Chapter 5: A Plea to Be Heard

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  2.     Ann Anderson, Snake Oil, Hustlers and Hambones: The American Medicine Show (Jefferson, NC: McFarland Publishers, 2004).

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  20.   Danielle Ofri, What Doctors Feel: How Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine (Boston: Beacon Press, 2013), 155.

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  22.   Elisabeth Rosenthal, An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take It Back (New York: Penguin Books, 2018), 252.

  23.   Rina Raphael, “A Shockingly Large Majority of Health News Shared on Facebook Is Fake or Misleading,” Fast Company, Feb. 4, 2019,

  24.   Paul Bergner, “Lobelia: Legal Considerations in the Samuel Thomson Trial,” Medical Herbalism: Journal for the Clinical Practitioner,

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  26.   Samuel Thomson, A Narrative of the Life and Medical Discoveries of Samuel Thomson (Columbus, OH: Pike, Platt, 1832), 24.

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  28.   Emily Laurence, “Gwyneth Paltrow Goop Wellness Supplements Line Suffered from Adrenal Fatigue—and It Helped Inspire a New Goop Business,” Well+Good, March 16, 2017,

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  30.   Rae Paoletta, “NASA Calls Bullshit on Goop’s $120 ‘Bio-Frequency Healing’ Sticker Packs,” Gizmodo, June 22, 2017,

  31.   Daniel Morgan, “What the Tests Don’t Show,” Washington Post, Oct. 5, 2018,

  32.   Erin Blakemore, “1,800 Studies Later, Scientists Conclude Homeopathy Doesn’t Work,” Smithsonian Magazine, March 11, 2015,

  33.   Jonathan Jarry (biological scientist and science communicator, McGill Office for Science and Society), in discussion with the author, January 2022.

  34.   Jonathan Jarry, January 2022.

  35.   Dr. David Scales (sociologist, physician, and assistant professor of medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College), in discussion with the author, January 2022.

  36.   The Body of Evidence, “Anecdotes (The Body of Evidence),” July 18, 2016, YouTube video, 7:42,, accessed Jan. 16, 2022.

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  38.   Michael Stenger, Nicki Eithz Bauer, and Peter B. Licht, “Is Pneumothorax After Acupuncture So Uncommon?” Journal of Thoracic Disease 5, no. 4 (2013): E144–46, doi:10.3978/j.issn.2072–1439.2013.08.18.

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  40.   Ned Potter, “Steve Jobs Regretted Delaying Cancer Surgery 9 Months, Biographer Says,” ABC News, Oct. 20, 2011,

  41.   Federal Trade Commission, “In the matter of Easybutter, LLC, a limited liability company, also doing business as Hempme,”

  42.   McGill Office for Science and Society, “Functional Medicine (CS31),” April 13, 2019, YouTube video, 10:44,

  43.   David Gorski, “Dr. Robin Berzin, Functional Medicine Concierge Practices, and the Marketing of Medical Pseudoscience,” Respectful Insolence, Sept. 5, 2018,