to perform this method of aura cleansing; those chakras connected to our Vivaxis of which we will have so much to learn as the century unfolds.
Other methods of aura cleansing are the petition to Vwyamus, the Violet Flame ritual (see Chapter One) and the ceremony entitled ‘the Dance of the Two Dragons’ in Chapter Four. This petition, and the two ceremonies, are well worth using as often as we can. They will give us inestimable help in our development as angel healers, especially as so much of the angels’ work on earth is concerned with the huge task of purification.
The Angel Altar
We need to create an altar, a magnetic point on which the angels are able to focus. The angels themselves have asked us to build and dedicate these ‘magnetized centres’. Choose a corner of a room dedicated exclusively to the angels.
Clear this space with the techniques given above, and summon angels of protection to stand in the east, west, north and south. Lovingly command them to remain in place, protecting and energizing your altar at all times. Ask them to create and maintain a force around this corner of the room which will take the form of translucent walls. Cleanse your angel shrine (which is what your dedicated corner has now become), keeping it spotless and pristine as an angel would clean it: as a form of benediction and ritual, as a holy rite. Keep everyday thoughts, moods and activities away from the altar. Have on it:
• a white cloth
• perfumed oil, particularly rose and lavender, or a fragrance of your choice
• candles, white and gold
• holy water in a crystal bowl, which will be spring or mineral water that you have previously blessed by holding the filled bowl to your heart-centre and shining the symbol of the cross of light contained in the circle of light into the depths of the water; this has to be performed with love, and with reverence for the element of water
• fragrant flowers
• a symbol or a figure of the spiritual spheres which inspires you – perhaps from your religion, such as the Virgin and Child, a figure of the Goddess, one of the saints, a great teacher or prophet, one of the ascended masters, or one of the great humanitarian heroes (Martin Luther King, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Teresa, etc.)
• a single object of great beauty, mentally associated with the angels and with nature
• an angel picture, or a symbol or design that reflects the angelic nature
• a golden dragon or serpent, which you will place towards the west of the altar (you can buy a dragon ornament and paint it gold, or create a makeshift serpent from golden thread or foil)
• dedicated and cleansed crystals (see Chapter Eight on crystal healing webs to learn how to do this), especially a clear quartz point and pieces of rose quartz; you may like to use angel designated stones such as celestite and angelite.
Place the altar to the east, and attend with angel invocations once in the morning and once in the evening. If these are intoned at sunrise and sunset, the healing power channelled by your magnetized altar will be greatly increased. No doubt it will not often be possible to enact the whole ceremony. Nevertheless, if you aim for the fulfilment of this objective just once every month, or even every three months, it will give a tremendous boost to the magnetism of your altar. The magnetizing process will take place as you attend to your altar and use it day by day.
The following ritual comprises an old ceremony you might like to use.
Hail, great Raphael!
Greetings, angels of the Healing Art!
Pour forth your healing life
Into… [name of person].
Let every cell be charged anew
With vital force.
To every nerve give peace and strength.
Let tortured sense be soothed.
May the rising tide of life
Set every limb aglow,
As, by your healing power,
Both soul and body are restored.
Leave here an angel watcher
To comfort and protect.
Hail, great Raphael!
Greetings, angels of the Healing Art!
Come to our aid,
And share with us the labours of this earth
That the indwelling God might be set free in humankind.
The officiant should speak the words with joy, and use all the imagination, will, and the summoning power of the voice in calling on the angels, whilst simultaneously raising the bowl of flowers above the head and following them with the eyes.
May blessings from above
Flow forth and beautify the human love
Which we in gratitude pour forth
To you, our angel helpers of this day.
At the closing of this day
Be with…[name of person]
And draw your mantle of comfort,
Of protection and love
And gentle guidance from the higher planes
Around all those who suffer,
All those who are alone or afraid.
Let the officiant hold up the bowl of flowers, offering their sweetness and their beauty to the angels, and pouring through them deep love and gratitude from the heart towards the angel hosts. Then give thanks in silence.
Adapted from The Coming of the Angels,
Geoffrey Hodson
The underlying law of creation is that the lesser must invoke the greater, reflected by the scientific rule that power always flows from the stronger to the weaker domain. This law is brought into operation by the force of prayer and invocation. Without them, we cannot work with the angels. It is vital to use prayers and invocations to initiate and accompany our angel communion.
