


No man is an island, and no book comes together with one person alone. Many, many people have contributed to this novella being published.

First, a thank you to my husband. He didn’t complain about things unfinished while I was writing, didn’t stress when I told him I needed some of our time to work on this book, and he even took me to H-Mart on his birthday to give me extra energy, although he claims to like it too *wink.*

Next I have to thank the amazing Rebecca Scott for being my editor and pushing me farther than I thought I could go. She also put up with all my nagging and really helped me out in a pinch. You rock my socks off!

I have to mention Liz Isaacson for being my mentor in all things ebook and plotting. This woman is my superstar and I want to grow up to be like her.

To Erica Laurie for being a HUMONGUS emotional support through all of this, and for being brave enough to publish your own K-drama books. I’m so glad we found each other.

All of the ladies that I blog with on Dramas With a Side of Kimchi, you are the best fangirls I’ve ever known. Thank you for everything you do to support me, and for shouting your K-love to world! Someday we’ll figure out how to buy our own neighborhood and be the 1988 Ahjummas, but until then, we’ll keep doing that from a distance. Love you all!

KDA ladies, what can I say? You’re my best friends. Chatting with you every day is something that keeps me going. Thank you all for being around!

I would be nothing without my Beta Book Peeps. Jenny Morris, Cassie Mae, Rachel Schieffelbein, Kelley Gerschke, Suzi Retzlaff, Lizzy Charles, Tessa Marie, and Jessica Salyer thank you for being my constant support in the writing world!

Most of all, I have to thank my Father in Heaven. Without God, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Truly, it’s through his light that I am here.

Dear reader, if you’ve made it this far, thank you for picking up this book. Thank you for reading my words. Thank you for believing in fiction.

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