Up to this point we have discussed many important features of angel healing. It is time to learn the simple methodology involved in facilitating this potent source of therapy.

You have learned how to create and maintain an angel altar, and how to bless and consecrate your healing robes. You will have pondered on the miracle of the rainbow chalice and the angelic colour spectrum, whereby the angels use colour, some of it beyond our range of perception, to bring healing to the spine, the aura, and the chakras of those who suffer. You have learned how to cross the rainbow bridge into the angelic realms in order that you may activate your own chakras and allow them to communicate with the stars so that they receive vital spiritual energy, consciousness, and angelic emanations from the cosmos.

You have learnt the necessity of understanding the chakras, and of keeping them clean, balanced and energized, along with your aura and your healing environment, and how they all need to be protected. You have drawn close to your guardian angel, to Archangel Raphael and his company of healing angels, to Archangel Michael-Shekinah and to many other angels. You know the secret of the Spirit and the Bride, and how to call on this unified Being for healing, protection, guidance and blessing.

You have developed many healing tools: the star and the rose in the heart, the fragrance of the rose, the rose temple and the rose tree, an angel-inspired imagination, the rainbow chalice, the healing power of silence which is located through the ‘nous’, the mystical power of the breath, the sword of Michael, the power of the Violet Flame, the secret of the hands, the crucial need to utilize the act of prayer, invocation and meditation in your angelic contact, the magic of ceremony, and above all, you have learned how to withdraw to the centre of love, power and wisdom which is your heart.

Whether you decide to use your angel healing skills for yourself alone, or to convey them to afflicted members of your family and friends, or even to become a fully fledged angel therapist, you will need to absorb the following essential points.

Use Names

Always intone the name of your patient when you are invoking healing for them. Say it several times, as a chant, because you are summoning their soul. Employ a tone of authority and command (not dominance), because you need to stir and alert their soul. Their name carries a special vibration that directly links them with their higher soul. (Tennyson, a poet much more relevant to the present day than is suspected, always began work on his poems by calling his own name several times, in sonorous tones, to summon his higher soul).

This is especially necessary in absent healing, of course; and your healing practice should unfailingly include absent healing treatments for all patients, as well as face to face sessions. This might be said to be the most important part of their healing journey, although, of course, at the human level, it is very beneficial for patients to have the reassurance and the focus of healing treatments at which they are present. Even when this is so, it is still necessary to intone their name at the start of each session.

Materialism and Ego

Never allow money, or egotistical drive, to be your concern in giving angel healing. Maintain humility, and a deep respect for your patients, in every situation. If eventually you do become a paid angel-healer, never allow the business aspect of your work to be your main focus.

It is right that you should receive a reasonable standard of living for what you do; but let the desire to give pervade your heart and be your only inspiration, even whilst you quietly and efficiently deal with the economic aspect of your occupation.

Gain Experience

Practise on yourself first, before you move on to offering angel healing to friends, family, and those in need who hear that it is available! It is important that you feel happy, relaxed and familiar with all aspects of angel therapy, and that you have a degree of experience, before you convey them to others.

Understand Touch

The laying on of hands is not for everyone. Nevertheless, don’t be discouraged concerning this aspect of the healing. Your hands secrete wonderful forces. If you feel unsure about this process, never force the issue within yourself.

You might like to start very simply and undemandingly by holding the hand of your patient for a few moments when giving healing, or just placing a hand on his or her forehead. Let the angels guide you as to whether you should offer the laying on of hands. Do only what feels comfortable for your patients and yourself. If a patient tenses when touched, try working with your hands just above the surface of their skin. You will in any case always use your hands in your absent healing rituals.

Use of Hands

If you do decide to use this method of healing, begin by placing both hands around the top of the head. Progress by descending to the forehead, and remain there for some moments. Tune in to the patient’s third eye (the brow chakra), because it will have important information to relay to your intuition concerning the person’s health, and the causes that lie behind the manifesting suffering and symptoms.

First of all, convey the loving light from the star in your heart to each chakra, and to the spine. As you do this, you will receive thought-messages from the angels concerning the colours and the appropriate chakras to which they ought to be conveyed. You may feel the need to rotate your hand lightly over each chakra. Always do this in a clockwise direction (moving from left to right).

Feel the colours coming from the angels into your rainbow chalice, and then flowing from there into your hands and into the patient. Always envisage calm, radiant, delicate colours, and let them gently, caressingly, enter each designated chakra. Prior to this treatment and to the arrival of your patient, of course, you will have washed your hands both physically and ritualistically, using one or both of the hand-washing ceremonies given in Chapter One.

