
For the rest of the week, I sat and watched. No more playing netball for me.

That was part of my plan.

Sitting and watching was harder than I expected. Especially once my nose felt better. But that was a secret. I told everyone I couldn’t play because my nose still hurt.

Sometimes I had to sit on my hands and cross my ankles under the bench. Otherwise, if the ball came near, my feet would try to jump up and my hands would try to catch it.

Each time they took a break, Becky would bring me drinks and check how I was doing. But I didn’t tell her about my plan.

Angie kept glancing over as me as she played. I’m not sure why. She did it so often that sometimes she even missed the ball.

The third time she did it, Callum called out,‘Angie! Keep your eyes on the BALL.’

She glared at him like she wanted to start yelling.

Normally, I would have called out a joke or tried to cheer them up. They didn’t need to fight. But instead I stayed quiet and sat out.


Then, during lunchtime on the day of the grand final, Angie walked over. ‘Come and play,’ she said quietly. ‘I won’t throw hard. Promise.’

I looked down at my knees. I could hear the rest of the team calling to each other as they played. ‘I’ll see how I feel,’ I said.

‘We need you, Alex.’ Angie’s voice had pleading sound to it.

But I just shrugged. Angie would understand once I helped them win the grand final.

I couldn’t give up now.

I had made it through the first part of my plan. Now it was time for the second part – my grand-final plan.


‘Alex, are you in here?’

It was Becky, looking for me. But I didn’t want to be found. I was hiding in the girls’ toilets.

That was my grand-final plan.

Once my team couldn’t find me, they would have to start playing the grand final without me. Perfect! Without me to mess up, they would win for sure.

But I hadn’t counted on Becky finding me before the game.

I was sitting on the lid of the toilet, hugging my legs tight. Becky’s shadow moved under the toilet door. I heard puffing as she tried to peer under the door.

‘Alex, open the door!’ Becky’s voice sounded funny from leaning low.

Without making a sound, I reached out and undid the lock. Maybe if I told Becky my plan, then she would help me hide.

But as the door swung open, a surprise awaited me. Becky wasn’t alone.

Behind her stood the whole team, even the boys!

I let out a giggle and pointed. ‘Hey, you’re in the girls’ toilets!’

But no-one was laughing. Not even Mickey. Angie’s eyes were flashing, like when Callum told her what to do.

Suddenly I felt as if I had been caught doing something wrong. Was my grand-final plan a bad one?
