Chapter 6






Jerrod’s eyes snapped open only seconds before a scream tore from his mouth. He felt like he was on fire. He was vaguely aware of someone underneath him and what sounded like soothing words being mumbled, but his instinct was to get up and run. If only he could. His limbs wouldn’t do what he told them to. He was lying there helpless to the torture that enveloped him.

Every second that passed the fire burned hotter, until he was sure he would be reduced to a pile of ash. His limbs cracked and his jaw ached. Surely, he had been beaten nearly to death before they set him on fire. PIC must have gotten them. The last thing his foggy brain could remember was fleeing. And Riley. Dear God, did they have her too?

“SHHH, it’s ok I’m here.” Her voice, her sweet voice was right above him. She must be in the flames with him. A whimper passed through his lips. He failed to protect her. Rage boiled in his veins, rage at himself and the bastards who hunted them down. His chest constricted against the wild pounding of his heart.

“No, Jerrod, it’s going to be ok. We’re in a transport on our way to the airport.” Riley said from somewhere above him. He tried hard to focus his eyes, but everything was lumps of blurry color. Instead, he focused on what he realized was her heartbeat. Steady and strong without any hint of fear. He shouldn’t know that. He shouldn’t even be able to hear her heart beating. So why could he?

He felt Riley stiffen beneath him the second realization hit. His first instinct was to be angry, but as he laid there sorting things out in his head, he knew she had done what was necessary. He soon noticed that the inferno that was raging inside him started to subside. He opened his eyes not even aware that he closed them and looked into Riley’s face.

Her expression was calm and relaxed, but her green eyes held a mixture of fear and anticipation. He wanted to tell her he understood; that he was grateful even, for saving his life. Although he wasn’t angry, he didn’t like the fact that he was no longer human. He would rather have died a human than be turned into an Other Kind. He fought beside and for them, but he at no time wanted to be one. That was his only request when he joined Happy’s rebellion, no matter what, he was never to be turned.

He tried to sit up and was surprised when his body did as he wanted it to. Riley laid a hand on his back to offer support, but he pulled away. A blast of overwhelming hurt swept over him, but was gone as quickly as it came. Jerrod pushed aside the urge to comfort Riley. He would deal with her hurt feelings after he came to grips with his own.

“So you’re back in the world of the living Richie Rich, and finally able to take the pounding I’ve so desperately wanted to give you for months. The world is good, no?” Darrell called back to him from the driver’s seat.

“Shut the fuck up.” Jerrod hissed through his aching jaw. He didn’t feel like getting into a verbal sparring match at the moment. He still felt like death warmed over to a crisp, but the feeling was fading fast.

“How much farther to the airport Darrell?” Riley asked beside him in a quiet tone.

“Just a few more miles Princess, keep your tiara on, they’ll wait.” Darrell replied as he changed lanes. Silence loomed in the transport; nobody said another word until the tower lights could be seen up ahead.

“When we get there don’t look at anyone, there will be someone waiting to get us through security and onto the plane. Don’t argue and do exactly as he tells you to do, and Jerrod, you might want to duck as soon as we’re boarded. We are very late.” Darrell said with a smirk, like he knew something Jerrod didn’t. Jerrod could guess, in one try, who it was that would be waiting for them, and if he was right, he was so screwed.

Darrell eased the transport into the valet parking area. A young kid came out of a nearby booth wearing the classic red vest. His smile fell through as he neared the transport. He took one look at Darrell, and Jerrod swore the kid wet himself.

“D, what are you doing here? I mean I haven’t done anything wrong. I mean, I uh..” the kid stammered as Darrell got out of the transport.

“Shut up Cody. Take this out as far as you can and drop it. Don’t get caught because I’ll be gone a while. Tell Mac I’ll be back before the solstice, he’s in command until then." Darrell motioned for them to unload. Jerrod let Riley climb out first and had to turn his head as her borrowed shirt left little to the imagination. Sure he’d seen her naked before, but it just seemed wrong to ogle her as she climbed over the seat. As soon as she was outside, he gingerly crawled over cursing under his breath with every stretch of muscle and bone.

“I can’t leave now D. I’ll get fired. You know I need this job, the baby…”

“Get fired or wake up dead, which would you prefer? If you like, I can arrange for both.” Darrell snarled in the kid’s face, and he paled even further. Was Jerrod going crazy or did he just see fangs jutting from Darrell’s mouth?