You will also have called on Archangel Raphael and his company of healing angels, and on the angels of the rays, using the invocations given in Chapter Five, or invocations of your own. You will have prepared for your healing ceremony by cleansing yourself, your aura and your chakras, the room in which your angel altar resides, and by making a careful study of the information given in Chapters Five and Six concerning the chakras and the angelic colour spectrum in particular relation to the patient you are preparing to treat.

Understand the Patient’s Need

When a patient applies to you for help, or when you wish to use angel therapy for yourself, gather as much information as possible about the kind of healing needed. This can be achieved by listening to the patient, or to your own symptoms, with the careful attention of the inner ear. Remember the centres which help us to listen with ears that hear: the throat, the brow and the crown centres, all activated from the heart, the seat of intuition (inner tuition).

The angels help us to build into ourselves those qualities that we lack, and which are creating the difficulty or illness that needs to be healed. For instance, worry and depression can be tackled by building faith, courage and joy into our nature. The angels help us to do this by teaching us to summon the specific angel we need (the Angel of Joy, the Angel of Faith, the Angel of Courage, etc.) and to absorb the energy or light-ray of the angel directly into our soul, which is achieved by attunement to the angelic worlds through meditation and star breathing (see Chapters One and Two) and by treating the appropriate chakra or chakras (see Chapter Five). Which angel do you or your patient need? What are the colours you need? Which chakras would benefit most from receiving the colours? There will be many clues to guide your deductions, but let the latter be made with the help of the angels. Listen to them as you formulate your judgements.

The Healing Process

You might address a healing situation in the following way: What is the real cause which lies at the root of the problem?

Is it anger, or resentment because of a sense of injustice?

You will need blue, to calm the anger; rose, to reassure and turn away wrath; amethyst, to open the heart and bring in a sense of the bigger picture, whereby our experiences in life sculpt and hone our soul, and bring to life its beautiful gifts. A touch of angelic gold, the essence of happiness, would surely help this patient to see their situation in a new light.

Blue and gold are given to the spine, so you would treat the spine by shining these rays upon it (they are given together). Rose and amethyst are for the heart, so the rose-amethyst ray would come into operation here. Finally, you would hold the patient in the shining heart-light of the Spirit and the Bride.

Which angel would you call upon, as well as Raphael and her-his healing angels, upon whom we always call in healing situations?

Surely the Angel of Forgiveness is needed here, and also the Angel of Peace?

The Angel of Love would help this patient to feel loved again, because the apparent injustices of life make us feel victimized.

The Angel of Wisdom would assist the patient to see their situation in a clearer, more impersonal light.

And, as anger and resentment have taken root, you would do well to summon the Angel of Humility, who helps us to move away from the narrow stance of the ego, to bless this patient.

During your healing ceremony, all of these angels would be invoked for the sake of the patient, to bless and to heal. You would turn to your altar, and direct their beneficent influences through the flowers, through the crystals, through the candle flames, through the energy of the symbols and persons represented on the angel altar, so that the benediction of the angels invoked will be magnified and directed through the clearest possible focus.

You would then think of the angels of the seven rays. The rays of love and wisdom are required in this case.

You would thus call upon angels of the orange ray (a ray of love), and angels of the blue ray (a ray of wisdom) to select members of their order to stand by and remain with the patient until the healing was complete.

You would finish your healing ritual by educating the patient in a simple and kindly way – certainly not lecturing! – but rather teaching the patient how to sit and absorb the love of the angels, and to understand that they are an ever-available source of love and compassion for us constantly to draw upon; also by explaining gently that we have to be prepared to let go of bad energy before we can be healed. The angels will help to enlighten you in your education of your patient.

Finally, you would offer your endeavours to Archangel Raphael and his circle of healing angels, and leave the matter in their hands. End with a dedication of thanks to the angels, and to Divine Spirit.


Before your patient arrives and you begin your healing ceremony, stand before your altar and verbally invoke all the power available for the purpose of the healing work you are about to undertake. We identify the sources of power as:

1 The Godhead, and the God power within each one of us, which is inexhaustible and without limit. We connect with this divine source by withdrawing into the heart.

2 The power of the Logos of our system, whom we can directly contact through calling on Christ-Brigid, or the Spirit and the Bride. Again, we make the connection through our heart chakra.

