Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.
All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.
ABC special on Ecstasy, 136
action, taking, 120
Addair, George, 144
addiction, 75, 85–88, 216–19
Addiction/Abstinence, 215
ADD or ADHD, 63
ageism, 161–64
aging, 159–87
holistic, 164–70
and what’s lost and found, 174–77
alcohol, 88
and MDMA, 63
All the Old Dudes Carry the News, 181–83
Ally in the Face of Uncertainty, An, 100–102
Am I Ever Really Sober? 84–85
anchoring, 198
anxiety, 76
MDMA and, 61, 130, 188
appreciation, 174
Archimedes, 101
Are Drugs Wasted on the Young?, 179
Avoiding the “Tuesday Blues,” 219–20
bad trip, 72–73
balance, 31
Balancing Cerebrum and Spirit, 112–15
Barrie, J. M., 102
Beginner’s Mind, 43
Better Over the Hill Than Under It, 170–72
bigotry, 131
bipolar disorder, 63
Boogie Man vs. the Man Who Boogies, The, 66–68
boomers, 72–73
boxes, the two to avoid, 170
Bradbrook, Gail, 130–31
Brooklyn group experience, 204–7
Browvale Romp, The, 9–10
Bucket List and the Other One, The, 177
Building Community with MDMA: Group Experiences, 201–14
bummer, 72–73
Bummer: Why Boomers Shut the Door, 72–73
Burners, 151
Burning Man, 2, 98, 151, 157
ten principles of, 154–55
Campbell, Joseph, 181
Castaneda, Carlos, 169
celebration, 79
change of heart, 125
Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors, 140
Chemical of Connection, The, 95–96
chocolate, 90–94, 93
chronic fatigue, 63
civil disobedience, 130
cocaine, 68, 88, 94
Come Out to Play, 221–23
Coming Attractions, 173–74
coming out, 221–23
communication, hierarchy of, 104–5
building with MDMA, 201–14
need for, 116
connecting, xvi, 95–96, 100, 126–27
with yourself, 196
context, 81–82
control, assessing what you can and cannot, 216–19
CoSM, 138–42
counterculture, 21–22, 24
death of, 32–33
emergence of, 12–13
couples, MDMA advice for, 196–97
critical mass, 130
cruises, ocean, 49, 80
Cultural Exchange, A, 48–50
cynic, 101
DanceSafe, 192
dancing, 77, 178
Dancing with the Kids, 178
Daniel (author’s nephew), 180–81
DARE program, 67
deAngelo, Ron, 103
death, MDMA and, 169–70, 186–87
depression, 64
Descending, 185–86
dialogue between young and old self, 165–67
DiMele, Armand, 127
Disney World, 49
Doblin, Rick, 61, 135
dose (MDMA), 193
drugs. See also cocaine; marijuana; MDMA; psychedelics
good and bad, list of, 85–88
drug use,
recreational, xvi
responsible, 71
Dylan, Bob, 34
Ecstasy. See MDMA
Ecstasy Rising, 136
EDM, 59, 110, 141
empathogen, xvi
empathy, xvi, 99
MDMA and, 103–4
entheogen, 180–81
epilepsy, 63
Erhard, Werner, 82
existential medicine, 170
face cradling, 212, 213
Faith That Keeps Me, The, 13–21
Falling Down, 33–34
fascism, 24
fear, 101, 121, 123, 125, 144
feeling, 110
festivals, 142–58
Burning Man, 2, 98, 151, 154–55, 157
Peach Music Festival, 80–81
PEX Summer Festival, 1–5, 147–58, 173–75
Finding the Others . . . in the Wild East, 134–58
Fire Brothers, 52
5-HTP, 45, 106, 193, 200, 210, 220
floatation tank, 198–99
For One or Two People, 190–200
For “Them” Back Then, 21–22
Friedman, Bruce Jay, 18
friends, MDMA and, 77
Gestalt, 103
Getting the Call, Finding the Others, 135–36
Gilluly, John, 102
global warming, 130
Grace and Frankie, 163
gratitude, 128
Gratitude party, 142–47, 145
Great Neck, New York, 8–9, 10–13
Grey, Alex, 138–40
Grey, Allyson, 138–40
Grossman, Rabbi Miriam, 125
guidelines for using MDMA, 64–65, 219–20
Guide to the Responsible Recreational Use of MDMA, 188–220
Hanh, Thich Nhat, 77
happy, v. interesting, 114–15
harm reduction, 215