“I’ll leave right now D, please don’t hurt me. They need me. So few of us are..."

“It’s time to shut the fuck up now Cody.” Darrell warned. The kid stopped talking mid-sentence and got into the transport. He didn’t even look their way as he pealed out of the passenger unloading lane.

“Remember; don’t say a thing to anyone.” Darrell strode toward the floor to ceiling glass doors. The airport looked empty. Usually flights were in and out of this place day and night. Only a handful of people milled around collecting bags or buying tickets. A few glanced in their direction but quickly averted their eyes. Jerrod had to admit to himself. They certainly looked like trouble. He and Darrell were both shirtless, while Riley wore only a shirt that barely grazed at her knees. At least Darrell had shoes on, but his full body tattoos and nipple rings made him stand out worse than he or Riley.

They’d gotten half way through the airport before Jerrod spotted the one person he had hoped he was wrong about. All six feet, seven inches, of Happy’s thick muscular frame could be seen standing just outside of the security area. He was a difficult man to miss. It was even harder to miss the fact that he was pissed. His large hands curled into balls at his sides and uncurled like he was itching to get them around Jerrod’s throat. The closer they got to him, Jerrod could see his dark-brown eyes flash gold briefly.

“You’re late.” He said in a tone that made Jerrod cringe. He hid it well though, plastering a smile on his face.

“Good to see you too Happy, sorry we aren’t more presentable. No time to stop and change after almost getting killed.” Jerrod fired off. He could hear Riley draw in a sharp breath and Darrell’s hand clamped down on his shoulder. The increasing pressure on his still sore muscles was excruciating. It took everything he had in him not to let his knees buckle. Two more steps and he was standing toe to toe with Happy. He craned his neck to look him in the face.

“I have no time or gumption to kill you now. Besides, Jade wants you in London.” Happy looked over all three of them. “All of you. Now, let’s go.” Jerrod was irritated not at the welcome he received, but the fact that Happy didn’t even acknowledge Riley. It was like she was any other person, not his last living relative.

“Don’t Jerrod, please? Just let it go.” Riley must have sensed what he was feeling. She tentatively slipped her small hand inside his. He let her keep her hand there and even curled his fingers around hers. It just felt too good to have her flesh against his. He couldn’t push her away.

“You can let go now Darrell.” Riley gritted out.

“I feel better knowing that I have a hold of him, for the moment, princess. You know the newly turned; they have a hard time dealing with their anger.” Darrell whispered harshly over Jerrod’s shoulder.

“It’s fine Riley, let’s just get on the damn plane and get the hell out of here already. I’ve had about all I can take of PIC, for the moment, and even Happy is preferable to taking our chances in this shit hole.” Jerrod made sure to keep his steps in time with Darrell, so there was no reason for him to dig his fingers in harder. Darrell didn’t get the idea of cooperation well though, because despite Jerrod’s carefully timed stride, he continued to crush his shoulder. Pain lanced down his arm and a snarl escaped his lips.

“Knock it off Darrell, I’m not going to kill anyone until we get on the plane I promise.” Jerrod said through gritted teeth.

“You’re not going to kill anyone period.”

“Shut up and move.” Happy spat out as they all entered the security check. The two security guards looked at Happy and the rest of them over for a second. Jerrod was sure they were going to stop them, but instead both security guards looked down at their computer screens, and the gate opened. Jerrod felt Riley squeeze his hand. He stroked his thumb over the back of her hand hoping that it would offer her some sort of comfort. He wasn’t too sure that Happy wouldn’t try to skin him alive, but he was willing to bet it wouldn’t be anytime soon. If Jade Jameson said she wanted them in London, they would all make it to London. Happy never went against anything Jade asked of him.

They walked through the security gates and down a narrow hallway. Posters of the strip and Vegas’ newest attractions lined the walls, adding color to an otherwise bleak hall of steel grey industrial carpeting and eggshell white walls. The few remaining Casino / hotels boasted rooms for the low, low price of a thousand dollars a night with their economy package. Jerrod snorted at that. Their economy package included a room the size of a broom closet and one meal a day, for one person.

The hall opened up to a large room filled with plastic seats, most of which sat empty. Jerrod still couldn’t help the feeling that something was definitely going on. Maybe it was for the best that they were getting the hell out of here now. Happy lead them past the empty seating and straight to the gate counter. A wide-eyed female attendant stood at the podium with a fake red smile painted on her face.