3 The power of our religion and its founder, whether we belong to one of the established religions, or whether we express our spirituality as a love of nature (in which case, we might call on Mother Earth herself as our ‘founder’). Geoffrey Hodson tells us that calling on our religion and its founder, if our religion is a living reality in our lives, will unfailingly produce a descent of power, and that there is a reservoir of power behind every religion that works for the upliftment of humanity. We tune into the religion’s ‘higher self’, so to speak!

4 We can call on ‘all those of goodwill’ across the earth. This is a very potent force. For instance, during my healing ceremonies, I even call upon ‘all those trees of goodwill’ growing down the carr where I live!

5 Finally, we call upon the power of the angels.

The Ceremony

As we begin our healing ceremony, we direct the power we have invoked into the work in hand by a powerful effort of will and a steady concentration of the mind. We do this not only by employing our own will and focus, but also via a prayer to the angels of power to help us thus to channel the energies we have invoked.

We then intone a prayer for the type of angel, or angels, appropriate to the work to be present and bid them take charge of and assist the work.

It is worth remembering, at this point, that the angels never fail to respond to our call. Not only do we ourselves increase the power of our work a thousandfold when we unite with the angels in performing it, but the angels themselves find that their powers are similarly increased. Geoffrey Hodson says, ‘In all cases the union of human and angelic consciousness and power achieves a far greater result than is possible in the case of either working alone.’

One of the many wonderful aspects of the angelic hierarchy is that they can continue working with a patient or a project we have underway, emanating, insulating, revitalizing, fostering, directing, focusing, coordinating and protecting the healing forces we have invoked, whilst we are only able to give the work in hand certain and inevitably limited measurements of our time. Their ability to remain in attendance throughout the entire course of a project of healing, cleansing, protection, blessing or clearing should always be utilized to the full in our healing work. We can add to this a direction to the angels to remain with the patient at a deeply personal and emotional level, to ‘sustain the sufferers and to lift them into the conscious realization of the divine presence and of their own angelic companionship’. Geoffrey Hodson also advises us:

We may close with a final prayer that the sufferers may be held close in the everlasting arms and that the holy angels may encompass them. We must always safeguard such efforts as these by a surrender to the divine will in everything that is done. We then minimise the likelihood of error through ignorance or misdirection of force.

From Thus Have I Heard

The Angel Hours

Although there are individual angels who stand guard over each hour, the angelic hours are divided into cusps or pinnacles of supernal energy which occur every three hours in divisions of three. Beginning at three o’clock in the morning, they occur at six, nine, twelve noon, three, six, nine and twelve midnight. If you can plan your ceremonies to coincide with this ‘three rhythm’, they will certainly gain added power from it. However, your rituals will still be extremely useful and blessed by the angels even if you are unable to comply with the angelic hours.

Finally, we need to remember that absent healing will comprise most of our task in angel healing. Very profound work is implemented on the patient’s soul plane, which is where the real problem lies. In the soul state, the patient is called upon by name and escorted to the healing temple in the spiritual worlds. We carry out the necessary work before our altar, directing the angelic colours into the patient via the sacred forces within our hands and heart as if he or she stood there in front of us, and calling upon the angels in the ways that are described above.

The remainder of this chapter contains references and correspondences that I hope will be useful to you in your angel healing endeavours. The angel who is overlighting this book is called Sabinda or Sar Binda (I am rather intrigued by the oriental sound of the name!). She-he will help and protect all those who call upon her-his wisdom and grace, particularly those light servers who work with the methods outlined in this book. Sar Binda offers protection, inspiration and guidance.

When people are ill, their aura is often murky and polluted. This produces many malfunctions of the body and mind. People’s thoughts actually take shape, and flow into their aura. They even create entities! Yes, our thoughts actually burgeon with vital life-forms. They are like dream creatures, lovely and benign if our thoughts are beautiful, goblinesque and crone-like if they are not! They surround us and play out dramas in the ethers of the life we have given them, creating ‘atmosphere’. They attract other life-forms of similar ilk. Thus, when we are sad or angry, we can often feel the inner situation growing worse, seemingly of its own accord. By the same token, if we are happy and humorous, the very air around us seems to turn golden, or to bubble with hilarity. Gifted comics attract humorous entities at will, and build castles in the air from their configurations and mental and emotional antics, bringing an audience under their spell.