healing, in psychotherapy, 103
heart disease, 63
Hedge against Despair, A, 98–100
Hedging My Bets, 184–85
hepatitis, 63
hero’s journey, 181
Higher Calling, A, 96–97
Higher Education, 59–94
high tech and high touch, 110
hitchhiking, 111
HIV positive, 63
Hoffman, Abbie, 22
Holistic Aging, 164–70
hope, 99
How Chocolate Cured My Cocaine Habit, 90–94
How to Expand a Shrink, 102–7
Hurricane Katrina, 46
Huxley, Aldous, 26, 187
hydration, 45, 64, 106, 220
hypertension, 64
“I Am the Walrus,” 125
“I” becomes “we,” 21
ideals, 31
information, from MDMA, 81
Innocent Criminals, 35–58
interconnectedness, xvi, 95–96, 100, 126–27, 196
interesting, v. happy, 114–15
In Touch: What MDMA Feels Like, 65–66
Jobs, Steve, 107
Journey from Me to We, The, 7–34
joy, 12, 75, 125
Judaism, 69
in New York, 11
Kabbalah, 179
Kauai, 117
Keeping It in the Family, 180–81
Keeping Your Head: Rules for a Successful Long-Term Relationship with MDMA, 215–19
ketamine, 62
Langer, Ellen, 162
Las Vegas, 49
Leary, Timothy, 16, 167
legal issues with MDMA, 65, 106, 189
Lerner, Rabbi Michael, 79
libertarianism, 149
life, purpose of, 29
Life of Second Honeymoons, A, 38–43
Lippmann, Rabbi Ellen, 144
Listening to Ecstasy (book), reasons for writing, xiv–xv
Listening to Ecstasy (chapter), 95–133
Living Theatre experience, 19–20
Lost and Found, 174–77
love, 125, 131–32
Love Anyway, 131–32
Love Doctor, xiii, 35, 36
LSD, 179
Mangini, Mariavittoria, 22
MAPS, 61, 64, 129, 135–36, 219
marijuana, 59–60, 88, 199, 209
Mastro, John, 110
maturity, 171
McKenna, Terence, 85
McLuhan, Marshall, 104
ABC special on Ecstasy, 136
basic education on, 59–94
benefits, xv–xvii, 30, 48, 55, 56, 65, 73–84, 97, 109–10, 124, 135, 172
as chemical of connection, xvi, 95–96, 100, 126–27, 196
combinations with other drugs, 63, 199, 203
and cultural underground, 76
as decongestant, 175
dose, 193
Ecstasy v., xiii, 60, 62, 66, 192
as empathogen, xvi, 99, 103–4
and experience richness, 111–12
experiences (see MDMA experiences)
and fear, 123
as good drug, 87
guidelines (see guidelines for using MDMA)
happy v. interesting, 114–16
as heart-opening, 197
and holistic aging, 164
larger vision from, 83–84
legal issues, 65, 106, 189
as a life option, 171
listening to, 95–133
long-term relationship with, 215–19
men and, 96
message of, 126–27
molly v., xiii, 5, 94
objections to use of, 74
for one or two people, 190–200
precautions regarding (see precautions regarding MDMA)
preparation for using, 179
and psychedelic movement, 135–36
and reawakening of ideals, 182–83
reputation of, 60
responsible recreational use, 188–220
risks, 61–65, 188–90, 199
safety of, 61
as spiritual aphrodisiac, 133
stigmas regarding using, 68–72
toxicity of, 61
two uses of, 188–89
usage by Americans, 59
users of, 67–68
what it feels like, 65–66
what the high involves, 45
MDMA and Dying, 186–87
MDMA and the Experience-Rich Life, 111–12
MDMA experiences
Brooklyn group experience, 204–7
at Butchart Gardens, 47–48
Gratitude party, 143–47
making love, 55
parties, 142–58
PEX festival, 1–5, 147–58
potlucks, 136–38
media, 118–24
list of positive, 128–29
memory, 125
men’s team, 34, 52, 89, 217
menu for MDMA experience, 192
mescaline, 26–27
methadone, 89–90, 146
microdosing, 65
Mitchell, Joni, 177
molly. See MDMA
money, 111
Moody Blues, 50
mortality, MDMA and, 169–70, 186–87
Moshiach, 145
Museum, National World War II, 96–97
music, 114
EDM, 59, 110, 141
for MDMA experience, 194
My Dinner with André, 116
My Testament, 73–84
National World War II Museum, 96–97
