

Many thanks go out to:

My agent and dear friend, Joanna Pulcini, who has my deepest respect for helping me keep it together when everything was falling apart.

My editor, Kristin Kiser, for being so cool about my ever-changing book ideas. And her assistant, Ellen Rubinstein, for helping execute said ideas with marvelous, miraculous aplomb.

All the incredibly talented contributors, whose passionate responses to my proposal made this book what it is.

My peeps—especially Monica, Jeannie, and Erika—for reminding me of who I was and who I still am.

The Fitzmorris and McCafferty families, for their continued unconditional support.

Collin James, whose unparalleled exuberance made me reevaluate my career plans for the first year of motherhood so it included this book.

Christopher Joseph, for giving me love, encouragement, and— most important—sleep when I needed it most.