Lively, virile, sweet-aspected thoughts charge the air in and around our aura, leaving invigorating currents in their wake which give us good health and a sense of wellbeing. They are like spiritual oxygen and electricity. Negative thought-entities, on the other hand, tend not to move on. Their gift is very different, not a shimmer of gold but one of tacky dim tar or slime, which clogs our mental and emotional footsteps. It builds up in our aura, and in this specially created element, the dark entities live and thrive – on the life energy of their host. They suck it up and actually get very fat, sometimes so obese that they begin to push our aura, which has the contours of a perfect egg, severely out of shape. These breeding dark thought-forms choke the activity of the chakras and the life forces flowing through them and through the aura, prevent the attraction of spiritual vibrations from the cosmos, and inhibit our own spontaneous negation and clearing of adverse attractions and invasion emanating from the earth and from other people.

Sometimes people secrete a deep pain-entity in their aura. It will have penetrated their defences via some profound shock or heartbreak in their present, or even a previous, existence. The pain-entity will remain dormant until the person concerned tries to move in a life direction which will overcome the domination of this astral creature formulated from their pain, shame, guilt or fear. Suddenly alert to the situation, the pain-demon flares up, taking on the dimensions of a great overarching giant, threatening to overwhelm its human host with a world of suffering even worse and more terrifying than the trauma of their original experience. It is lying, of course – but it is a very accomplished liar! And so people settle in terror back into their old mindsets, where at least they feel safe, if also thoroughly miserable and oppressed.

We can see how necessary it is for the angels to step in and take matters in hand concerning scenarios of this kind. Without them, left entirely to our own devices, we would have no hope of routing such enemies; but the angels know how to rescue us, and to place the sword of our own emancipation in our hand.

Named Angels

I offer here a selection of named angels to help you in your work. Whilst it is always good to be able to sound an angelic name and to chant it, it is also important not to tie ourselves to a rigid system of correspondences, or think in terms of cataloguing when we consider angels! Such concepts have nothing to do with the reality of the limitless, boundless angelic life-stream, which is an expression of spiritual freedom.

The named angels given are ready to lend their support in specific circumstances, but, again, we must remind ourselves not to think in terms of limitation. There are so many rapturously wonderful angels whose names we do not know, whose existence we have not dreamt of. Think of the Angel of the Breath of Silence, or the Angel of the Fragrance of the Rose, or the Angel of the Beauty of the Moon. How about the Angel of the Laughter in Water? She could reveal a dimension to you whose secrets your imagination has never touched upon.

Are you feeling jaded, brittle minded, dried up inside? Call on the Angel of Dew! Do you need to encourage concerted effort, harmonious unity, among work colleagues so that a project may be brought to fruition? Summon the Angel of the Bees! Always remember that we can be as creative and far-ranging as we like in our concepts of the angelic hierarchy and their ability to heal our life situations as well as our illnesses. Our imaginings will never outdo the angels!

Each angel encompasses both genders, so when you call on the named angels, they will attend you in the gender which most suits the healing operation they undertake (they may also use their androgynous form).


Call on this angel in the treatment of children, and the inner child residing within each one of us. Afriel imparts youth and vitality, and reminds us that old age is actually nothing more than a thought-form to which we subscribe. Afriel brings rejuvenation and vigour to our physical and subtle organs.


The Angel of Memory. Pray to this luminary when a memory needs sharpening.


This angel is a caretaker of the Earth and her fecundity. Pray to her to heal the earth, or any part of it which has become barren.

Angels of Water

These are traditionally known as Azariel, Tharsis, Michael, Gabriel and Nahaliel. They protect, cleanse and heal all bodies of water on earth. The angels of the rivers are Trsiel, Enki and Dara. We can invoke their powers and benediction when we want to bring healing to the waters of the earth – a task that the angels will delight in and bless us for.


This gracious one fosters harmonious, balanced, cooperative relationships with others. She presides over Truth.


An angel who helps us to overcome jealousy, and feelings of inadequacy, bitterness and resentment.


An ‘educator’ angel. She will uplift and inspire your patients to think more in terms of spiritual values. She sheds a golden effulgence onto life’s ups and downs, so that the breath and beneficence of Divine Spirit may be sensed through them, leading us home to the light of our eternal selves.


We can pray to this guardian angel of gardens when we wish to invoke healing for a struggling or infested garden. Dorothea is the guardian spirit of gardens.


Call on Chamuel to inspire tolerance and to soften harsh, critical, antagonistic attitudes. Chamuel helps us to love and to forgive ourselves, and to let go of a judgemental outlook on life, our own failings, and those of other people.


