
Afterwards, at the barbecue, Lola sat with her bandaged ankle up on a chair. Will, Patrick and Abbey had each brought a sausage over for her.

Now they were all coming towards her with cake. Patrick and Abbey were walking together. Lola grinned as Patrick ran his fingers through his hair … again!

‘How’s the hero?’ Rex asked, sitting beside her.

Lola laughed.‘What do you mean?’ she asked.

Rex leant in towards her. ‘Everyone’s talking about how you tripped Big Ben!’ he said. ‘Even the instructor can’t believe it.’


When they got home that night, Lola limped from the car, and just about fell onto the couch. She was full of sausages and cake. And she was completely exhausted.

Her eyelids grew heavy. She closed her eyes, and began drifting off to sleep. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder.

‘Hey, it’s six-thirty,’ Will said. ‘Isn’t it time for your lame show?’ He put his head on the armchair, and did the grasshopper leg waggle.

Lola switched on the TV.

The Neighbours song bounced around the room. Lola choked back a laugh. Will may have been upside down, but he was watching with her.

Lola smiled. Her team had lost the competition. And her ankle was really throbbing – but somehow, that didn’t matter.

Lola still felt like a winner.

