Quiet in the Ranks

"What a waste of time," Bernard yawned as he and the rest of his company marched back into Lone Peak.

Morning was dawning on the first day of the week as the guard returned from their campaign without a single hide to speak for their efforts.

They had searched the countryside for weeks in search of signs of the fox beasts without seeing a single monster.

Captain Kilgore had kept making nightly speeches about how they had scared them off simply by showing the creatures the strength of the Lone Peak guard. Bernard was highly upset that there were no chances for him to have stories of his great bravery.

"We definitely heard some though," Lincoln said, glancing over his small piece of paper and the poem he had been trying to write for a week. He had lost his previous attempt in one of their quick marches to follow the sound of a Wrent howl.

"But you can't fight a sound!" Bernard complained.

Lincoln shrugged and put away his parchment.

“Strange though,” he said wistfully. “There were tons of fresh tracks. We should have seen at least a few of the Wrents while we were out.”

The large man shuddered.

“I'm glad we didn't,” he finished. “They're awfully scary things.”

“I wouldn't have been afraid!” Bernard boasted as he swiped the air with his hand, pretending to cut a monster down in an act of bravery and cunning.

"Did you see all of those tents outside the city walls?" Lincoln said, commenting on the sights they had just passed through to come to the gates. "It looks like elves have come to Lone Peak. I wonder if they are the wild kind or the southern ones? My mom used to tell me stories."

"The wild elves are dangerous!" Bernard said a little too loudly.

"Quiet in the ranks!" Kilgore shouted.

As usual, Bernard and Lincoln were the only two men in the hundred-person company talking. They had just entered under the large gates of Lone Peak and stepped onto the cobblestone road.

The stern stare their commander gave them was enough reason to quiet down.

Marching on a while down the street, Bernard could see the city was brimming with elves. Carts and wagons were passing all around the column of soldiers. Where the normally open city road was, elves and men of Darrion lined the thoroughfare. Shops had lines coming in and patrons leaving with heavy loads. The elves appeared to be very satisfied customers. Before he could get a good look at any one elf in particular, the company was ordered to halt.

Up ahead, Bernard thought he could almost see what was going on. If only he were a head taller.

"What's happening?" Bernard whispered through the side of his mouth to his much taller friend.

"Looks like an elf is talking to Captain Kilgore," Lincoln replied.

“What kind of elf?” Bernard whispered back, doing his best to look in-between the ranks of soldiers that stood between him and his captain.

Before Lincoln had time to answer, Kilgore's voice resonated over them.

“We march for the amphitheater,” he said in his commanding tone. “There's an important meeting taking place between the elves of Enoth and the men of Darrion. Forward march!”

They picked up and all began to head in the direction of the largest gathering place on Lone Peak: the amphitheater.

Bernard had been inside the place several times as many meetings of Darrion had required him to. He had never, however, been a part of a public meeting while also on duty. Most of the time Kilgore just told them the news after the meeting, having a greater need for them to continue their patrols.

He thought it strange that the captain didn't dismiss them first and was about to point this out to Lincoln when his friend interrupted his thoughts.

“You know,” said Lincoln as they marched along. “I've always wanted to read one of my poems in the amphitheater. Maybe the captain will release us after the meeting is over and I can give it a try.”

Bernard was ready with a biting reply and a raised fist to punch his friend in the shoulder, before jumping back to his position.

Their captain hadn't started marching with the company and was now level with the two miscreant talkers.

“Quiet!” Kilgore shouted right into Bernard's ear.