The Angel of Silence. For patients who need the dynamic of peace both within and without, we can summon the blessing of both Charoum and Valoel (see above). Charoum blesses the art of listening and teaches us to set a guard over our tongue. ‘There is a mighty power in silence,’ say the angels. How often in life do we feel pressured, really against our will, to say something, to respond with some remark, when it would be better not to do so, but rather to keep a gracious silence? The colour of silence is pure white, pure light, and those who can be graciously silent reveal themselves thereby as old initiates. They have mastered the art of silence. Let us remember the option of silence, with all its poise, dignity and peace.


This angel blesses the depths of our self-awareness. Call on this radiant one to illuminate blind spots, blinkeredness and ignorance or distorted ideas of self.


A great archangel of joy and beauty. Enfold your patients in Gabriel’s gift of radiant happiness.


The Peace-Maker Angel, Gavreel resolves situations of enmity and conflict into forgiveness, acceptance and peace. As well as helping us to make peace with our enemies, Gavreel fosters mental and emotional balance and brings the balm of peace to troubled minds. Those enduring destructive stress or otherwise in need of equilibrium can invoke Gavreel and his merciful powers.


The Angel of the Rising Sun, Gazardiel protects children and all young, tender, growing things. When patients long to feel the promise of new beginnings, of a tender enfoldment in newfound innocence after experiencing the sense of its loss, or stands in need of forces of renewal, awakening and a rebirth of enlightenment in life, teach them to face the rising sun each morning and invoke the blithe, radiant, tender Gazardiel.


An angel of truth and integrity. When we withhold honesty from ourselves or others, it harms our soul. A mist covers our feelings and our relationships with others – a confusing, distressing mist that makes everything, life’s normal dynamics, seem stressful and traumatic. If you have lost sight of your own truth and you feel the resultant pull away from your centre, your integrity, call this angel into your field of spiritual vision with a sincere prayer for help. She will restore you to yourself.


An angel of art and beauty who inspires mercy and kindness to flourish in human hearts. When a patient is in need of mercy and kindness, either as virtues within themselves or as blessings in their lives, we call on Hael.


This beneficent one ignites and fosters the beautiful flame of happy, positive and loving thoughts, feelings and impulses in our mind, heart and soul.


Haniel teaches us to experience romantic love from a standpoint of poise, balance and sanity. Although most of us want wildness, poetry and passion in our deepest love-affairs, these elements have to be kept in creative rather than destructive mode. Their keynote must be love, rather than desire. Haniel shows us how to achieve a proper perspective by combining personal love with unconditional love, and unconditional love with the appropriate degree of responsibility to self. She teaches us to embrace wisdom, insight and stability whilst we enjoy the euphoria of being in love.


The Angel of companion and domestic animals. He brings healing and protection to pets and farm animals, and shelters them from abuse.


The Angel of Meditation. Pray to this Chieftain of the Halls of Boundless Light for depth, clarity and guidance along the path of truth in your meditations.


The Angel of Nourishment. We can invoke her for nourishment on every level, and to help those who suffer from a misunderstanding of nourishment which has taken deep root in their psyche, so that they are underweight or overweight. Baglis works with this angel. Isda shows us how to nourish ourselves with self-love (different from selfishness), so that expressions of undernourishment or overnourishment become unnecessary.


Israfel, the beautiful Angel of Music, is the personification of healing. Rhythmically, lyrically, harmoniously, he regenerates, resurrects and renews with his exquisite art which enchants and transfigures the soul and releases the spiritual fire within her. Call on Israfel when you sense the presence of broken harmony and broken rhythm, either in yourself, your patients, or the environment.


This luminary has dominion over cooperation and the formation of loving bonds between people. She nurtures the establishment of harmonious relationships. Omniel, Mihr and Itkal work together, and can be summoned together with prayer and invocation.


This great angel liberates our minds and our outlook from the bonds of programming and conditioning attached to sources which are not in harmony with the wisdom of our soul. He brings us emancipation, enlightenment, and the courage of open-mindedness.


Call on this ‘holy angel of God’ to heal inflammation and heat-producing maladies.


The Angel of Self-Discipline. This bright spirit holds up the ideal of wise self-regulation and denial of the demands and dominion of the lower self, but counsels against harshness. She reminds us that self-flagellation can be a form of indulgence! Attune yourself to this angel to learn the gentle but persistent art of self-governance.


The Angel of Friendship, Mihr can be summoned to heal rifts between friends and our general relationships with others; and also to heal an inability to make friends.


The Guardian Angel of Wild Animals, Mtniel helps us to heal our animal brethren.