news media, 127–30
New Year’s Resolution, 57–58
New York City, 115–16
New York Times, 118–19
Night and Day, 88–89
Nin, Anaïs, 160
old, 162
Old Ism, The, 161–64
Open Secret, 59–61
optimism, 99, 101, 132
orgasm, 173–74
Orloff, Rich, 121, 174–75
Other Closet, The, 68–72
otherness, 99
others, finding, 134–58
Our First Roll, 44–46
outdoor tips, 198
Pad Six, 23–27
time portal discussion, 150–52
pain, and MDMA, 64
Paradise, Haunted by, 29–31
parties, 142–58
advice for, 56
dance party, 178
PEX, 1–5, 147–58, 173–75
“Peek” Experiences, 56–57
Perls, Fritz, 112
personal belongings, warning regarding, 198
PEX: A Party of the Possible, 147–58
PEX festival, 1–5, 147–58, 173–75
Phish, 105
Pittsburgh experience, 18–19
Place for Us, A, 115–18
play party, 3
podcasts, 128
politics, 131
posse, 143
Post-Dramatic Bliss Syndrome, 27–28
Potholes on the Path, 89–90
Potluck, 136–38
“Prayer for the Journey,” 210n
precautions regarding MDMA, 57–58, 60–61, 61–65, 89–90, 199, 202–3. See also risks of MDMA
red flags, 63
pregnancy, 63
priorities, 115
Proust, Marcel, 159
Psychedelic Response-Ability, 125–31
psychedelics, 16, 72, 131
MDMA and psychedelic movement, 135–36
psychonaut, 26
psychotherapy, MDMA and, 102–7
PTSD, 122
and MDMA, 82
MDMA and, 60–61
Queensborough Community College takeover, 20–21
reality, 77–78, 102, 125
reefer, 67
regrets, 168
relationships, 34, 39, 55, 64, 81, 95, 112–13
resources, 224–26
response-ability, 125–31
defined, 127
Revisionist Sanitizing, 31–32
Ricky (client of author), 105–6
risks of MDMA, 61–65, 188–90, 199, 202–3. See also precautions regarding MDMA
Robbins, Tom, 29
rock ‘n’ roll, 31
roll, defined, xv
“Roll” Models, 1–6
Rumi, 143
Sacks, Oliver, 43, 79
Santana, Carlos, 125
Schachter-Shalomi, Reb Zalman, 145
’Scuse Me, but We Kissed the Sky, 28–29
Senior High, 159–87
seniors, 159–87
Sense of Touch, The, 107–11
serotonin, 45, 106
set and setting, 46, 190–92
sex, 112
and MDMA, 55, 173–74
shame, 78–79
shyness, 70
sight, sense of, 107
sinventory, 146
’60s, 98
the author’s, 13–21
sanitized version of, 31–32
skin, 108
Sobel, Eliezer, 135–36
sobriety, 84–85
Somewhere, 51–54
Spiritual Aphrodisiac, A, 133
spooning, 197
staycation, 79
stigmas regarding drug use, 68–72
stimulants, and MDMA, 63
Stop, Drop, and Roll, xiii–xvii
Strolling to Jasperville, 46–48
suicidal ideas, 63
suicide, of Okinawans, 97
talking stick, 212–13
Tatarsky, Andrew, 138, 215
technology, limitations of, 107, 109
10 Principles of Burning Man, 154–55
testing kit, xiii
texting, 104, 105
Thoreau, Henry David, 104
tikkun olam, 181
time, 111
Times I Live In, The, 118–24
Toffler, Alvin, 110
Tomlin, Lily, 77–78, 82, 90
touch, sense of, 107–11
Townsend, Pete, 181
tribes, 126–27, 131
Tripping for the Tribe, 181
truth, 104
Tuesday Blues, 45, 219–20
TV shows, 49–50
Two Late Bloomer Boomers, 5–6
uncertainty, 100–102
utopianism, 98
vacations, 80, 117
sexual, 80
Walker, Alice, 131
water when rolling, need for, 45, 64, 106, 220
When We Were Us, 32–33
Where I Draw the Line, 85–88
Wilde, Oscar, 112
Will You Marry Me sign, 53
Wininger, Charles (author)
article in Great Neck News, 17
early life, 6–34
father of, 14
as Love Doctor, xiii, 35, 36
mother’s death, 14–15
proposes to Shelley, 51–54
as therapist, 35–37
Wininger, Shelley, 1–6, 54, 81, 171, 189–90
author meets, 38–43
background, 5–6
at Butchart Gardens, 47–48
Charles’s proposal to, 51–54
first MDMA experience, 44–45
at PEX, 147–49, 155–58, 156
and relationship lessons, 113–14
wolves, good and bad, 29
Youth Serum, 159–61