When you use your altar for healing rituals, begin by lighting the white and the gold candles and greeting the angels of the cardinal points by bowing your head to each.
‘My Guardian Angel, please link me to Archangel Raphael and his-her host of Healing Angels.’
Then intone three times, with intent, so that the angels can make a channel from your willpower to act on your behalf:
‘May this altar be consecrated by the angelic host.’
Then say clearly, with your mind focused sharply on the words and what they mean:
‘Archangel Raphael, I invite you into this sacred space. May it be a channel and a focus for you and your healing brethren to bring angelic healing forces to all who are present, or who are named, herein. I offer my thanks from a true heart overflowing with love for the angels and with joy in their presence.
Repeat the above invocation, this time to the Angels of the Rays.
Sprinkle the holy water in a circle, and create the sign of the cross within it, using your cleansed, blessed and dedicated clear quartz point. Do this three times.
Then anoint the centre of the imaginary cross with the perfumed oil, and place a flower there.
Bow to Raphael and all invoked angels, and move away from the altar without turning your back.
An angel invocation must be said in the morning, and a prayer of thanksgiving at night (see above). Adapt shorter ones of your own, to say when time is scarce.
You will note that you are expected to express joy, thankfulness and love during these rites. We cannot always feel these profound, abundant emotions, especially on demand! The trick is to act as if we are feeling them. When we act with true intent rather than in order to deceive, the act itself forms a channel through which higher beings can nourish us with the genuine essence of what we are expressing. This is the great difference between dramatic art and hypocrisy, and the secret as to why great actors can move us so deeply.
It is better if you conduct your angel ceremonies whilst barefoot, but you may also like to wear a robe. This is ideal, as robes can be ritually blessed and consecrated. If you find it too demanding a task to change in and out of robes twice a day, you might like to wear them only during your healing ceremonies. Never be put off your development as an angel healer by what might seem to be an inordinate tax on your time and energy. It is much better to cut, adapt and shorten all procedures as you need to.
Let your robe be simple and light, preferably white with a gold motif, which should be a symbol with which you resonate. Try to ensure that it is made from natural fibres, or as nearly natural as possible. Man-made fibres definitely inhibit spiritual work. If you have a favourite colour and you feel that your angel healing robe should reflect this hue, then choose a delicate, pastel shade. There should be no brashness, glare or opaque depth in the colour you choose. Nevertheless, white, with a touch of gold, is generally the best choice concerning ceremonial robes involving work with angels. Healers from the angelic realms will reflect colours onto you and your altar so that they may be given to your patients or healing projects, and the white light radiating from your heart and your robe forms the best receptacle for this procedure.
Wash your robe after every major healing ceremony (if these have to continue daily for a time, wash them every few days). Bless and consecrate your robe after washing by taking it to your altar and calling down a blessing from Archangel Raphael and Christ-Brigid, the Great Golden Healer of the Sun. (If you object to Christian terminology, you might like to use the term ‘the Spirit and the Bride’.)
Afterwards, ask the angels to sanctify your robes in the same way as you asked them to sanctify your altar:
‘May this robe be consecrated by the angelic host. I dedicate its use to Archangel Raphael and his-her Company of Healing Angels.’
Intone these words three times.
The Healing Temple
When we offer healing to ourselves or to others, whether they are human or animal friends (or indeed strangers), a plant or a tree, a garden or a place in nature, a house, a hospital, some other building or gathering place, a village, a town, a city, a country or even the planet, we are taken up by the angels with our patient into a healing sanctuary in the angelic realms. It may seem rather strange to think of some of the items listed as being lifted into a healing temple, but the temple is deeply magical, with the fairy quality of appropriate expansion and contraction, so all are admitted!