Angel of Just Causes. We invoke Nemamiah to heal an injustice, especially one dealt out to the frail and the vulnerable, and to bless any worthy cause our work might lead us to undertake.

Nin Khursag

As Lady of the Mountain, we pray to Nin Khursag for stability, steadfastness, firmness and the strength to endure.


This angel fosters our connectedness with one another. He lifts us into Divine Oneness and heals our tendency towards isolation of self. Those suffering from loneliness, from autism, from imbalances in the ego, will benefit from the healing influences of this shining one.


Angel of the Wilderness. When we wish to heal and protect wild places in nature, we summon the stewardship of Orifiel.


This Son of the Flame fosters respect for parents and for wisdom arising from ancient sources, not only human but from all the world of Nature and her many kingdoms. When a person is disconnected from their source, when children (or indeed adults) have no respect for their parents, we call in this angel as troubleshooter.


This sacred being is the Angel of Compassion. Her wing-beats form spiritual waves of compassion, empathy, mercy, sympathy. When a patient needs to receive these beautiful qualities, or to express them, the angel Rhamiel is at hand to help.


Sachael is the Angel of the Waters of the Soul. She teaches us what water really is in the higher realms. The soul itself is actually formed from an exalted form of ethereal water. She fosters our intuitive powers and brings to us an awareness and understanding of our deepest feelings. She teaches us how to perfectly reflect the still flame of the spirit so that we can claim our highest birthright. She releases pressure and disturbance from the unconscious realms, and makes clear and pure any area of the waters of our soul that have grown murky and unwholesome.

Shekinah and Brigid

These two mighty female angels are beings of the brilliant light of the Ineffable. Brigid is the Bride, the Immortal Daughter of Goddess-God. Shekinah is the angelic aspect of Brigid, highest among angels, consort to Archangel Michael. Both of these golden ones, Beings of Inconceivable Fire, bring a burgeoning abundance of healing to humankind of body, mind and spirit. They teach our souls the Dance of Life. Call on them in any and every healing situation.


Shemael fosters the upwelling of gratitude in the human heart. When these springs have run dry or become choked, depression and a feeling of disgust with life is the inevitable result. Energy does not replenish itself, and a person may put on weight in an attempt to draw mental and physical energy from food and the act of eating. When life seems grey, desolate and grief-stricken, it is difficult to feel gratitude for the experience of it. Therefore, we treat depressive, world-weary patients with Shemael’s gentle, compassionate gifts, so that the deep wellsprings of the spirit may be renewed.


Another angel of the garden. Sofiel has particular guardianship over fruits and vegetables, helping them to flourish and keep healthy. Sofiel is also a wonderful grounding angel, and will reconnect sick and depleted mortals to vital earth energies. When you sense a blockage or a lack of the upflowing forces from the earth in a patient’s aura, call on Sofiel.


This angel is set over free will, self-determination and independence of choice. We invoke Tabris when we need help to lift ourselves out of a stalemate or stuck situation and seek to become aware of creative alternatives. Remember Colopatiron, the angel who comes to unlock the prison gate. One can imagine many uses for the beneficent powers of these two luminaries in any therapeutic practice. Tabris and Colpatiron work together. They also grant mortals the necessary patience and endurance to wait quietly and alertly for that moment when their release comes.

Trgiaob (Trr-gia-ob)

The angel protector of birds of the wilderness. The name of this angel is pronounced rather like a birdcall! Try to get that fluting, chirruping rhythm with which birds sing when you sound her-his name, and repeat it just as birds delight in the repetitive tempo of their song (the final syllable ‘ob’ rises pertly in tone). You can summon Trgiaob to protect all wild birds from disease, abuse, reduction in numbers, pollution and the destruction of their habitat, and to heal individual wild birds. Let Trgiaob also foster within your soul the love of birdsong.

When you concentrate on it with a rapt, spiritually listening heart, embracing each note with every sense open and attentive, birdsong will carry you directly into the world of the angels. The angels share a link with birds and birdsong which earthliness cannot sully, and the chaotic noise of our modern civilization cannot silence. It will always be magical, and indeed it is magic of the highest order. If you want to enter the fairy worlds, the angelic worlds, whilst still on earth, one certain way to do so is to open your inner ear to birdsong. (I must relate that, whilst sitting at my desk beside an open door into my garden and trying out the sound of Trgiaob’s name as I was writing the above passage, a cuckoo (my favourite bird, the messenger of Goddess), flew into my garden and, perching on a tree, sat and sang a cascade of its mellifluent, bell-like notes for quite a few minutes before flying off! This is especially unusual, as the date is 22 June, and in this area I have never heard a cuckoo sing after the 21st of the month. Moreover, there has been a scarcity of cuckoos for a couple of years in the part of Lincolnshire where I live, and this was the first of the year (and no doubt the last) for me. In past years, when they were less rare, I always heard them calling in the woods at the bottom of the long lane that winds past my house; but no cuckoo has ever before actually visited my garden, nor have I ever actually seen one! I was left with the distinct feeling that I had encountered a spirit visitation in bird form. I hope this encourages you to get closely in touch with Trgiaob!)