“How may I help you today sir?” She said in a high-pitched voice that reminded Jerrod of an annoying cartoon character.

“I’m boarding my flight now.” Happy handed her a piece of paper that looked more like a note than a boarding pass.

“Ah yes, Mr. Chavez, your plane is waiting for you just to the side of the gate. A little behind schedule are we?” Her wide mouth moved into a semblance of a smile again.

“Yes well, unforeseen circumstances kept me waiting.” Jerrod could swear Happy was giving the girl the evil-eye because she seemed to shrink under his gaze.

“Ok, thank you for your business Mr. Chavez. We hope you will come back and visit Las Vegas again soon.” She cleared her throat and glanced away from Happy toward the hallway. A prickling feeling went up Jerrod’s spine.

“Turn around and put your hands on your head!” A male voice rumbled from behind them. Shit, he knew getting out of Vegas alive was a pipe-dream.

“When I go, you go, don’t hesitate, just follow. Ready, one, two…” Happy moved fast sprinting for the gate. Darrell dropped his hand away from Jerrod’s shoulder and took off after Happy. Jerrod followed with Riley right behind him. He was still too worn out from the transition for this shit. His lungs felt like they were on fire within seconds, his legs like rubber bands. They made it to the gate far faster than Jerrod thought they would. Just as they slipped through, gunfire erupted behind them. Bullets punched through the plaster walls, the dust raining down on top of them.

The four of them tore down the gate at a speed that was dizzying. Jerrod was so focused on what was going on around him. He hadn’t yet given thought to the fact he had acquired the speed and agility that came with being Other.

They burst out of the gateway and headed for a mid-sized business jet. Jerrod had no idea how the rebellion had suddenly come up on that kind of money, and at the moment he didn’t care to analyze it. As soon as they got close enough the loading door opened, and a small stairway unfolded. Happy jumped the stairs and landed inside the plane. The rest of them followed suit as the engines began whining.

Once they were safely inside the plane, Jerrod noticed the large shifter that stood to the side of the door. He was a pinch smaller than Happy, but with twice the muscle. He looked like he took body building way too seriously. The golden skin of his arms was barely visible beneath the scrolling tribal tattoos that marked his arms. He pressed a button near the frame of the door, and it slowly began to close. He turned and eyed them up and down save for Happy.

“Cutting it a little close there boss.” He said, his words coated with a Spanish accent.

“Yes, well we made it. That’s all that matters. Tell Henry to get this pile off the ground before they can manage to intercept us.” Happy sat down in the nearest seat. The plush black cushion swallowed up his large frame, and he sighed, scrubbing his hand across his haggard face.

“Yes boss. Can I get them anything? Food, clothes…” The shifter asked, his eyes roaming up Riley’s bare legs. For the first time since the transition, Jerrod felt the stirrings of his newly born wolf. It was still weak, but not weak enough to let a challenge for his woman go unnoticed. It let out a warning growl that Jerrod was surprised to hear coming from his own chest.

“Not at the moment Rico, and quit looking at her, she’s taken.” Happy said sounding very irritated at that fact.

“Yes Boss.” The burly shifter disappeared into the cockpit. Happy turned to them and motioned at the seats across from him. Set up in a conference style, all twelve seats faced each other with a wide space running down the middle.

“I suggest you sit down before takeoff. Besides, we have a lot to discuss in the next ten hours. Starting with the question, how the hell did Jerrod get turned?” Riley seemed to cringe at her uncle’s question. Jerrod never stopped to think how Happy was going to take this newest development, or if he would be angry at Riley. Jerrod took Riley by the hand and sat down pulling her into the seat next to him. The thought of having her sit somewhere else made his head hurt with his wolf’s incessant growling.

Before the first pulls of G forces set in, Riley was well into her recount of what happened. Jerrod sat quietly next to her while she looked at her uncle and purposefully left out a few parts that were rather damning for him. In a way, he was grateful to her for trying to protect him; on the other hand, he was slightly annoyed that she felt she needed to. They were both adults, perfectly capable of making their own decisions. It sounded rational, but he knew Happy wouldn’t see it that way.

By the time Riley fell silent Happy gave him more than a few looks of incredulity. He knew there was more to it than what Riley told him. Sure enough, after he sat there in total silence for a minute, he stood and gave Jerrod a chilling look.