It is helpful to form an idea of this temple. It is often perceived as a round white dome, with its roof open to the golden sun. Around this sun are many stars, but we do not need the darkness to see them, as we do on earth. The sun is set in a perfect blue sky, a sweet and heavenly blue that flows down from the skies as a calming, healing essence. The temple is filled with niches or cells, as in a beehive, although each is set under a window overlooking a wondrous garden of the spirit, beyond which are white-capped mountains and springtime green forests. The mountaintops are not covered in snow, but in angelic whiteness, unearthly, soft, and yet brighter than any light on earth. Each one is a place of sanctuary, where sanctified minds can retire and rest in visions of the supernal worlds.
Within the cells in the temple are soft, firm couches, where the patient is gently laid by the attendant angels. The sun begins to reflect most glorious and heavenly rainbow colours down through the dome of the temple, which is roofed in a substance clear as clearest glass, but which bears the essence of water – a spiritual water that does not fall or make wet. Its translucency is a marvel to see.
The colours that cascade down from it are the most beautiful hues conceivable. Many of them are not visible on earth. To get a feeble idea of this wonder, fill a clear-glass bowl with water, and put into it crystals of many different colours, particularly delicately coloured ones. Their beauty under clear water will particularly delight you. (You may like to place such a bowl of crystals in water on your altar, to remind you of the healing temple.) The patients enter a healing sleep, in which they are lifted into even higher dimensions (if you look out of the window of one of the little healing shrines, you might see their souls in rapture on the mountaintops!). Meanwhile, they absorb the exquisite colours, as lovely as the angels themselves, deep into their chakras and their subtle bodies (each subtle body is attached to a chakra). When the healing treatment is over, the patients are gently withdrawn from the temple and escorted back into their physical bodies on earth.
Think often of the healing temple in the angelic worlds, and you will gain access to it for yourself and your patients all the more readily and easily.
Unfurling our Wings
We have angelic wings that we can unfurl and wrap around ourselves, creating a pillar of light in which we are completely protected. Positive emanations can come to us in our pillar of light, and we can give forth the radiance of our spirit from within its shelter, but negative, harmful thought-forms and vibrations are repelled.
It is easy to learn how to unfurl our wings. After the following exercise has been completed, it can be done anywhere, in an instant. Take care to make use of the shielding quality of your wings. As angel healers, we need to make sure that our chakras and auric space are kept as pure as possible, and that random attacks from thought-elementals and other pollutants don’t drain our energy so that we are unable to carry out our work with the angels.
Our wings run from the base of our brain to the base of our spine, but when fully opened and extended, they can enclose our entire body from our earth chakra below our feet to our star chakra above our crown (these are reflections of the base and crown chakras).
Ground yourself (see above for grounding methods).
Connect your heart, throat and crown chakras with a spiritual line of light.
Breathe the light down your spine.
Sense your spine alight and brilliant like a golden rod, all aglow with an influx of divine light.
All the way down your spine, little golden seed-pods of light are bursting into wing-fibres.
Let them extend to each side.
See them growing into huge, full-length wings.
Waft them, and feel their dimensions.
Now wrap them right around yourself so that you are in a pillar of light.
Once you have introduced yourself to the concept of your wings by working through this exercise, there is no need to go through each step when you wish to surround yourself with your pillar of light. Just command your wings to encircle you.
The Angelic Colour Spectrum
As healers working with the angels, either for ourselves or others, we need to know how to command and direct the colour rays – through hands and thought. The angelic colour-rays are very subtle, varied and beautiful, and have to be summoned from the imagination. It is in this area that the rainbow chalice (the heart receiving and transmitting the angelic colours) comes into play.
We have already encountered the rainbow chalice in a former exercise. For our angel healing programme, we need to deepen our awareness of it, and the colours that play within it and pour forth in abundance from it. Although when we are working with the angels, we need to learn how to convey the colour rays through our hands – and our thought, which we must train to be as clear and pure in its focus as crystal – we will always summon them from the rainbow chalice in the heart.
The seven rays of colour within the white light are headed by seven great planetary angels, who each command countless angelic hosts. The healing angels bear the colour to us that we select for our healing purpose, coming to us from the angelic host and the angelic head of that ray. We receive the ray into our heart from the six-pointed star, which shines above us as well as in our hearts. The great star, shining white at first, fills with the beautiful translucent colour of the ray we summon and pours it into our heart, into our rainbow chalice, where the colours rise and play and sparkle like jewelled fountains flashing in an urn wrought of bright mirrors and clear crystal. From there, our thought, our imagination, our breath and our hands direct it to the one who suffers, whether present or absent.