Valoel is the sublime Angel of Peace. We can call on this great one to bless us with a serene mind, a tranquil heart and peaceful dreams. We can also ask Valoel to bring the balm of healing peace to an aggravated situation or relationship.

The Virtues

We call on The Virtues when we need a transformation of conditions or circumstances. They are a high order of angels whose principal duty is to work miracles on earth.

Vohu Manah (‘good thought’)

This wonderful angel blesses and uplifts our thoughts and our thought-sphere (the vessel which generates, contains, attracts, reflects and distributes our thoughts). All patients with a negative, anxious or pessimistic outlook, or with angry, conceited or otherwise inharmonious thought-energy, need to be brought before Vohu Manah.

When we think of the maxim of the angels – that the three great tasks of angel healers are to educate, to cleanse, and to attune – we can see how Vohu Manah assists us in all three. Our first directive in educating our patients must be to encourage them to create within themselves a triumphal march of good thought, to transmute the harmful accumulation of dark thought-entities they unknowingly harbour in their auric fields. To cleanse them of this poisonous psychic material is essential; and the attunement of the subtle bodies of each patient to the spiritual emanations of the stars and to the inflow of angelic consciousness with all the blessing, inspiration and healing it brings, cannot be achieved without the attuning power of the positive vibrations of ‘good thought’.

The Voices

The Gnostics described these enigmatic angels as angelic entities inhabiting the Treasury of Light. From this Treasury they have gifts to bring us, gifts of inner counselling, guidance, enlightenment, comfort and inspiration. When we are weary, getting nowhere, when we seem to have turned blind and deaf to all spiritual direction, when we or our patients seem to come up against a brick wall, then we call on The Voices. Tradition tells us there are seven Voices. They have passed into folklore as the Seven Whistlers (birds with a melancholy call, such as plovers, curlews or lapwings, who foretell tragedy, especially on the sea) and the Seven Wish Hounds (baying voices who also foretell death). It is interesting to note that folklore is full of doom and gloom concerning The Voices, when actually they bring life and hope! Sometimes they do issue a warning, but only with the expectation of averting the threatening incident, not for the pleasure of prophesying woe! Perhaps the real reason lies in the influence of established political and religious bodies, who were careful to frighten people concerning The Voices because they preferred the populace not to be in direct touch with the Divine themselves, fearing what might happen (to their power and all its privileges) if individual minds were not held under the sway of a common authority.


Guardian of hymns, invocations and prayers, this venerable one is said to be ‘first-born in the highest Heaven of supreme light’. We can call on Vrihaspati to bless our prayers and invocations, and help us to formulate new ones that are beautiful and effective, and which please the angels. Don’t be inhibited when you feel the touch of Vrihaspati’s inspiration. Whilst writing an invocation for a patient who needed more magnetism in her aura, I received the suggestion that I should evoke the mantle of the Angel of the Moon to enfold her, and surround her with ‘the music of the moon’. It seemed to work quite well!


This angel will assist us in our ceremonial rites. Yadael is a guardian angel of the gates of the north wind, and will protect the angelic altar and all influences coming to it from the sacred direction of the north. The angels of the four cardinal points are: Archangel Uriel in the east, Archangel Michael in the south, Archangel Raphael in the west, and Archangel Gabriel in the north. You might like to call on these archangels for protection and blessings for your angelic altar, turning to face each direction as you call.

Yahoel (‘beauty of God’)

One of the great angels, Yahoel guides the leaders of humanity. Pray to this mighty one if you are working to heal a political or environmental situation which hangs on the making of wise decisions by those in positions of leadership.


Invoke this angel when you need to heal a condition locked in the subconscious. Yahriel holds dominion over the moon, who is queen of the subconscious realms.


This shining being may be invoked when we need the blessing of fertility at any level – mentally, emotionally or physically. Yusamin is an aspect of our well-known Samandiriel.