“Come with me.”

“Uncle Happy please.” Riley stood blocking Jerrod from her uncle.

“Sit down Riley; I have a few things I would like to discuss with Jerrod in private. If I was going to hurt him, I would have left him for PIC. I’m sure they know more painful ways to kill someone than I do.” Happy strode towards the cockpit not giving a second glance at either of them.

Riley turned to Jerrod with a pleading look in her bright green eyes. He responded by standing up and stroking a hand down her cheek before moving to join Happy. Once inside the cramped cockpit Jerrod stood next to Happy without saying a word. They stood side by side, like statues, in complete silence for what felt like hours to Jerrod. Anticipation warred with worry and he almost cracked before Happy finally turned to him.

“Riley is special. Not because she’s my niece, but because she didn’t have a normal childhood. She was raised in a pack that saw no reason to be a part of the human world. Some of them seldom ever shifted into their mortal bodies. They lived the way of a pack, deep in the Colorado Rockies. Not long after I had gone in search for Jade, PIC found them.” Happy stopped for a moment sucking in a steadying breath.

“A human will never know the pain of loss the way a shifter does. We are tied to our family, our pack. I felt it as each one of my family members and pack mates drew their final breaths. I heard their screams in my head and felt the grief of the others as they watched their loved ones die. I found her only a few hours later, huddled under some brush slowly dying from the pain of loss. Everyone she had ever known and loved died that day. I swore I would keep her safe, and I swore I would keep others safe from her.” He ran a hand through his short black hair.

“Why would you have to keep others safe from her? Why the hell would you lock her up like a damn criminal? I couldn’t see Riley ever doing anything to hurt anyone. I’m sorry but I have to say Happy, you’re a bastard.” Jerrod could feel his anger getting out of hand, his wolf pushing it higher than he ever normally let it get. He just couldn’t rein it in. The harder he tried the more his wolf rattled its caging trying to break free. A snarl rumbled from Happy as he put himself right in Jerrod’s face. Instantly, his wolf shrank back into the recesses of his mind.

“Know this youngling, she may have turned you, but you’re now part of my pack. I am Alpha of my pack, and you will never, ever, insult me or question my methods again. It’s the very reason you have to ask such stupid questions that I do not think your mating with my niece is wise.” Happy straightened himself, but didn’t take his eyes off Jerrod.

“Wait a minute. No one said anything about mating. I-“

“Do not take me for a fool Jerrod. It’s there whether you chose to recognize it or not. I will tell you this, a few paltry months in civilized society cannot undo a lifetime of learned behavior. Her wolf rules her, she will not only hurt someone, but she will kill them Jerrod. She cannot control it. The two of you together is a massacre waiting to happen.” Happy turned his back on Jerrod. Happy’s words reminded him of Riley on the strip tearing those PIC agents to pieces with her bare hands. At the time, he had been grateful, now he was seeing the whole scenario in a different light. The way she was so hard to reach, her glassy eyes staring at the carnage she wrought. Her breakdown and what she said about not being able to stop herself.

“Well, thank you for your vote of confidence on our behalf. So just to get things straight, will you be locking both of us up once we get to London?” Jerrod couldn’t help feeling the need to lash out at Happy. Even though his wolf was cowed into submission, his human side was still rankled at the situation.

“No, there are things going on in London that makes Vegas seem like paradise. I would have been coming to get you anyway. The situation at hand just gave me an excuse.” Happy waved his hand around his head. When he turned back to look at Jerrod, his face was troubled. It reminded him of the look he had just before PIC attacked the mountain compound. Unease swamped Jerrod.

“Just what kind of things?”

“The experiments went much farther than any of us were aware of. They are grotesque; these things that are running loose. Deformed mutants is what they are. Jade has found one of her sisters, but she is sorely unprepared for this. We need everyone we can get. Go get some rest. There won’t be much opportunity once we get to London.” Happy leaned over the pilot's shoulder and began a low conversation with him. Jerrod was officially dismissed. He turned toward the door, but Happy’s voice stopped him before he could open it.

“Oh and Jerrod, don’t mention anything I said to you about Riley. That is an order, don’t defy me.” Jerrod felt the compulsion to do exactly as Happy asked. He wondered if it was the Alpha thing.

“Whatever you say Happy.” He wasn’t going to cow that easily, even if his wolf whined at him for it.