Let us look at the colours and gain a deeper insight into their meaning.
Blue is the colour of peace and serenity. It enfolds, as the blue sky endomes the world. It stills violence and agitation. Its healing flow is cool and calming. It returns us to stillness and silence. It denotes air, and puts us in mind of great airy spaces, clear, unobstructed, free of the strife and turmoil of our earthly concerns. Blue denotes air.
The quietude of blue can be brought to us on our breath, and circulate our system like a blessing from the Angel of Peace. It can be given to the solar plexus to calm emotional disturbance and strain, to soothe the jangling that often occurs in that centre and to help it to produce the right note once again. It can be given to the throat to ease nervousness, stress and tension. It can be given to the heart to clear from its well-shaft the accumulation of worry and fretfulness which prevent us from properly contacting our heart-centre. It can be given to the spine to wash and restore to its wisdom the whole chakra system. It can be given locally to soothe pain.
Blue is associated with wisdom, with teaching, and with high spiritual values. The Sapphire Tablet was said to be the source of Solomon’s renowned wisdom, and the root of Hebrew mysticism as expressed in the teaching of the cabala.
Shades vary from holy or Madonna blue, the blue of summer skies to gentle, light blue – a delightful pastel shade sometimes seen in the sky at dawn on bright mornings when the land is covered in snow or hoar frost.
Green is the colour of empathy, harmony, surrender, particularly the power of wilful surrender, which is immense. It denotes water. It is the heart-point of the rainbow, and the secret of the Earth, for green is her colour. The secret is that the Earth Being herself belonged to the domain of the Spirits of Water before she ensouled our planet, and that we, as human beings on earth, are all Children of Water.
In the vision of the prophet Ezekiel, when the angels showed him the four cardinal points, which denote the elements as well as the directions, he saw a man in the west, the place of water, although an ox, an eagle and a lion were placed at the heads of the other cardinal points.
Green is our special vibration. The fairies call the dimension in which we live, ‘the Green World’. Green links us to nature. It is the colour of purification and compassion.
It can be given to clear congestion due to stress and tenseness, rigidity, brittle mind-sets, or to oversensitivity (bronchitis and asthma are often caused by these factors). It can be given to the spine, the throat and the solar plexus, and also locally, to cleanse and disperse inflammation.
It is the ray of harmony. The teacher White Eagle calls it ‘an expression in form of higher things’.
The greatest wisdom – all that is known on earth and shall ever be known – was inscribed on the Emerald Tablet by Tiamat, the mysterious Dragon Queen, ‘she who bore them all’. Tiamat was the great mother of all beings upon the earth, and she gave her precious Emerald Tablet into the safekeeping of the Annunaki, the god-people whom she summoned to earth at the beginning of time to initiate earth’s humanity. It became known as ‘the Emerald Tablet of the Annunaki’, but was lost to the earth.
We dispense the holy green ray in shades of springtime green, sunlit green and shining emerald green.
Gold & Sunlight
These are classed together, although gold is the more vital of the two. Imagine angelic gold of a spiritually molten brilliance, exquisitely rich in quality. It can be sent to the spine and the head-centres, and to local areas where severe and stubborn conditions have taken hold.
It signifies spiritual wisdom and divine intelligence, and gives confidence in the loving care of the Great Spirit. Being touched with gold connects us with the angels so that we are lifted up into angelic fields of light and angelic golden joy. Such an outpouring of angelic gold brings happiness, a lightening of the human situation, the instigation of hope.
It sweetens harsh critical thought and very fixed opinions and mindsets, and breathes a shimmer of gold into mourning, depressed, grief-stricken hearts, so that they begin to see the sun again.
Sunlight bears the same quality, but it is filtered through a softer medium. Where gold is vital, dynamic, potent, and vibrantly applied, sunlight kisses, caresses, and enfolds. Both rays can be applied to the adrenals (sited in the back, just above the kidneys) with good effect, as worry, fear, frustration and depression work through them and affect the kidneys.
Gold denotes fire, of course, solar gold from the Source of All, the inconceivable fire of the Godhead.