Zeruel (‘arm of God’)

When you need to invoke the quality of strength, of will, of body, of purpose, strength for the aura or the strength of courage, endurance and resilience, call on Zeruel, an angel ‘set over strength’.


When you need spiritual insight and penetrative perception, call on this mighty being, ‘one of the company of glorious and benevolent angels’ who reveals secret wisdom.


A powerful healing angel, able to overcome the dominion of even the lordliest amongst the disease and pain elementals (entities which create and hold in place the etheric patterns and systems which bring into being, feed and perpetuate disease and pain).

Zotiel (‘little one of God’)

This angel, from the order of cherubs, can be invoked to bring comfort to fearful children, or to adults who are very insecure and timid. Zotiel is one of the ‘whispering angels’ – angels who bring healing and reassurance to patients by a constant whispering in the ear of the wisdom and goodness of Divine Spirit, and of the unfailing love and protection of the angels.


This ‘most holy angel of God’ will bless your angel altar, and all your healing ceremonies, with the potent, blissful magic of the heavenly realms.


The great angel protector of trees, who can be called upon to heal and bless individual trees, copses and woodland, or the great forests of the world. We hear the grandeur of Zuphlas’s music when the wind is in the treetops, or when we stand and listen, in utter stillness of soul, within the depths of winter or summer woods. Zuphlas is eager to work with us. If you are seeking to bring wisdom and angel blessings to a political assembly that will make decisions about the environment, call on Zuphlas to descend upon and inspire those who will receive her-his guidance.

Zuriel (‘my rock is God’)

We can call on this prince of angels to help us overcome the mindsets and stumbling blocks that bar our way forward (to be brutally frank, Zuriel is known as a ‘curer of the stupidity in man’!). We seek Zuriel’s help in illuminating dim spiritual sight and opening spiritually deaf ears. Of course, we should always be careful to convey Zuriel’s blessing as a free gift from the heart, rather than with the thought of replacing a person’s individual viewpoint with our own!

Remember, it must be stressed that there is no need to call on specifically named angels if you prefer not to. You can always invoke the angels of peace, the angels of compassion, the angels of courage, etc.

Chakra Healing

The healing implements of the soul and the tools of communion that we use to help us in our task of angel healing (see Chapters Two and Three) may also be applied specifically in the case of difficulty at the level of any particular chakra. For instance, if you or your patient are fearful and the world seems dark and threatening, this would indicate a need to overcome the challenge of the base chakra. Using the corresponding image when you prepare your healing ceremonies and invocations and when you sit for healing meditations may be of real assistance. Of course, the implements are valuable in themselves, without forming part of a system, which should never be rigidly applied. The following is only a guideline.

1 The Rose


Base Chakra

2 The Breath


Sacral Chakra

3 The Star


Solar Plexus

4 The Chalice


Heart Chakra

5 The Silence


Throat Chakra

6 The Rainbow Bridge

Sixth Sense

Third Eye

7 Meditation


Full Moon



Crown Chakra



Unicorn’s Horn



Crown Chakra

8 Meditation in
the Rose Temple

Mind-in-the-Heart (‘Nous’)

Earth Chakra (Hands and Feet)

The eighth chakra tool (relating to the earth chakra) reflects the seventh chakra tool (relating to the crown chakra), and is therefore also Meditation, but with its magenta quality emphasized (symbolized by the rose temple).

The Archangels and the Chakras

The archangels and the chakras share a certain correspondence, but, again, we must not limit ourselves to any particular system. However, when we are implementing our healing services and are treating our patients with beautiful hues from the angelic colour spectrum playing in and over the rainbow chalice in the heart, it is reassuring to ask the relevant archangels to monitor and bless the healing work taking place on the chakras, and to seal them afterwards. The following list gives the traditional associations.

The Chakra and Archangel Correspondences


Archangel Sandalphon

The Earth Angel

Archangel Camael

Archangel Cassiel



Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Haniel


Archangel Uriel

Archangel Jophiel

Archangel Michael


Archangel Raphael

Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Shekinah

Archangel Haniel

Archangel Michael


Merlin’s Secret Queen


Archangel Michael

Archangel Haniel



Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Jophiel

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Uriel


Archangel Gabriel


Merlin’s Secret Queen

Archangel Zadkiel

Archangel Michael

Archangel Shekinah

Archangel Asariel



Merlin’s Secret Queen

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Zadkiel

Archangel Cassiel

Archangel Sandalphon

The Earth Angel