Chapter 1: Why the Hell Is the Advice Always Yoga?

  1.     Erin Donaghue, “New FBI Data Shows Rise in Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes,” CBS News, Nov. 13, 2018,

  2.     Rina Raphael, “Is This Workout for Your Feelings What American Women Need Right Now?,” Fast Company, Sept. 25, 2017,

  3.     “2010 Stress in America: Gender and Stress,” American Psychological Association,

  4.     “Women Do 2 More Hours of Housework Daily Than Men,” Institute for Women’s Policy Research, Jan. 22, 2020,

  5.     Robert Williams, “P&G Campaign Asks for Greater Equality in Household Chores,” Marketing Dive, Feb. 5, 2021,

  6.     “3 Out of 4 American Women Are Suffering from Burnout, According to New Harris Poll Commissioned by Meredith Corporation,” Dotdash Meredith,

  7.     Lydia Saad, “The ‘40-Hour’ Workweek Is Actually Longer—by Seven Hours,” Gallup, May 7, 2021,

  8.     John Harrington, “Wouldn’t You Like 30 Mandated Days Off? Here Are the Countries with the Most Vacation Days,” USA Today, July 23, 2019,

  9.     Rina Raphael, “Almost Half of American Workers Have Cried at Work,” Fast Company, April 29, 2019,

  10.   Justin R. Garcia et al., “Sexual Hook-up Culture,” Monitor on Psychology 44, no. 2 (February 2013): 60,

  11.   Rebecca Dube, “Mom Survey Says: Three Is the Most Stressful Number of Kids,” Today, May 11, 2021,

  12.   Brigid Schulte, “‘The Second Shift’ at 25: Q & A with Arlie Hochschild,” Washington Post, Aug. 6, 2014,

  13.   Caitlin Mullen, “Employed Moms Say Working Is Best Option,” Bizwomen, Sept. 17, 2019,

  14.   Pallavi Gogoi, “Stuck-at-Home Moms: The Pandemic’s Devastating Toll on Women,” NPR, Oct. 28, 2020,

  15.   “New Survey: Black and Latino Americans Face Greater Mental Health, Economic Challenges from COVID-19 Than White Americans,” The Commonwealth Fund, Sept. 10, 2020,

  16.   James F. Fixx, The Complete Book of Running (New York: Random House, 1977), 15.

  17.   Phil Edwards, “When Running for Exercise Was for Weirdos,” Vox, Aug. 9, 2015,

  18.   Natalia Mehlman Petrzela (historian and author of Fit Nation) in discussion with the author, January 2022.

  19.   Christopher McDougall, Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2019), 11.

  20.   American Friends of Tel Aviv University, “Finding Relief in Ritual: A Healthy Dose of Repetitive Behavior Reduces Anxiety, Says Researcher,” ScienceDaily, Nov. 2, 2011,

  21.   Quoted in Gina Kolata, Ultimate Fitness: The Quest for Truth About Exercise and Health (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007), 47.

  22.   “Highlights from the 2016 Yoga in America Study,” Yoga Alliance,

  23.   Julie Beck, “‘Americanitis’: The Disease of Living Too Fast,” The Atlantic, March 11, 2016,

  24.   Anne Harrington, The Cure Within: A History of Mind-Body Medicine (New York: W. W. Norton, 2009), 144.

  25.   Arielle Tschinkel, “I Have Found Anxiety Relief in an Unlikely Place: SoulCycle,” HelloGiggles, Oct. 12, 2017,

  26.   Rina Raphael, “In Jogging Therapy, You Can’t Run from Your Feelings,” Fast Company, Oct. 13, 2017,

  27.   Patricia Haefeli, “It Turns Out You Can Run From Your Problems—at Least Temporarily,” Women’s Running, Sept. 15, 2017,

  28.   Sarah Marsh and Redwan Ahmed, “Workers Making £88 Lululemon Leggings Claim They Are Beaten,” The Guardian, Oct. 14, 2019,