Orange & Red-Orange
These are the colours of vitality and foster the renewal of vigour. They bring fresh life force to the whole being, and can be given as a stimulating tonic. They are very enlivening and good for depletion on all levels.
They combine red and yellow: respectively, the life force of the body and the life force of the mind. It is interesting to note that farmers and organizers carry this colour in their auric field, especially organizers dealing in the field of nutrition. We can see how farming and food organization require both the earth or body forces and the forces of the mind, and how they combine to create nourishment for the human vessel. This mental and physical food is available to us in its ethereal essence from the orange and red-orange ray.
Can we imagine orange healing angels? They are like bright tongues of orange flame, offering us an orange from their hands! Taste the keen zest of the orange,’ they say. ‘It bears our essence and our gift of mental and physical vigour.’
When the sun goes down, it sinks from its yellow height (higher mental and spiritual) into the bowels of the earth (the red earth force), and becomes like an orange ball This is the great task of the angels of the orange ray – to bring the exalted dynamic of mind – the mind in the heart, whose source is Love – down into the physical structure, so that it might throw off its rigid lifelessness and become imbued with spiritual vitality.
Carnelian and orange calcite resonate with this task. These crystals work with the angels of the orange ray, acting as receptacles, transmitters and transformers to aid the programme of this celestial endeavour.
The angels of the orange ray are angels of love, and indeed Love itself is the vibration of this ray. It denotes fire – the fire of the heart, holding the balance between earth and heaven. It can be given to the spleen as a wonderful overall energizer, a fillip for those who are weary and depleted and who may suffer from a run-down immune system. The spleen is located to the left of the back, slightly above the waist.
Amethyst is the colour ray that restores the soul. It brings acceptance and humility, inner strength and freedom from the enslavement of addictions. It gives us strength to endure difficult life situations, not in dreary resignation but in quiet faith that release will come when the moment is right.
It awakens hardened and closed hearts to new life and brings into springing vivacity from their fresh stirrings a delicate rainbow of hope and divine possibility.
This ray is given to the heart-centre to impart its sustenance and blessing.
This is a more intense and potent form of amethyst, and of course we know that the violet ray brings with it the priceless benediction of the Violet Flame Ritual (see Chapter One). Archangel Zadkiel is one of the guardians of this ray, and is working in close partnership with Archangel Raphael to bring healing, purification and renewal to humanity at this time.
The violet ray bears within its essence an immense potency of spiritual power and command, which we might guess from its identity as the Ceremonial Ray – the ray of Beauty. True beauty – beauty of thought, beauty of motive, beauty of content, purpose and language, beauty of the heart and soul which employs it – is the magic that activates the mystical violet ray. Selfish and objectionable forms of ceremony will reap the whirlwind.
The colour violet is associated with this supernal power of summoning the universal spirit of beauty, an all-pervading aspect of the Divine.
It cleanses, reintegrates, and liberates. It especially stimulates the heart and lungs, blessing them with purification and recuperative power.
We use the violet ray with care and discretion, because its healing power can be too purging. It is given to the heart-centre and the throat.
White Light
White light is the Christ light, which we shine from our hearts on those who suffer and seek our help. It is emitted from the star in the heart.
It can be used to tenderly enfold a patient, or, where powerful protection is needed, to blaze around them in the form of a cross contained in a circle.
We use the breath, and loving intention, to send this light to its mark.
Pearl is the colour of the Christ Light which also carries a definite mother vibration. It is the love of Goddess, the Great Mother.
It gives stability and high aspiration, like a keen, sweet summoning of the soul by the noble ones of the pearlescent worlds, known to some as advanced fairy beings of great spiritual stature. It carries with it the magic touch of the Holy Spirit, light as a breath.
Its mysterious sheen is the soft, muted light of the wonders of the soul, yet to be unfolded.
We use pearl when the mother essence needs to be called upon to nurture the child within.
This is also the colour of divine mother-love, the gentle love which unites all humanity. We are familiar with the symbol of the rose, of course, and how it dwells in our deepest heart. We release the fragrance of the rose as a healing balm to those who have been hurt, abused, heartbroken. We gently enfold them in the rose ray, and usher them into the temple of the rose in the higher worlds.
When we need to call on the Sacred Feminine in our practice, we summon the soft rose light, glowing as if from an enchanted dimension where the angels move in hallows that are the dimensions of a rose that is the essence of loveliness, matter perfected and transmuted into the spirit of perfection itself. Such is the magic of the rose.
It is used to gently ease away blockages, and wherever there has been deprivation of love, especially in cases where patients have failed to love themselves. It is given particularly to the heart.
Silver & Flame
These are drastic and formidable cleansers. Silver projects the power and spiritual magnetism of the spiritual worlds into the lower earth-planes, whilst flame burns away dross and lights a pathway into the higher realms.
Both of these manifestations of colour appear in legend and folklore as fairy swords of terrible potency whom only the pure of heart could wield safely, without fear of the enchanted blades turning on their possessor.
Using the silver and flame rays in our healing work is perhaps not quite so dramatically dangerous, but nevertheless there is a wise teaching to be absorbed from the tales!
We implement them in cases of obsession and derangement, wherever unhealthy psychic conditions prevail. See a bright silver light or a flaming sword gently but briskly cutting away the etheric threads that link the patient with the undesirable condition. Imagine angelic hands over yours as you perform this healing rite, to prevent you from overdoing it! The safest way to use the sword is to carry out the procedure relating to the sword of Archangel Michael (see Chapter One).
Magenta is the colour of the grand highway between heaven and earth, which unites the two.
The colour itself – deep rose, with a touch of violet – combines the first ray with the seventh ray of the seven great rays of creation. It is used to comfort and to restore balance, to stabilize and to steady a shattered or misaligned patient.
It links the organizing ability of the earth forces with the highest spiritual aspirations. It is worth bearing this quality in mind when seeking to help patients (you may encounter those who need to ground their dream of fulfilment, whatever that may be, in their practical existence, for instance).
Now that you have added the tools described above to your healer’s treasury, and have contemplated the angelic colour spectrum and the mystery and beauty of the rainbow chalice, it is a good idea to have a practice run with it!
Sit quietly, contemplating the star in the heart. Let your breathing be conducted through the peacefully shining star, so that your being fills with light on the in-breath, and gives forth light on the out-breath.
Become aware of the mystic rose in your heart-of-hearts.
The rose is opening out and giving forth a clear light until it becomes as crystal. It has assumed the shape of an exquisite chalice, flashing mirror-bright and clear as the purest glass. Around its rim are inlaid rings of diamonds and pearls.
The star is now shining above your head. It pulsates with perfect light.
Now the light is taking on the form of a rainbow. Its colours are delicate and jewel-bright, like spiritual mysteries. You are aware of angelic presences behind each ray. The awareness of them enters your heart like a cadence of joy.
The colours begin to flow into the rainbow chalice. Soon they are dancing and playing in its sparkling depths, rising and spilling over the sides of the chalice in abundance, like enchanted fountains. The chalice mirrors and magnifies the magical colours, so that they gyrate and swirl around it like great dancing spirits performing rites of spiritual ecstasy around the ring of light in your heart.
Choose one of these dream-bright colours, and summon it into the chakras in the centre of your hands. Calmly breathe it into your waiting hands.
See it flow from the chalice in your heart into the still pools of heavenly light that are the chakras in your hands. There, the colour takes on the quality that the angels breathe through it for your own or another’s healing: either gentle, virile, muted, star-bright, evanescent with glittering motes of revelling energy, or calm and tranquil as the first tender stars of a radiant summer dusk. The hue changes with the mood and the healing reverie of the angelic consciousness within the vital heart of the colour.
Imagine conveying the colour to your patient, perhaps to the spine or head area. Let this be an act of profound self-giving, so that your heart-centre glows even more brightly. Use the healing, blessing power in your hands.
Let the colour pour into the centre in your patient that you have chosen. Feel your link with the angels as they modify the treatment, increasing or lessening the flow, making the colour tone brighter or gentler according to the requirements of the patient.
Give thanks to the angels for their healing and communion.
Step lightly out of your meditation, and seal your chakras.
We will now progress to a study of the chakras – the next vital step in attaining the goal of healing with the angels.